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  1. Past hour
  2. close enough Yuyuko Saigyouji (Tiny Ghost Mistress) [universe R2] it is the 2024 Kasen Ibaraki (Oni Gate Abou Yaksha) [universe W5]
  3. Today
  4. I was just about to go to bed but I cannot ignore this rare encounter Sun Yukong
  5. I did it I started a trend what year is it
  6. we gacha, right? mostly gonna focus on alt versions of the characters, since otherwise it would just be a regular touhou thread
  7. Everyone's on the table - playable characters, NPCs, characters not in the EN Server, mobs you clear by the dozens, the legion of doom, and even your mother. Not collab characters though, that's cheating. Also sure why not? Trendjumping aspect aside, this ought to be interesting.
  8. Yesterday
  9. Lindow was already moving full sprint when the explosion rocked the battlefield. Quickly scooping up the Bandit Cleaver, he watched Ryia engage the hulking monster of a wolf as he made a B-line to join the closer quarters fighters. The sight of the Earth Chosen being swung about like a sack of potatoes gave Lindow all the confirmation he needed that hit and run tactics were only approach that had even a slight chance of success. The difference in strength between himself and Ryia was large, meaning that he may as well be an old woman compared to Lucas. The moment their foe released Ryia, Lindow appeared at his blindspot with a hasty swing of the Bandit Cleaver. Lucas responded quickly though, despite the large blade digging into his forearm. With a growl he flexed his massive muscles with enough force to send the Thunder Chosen tumbling backwards. Rolling to his feet, Lindow scoffed at the insane display of power. Weary of charging in again outright, he begun circling around, tossing throwing knives with all his strength to lure his opponent into attempting to close the distance himself. Lucas and no problem taking the bait. Completely ignoring the Lindow’s projectiles as they lodged themselves in various spots like metal splinters. Though his approach was quickly halted by a powerful wind tunnel conjured by Pan. At first the lycan tried to push through, but even with his monstrous strength the it seemed to be an uphill battle. Lindow watched closely as the other man halted his advance in favor of allowing himself to be moved backwards with the wind. Eager to capitalize on any small opening, the Thunder Chosen dove right into the window tunnel himself, using it to augment his speed and close the distance faster than Lucas could anticipate. There was a flash of red and the smell of iron as the Bandit Cleaver tore into Lucas's flesh on the pass, a solid hit that seemed to force the lycan out of the wind tunnel entirely. Lindow rode Pan's wind a little longer, letting himself be carried a few feet forward before bring himself to a sliding halt. His opponent was already making his next move. Seeing Lucas adopt a low stance Lindow gulped loudly right before the hulking wall of muscle came barreling towards him in an all out charge. With little time to react Lindow glanced towards Keres who seemed to already have a fair amount of water gathered. Frantically, he raised his free hand up as if to signal the Water Chosen. Then, in the instant Lucas was on him Lindow leaped high into the air and was relieved to see two tendrils of water wrap themselves around his extended hand and violently yank him towards Keres. Struggling to right himself in the air, Lindow tumbled to the ground with all the elegance one would expect from such a half hazard maneuver.
  10. Marshall was pleased to see that Gene seemed to have things under control, having dispatched his Drengr with only a bit more trouble. She’d have to remember that in the future; as while she was poised for an ambush attack, that her allies may not always be quite so… Ready? She furrowed her brow. That wasn’t the word. Capable. Not in the idea that they weren’t capable of taking care of themselves, but in that… Their strengths lied elsewhere; and she’d need to give more warning, and think further ahead next time. She took a deep breath, adjusting her tie with one hand, as she let her weapon fade from the other. All of this is going to take some getting used to, even now… Ah, but there's no use slowing down yet. She followed after Gene after only a moment, doing what she could to make sure she walked in a casual, yet quiet manner; as there was no telling how many Drengr there were total in this castle. It was only after they walked through what felt like a maze-- A corridor which led to another door, which in of itself led to a raised platform as well as a pair of stairwells… “If I know the others… They’re liable to go upwards and only upwards, which means to go down would be a bad idea…” she murmured under her breath, tilting her head to the side slightly as she thought. “So our best course of action…” “H-Hey...you may want to take a look at this..." Her attention was grabbed, in an instant, as Gene spoke up, pointing out some more of the scenery around them that they could see from this raised platform. Of particular note, were several other buildings, including one particularly large building at the center of it all; likely the ‘center of power’, if she had to guess. “...Ah. That’s…” she murmured, cutting herself off before she could produce something as useless or witless as ‘lovely’ or ‘just great’. That sort of idle chatter had no place here, after all. Instead, she chose to narrow her eyes, scanning the road below them for… Well, just about anything of note; Drengr Patrols, identifiable symbols. Anything about the location they overlooked. And what she saw… Wasn’t exactly inspiring. To start things off, there was a trio of Drengr in a patrol of sorts with what appeared to be a Coyote Warg leading them, off in the direction of the left staircase. There was also another landing of sorts, similar to the one they were on, with a Drengr standing guard there; and to the right, the sight aws the same. Not to mention another group of Drengr walking in their direction, in a sort of ‘three + 1’ patrol. And if that was what she saw with her limited vision here… “...Too dangerous,” Marshall replied, flatly, as she began to back away. “Based on how calm they are, we can guess that Sabrina didn’t go this way; leaving only the direction Abby and you split off in for her to have gone. I suggest we begin backtracking, and regroup before we get ourselves killed,” she stated flatly, already moving to retrace their steps without hearing Gene’s reply. She wanted to think that it was because he would agree with her; because he would see reason. But she also knew… Well, that there was no time to waste, was all. So it was that she made short work of the distance they had traveled; no longer searching its every nook and cranny as she walked. She would have ran, but doing so would make a bit… Too much noise for her liking, and so, a power-walk was best. Climbing down the rubble was a bit of a challenge, and yet… Well, that wasn’t what weighed so heavily on her mind. If anything, the thought that stood out the most was frustration. The issue with that, of course, was finding a target for it to be aimed at. She could hardly be frustrated with Gene; as he had simply followed someone. In that fact, he was the only one who had done 'right' in her mind. Perhaps, then, she was annoyed with Sabrina, who ran off on her own; but in that manner, shouldn’t she also have been annoyed with herself, and Abby? Of course, while they were both only looking for the girl, she hadn’t particularly waited for Gene to follow-- And Abby hadn’t known for sure that Sabrina had gone this direction either. No, if she was frustrated with anything… It was their group’s knack for never saying anything. “...So, it was this way that Abby and - hopefully - Sabrina went, yes?” Marshall asked, glancing back to where she hoped Gene was, provided he had followed, as she came to stop at the ‘entrance’ they had all entered through, gesturing in the direction she hadn’t gone. “We should do what we can to find them and catch-up; if we ran into a patrol group, they surely must have as well, and…” she trailed off. “Well, we dispatched them as efficiently as we did only because we took the initiative and ambushed them,” she explained. “So, if they weren’t as lucky…” she trailed off, hoping she didn't have to finish the sentence.
  11. I can never remember which songs I've listened to already The whistly parts at the beginning ngl were a bit obnoxious but good other than that, 7/10
  12. Another check if there's anyone interested in joining in on a long running RP


  13. I can never remember which songs I've posted--
  14. how many people would i anger if i just started calling team sports mobas

    "found out about this cool new moba called football the other day"

    1. yui


      only if you also talk about sportsball stuff like it's a moba

      i.e. "they should buff three-pointers in the next patch imo"

    2. Crow


      inazuma eleven

  15. Chris didn’t think about Estellise’s absence anymore once they all crossed the threshold and headed back down into the dungeon. He just didn’t. If it popped back up into his mind, he just ignored the thought until it went away. It wasn’t even his fault; her mother had sent her away. It was a totally unrelated set of circumstances. Nope, that was thinking about it again. Focus, instead, on the task at hand. Ziun had looked like he wanted to say more, but it wasn’t like he’d made the prediction Chris had desperately asked for, so maybe he didn’t and Chris was just being paranoid. Speaking of predictions, though, Chris was pretty sure he wouldn’t have guessed “more skeletons” if he had to make one of his own. But, then again, it made sense. Behind them was what should have been a stairwell and was just a solid wall instead. They were in the crypt from their last run. These skeletons were just an extension of the last ones they had fought. Right? Just because their weapons were different didn’t mean they didn’t match thematically? Maybe he was expecting too much continuity. Maybe he was desperately holding on to whatever he could grasp. Ziun had certainly changed in the meantime. It was only then that Chris realized that Ziun didn’t have a sword anymore. He wasn’t flailing about trying to get at whatever he could, he cast a set of spells that distracted the skeletons and coated one of them in acid. “Cool new tricks,” Chris said. He tried to say it without a hint of disparagement because he meant it. Right, time to focus now. They had a long crawl ahead of them, no need to think about anything else besides the present moment. Chris wondered if he could get the next door open like he had the last one, and a few of the other ones besides it. There were only six skeletons that he could see, and they were pretty spread out. If no more monsters showed up, he could see himself putting his trust in Lana and Ziun to keep him safe a bit longer. Of course, if this was the tomb from their last dungeon run, it would be another strong test for his lockpicks. There could also be, you know, a key lying around somewhere. Maybe it was in the coffins? Whatever the case turned out to be, There were two skeletons in the middle column between everyone and the door, and though they were both distracted by Ziun’s conjuration for the moment, they had to be dealt with before they could try any of this. Chris’ sword was already in his hand, but he unwound his string in the other to give himself a safer retreat once the distraction stopped working. He charged forward, picking out the closer one on his left. He slid low to the ground when he got close enough and hacked at the skeleton’s knees.
  16. "Looks like the gang's all here! We can go ahead and get this show on the road!" "HUH?!" Garret sprung out his chair, gripping the one in front of his. "This is the best you could do!?!?" "Schyeah brah. You guys were totally like...the only handful of sorcerers who even know the smallest bit of Jujutsu in the entire U.S.of.A.! Well...the only one's who like...wanted to join us anyways..." Well, that didn't exactly inspire confidence. Kiara was still more than happy to work with the JJA, but if so few people were willing to sign up, she could only imagine she'd have a rough career with a lot more workload than she expected ahead of her. As Bradley went into further detail on stuff that was in the pamphlet, Kiara tuned him out for a bit. She'd read it all several times over during her mostly-a-walk up to HQ, so the contents were about as memorized to her as one could reasonably hope. Then there was the following Bradley and the others to Exam Room A, beside the door of which she opted to leave her bag. It would only weigh her down in direct combat, and while "tracksuit & hoodie" wasn't her usual attire in the heat of it, she wasn't about to request a moment to change her clothes. "Now, before you come at me, at least introduce yourself properly! And if you want, you can explain your Cursed Technique to me. You'll need the boost!" She couldn't help but think about what she'd said before the welcome speech when Bradley said that. "Long as they don't say some crap like "tell us your name and a fun fact about yourself," I'll play along." Of course they would. The rules were simple enough, though. Last twenty minutes in the ring, and ideally land a hit or - even better - incapacitate Bradley. That said, for Kiara and her Cursed Technique, twenty minutes was asking a lot... “You know what that means, right Kiara?” “All too well,” Kiara grinned, cracking her knuckles and giving her limbs a quick pre-brawl stretch. “It means we're holding nothing back.” “Not just that,” Gwen grinned, “it means the real competition is over which one of us two takes him out.” Guess I'm gunning for that Special Grade bonus! Knowing she wouldn't be able to last as long as the others, Kiara waited first. She keept herself just out of the edge of the fray and only dodging out of the way when necessary, focused purely on evasion and analysis. She had to get a read on her target if she was going to take him out fast, and what she learned from the others attempting to get him was invaluable indeed. He was strong up-close, as she learned when Garrett charged him recklessly. She'd have to stay quick on her toes to not get flung like that. He had a manta ray shikigami to keep track of as well, capable of acting as a meat shield, as it did with Virgil's first shot. Not only that, but the manta could shoot bubbles, as she learned during Gwen's attempts. And speaking of Gwen... “Kiara, now’s as good a time as any to show us how strong you are!” Deep breaths. In. Out. Just once. "Copy that." FLAME ON! In an instant, Kiara's legs were set ablaze in what looked like an inferno, the fuel for which was her Cursed Energy. With speed like a human bullet, Kiara began dashing through the distance between herself and Bradley, turning on a dime every few steps to constantly shift the trajectory of her approach. "WHOAH!" Bradley's excited flinched, his smile turning to one of insane curiosity. "Now you're a feisty one! Flashy too! Bring it on, compadre!" Bradley's Manta had returned to him to play defense, shielding him with it's fins, spouting even more bubbles than before. With the enhanced speed and agility Immolate provided her, weaving through bubbles wasn't terrible difficult. Breaking through that shield at the same time? Slightly more so. But if she could get one small crack, that would be good enough. Once she was within arm's length of the manta, the fire around her legs promptly died out. Instead, it was her right arm that was suddenly engulfed in flames, as she reared her fist back, and aimed it not at the manta, but straight through it with a literally infernal strength. It wasn't enough to punch straight through the manta like she'd initially hoped, but it was definitely enough to send the beast flying. That would work just as well! Rather than switch gears back to her legs and give Bradley that one extra instant to react, Kiara ran the last couple steps normally, swinging with a similarly-powerful strike as last time. Meanwhile Gwen, who was still weaving between the projectile bubbles that Bradly had sent her way, saw the opening and took her chance. Diving forward into a roll, she landed in a kneeling position with one palm on the ground, clutching the chain of her cursed tool. She rose her empty left hand in front her, bending her index and ring fingers at the fist knuckle while her thumb and the rest of her fingers remained fully extended. Those in-the-know would recognize this as a Shukatunda Mudra, or hand seal. "Expansion!!!" The smoke that had been lazily rising from the incense sticks scattered across the blank white floor suddenly erupted, acting as individual rocket boosters fueled by cursed energy. The tiny rods of scented fuel zipped through the air, rerouting as-needed to avoid any kind of obstacle as they converged toward Bradley Williams. While their impacts wouldn't have much stopping power, they were nonetheless enforced by Gwen's cursed energy, and she hoped they would be enough to give Kiara the opening she needed. The punch from hell found it's mark, drilling into the manta's wing. It struggled to maintain it's hold around Bradley for a split second, but was quickly overpowered. The shock from the accursed flame sent the Shikigami flying a fair distance away from him. With Bradley's cover exposed, and Gwen making a cheeky move to attack him with incense rockets, he couldn't help but be impressed. "Working as a team already!? That's what I like to see in my sorcerers!" He was helpless against the onslaught of projectiles, as they made contact with his body, and burst into clouds around him. Through the smoke, Bradley chuckled. "It's high time for High Tide!" Just as fast as Kiara was approaching him, another Shikigami appeared from Gwen's attack, cutting like a razor through the thick smoke. It's piercing eye locked onto Kiara, charging her fist with it's elongated head. "I ain't got time for you! Immolate: Full Ignition!" The fire that had engulfed her one arm quickly spread to the rest of her body, and once it did, she opened up her fist, and reached out with her other hand. Rather than punch the shark head-on, Kiara was now intent to grab it by the sides of its head. Once it was in her grasp, she made a couple brief spins to build momentum, made easier and faster with Full Ignition active, then threw the shark, right over Bradley and toward the manta shikigami.
  17. ngl it didn't sound too terrible but oh god, 6/10
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