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Showing most liked content on 01/10/2020 in all areas

  1. 1 like
    5th +10 merge is done. Now to decide on my next non-grail merge project. Probably a green or colourless, since I am now at 4 red and 1 blue. So probably either Priscilla or Nino since I have some level of merges (+4 and +2 respectively). Though I'm probably going to focus on finishing S!Ylgr and Ursula first so I'm not spending orbs.
  2. 1 like
    Monsters: 34 3 Chronograph 3 Knightmare Orcust 3 Orcust Harp 3 Mathematician 3 Servant of Endymion 2 Magical Abductor 2 Orcust Cymbal 2 Master Cerberus 2 Endymion 2 Darkwurm 1 Gate Zero 1 World Wand 1 Armageddon Knight 1 Dark Grepher 1 Gizmek Orochi 1 Timegazer 1 Magister of Endymion 1 Spellbook of Prophecy Spells: 25 3 Engage 3 Allure 3 Spell Power Mastery 2 Orcustrated Return 2 Dragon Shrine 1 Dragon Ravine 1 Terraforming 1 Multirole 1 Widow Anchor 1 Shark Cannon 1 Afterburner 1 Hornet Drones 1 Knowledge 1 Secrets 1 Babel 1 Slash Draw Too tired atm to update with card choices and ratios. I'll do that some other time, but here's meta combo mash.dek
  3. 1 like
    https://neocardmaker.com/index.php?/topic/2677-petition-to-make-yui-play-league-with-krow/ Few more votes before Monday and Thar will join in, can we make it?
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  5. 1 like
    I'm looking forward to the SwSh expansions. The games have been the most fun I've had in a Pokemon game for a while. So more stuff to do is always nice. Now if the Gen V starters are part of the 200 to be added I will be very happy.
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