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About Catman

  • User Group: Members

  • Member ID: 112

  • Title: dig beak

  • Post Count: 16

  • Post Ratio: 0.01

  • Total Rep: 2

  • Member Of The Days Won: 0

  • Joined: 01/11/2019

  • Been With Us For: 1925 Days

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  1. Happy Birthday, beautiful! I miss you!

    1. (o ×)

      (o ×)

      You better have said this to me a few months ago

    2. Hina's Simp

      Hina's Simp

      I am married to this beautiful girl, even if it isn't real.

    3. Hallohallo


      You should go outside.

  2. Catman


    pretty cool, blur is a bit heavy in some places, making depth a bit uneven, but I like the concept and the colors
  3. this list has me very confused, they hit shit like Snow and Thunder Dragons, without touching SS or Geist and rip Orcust, they killed Gumblar and Rhongo, yet my boys AK and Grepher still land at 1; probably gonna have to actually play Cynet Mining now to search iblee
  4. pulled a Sky Striker Engage from a box upon release, which, from an odds standpoint isn't that amazing, but it paid for the box's value and then some in one pack as an avid ghost rare collector, I pulled a ghost Star Eater once, was pretty exciting
  5. yo pm me on discord

  6. back in the day I really wanted to make a deck with this, and Lemuria/Superancient Coelacanth was the most consistent haha it's definitely worthy of consideration in Orcust, but the ED space just seems so tight imo, idk if I'd run two 9s, or this over VFD
  7. I just bought a Switch recently in anticipation for Animal Crossing, and SSB is the only game I have so far. Brawl being the last Smash I owned, it's been a lot of fun getting back into the game, especially with all the new characters. World of Light was honestly so much longer and more difficult than I thought it'd be, but it's nice having some sort of single player option outside of the classic mode
  8. Catman

    Torm Archive

    same though, I was going through my stuff, my best shit was all from like 2014 and before, it all went downhill from there
  9. Catman

    Torm Archive

    yo I remember this one, straight fire
  10. hearing the new Lisa in game was very difficult to discern from the old Lisa, but having just watched ep 2, that difference is much more apparent now for some reason I don't think they even replaced Rinko in the JP version of the game yet, ep 1 was my first exposure to the new VA, which is why it caught me off guard
  11. ooh cherubini in this deck is cute, didn't think of that not running the new counter trap?
  12. the 3d makes me sad, but I'll still prob watch the rest hearing Rinko's new VA also made me sad, but as with Lisa, I'll prob get used to it
  13. this more than makes up for arma and malicious getting the axe
  14. Catman


    ur welcom glad to see showcase wasn't lost to the void
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