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Chuck Tingle


Chuck Tingle last won the day on November 1 2020

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6 Neutral

About Chuck Tingle

  • User Group: Monsters

  • Member ID: 1134

  • Title: a true buckaroo

  • Post Count: 4

  • Post Ratio: 0.00

  • Total Rep: 6

  • Member Of The Days Won: 2

  • Joined: 10/19/2020

  • Been With Us For: 1283 Days

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  1. maybe obvious but post in creative writing (link below) was my last post on this account hope you have a great HALLOWS and remember that love is real ALWAYS also thanks for sharing this timeline with chuck no matter how brief that time was


  2. hello everyone thank you for coming this is my BRAND NEW TINGLER wrote it just for you about very special connection one buckaroo has with a very special idea cant wait for you to read it and let me know what you think of course SITE RULES means the connection can only go so deep but if you want you can go to one of MANY other tinglers and find a way to have the ending also include Hank and myself (personally recommend Slammed in the Butthole by my Concept of Linear Time) you're smart i know you can do it thanks bud ok here we go Rammed By The Realization That I Am Not, In Fact, Chuck Tingle, Just Somebody Who Dressed Up As Him For Halloween
  3. NANOWRIMO starts soon (if you don't know what that is it is like drag race to become author like chuck) and so my advice to all writers out there is simple: your voice is your own and THERE IS NO ONE ELSES LIKE IT so as long as you stay true to that i know you can do it

    even better if you feel down now you can say "world's greatest author chuck tingle BELIEVES IN ME so now i know i can do it too"

  4. i am world's greatest author but that does not mean i can't appreciate other authors for example STEVES KING and RM STINE but my favorite book is by neither of them it is TO KILL A BIRD even if they dont kill any birds (several people die though and so does a dog)

  5. i am a TAEKWONDO GRANDMASTER (almost black belt) so normally i wear a gi but i do wear different clothes underneath yes
  6. i remember one time devilman TED COBBLER invited me on a dinosaur dig (there were many handsome dinosaurs near my hometown billings) but then i asked how he knew the bones were there in the first place and he ran away screaming how i would never be able to prove anything all this to say despite writing many tinglers about dinosaurs i have never seen dinosaurs FOR REAL on this timeline but that is what other timelines are for i guess

  7. wow! four way tie for first place you gotta admit that is pretty dang impressive good job everyone except IMPOSTER RED sorry bud you looked too sus
  8. just because chuck is world's greatest author does not mean you cant be worlds greatest at other things comment below what you are best in the world at even if it is simple as tying shoelaces or giving hugs
  9. did you know it is ACE WEEK this is a week to promote asexual awareness so if you know someone with this way (and there are many) let them know you appreciate them and if you are of this way know that YOU ARE LOVED

  10. just created a poll where i ask you a question BUT there is also a place to ask world's greatest author chuck (me) questions also and both ways are good ways to prove love on this timeline


  11. not including chuck because answer would be obvious admittedly ther was not much to hear from monsters on this timeline but that does not mean we cant talk about who was most handsome and who we would most like to trot with you can do a vote or you can talk below about which monster you would most like to kiss.
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