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Yemachu last won the day on September 14 2022

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About Yemachu

  • User Group: Administrator

  • Member ID: 135

  • Title: Card maker maker

  • Post Count: 49

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  • Total Rep: 49

  • Member Of The Days Won: 7

  • Joined: 01/12/2019

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  • Age: 31


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  1. Recently came across a site that uses AI to generate images of new "Pokémon".


    1. Cibryll


      Kinda makes me wonder if there's something like that for Yu-Gi-Oh!

    2. Yemachu


      Given there is quite some variation in art styles between different cards (i.e. "Burning Abyss" vs "Live Twin"), I reckon you could just look for AI that generates images.

      • Dall-E generates images based on a prompt, but it requires a subscription. It does provide a 3 month trial period, with a free credit taht is worth about $18.
      • Artbreeder lets you select a few images and have it generate another one based on it, or tweak some parameters (such as age) to create a different image. An account is required, and any image you generate (upload?, not entirely sure; be careful wih copyrighted works) can be used by anyone.

      With some other, more specialized options out there (focussing on creating paintings for example).

      Also once ran into an AI that turns text to speech using famous voices (FakeYou.com), such as: Spongebob, Yami Yugi, Obama, etc. You could recognize the voices, but there was little control over which parts to emphasize.

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