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Fusion last won the day on February 20 2019

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  • User Group: Members

  • Member ID: 140

  • Title: Heart Start

  • Post Count: 50

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  • Joined: 01/13/2019

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  1. So I just beat Persona 5 last week, no joke. Quality game, top tier. This comes out. And now I want to play this again! They added way more new stuff than I would have thought. What would make this perfect is if they offered Royal as DLC so I could carry my NG+ data over and just do my second playthrough with Royal, but I'm doubting that'll happen so I'll either skip the Platinum Trophy for P5 or just play this damn game three times (honestly might). Kasumi seems cool, perused through some of that info and the story changes sound cool and seem pretty intriguing. Got this on my radar for sure.
  2. Let's Go Johto and so on will definitely happen, it's just a matter of when. Curious who they'd choose as the mascots since I'm not sure people would be into Pichu and Marill/Togepi. They may also say fuck it and do Let's Go Gold and Let's Go Silver, or LG Cyndaquil and LG Totodile. I figure it'll either come towards the end of Switch's lifespan or at the start of whatever the next console is like Roxas said. Diamond and Pearl remakes will come after Sword and Shield for Switch. Despite them being my least favorite back in the day, still psyched to explore Sinnoh with everything updated.
  3. I've been playing Persona 5 the past month and I think I may be able to beat it just in time for Joker's release in Smash, unless the release happens this week or something. It's definitely helped me buy into the hype of him coming to Smash now, I can see him being a "Fighter" type with one gun move in his arsenal. That render does look pretty great; I'm also puzzled though how we haven't seen anything. I'm trying to remember how far in advance the Wii U Smash DLC reveals were before their release in the game.
  4. Shazam was so surreal and absolutely campy - hysterical movie that is definitely worth checking out

  5. Castelvania is a cool show, didn't know what to expect but I like everything from the voice acting, animation/action, and the whole atmosphere. I'm not too familiar with the video games, but I definitely care more now than I did back in the day, so I'd recommend it to both fans and non-fans. I hope Legend of Zelda and other future VG shows takes a page out of this book for being adapted.
  6. Old or new, haven't played this game in years
  7. My thoughts on the movie:
  8. No one told me you could ride a catbus in Persona 5, this game's great

    1. Shradow


      Game's a masterpiece. I'm so hyped for Joker's Smash release.

    2. Fusion


      I've been meaning to play it and with Joker coming in April, no better time then now to sink my teeth in so I can fully appreciate his inclusion. Hype's already building and I'm not even 20 hours in yet.

  9. That's actually hilarious, especially knowing Evangelion released in the 90s
  10. Super Smash Bros Ultimate - I need to fuel my Smash fix that's been going strong since 2002. Pokémon SoulSilver - The Johto games still have the best post-game IMO. Emerald and Y would be close seconds. Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door - It's my favorite game, so I'd want to be able to play it from time to time. I do that now and it's like I never left.
  11. I'm a fan of it too. And I don't really see the big deal with the linear complaint because every Pokémon game is pretty linear. Also, establishing this now: Like HGSS, ORAS, etc, we should totally refer to these as SwSh. swish
  12. Team Skull definitely etched itself in as one of the better teams, probably my favorite one actually. So I hope they hold themselves to that same standard and get creative. I forgot to say, but I also like the base designs for the trainers. Better beanies than Brendan's.
  13. I'm honestly hyped for this movie. I'm not sure how good it'll be, but I don't think it'll be bad and I anticipate myself having a lot of fun. I'm looking forward to seeing how many Pokémon they can cram in and how they look. Most of them so far are pretty damn good and I'm happy they made a point to use a variety of Pokémon from all the different gens. It's really cool too that they tapped RJ Palmer to help with the designs, the guy makes amazing realistic Pokémon. Mewtwo's a nice surprise at the end there, I'm curious if he's the one upending the earth in the trailers or if that's another legendary like Groudon or something. I raised three eyebrows when they first announced this movie, but I've found myself losing skepticism since the first trailer. This also comes out on my birthday, so this'll be a neat present for myself.
  14. I agree, the last one we had was literally 10 years ago with Platinum. Not impossible, but pretty improbable. I like most of those, but I'd probably say Helmet (Pokémon Helm maybe sounds like a better name?) to complete the knight's set. Speaking of, I wonder if the new evil team could be based on the knights of the round table. Or maybe one of the gyms or some other group can let them play around with the knight motif. I had a thought that maybe one or more of the legendaries wolf-related considering the logos. But that could also just be a random decoration for them. My first inclination is Sword, but that could easily change. I'm waiting to see more info as well like the legends, exclusives, etc.
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