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That One Dude

Everything posted by Thar

  1. I sure miss the simpler days of just making shitty cards and posting them. That and hoping for acceptance. Either way, time sure flies. 17 years later and I barely even lurk anymore.

    1. Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      Well damn that is sad 😞

    2. Supreme Slayer

      Supreme Slayer

      We can all still post shitty cards if we want to.

  2. 360 controllers have been my go-to for PC gaming. I've always liked the placement of the analog sticks, even after being used to a Playstation controller for years beforehand. The fact that they're simply plug-and-play is a bonus. I do have a soft spot for the GC controller, though. I use one for my Switch, and nothing even compares for me.
  3. Poseidon is broken and I'll enjoy it while I can.

    1. LordCowCow
    2. Thar


      Hades 2

    3. LordCowCow


      Hades nuts 2

      ...but ah yeah I shoulda guessed

  4. Mothafuckin tonberries...

  5. In an action movie, what would be your perfect punny catch phrase after a kill and how would they die before you say it?
  6. Anyone remember the first voice actor/actress that you discovered was the voice of one of your childhood cartoon characters?

    1. LordCowCow


      I tried to figure one out but I just cannot, maybe cause I don't remember what voices really I feel were "from my childhood"

    2. Movies on the Brain

      Movies on the Brain

      EG Daily voicing Tommy Pickles is the first one that comes to mind, mainly because I was mind blown that a woman voiced a boy (this was before I realized how many male characters Tara Strong has voiced)

  7. 20230223_185418.jpg

    It's all coming back to me.

  8. Red Dead Redemption Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag Grand Theft Auto V The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
  9. Why hello there, didn't see you come in. So yeah, I decided to give Warhammer 40k a try. For those of you who don't know, Warhammer is a tactical wargame where you command an army of miniatures on a table to fight another army of miniatures, but I assume most of you already know that, so we can just get right to it. Warhammer is something I've been pretty intrigued by for a while now. I'd say at least a decade. I'd see a game going on every so often whenever I go to my local tabletop store. The terrain, the buildings, the custom-built and painted armies... it was quite a spectacle for just a bunch of plastic figures. Now, why didn't I get into it sooner? Well... in case it wasn't obvious, everything involved in having what you need to play the game is... hilariously expensive. We can get to how much I spent on it already just to have a starting army, but it's safe to say that I've hesitated to even get into it for a long time solely because the investment was just not something I was prepared to dive into. Not to mention, I knew literally no one who even played. Fast forward to recently: I'm doing quite well for myself, all things considered. A new year has begun and all my years of trying to get into a new hobby has weighed my conscience down for a long time. I needed something new. Something that I can dedicate time to and get involved in with other people, and I needed to get out of the house more and not just for work, shopping, and family visits. So I decided I'd find an event to attend nearby, and sure enough, the local tabletop place hosted a board game night every Thursday. So I went. I had a blast. I learned a handful of new games, met some people, and we all had fun. I went home that night satisfied with what I did that day and said to myself "I need to do this more." So then I found out that shop had its own Discord server, which I joined. There were multiple tags that I could assign myself based on my interest, so I joined a couple, and that's when I saw the Warhammer tag. Having been so interested in the concept for so long, I decided "screw it" and jumped in. I was welcomed with open arms. A handful of people, some of which were also pretty new at it besides me, already hit it off with me about the game and were incredibly helpful just with what I needed to know and the best way to get started. It all started with what kind of army I wanted to start with. How did I want to play? What sort of playstyle was I looking for? What aesthetic appealed to be the most? How much was I willing to spend? This all played a part in how I wanted to approach it, and the options were overwhelming. Literally dozens of factions to choose from, each with dozens of miniatures to build with even for a starting army, each with a few variations of loadouts to choose from for each model depending on how I wanted to play. It was all overwhelming just picking which faction I wanted, and despite me narrowing it down to something either upfront and tanky or glass-cannony, that still didn't seem to help me figure out what I was gonna jump into this with... ...and then I saw it. The energy of this one particular following in the community that I just felt resonate within me like nothing else the game had to offer. The Orks. The most violent, tribal, and hilarious faction in the entire game. Just a bunch of brutes slapping together whatever scrap they can find to create weapons, armor, and vehicles to accompany their overwhelming numbers that just can't seem to stop growing. Their aesthetic, their carefree attitude, their overall ENERGY that they give out just called to me. It was meant to be. So here I am, finally committing to something. With a few people in the chat welcoming me to the Orks clan, I went ahead and got the Orks Command Patrol box. Even though it was still pretty pricey, these boxes were the ideal entry point into specific factions. However, that was just the army. There were still a bunch of stuff I needed to even get started putting everything together myself. This is my journey into Warhammer 40k.
  10. Vi wasn’t sure whether it was adrenaline or exhaustion clouding her thoughts from the fact that their mission was a lot simpler than she assumed based on this new development of a self-repairing building. In fact, she didn’t even think about who was even controlling the drones that she dealt with at the entrance before she came down the hall to meet up with the others. "What does it matter? Our job is to break shit and if it fixes itself then we just have more to break!" Vi took a second to process what Sibyl said in response to Vi's question, and she couldn’t help but chuckle. “Ah… yeah, you got a point. The fuck am I worrying about?” Vi laughed as she saw her co-worker lunge into what looked to be a robot projecting a barrier to protect itself from the impact, which didn’t seem to be effective. With the force of it causing the machine to stumble backward, Vi noticed Adler behind it as well as another girl she didn’t recognize. The lab coat and glasses seemed to speak for themselves; she must be a thinker, and also must be the one controlling the drones. “So that means you’ve got a shaker too, huh? Don’t suppose you mind telling us where they might be?” Despite Vi no longer caring about the phenomenon with Sibyl’s mentality, the answer to her question was still good to know. Wherever this other figure is that’s healing the building, it would be nice to know if not just to find them and incapacitate them, but as far as their intentions were with the building, it hardly mattered. Sibyl was right. They’re there for one thing and one thing only: to cause a distraction. “What’d you say?” Alder asked Sibyl after breaking off the robot’s leg and causing it to fall over. “We’re here to break shit? Let’s go break more shit.” “Shit, if I knew you two had this handled, I’d have already moved on!” With a wide smirk, she took a second to take off her hat and put it in her backpack before she swung her umbrella behind her with another wave of energy emanating from her, widening the doorway into the hallway. With more force accelerating her, she dashed further down towards some more doors, one to the left and one at the end. She barely took any time to ponder on which one to smash, as she was already at the nearest one before she just decided to smash that one before the other. They were both being smashed anyway. Mid-dash, she turned to swing at the door on the left, blasting a wider opening as the shockwave sent more debris scattering throughout the space. As the dust settled, Vi got a glance of the room ahead. A sofa facing a TV, a foosball table, a treadmill in the corner… just a casual lounge area. Vi huffed in slight disappointment but couldn’t help being slightly amused by how mundane it was for a gang warehouse. Then again, she supposed it wasn’t much different from the Clan’s hideout. Still, what’d be better to come across in a rival gang’s hideout than spicy secrets? She figured that’d be something to find deeper inside, which carried through with her unhesitating advance onto the next doorway at the end of the hall. Just like the one before, this one met the same fate as another blast of sound, debris, and air pressure shook the building. Vi took this time to settle as she went into a casual walk into the new room. Looking around, it wasn’t hard to recognize it as the place’s kitchen, another mundane and boring thing that made her frown a bit. With another huff, she submitted to the reality that she wasn’t there to discover weird secrets anyway. Hell, she was in a kitchen at least, so there might at least be some snacks to grab and - fuck it - also munch on while she’s there.
  11. tfw the artist in you wants to paint the miniatures you've had in a sealed box for a year, but the collector in you doesn't want to open the box

  12. At this point, Vi questioned how she even got herself in this situation when her other two teammates were in a completely different part of the building and out of sight. She groaned through gritted teeth as she held her open umbrella in front of her like a shield, keeping her aura dense enough to withstand the constant shocks protruding from the floating drones in front of her. She was too distracted to notice Adler was no longer on the street before she made another glance in that direction. “Tsh…” she scoffed, rolling her eyes, “...show off.” Almost on cue, she noticed a sudden shift in the movements of the drones around her. At first they were only passive and reactive, but with what seemed like a synchronized movement, they all turned and began to position themselves around Vi. Her first instinct was to go into another defensive stance, but knowing where they were going, guarding only one side didn’t seem to be a viable tactic in this situation. “Alright, guess I’ll just… wait a minute-” just as she was about to use her brain for once, her vision focused on one drone in particular. Like a spider dangling on a web inches in front of her, she didn’t seem to notice that one of the drones was wearing her hat which had fallen off when she charged in. Perplexed, she blinked a couple times before looking again. She wasn’t going crazy. That drone is really wearing her hat. “Wha- how the f-” and then it hit her. She didn’t know for sure, but it had to have been, “...you motherfucker…” She didn’t know whether to laugh or growl, but the emotions surged from her once more as she closed her umbrella, holding it to her side as she twisted her hips and pivoted her legs preparing to spin. Once wound up, she executed the motion with a strong release of her aura energy as the air around her violently swirled like a vortex which brought a bunch of the debris from the destroyed warehouse with it. The combined force of the whirlwind as well as the impact of the rubble seemed to have caught the drones surrounding her, causing them to stagger. The attack didn’t last long. Vi only seemed to want to test it out in the heat of the moment, which appeared to have been effective enough to show results. The drones looked to be less of a threat as the electricity from their shock weapons had less of an impact against her armor. She gave a smug grin as she wound up for the same whirlwind attack, satisfied by the fact that the same debris she would use was almost in the exact same area when it settled from the first. As expected, the same scope of damage managed to finish them off. …except for one. The one drone wearing Vi’s hat sat floating just outside of the area of effect, and an awkward pause lingered as Vi would’ve locked eyes with it if it had any. With one last scoff, she simply lunged forward for a stab, releasing a burst from the tip of her umbrella on impact that knocked it back against the wall where it lay out of commission under more rubble. The burst caused her hat to fly upwards in an arc that almost touched the ceiling. Not even looking up at it, she turned around to start heading down the hallway where everyone else seemed to have gone, catching it with one hand and putting it back on without even a break in her stride. At that moment, the adrenaline began to wear off when she noticed the hole she had made before the hallway was starting to… repair itself? Taken aback, she looked around, also noticing the hole to the outside was doing the same. “Uh, guys?!” she shouted down the hall, making her way down to catch up with the group, “...what are we doing now? The building’s fuckin’ healing itself, who's doing that??”
  13. I also realized just how many games I bought on Steam and how little of them I actually play and/or remember lol My Steam Replay for 2022 says I played 96 new games and unlocked 829 achievements, for what that's worth
  14. weapon and power of choice in a fantasy setting with magic?
  15. Weapon and power of choice in a fantasy setting with magic?
  16. The former if it's casual. The latter if it's not.
  17. I joined an RP that I didn't back out of a week later, so that's something.
  18. How about a tournament(s) for best Pokemon music from mainline games?
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