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ChampionZero last won the day on December 30 2020

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About ChampionZero

  • User Group: Members

  • Member ID: 165

  • Rank: Senior Member

  • Post Count: 157

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  • Total Rep: 62

  • Member Of The Days Won: 9

  • Joined: 01/21/2019

  • Been With Us For: 1913 Days

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  1. Jesus, this website is still running?

    Fucking knew you guys were too tough to die off. God bless.

    1. LordCowCow


      Long time no see how you've been?

    2. ChampionZero


      New liver, same eagles.

    3. LordCowCow


      hell yeah organ upgrade

  2. "Oh no you don't!" Yasha's hands rapidly reconfigured into a pair of heavy duty fans. He jumped back and the fans roared to life, blowing the toxic cloud away from himself and-- by extension-- Yumi. "I'm not very good at science or math, but I'm not dumb enough to come to a fight without a counter to my enemy's Quirk!" He straightened up and flashed a proud grin as his fans spun to a stop. Seeing Seigi's attack on the breifcase, Yasha's attention was grabbed. There! His hands turned into circular saws and he lunged forward to grab Hemlock from a different angle than is classmate. If he could grab the teacher, then he could signal Yumi and they could blow this fight clean out of the water!
  3. "Whenever you're ready for me to fire, just give me the signal, but just remember I'll only be able to fire once before charging up again." Yasha nodded, pounding a fist into his palm loudly. "Fortunately, making openings is the most common function of a power tool!" And with heavy, clanging footsteps, he began approaching Hemlock, slowly picking up speed as both of his hands morphed into chainsaws. He was the tank, so preventing Hemlock from attacking Yumi was his primary task-- but he had the secondary task of signaling Yumi for her attack, and making an opening if necessary... and possible... and the best course of action. Now if only I could remember what the signal was...
  4. Yasha was nervous, of course he was. He was also excited, and both of those emotions did what they always did-- blend together in his gut and come up out of him in the form of loudness. "I'm so PUMPED FOR THIS!" He growled, making his whole body shake like an idling car as he shifted his weight back and forth, punching the air and blowing steam out of his nostrils. Speaking of which, his costume was a bit of a no-brainer-- a suit of black and red body armor, seemingly designed to match his engine block of a head. Bulky, but it did a good job of accenting his already huge frame, making him seem even bigger than normal. His hands and head were the only exposed parts of him, which kept his Quirk onubstructed, but the bonus protection and intimidation was worth the extra weight. Now to hope we can pull this off. I mean-- beating Hemlock isn't gonna be easy, but we're sure as hell gonna give it our best shot!
  5. Yasha ended up sitting on top of the desk next to Diana's, kicking his legs off the ground like a child and grinning ear-to-ear. Not that he had ears. Regardless, he was overjoyed (and somewhat nervous) that his entire team was girls, save for him. It made the prospect of fighting their teacher even more thrilling, in the sense that he might impress some of them if they won. "So! We get to fight Ms. Hemlock. Any ideas on what we should look out for?" Yasha asked. "I mean, she is a Pro Hero, so she's probably going to be a lot better at fighting than us, so we really need a solid plan going in, right?" Yasha was raring to go already, but he remembered how he'd felt after the surprise test they gave them the first day, and didn't want to look that stupid in front of the whole class twice. That would just be embarrassing...
  6. Akuma gave Takao a once-over, then stood up and walked up to him. In part, he was unconsciously comparing their height-- Akuma was tall thanks to his dad's genetics, but he liked making sure people were aware of the disparity. On the other hand, he was really just getting a closer look at him. That spark in his eyes had gotten his attention, enough to tear him away from the wet co-eds in his vicinity. He wasn't entirely sure what Takao's deal was, but he intended to find out. "Takao, eh? I'm Akuma." He offered a hand in greeting. "Welcome to hell, I guess. You some kind of electrical-type?"
  7. Yasha nodded pensively when he heard his name called, but was still thinking about the cute new girl and it took until after Dreadbolt had finished for him to fully process what had been said. He had to-- No, he GOT TO fight Hemlock. His science teacher. For grades. Standing bolt upright from his seat, he planted his hands on the desk. "Wait. You mean to tell me we get to fight our teachers?! And we're being graded on how well we fight?! And we won't get in trouble if we punch them?!" He turned to the others in the class with his typical toothy smile. "GUYS, THIS IS GOING TO BE AWESOOOOOOOME!!" He roared, his voice rising to the roar of an active chainsaw, revving as his arms flexed in triumph.
  8. Akuma slapped Hane on the arm, and he briefly shot him an accompanying look of annoyance. The admonishment was silent, however, as he didn't say anything until he turned to the classmates playing cards at the table with him. "You know, it's a bit boring to be going for Old Maid of all games. You might as well be playing..." He glanced back to Miyu and Nanami, as if to make sure he hadn't missed anything good. "Go fish," He finished. "I'd suggest poker, but we're probably not allowed to gamble and," he glanced again. "Two of us are kinda naked already, which..." He tilted a hand back and forth ambiguously. Keika's had it rough, Akuma thought, sitting back in his chair. I know the feeling. We're not the same, me and him, but we've got a lot in common. There's what you see on the surface: and then there's something just underneath, if you know how to get to it. But there's more to him than just a fragile veneer of attitude and a roiling ball of rage. He's got something else-- and I'm going to find out what it is.
  9. Yasha was a purveyor of three things, and three things only. Heroes, hydraulic presses crushing random objects, and pretty girls in uniforms. There was certainly no denying that the new girl was pretty. And in uniform. She was just plain cute from head to toe! He did his best not to watch her walk past, but his eyes were basically in the sides of his head, so he couldn't help but see. Once she was behind him, he turned back to the substitute. Dreadbolt had some serious style-- in fact, it looked like he had a head like Yasha's! Which was super cool, in his book, but it might just be a mask or a helmet or something-- some Pros did that. "Mr Dreadbolt! I have a question!" "Yes, metalhead? What is it??" "Is that your actual head? And if so, how does a hero deal with having a scary head?" Yasha paused, then added, "I'm uh, asking for a friend." "Of course it's my head. You think I'm gonna wear a mask indoors? That would be pretty lame. And these pearly whites help scare away villains!" Dreadbolt scratched at his chin, eyeing the rest of the students before whispering, "Who are you asking for? I could probably just talk to them directly." Yasha, perhaps not realizing that them whispering doesn't make it harder for the others to hear, whispered back. "Oh, um. Myself." "Oh. OHHHH! Don't worry, I'm sure a handsome devil like you is gonna slay!" He said, whispering as loudly as humanly possible. Yasha "quietly" pumped his fist and then returned to paying attention as if the entire class hadn't just seen and heard that.
  10. [A Wicker Basket of Ammunition] "Oops! Did I do that?" [Name] Ichigo Bakudan [Age] 15 [Birthday] August 1st [Gender] F [Appearance] 140cm, 42kg. Pixie-cut, orange hair with two green ahoge at the top, like a stem. [Personality] Ichigo is an optimistic, bubbly and friendly individual. Though her tastes are largely girly, with an emphasis on bright, fruity colors, she also has the odd punk streak: she seems to really like the aesthetic, but lacks the courage to try and dress the part. Very touchy-- loves giving hugs, playful punches, making physical contact is a big part of how she expresses herself and connects with people. As would be necessary for her Quirk, she knows a great deal about fruit. If it's fruit, fruit-based, or fruit-flavored, expect her to love it. [Biography] Ichigo, while not the product of any tragic backstory, spent most of her life without much drive. She did well in school, had friends, and though she hasn't grown much she doesn't mind. It was during a moment in which she was craving excitement and drama that she decided to apply to U.A. Honestly, she's amazed she got in, and excited beyond words to be in the Hero Course. Now that she's there, she's got big plans, and is preparing to make her debut as-- she's working on the name still, but it's going to be great! [Quirk] Fruit Bomb Ichigo can turn any fruit she touches into an explosive, and detonate them by snapping their fingers. The size of the fruit determines the strength of the explosion. [Fun Facts!] * Oranges are her favourite fruit! * Ichigo has two siblings, both older!
  11. Yasha sat next to Ben again on the way back. He was, in all honesty, disappointed. They'd been told they were going to the beach-- it turned out to be a cleanup project, which they did not forewarn them about. Then, something went wrong and they didn't even get to finish the cleanup. It was getting frustrating, all this runaround. What had even happened? He'd barely had time to help Kio when they'd called them back, and he didn't see anything go wrong. He was positive he was missing something-- and he was also positive he was going to figure it out in the middle of the night when he was trying to sleep. He took a few deep breaths and decided not to think about it. "Hey O'Hara. Dig up anything cool back there? I saw you working on a TV."
  12. @Saiba Aisu I'd like to have at least three (3) before starting, but I'd be willing to set a tentative upper limit of ten (10), on the off-chance we get that much interest. In Oakshade, bugs come in many shapes and sizes. Civilized, intelligent bugs will usually stand upright and walk on two feet, while feral bugs typically crawl about on many legs like animals. There are noteworthy exceptions, but it serves as a general rule.
  13. Standing amidst the aftermath of the fight, the Tyrant raised one fist overhead like a boxer. Inside the mech's cockpit, Kansuke's smile had never been wider-- he was finally getting somewhere. No man stands taller than the last man standing. Back in the classroom, Kansuke tried his best to shake off the feeling of dismemberment that disconnecting from the Tyrant had given him. He'd been hesitant-- unwilling, almost-- to detach himself once he'd gotten a taste of what the Tyrant could do. But the mech was damaged, and he needed to get back to class. The phantom pain returned long before he got there, and as the adrenaline rush from the battle faded, so did the dull ache of his bruised ribs. "So, anyone know where those two messed up?" Kansuke figured it wasn't his place to answer, and stayed quiet. But he definitely needed to work on not getting hit so much, or else get the Tyrannous hooked up with better armor. In a street fight, he was used to tanking punches from his opponents, and had a tendency to punch above his weight-- he'd picked the Tyrannous for precisely that reason: the mech had a lot of firepower, but that was its only advantage. He had to compensate with skill, and the simulator had only taught him how to handle the controls. He had to do better. He had to be better.
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