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Princess Raven


Princess Raven last won the day on August 30 2020

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About Princess Raven

  • User Group: Members

  • Member ID: 18

  • Title: The Arisen Rose

  • Post Count: 19

  • Post Ratio: 0.01

  • Total Rep: 6

  • Member Of The Days Won: 1

  • Joined: 01/07/2019

  • Been With Us For: 2234 Days

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  • Age: 24


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  1. Damn, that's unfortunate. Well, let me know if there's ever an opening. Side note, the obvious references to this community via the forum aspect of this are simultaneously amazing and cursed xD
  2. Not sure how many slots are left here, but pending interest if there's one open. I'll wait for a response on if there's a slot or not before making a character sheet, so I don't end up putting in all that work just to be turned down.
  3. You know, I think one of the things that helped me the most, both in custom card design and in understanding the game itself, was getting a basic understanding of PSCT. It's astonishing how many questions I used to ask and how many rulings I either was uncertain about or blatantly got wrong, just cuz I didn't understand what was being said on a card, how it's being implemented, or why its written that way in the first place.

    Tl;dr, learn your PSCT, people. It does fucking wonders.

  4. There a couple of issues with this question in particular. First off, Synchron Carrier's first effect doesn't Special Summon anything, period. It specifically says Normal Summon, not Special Summon. Secondly, assuming you meant to ask if its first effect allows you to Normal Summon it from your hand in addition to your Normal Summon, not quite. I mean, you can achieve something similar - you can Normal Summon Synchron Carrier and then use its effect to Normal Summon another "Synchron" monster from your hand - but you cannot Normal Summon Synchron Carrier with its own effect, becuz that's not how the effect works. Typically speaking, the effect you're thinking of, is worded like this: "During your Main Phase: You can Special Summon this card (from your hand)." or "During your Main Phase: You can Normal Summon this card in addition to your Normal Summon/Set." Of course, these effects usually have more clauses added to them, becuz just having these clauses would make the card pretty powerful. They usually have some negative and/or conditional clause added to them. (An example being Cyber Dragon, that says "If you control no monsters: You can Special Summon this card from your hand.") The reason Synchron Carrier doesn't allow you to do this, is becuz of the effect itself. A monster's effect can only be applied when it's on the field, unless the card specifically states otherwise. Since Synchron Carrier doesnt state that it Normal Summons itself or state that it needs to be in the hand to use this effect, that means it must be on the field to use its effect.
  5. Anyone know of any RPs on here that are currently accepting I could join in on? Preferably Yugioh themed?

    1. |0P|


      I have a couple rp interest checks that never went anywhere, if you're interested in one I'd be more than happy to try getting them running.


  6. Once again, I call to you. Rising from the depths of the abyssal void below, everlasting. I have returned, if only briefly, to peer into this vast and unfamiliar world. What say ye to me, creatures of the light?

    1. radio414
    2. Princess Raven

      Princess Raven

      Salutations. What, pray tell, be occurring up in these lands?

  7. Had to look at the card again to double check, but I figured I knew the answer off the top of my head. I was correct. The Fusion Materials listed are "Dark Magician" + 1 Warrior Monster. This means (outside of select circumstances where a card says otherwise, like a card treating itself as a replacement for any 1 Fusion Material or whatnot), you must use a monster whose name is currently "Dark Magician". This means you can use the original Dark Magian, or you could use Magician of Dark Illusion's effect to treat its name as "Dark Magician", and use that. However, you cannot use Dark Magician Girl or Skilled Dark Magician for the materials, becuz they are not "Dark Magician". If the materials had said "1 'Dark Magician' monster +1 Warrior Monster", you could use those two, but nope. Easiest way to remember it: Quotes followed by the word "monster" = anything with the quoted text in its name. Quotes without the word "monster" immediately after = the card's full name must be the quoted text, and only the quoted text.
  8. Back from the depths of the abyss, I rise again. Here to oversee all of your activities on this beloved landsite. How goes things?

  9. So, a long time ago, I had attempted to carry out an RP on YCM. It was a Pokemon RP, set around the same time that Pokeballs were first created. It flopped, and I never could really get it started due to inactivity. However, I've decided to try to revamp it but on a Discord server so it could be a bit more organized, and was curious: Would anyone here be interested in joining or at the very least, checking it out?

  10. Honestly, I agree about the video comments. Could be better. I would say that its becuz its the background video for a rhythm game that this song is in (Project: DIVA), but in the same game, they have some REALLY flashy and distracting background videos, so thats not even an excuse lmao. But anywho, maybe I can find a better one for ya. How's this?
  11. I wonder if anyone here even remembers me. I assume not, since its been about a year since I was active here, and if we count YCM, about 3 years since I was active with this community, but I'm still curious~

    1. LordCowCow


      I recognized the name at least

    2. Nyx
    3. Princess Raven

      Princess Raven

      Well, color me surprised~ I didnt think I'd be remembered~

      Side note: what the hell happened to tildes? They look so weird on this site..

  12. Edit: Swapped the on-summon effects for Magenta and Scarlet. Removal that returns things to the hand is usually stronger than destruction, so it should be on the Level 7, not the Level 6. Once again, feel free to provide criticism here. I would very much appreciate someone else's thoughts~
  13. So... Most people won't know this about me, but generally when I play this sacred card game we all love so much, I have a tendency to place my cards in the center of my field first. My brother on the other hand, tended to place his cards on the right side of his field. This always bugged me as a kid, becuz I couldnt figure out which way was correct.. or if neither were. To remedy this, I had thought up the idea of an archetype that forces the player to think strategically about where exactly they play their cards, as it could seriously impact the duel - for better, or for worse. Problem was, I never knew how to word the effects, since cards like "Which Starling" and all of the "Mekk-Knight" cards hadnt even been a twinkle in anyone's eyes yet. But now, my friends.. Now, after many years of having this concept and a rather poorly thought out and rushed attempt about a year ago, I can proudly say that I'm not only giving this dream concept of mine another shot, but that I've decided to go ahead and revamp my old attempt, by making changes to the old designs and attempting to make them quite a bit more thought out. Here's the basic idea, at it's simplest: WATER Psychic Ritual Archetype, based on humanoid slime creatures, that focuses heavily on the strategic and careful placement of its own cards in order to properly utilize the versatility of its abilities. The lower Level "fodder" monsters have a certain effect they can earn depending on which of these three MMZs theyre in: Center, Leftmost, and Rightmost. They also have a bit of a floating effect on destruction involving an opponent's card, becuz I was having major issues with being forced to end my turn cuz I got negated merely once. Plus, theyre slimes. They aint particularly easy to kill. The Bigger, Bossier, Ritual monsters of the archetype focus on disruptive effects on summon with column play, they give buffs or get abilities when there is an archetypal monster in an adjacent MMZ to them, and some gain an additional effect if there is a Spell/Trap card in the adjacent space below them. Now that the basic summary is out of the way, without further ado, the "Protean" archetype: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Main Deck Monsters Cerulean Protean WATER - Level 3 - Psychic/Effect - 800/1300 This card gains 1 of the following effects, depending on which Main Monster Zone it's in: ● Rightmost: Increase this card's Level by 1. ● Leftmost: Once per turn; you can Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower "Protean" monster from your GY. ● Center: Once per turn, you can shuffle 1 "Protean" card from your GY into your Deck, then draw 1 card. If this card is destroyed by battle or an opponent's card effect: you can Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower "Protean" monster from your hand or GY, except "Cerulean Protean". You can only use this effect of "Cerulean Protean" once per turn. Lavender Protean WATER - Level 3 - Psychic/Effect - 1000/1000 This card gains 1 of the following effects, depending on which Main Monster Zone it's in: ● Rightmost: Once per turn, you can Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower "Protean" monster from your hand. ● Leftmost: Once per turn, when a Ritual Spell is activated; you can draw 1 card. ● Center: Psychic monsters you control cannot be targeted by your opponent's card effects. If this card is destroyed by battle or an opponent's card effect: you can Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower "Protean" monster from your hand or GY, except "Lavender Protean". You can only use this effect of "Lavender Protean" once per turn. Seafoam Protean WATER - Level 4 - Psychic/Effect - 1300/1200 This card gains 1 of the following effects, depending on which Main Monster Zone it's in: ● Rightmost: All Ritual Monsters you control gain 500 ATK. ● Leftmost: You can reveal 1 "Protean" Ritual Monster in your hand; Special Summon 1 "Protean" monster from your Deck whose Level is equal to the difference between this card's and the revealed card's Level. You can only use this effect of "Seafoam Protean" once per turn. ● Center: Once per turn, you can banish 1 "Protean" monster from your GY; this card's Level becomes the banished monster's Level. If this card is destroyed by battle or an opponent's card effect: you can Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower "Protean" monster from your hand or GY, except "Seafoam Protean". You can only use this effect of "Seafoam Protean" once per turn. Vermillion Protean WATER - Level 4 - Psychic/Effect - 1400/1100 This card gains 1 of the following effects, depending on which Main Monster Zone it's in: ● Rightmost: If you activate a Ritual Spell, or if a Ritual monster's effect is activated; your opponent cannot activate cards or effects in response. ● Leftmost: Once per turn; you can send 1 "Protean" monster from your Deck to the GY. ● Center: During your Main Phase; you can add 1 "Protean" Spell/Trap card from your Deck to your hand. You can only use this effect of "Protean Lavender" once per turn. If this card is destroyed by battle or an opponent's card effect: you can Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower "Protean" monster from your hand or GY, except "Vermillion Protean". You can only use this effect of "Vermillion Protean" once per turn. Magenta Protean WATER - Level 6 - Psychic/Ritual/Effect - 1000/2000 You can Ritual Summon this card with any "Protean" Ritual Spell. If this card is Ritual Summoned: destroy all cards your opponent controls that share a column with this card. If a monster in a Main Monster Zone adjacent to this card would be Tributed for the Ritual Summon of a "Protean" monster: you can treat that monster as all the necessary Tributes for the Ritual Summon. Scarlet Protean WATER - Level 7 - Psychic/Ritual/Effect - 2500/2400 You can Ritual Summon this card with any "Protean" Ritual Spell. When this card is Ritual Summoned, return all cards your opponent controls that share a column with this card to their hand. Once per turn: you can target 1 monster your opponent controls; Psychic monsters in Monster Zones adjacent to this card gain half the targeted monster's ATK until the End Phase. If you control a Spell/Trap card in your Spell/Trap Zone adjacent to this card: this card can attack twice per Battle Phase. Silver Protean WATER - Level 8 - Psychic/Ritual/Effect - 3000/2300 This card can be Ritual Summoned with any "Protean" Ritual Spell. If this card is Ritual Summoned: You can banish all cards your opponent controls in this cards column. Monsters in Main Monster Zones adjacent to this card cannot be destroyed by battle or your opponent's card effects. If you control a Spell/Trap card in your Spell/Trap Zone adjacent to this card: once per turn, you can destroy all Special Summoned monsters your opponent controls with original ATK less than or equal to this card's current ATK. Spells and Traps Protean Arcane Torrent Continuous Spell If this card is activated: You can add 1 "Protean" monster from your Deck to your hand. Once per turn: You can activate 1 of the following effects: ● Move 1 "Protean" monster you control to another of your Main Monster Zones. ● Switch the locations of 2 "Protean" monsters in your Main Monster Zones. You can only activate 1 "Protean Arcane Torrent" per turn. Riverbed of the Proteans Field Spell When this card is activated: you can add 1 "Protean" card from your Deck or GY to your hand. You can only use this effect of "Riverbed of the Proteans" once per turn. Psychic Ritual Monsters you control gain 500 ATK and DEF, and cannot be targeted or destroyed by your opponent's card effects. Protean Metamorphosis Ritual Spell This card can be used to Ritual Summon any "Protean" Ritual monster from your hand or GY. You must also Tribute monsters from your hand and/or field whose total Levels equal or exceed the Level of the Ritual monster you Ritual Summon. If this card is in your GY: you can Tribute 1 "Protean" monster you control; add this card to your hand. Protean Emergency Morph Continuous Trap When your opponent declares an attack, or when your opponent targets a monster(s) with a card effect: you can reveal 1 Ritual monster in your hand; Tribute from your hand and/or field monsters whose total Levels equal or exceed the revealed monster's, then Special Summon the revealed monster (This Special Summon is always treated as a Ritual Summon). Once per turn, you can banish this card from your GY; "Protean" monsters you control cannot be destroyed by battle this turn. You can only use each effect of "Protean Emergency Morph" once per turn. Extra Deck Monsters Rainbow Protean WATER - Rating 2 - Psychic/Link/Effect - 1300/2 Link Markers: South, Southeast 2 "Protean" monsters If this card is Link Summoned: you can add 1 "Protean" Ritual Monster from your Deck to your hand, then immediately after this effect resolves, you can Ritual Summon it to a Zone this card points to, by Tributing monsters from your hand and/or field whose total Levels equal or exceed the Level of the Ritual Monster. Ritual Monsters this card points to gain 500 ATK and DEF. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Whew! That was a lot.. Please feel free to critique these and give inputs on what needs nerfed, what needs boosted, etc. But as of the current moment, I feel pretty good about the way this turned out!~ P.S. I dont have a clue how to utilize spoilers in this format, so sorry for the wall of text..
  14. Quick question: If u send a card to your opponent's GY, and then banish it, which banished pile does it go to? Mine or the opponent's?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Thar


      Considering it had to specify whose graveyard it's going to but not whose banish pile, then I assume since it was your card that it would go to yours by default.

    3. Zaziuma


      You can't have your cards in your opponent's GY, any time they would be sent there, they go back to your own GY instead, so simply, banishing a card your opponent owns would put it in their banished pile.

    4. Summer Darj

      Summer Darj

      Yes, it would go to your banished area, since you own the card. For it to be treated as an opponent's banished card it would require it to be part of the banishing effect to override the mechanic. And even then, a funny thing is that there is no official distinction for the player's respective "areas" or "piles", so you can't just write "If this card is banished, it is sent to the opponent's banished pile/area/whatever instead". It would require a different approach, something on the lines of "this card is banished, it is treated as in the opponent's possession".

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