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Movies on the Brain


Movies on the Brain last won the day on September 2 2023

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About Movies on the Brain

  • User Group: Members

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  • Post Count: 373

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  • Joined: 02/12/2019

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  1. Beyoncé needs to do more psychological thriller movies, she was great in Obsessed! This is coming from someone who doesn't like her music and doesn't care for most of her acting

  2. Crystal in Scooby Doo and the Alien Invaders, Mrs. Wakeman in My Life as a Teenage Robot and Coco in Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends are all voiced by the same person, Candi Milo... she also voiced Mom in Cow and Chicken.

  3. Now I don't speak or read Korean, so I had to look this up. But I do like the look of this poster, the art style is really nice and is pleasing to the eyes. 8.5/10, I almost want to give it a nine but something is preventing me from doing so, not sure what though.
  4. I had to do a little research on this movie cause I'd never heard of it, but from the poster alone I get vibes of like Snow White but a musical version, which isn't a bad thing. The poster I give an 8/10 but I definitely will keep this on my radar to check out, seems interesting after reading a little bit about it
  5. I figured this could be a fun thread. Leave a poster of a movie, and I'll rate it out of 10 and give my thoughts on it. One poster per person at a time until I rate it. If for some reason I skip yours, post it again. One more thing, it doesn't even have to be the main poster, but it does have to be an official one. It can even be a teaser poster if you really like the teaser poster for a movie.
  6. If I wanted to rate movie posters, similar to how Cow and Radio rates songs, would it go under miscellaneous? 

    1. LordCowCow


      Probably? I suppose could do a thread about movie posters themselves elsewhere but if its that same style then Misc

  7. It's always wild when you realize some of your favorite villain characters are voiced by the same actor, case in point Nebbercracker in Monster House and Randall Boggs in Monsters Inc... both voiced by Steve Buscemi 

  8. I'm shocked Super 17 didn't make the base roster for Sparking Zero, but I do believe he'll be DLC

    1. LordCowCow


      the idea of dlc for a game with a starting roster of like 1000 characters is funny

  9. I posted my review of Never Back Down about 13 hours ago, and in that time it's become my 2nd highest viewed video, with 176 views.. wild!

  10. I saw Twisters again, this time in D-Box and man that was a wild ride!

  11. After going from 4 subscribers to 309 just since Monday, and my video that went up Monday getting the same amount of views coincidentally... it seems things have quieted down on that front... going to start recording a lot over this week, pretty amped for it, even if my voice is shot by the time I finish 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Supreme Slayer

      Supreme Slayer

      Yeah, that is the way you have to go into it, because even if you do make amazing videos, you would be relying on luck to get noticed anyway. I don't care that most of my videos don't get too many views. If I get 100, then I feel blessed. The only real reasons I care about the numbers is because 1. It means people are actively enjoying it, meaning I am spreading happiness or inspiration. 2. It means that the extra time I spent to do things only for the benefit of viewers wasn't for nothing, because it actually got to reach more than a handful of people.

    3. LordCowCow


      300+ is pretty dang good nice

    4. Movies on the Brain

      Movies on the Brain

      Yeah, seeing it jump from single digits to triple digits was pretty motivating... because I'll be honest, the quality of the videos is poor, but that was because I had a poor mic along with various other things... I have a new mic plus a green screen and I rearranged part of the script for my videos because I think it'll flow better 

  12. YouTube is so strange... my last 2 videos have had 89 views and 7 views, the video that just went up Monday... 230 views... plus I've gained 60 subscribers just since Monday, and it's not even a recent movie that I did a review on, it was 2014's I, Frankenstein 

    1. Supreme Slayer

      Supreme Slayer

      You can never predict what YouTube will send out to people or what people might find interesting to watch. Most of my videos get 150 views at most, but my recent ones got 2k and 18k, and I also got over 60 subs since the latter video. It seems like Japanese people started watching it, because I have a majority of Japanese comments too. Maybe Japanese people are just more likely to subscribe to people.

  13. You changed your name.

    1. LordCowCow


      Zama they literally have a status about that right below this why did you feel the need to make this a whole separate status?

    2. Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      Opps sorry I was feeling pretty tried and made a new status by mistake sorry about that.

  14. There we go, finally remembered to change my username and all that on here, just search my username here and you'll find my YouTube channel. The videos up right now and the ones I currently have scheduled between now and September 23rd, they're admittedly kinda rough but I'm gonna record more next week and hopefully those turn out better 

    1. LordCowCow


      I'm used to thinking of you as "Chaynce" in my head this is gonna be weird

    2. Movies on the Brain

      Movies on the Brain

      Yeah, I honestly should've changed it long ago, back when I first decided on a channel name. It's gonna be a change for me too 

  15. This collab wasn't on my bingo card for 2024, love that countrycore is a thing though
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