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Movies on the Brain


Movies on the Brain last won the day on September 2 2023

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About Movies on the Brain

  • User Group: Members

  • Member ID: 186

  • Rank: Senior Member

  • Post Count: 373

  • Post Ratio: 0.17

  • Total Rep: 109

  • Member Of The Days Won: 18

  • Joined: 02/12/2019

  • Been With Us For: 2198 Days

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  1. After going from 4 subscribers to 309 just since Monday, and my video that went up Monday getting the same amount of views coincidentally... it seems things have quieted down on that front... going to start recording a lot over this week, pretty amped for it, even if my voice is shot by the time I finish 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Supreme Slayer

      Supreme Slayer

      Yeah, that is the way you have to go into it, because even if you do make amazing videos, you would be relying on luck to get noticed anyway. I don't care that most of my videos don't get too many views. If I get 100, then I feel blessed. The only real reasons I care about the numbers is because 1. It means people are actively enjoying it, meaning I am spreading happiness or inspiration. 2. It means that the extra time I spent to do things only for the benefit of viewers wasn't for nothing, because it actually got to reach more than a handful of people.

    3. LordCowCow


      300+ is pretty dang good nice

    4. Movies on the Brain

      Movies on the Brain

      Yeah, seeing it jump from single digits to triple digits was pretty motivating... because I'll be honest, the quality of the videos is poor, but that was because I had a poor mic along with various other things... I have a new mic plus a green screen and I rearranged part of the script for my videos because I think it'll flow better 

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