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Movies on the Brain


Status Replies posted by Movies on the Brain

  1. After going from 4 subscribers to 309 just since Monday, and my video that went up Monday getting the same amount of views coincidentally... it seems things have quieted down on that front... going to start recording a lot over this week, pretty amped for it, even if my voice is shot by the time I finish 

    1. Movies on the Brain

      Movies on the Brain

      Yeah, seeing it jump from single digits to triple digits was pretty motivating... because I'll be honest, the quality of the videos is poor, but that was because I had a poor mic along with various other things... I have a new mic plus a green screen and I rearranged part of the script for my videos because I think it'll flow better 

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  2. After going from 4 subscribers to 309 just since Monday, and my video that went up Monday getting the same amount of views coincidentally... it seems things have quieted down on that front... going to start recording a lot over this week, pretty amped for it, even if my voice is shot by the time I finish 

    1. Movies on the Brain

      Movies on the Brain

      Even if I don't get a lot of views, I'm ok with that because it's really just a hobby for me.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  3. There we go, finally remembered to change my username and all that on here, just search my username here and you'll find my YouTube channel. The videos up right now and the ones I currently have scheduled between now and September 23rd, they're admittedly kinda rough but I'm gonna record more next week and hopefully those turn out better 

    1. Movies on the Brain

      Movies on the Brain

      Yeah, I honestly should've changed it long ago, back when I first decided on a channel name. It's gonna be a change for me too 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. Steve McQueen just oozes cool in Bullitt, finally watched it for the first time ever and LOVED it!

    1. Movies on the Brain

      Movies on the Brain

      Different Steve McQueen, but that's wild that there's a director by the same name as the actor

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  5. This past weekend, I finally started recording videos for my YouTube channel. Gonna get a few more videos recorded when I go on vacation in a couple of weeks... then the fun begins! Movies on the Brain will be live within 3-4 weeks, if everything goes smoothly!

    1. Movies on the Brain

      Movies on the Brain

      It's Movies on the Brain, I have no videos posted yet but the channel itself is live.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  6. This past weekend, I finally started recording videos for my YouTube channel. Gonna get a few more videos recorded when I go on vacation in a couple of weeks... then the fun begins! Movies on the Brain will be live within 3-4 weeks, if everything goes smoothly!

  7. Just rewatched Transformers Rise of the Beasts... and I still think they should've switched the very last scene and the mid credit scene. If you've seen it, do you agree or disagree?

    1. Movies on the Brain

      Movies on the Brain

      Minimal spoilers will work, cause it's been out for almost a year. Don't get me wrong, it was cool to see that last scene unfold, but I'd much rather have seen an extended scene of the mid credit scene.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  8. Tekken 8 is FANTASTIC! Gotta decide on a main, since my current main won't be in the game until like April/May... thinking Zafina. She's so much fun, and so unique.

    1. Movies on the Brain

      Movies on the Brain

      We got Lee looking like Metal Gear Raiden, and Eddy looking like Killmonger. Once I get enough money, I'm definitely buying his Tekken 7 outfit, probably the Violet variation of it 

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  9. Tekken 8 is FANTASTIC! Gotta decide on a main, since my current main won't be in the game until like April/May... thinking Zafina. She's so much fun, and so unique.

  10. Tekken 8 is FANTASTIC! Gotta decide on a main, since my current main won't be in the game until like April/May... thinking Zafina. She's so much fun, and so unique.

    1. Movies on the Brain

      Movies on the Brain

      I like everyone you mentioned's design... except Lee, his redesign in 8 is horrible 

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  11. My boy is the first DLC for Tekken 8! Yes!!!

    1. Movies on the Brain

      Movies on the Brain

      After playing the demo, I think the PS4 would struggle hard with Tekken 8. Especially with it running on Unreal Engine 5

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  12. Z2nHqK8.jpg

    First shiny of The Indigo Disk. Well, technically its the second, but the first was also a Vibrava that I accidently KOed.

    1. Movies on the Brain

      Movies on the Brain

      My first shiny in the DLC was Minun, less than 2 hours into it 

  13. About 4 hours into Midnight Suns and I'm honestly enjoying the hell out of it so far! Creative story, fun gameplay, plus Yuri Lowenthal is voicing Spider-Man in this too?! Yes!

    1. Movies on the Brain

      Movies on the Brain

      My only complaint is the whole thing between Captain Marvel & Blade... very one sided and just a strange thing I think. I just finished the mission where you face Venom for the second time

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  14. 36 is way too young... RIP Windham Rotunda (aka Bray Wyatt)

    1. Movies on the Brain

      Movies on the Brain

      I only know of Bray because he was a wrestler in WWE, just like his dad, grandfather and brother... one of the most brilliant minds in wrestling from what his colleagues have said 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  15. I just got a full odds shiny Psyduck in Pokémon Scarlet!! Only my 3rd shiny in the game too

    1. Movies on the Brain

      Movies on the Brain

      For sure, I just wish Golduck's shiny was better... part of the reason why I'm not evolving Psyduck

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  16. browsing YT and first thing i see, im like bro they're really gonna make a third wonka movie...?

    1. Movies on the Brain

      Movies on the Brain

      It looks like it's a prequel of sorts to the original movie with Gene Wilder, with it being a musical and all

  17. Wow, wild Sandygast used Curse... and didn't kill itself

    Terastallization in the wild has sure proven to be useful mechanically... can also hit it with Quick Attack.

    1. Movies on the Brain

      Movies on the Brain

      Terastalization has to be one of my favorite mechanics in Pokémon 

  18. Anyone remember the first voice actor/actress that you discovered was the voice of one of your childhood cartoon characters?

    1. Movies on the Brain

      Movies on the Brain

      EG Daily voicing Tommy Pickles is the first one that comes to mind, mainly because I was mind blown that a woman voiced a boy (this was before I realized how many male characters Tara Strong has voiced)

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  19. I have an idea for a pretty fun tournament that's liable to have some fun discussions... a tournament deciding Robin Williams best movie, I'd even include movies where he wasn't the lead (which there's a handful of those)

    1. Movies on the Brain

      Movies on the Brain

      Bicentennial Man is one of Robin Williams' most underrated movies ever. It's a shame it doesn't get the love it should

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  20. I have an idea for a pretty fun tournament that's liable to have some fun discussions... a tournament deciding Robin Williams best movie, I'd even include movies where he wasn't the lead (which there's a handful of those)

  21. The person that designed the Pokémon Mimikyu (Megumi Mizutani) also designed the Tinkaton and Maushold lines... boy I wish Maushold's shiny looked better!

    1. Movies on the Brain

      Movies on the Brain

      And Maushold is immune to the ghost moves from Mimikyu and Mimikyu is immune to Maushold's best move, Population Bomb

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  22. Every week in March has a movie coming that is gonna do really well in the box office... except one, and that's simply because of the movies coming out around it...

    Creed 3 (3/3)

    Scream 6 (3/10)

    Shazam 2 (3/17)

    65 (3/17)

    John Wick 4 (3/24)

    Dungeons & Dragons (3/31)

    march is a stacked month for movies just based on these 6, not including the other smaller movies coming out.

    1. Movies on the Brain

      Movies on the Brain

      I'm only gonna see 65, Shazam and Dungeons & Dragons... unless by the time Creed 3 comes out I have seen the other 2

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  23. Are crit captures more common now?

    1. Movies on the Brain

      Movies on the Brain

      I noticed that on my first playthrough of Scarlet, I think they worked it to where if your Pokémon are higher level than the wild Pokémon you're trying to catch, the critical capture chance is higher.

  24. I'm gonna do a custom NCM Hunger Games, creating prompts that fit YuGiOh... featuring members of this forum, 48 of us, similar to what Patterz has done for Poketubers for the last few years, the most recent one going up today. Who would like to be included in it and what are some prompts you'd like in it? Like, "so and so falls into a Bottomless Trap Hole", and stuff like that, anime stuff can be included as well!

    1. Movies on the Brain

      Movies on the Brain

      Not that are active anyway, I'm sure there's lots of inactive users. You think there's 24?

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  25. Needing Misdreavus, Mismagius, Miraidon, Iron Valiant, Iron Moth, Iron Present, Iron Tread, Eiscue, Passimian, and Palafin to finish my Pokédex for Pokémon Scarlet... anyone willing to help me out??

    1. Movies on the Brain

      Movies on the Brain

      It's very odd... and it's level 38 that you can evolve it. I get wanting to use a new feature to evolve a Pokémon, but the fact that trade evolutions aren't enough really seems like an odd choice 

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

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