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Movies on the Brain


Status Updates posted by Movies on the Brain

  1. New Mortal Kombat trailer just showed a SLEW of playable characters that were previously rumored; Kotal Kahn, Jacqui, Cassie, Erron Black... AND Shao Kahn will play an integral part of the story

    1. Nathanael D. Striker

      Nathanael D. Striker

      Seems that Shao Khan isn't just a bonus after all.

    2. Movies on the Brain

      Movies on the Brain

      And I’m ok with that, gives me more reason to preorder tbh

    3. MetalSonic


      And still no Shaggy? This game sucks.

  2. Kano is rumored to be the reveal for tomorrow’s MK11 Kombat Kast... I’m slightly curious how he’ll play, not really one of my favorites to play as but I love his backstory and designs

    1. Shradow


      Oh had we not gotten any gameplay from him since his earlier reveal? Huh.

    2. Movies on the Brain

      Movies on the Brain

      He was only featured in the background of a stage, same with Johnny Cage until last week 

  3. October of ‘94 had one amazing lineup of movies in theaters... Pulp Fiction, Shawshank Redemption, Forrest Gump, The Lion King and Jurassic Park

  4. It seems Pokémon fans are speculating there will be a Dragon type Eeveelution in Gen 8... makes sense I think

    1. LordCowCow


      tbh fans have speculated there would be a dragon type eeveelution since gen 5

    2. yui


      my gut tells me we could get a new type this gen, and if so we'd get an eeveelution for that

  5. Both Julia and Negan are so nice to play as... even though as Negan I lost 1 round against Lucky Chloe due to a well timed Rage Art attack...

  6. Just realized  Negan and Julia DLC went live on Tekken 7... time to try them both out!

  7. I’m very torn if the MK11 leaked roster turns out to be true... it doesn’t look bad but it could be SO much better 

    1. mido9


      When did YOU realize that the only reason rosters in fighting games are ever incomplete or missing characters is so they can sell them as DLC?

    2. Nathanael D. Striker

      Nathanael D. Striker

      Shao Khan hasn't been brought back story-wise yet, so he is still dead and hence a bonus.

    3. Movies on the Brain

      Movies on the Brain

      I don’t think he will be brought back story wise, according to the leak there’s 3 new playable characters and I’m assuming they are all aligned with Kronika, who isn’t playable unfortunately 

    4. Show next comments  75 more
  8. I guessed 2 of the 3 finalists on The Masked Singer... and I hadn’t really watched the show at all

    1. LordCowCow


      Haven't watched the episode but I really wish Rabbit was in the finals he was fun to watch. Peacock is my favorite atm. Kinda sure who he is but it also feels too obvious.

    2. Movies on the Brain

      Movies on the Brain

      The peacock is the only one I got wrong... even though it was painfully obvious who it was

  9. Fire/Steel, Water/Ghost and Grass/Ground or Grass/Rock are the rumored type combinations for the final stages of the Gen 8 starters

    1. Flame Dragon

      Flame Dragon

      I've been seeing a lot of Fire/Electric and based on the Japanese name it would make sense. 

    2. jabber2033


      As long as it ain't Fire/Fighting, I'm good with it.

  10. I’m not as big a Pokémon fan as I used to be, but Gen 8 looks good for those big fans of it. I’m curious what the starters evolutions look like, especially that water starter

  11. Johnny Cage reveal trailer BEFORE the KombatKast? Ok... I LOVE his redesign, he doesn’t look old as dirt, his fatality is hilariously amazing!

    1. Shradow


      Yeah, he looks great. The stunt double move is pretty fun and I love his fatality.

  12. New Mortal Kombat 11 KombatKast coming up... rumor is they’ll reveal Johnny Cage officially... I guess I’ll be ok with that 

  13. That Aipom in the new Detective Pikachu trailer is more terrifying than Lickitung...

  14. Microsoft had planned to let Gearbox Studios, famous for Borderlands, take the reins for Halo 4 until 343 was created... hmm interesting 

  15. It seems Starrcast has put a trademark on Dead Man Talking... which fans are thinking it’s going to be a podcast with The Undertaker as the host... I’d listen to it

  16. Arn Anderson, Hideo Itami, Tye Dillinger and TJP all have been released from WWE within the last few hours

  17. Hideki Kamiya wants Bayonetta in MK11? Hmm... idk how to feel about that

    1. Shradow


      He's also, like, the biggest troll ever. His twitter probably means less than leaks and rumors.

  18. Well I guess I know where our “friendship” stands since she didn’t even let me know what had happened today... oh well, better off without her

  19. Anyone see the new Detective Pikachu clip? Is it me, or when they showed the Bulbasaur migrating there were Morelull too... so it’s not just a Gen 1 movie?

  20. Well crap... This isn’t good... what is with me and falling for women in relationships?

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