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About Spinny

  • User Group: Members

  • Member ID: 23

  • Title: c:

  • Post Count: 12

  • Post Ratio: 0.01

  • Total Rep: 9

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  • Joined: 01/07/2019

  • Been With Us For: 2210 Days

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  • Age: 22


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  1. Happy birthday, and now that I said this, you have to come back!

  2. Got two DB custom decks that are fairly... interesting and i've had set up for a while. Wanted to dump them here so other people potentially see and can have fun using them if they want. 

    1. Blake


      oh my God you exist

    2. DragonSage


      The lost son retu*shot*

    3. Spinny
  3. Hey I am putting a new custom card archetype onto DB, "Silver Thorn:". if someone could help me by reading them and pointing out how absolutely obscene my PSCT has become after binge watching Yugioh GX that would be great!

    1. Spinny


      "If a "Silver Thorn" monster you control battles an opponent's monster whilst this card is banished: You can Special Summon this card and have it battle the opponent's monster instead." this is one im struggling with in particular because there's not a lot of reference points to draw from, if anyone could help me word this it'd be fantastic!

  4. Welcome to the Forum, your service is greatly appreciated ?
  5. This is all done now and the cards are public, i wont update the main thread but the cards do have correct PSCT according to the changes asked and are available for you to use, i did also change the deck slightly but im sure you'll be wanting to make your own. I've sent a friend request to you on DuelingBook too, if you ever want to test the deck against another one of my customs you are more than welcome, however i am a bit out of the yugioh loop as i havent paid an awful lot of attention to it recently. Your suggestions are greatly welcomed though, thank you a tonne for putting a lot of effort into feedback for this i appreciate it greatly!
  6. Let's not move *too* fast here
  7. alright nyx, new forum new you, show us what ya got
  8. Don't take it personal kid, there were just too many cooks in this goddamn kitchen.

  10. Im baack, Im here on NCM for good (Thanks Tormey<3) Bye YCM it's been fun and hello to the userbase i know and like ?
  11. Sorry about  my down syndrome, was in the asylum and didn't have access to internet for about 2 years. The food was gross - too many cooks in the kitchen. 

    1. Thar


      Sorry Spinny, didn't mean to ofpinny

    2. Rodrigo
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