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Everything posted by Blake

  1. Blake


    Welcome home, baby bird.
  2. Hrm... not sure, but you’re welcome in new home all the same!
  3. Blake

    Hi there

    Welcome home, my man!
  4. Blake


    Welcome home!
  5. Welcome... home? wait no you broke in before it was time I am calling the cops
  6. Welcome home! And thanks to @A Background Character, I hope you and him both continue to lead people home.
  7. Welcome home! Wipe your feet at the door, wash your hands, and start anew!
  8. Blake


    Oh, a new member? Well then, welcome to your new home!
  9. Yes. Welcome home. ^^
  10. I missed this yesterday, but please post things like this in the appropriate thread. That is the DANE thread, for this post. Ill merge it in.
  11. Fan art of Deltarune.
  12. I fell into despair for about 3 minutes, then laughed and enjoyed how fitting it was.
  13. It's too passive. The float is fine, but you have to make a link 4 and then pop it for value, which is eh? Last effect is just okay. Doesn't do anything unless your opp plays into it.
  14. 4? I miss the physical stuff, but that's about it.
  15. why is your ama racist? how does it feel not being first?
  16. there once was a bird it sat in a backpack the end At first I was like "well, guess that chapter of my life might be over"... but then the team decided to do this, and it's been fun. I was biting my tongue for days wanting to say something about it, and I feel good about this new endeavor.
  17. I CAN DO ANYTHING that is my explanation
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