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Everything posted by Sleepy

  1. I think "Dragonmaid Tea Time" doesn't sound too bad so you could just name the card that and clean up that effect box a bit. The second bullet effect should be "in response" instead of "that response". Other than that I think grammar is flawless. Card is super good. Remember that even the GY effect has quick effect timing so it will never really be hard to perform the effect as a bonus while reserving the choosing to the other 2 bullets. Either to protect your extending combo or to outright function as an E-Teleport are both insane effects. My guess is that you try o ideally play with what you have and once you've advanced a bit you fire this off as a cherry on top of your combo, instead of searching right away and being more unprotected against hand traps or other disruption. Solid card all around.
  2. I'll start with the writing details. I forget if the forum has a white background normal mode, but I'd be using that mode where the background is black, and lemme tell you the letters of the effects under the cards are almost invisible here xD I did not know/remember you could write black on black lol. Dimensional Magician Girl DARK Level 7 [Spellcaster/Fusion/Effect] 2500/2200 "Dark Magician Girl" + 1 DARK or Spellcaster monster Must first be Fusion Summoned. Spellcaster monsters you control are unaffected by your opponent's Spell effects. Once per turn: You can target 1 card your opponent controls; destroy it, and if you do, Special Summon 1 Spellcaster monster from your hand or GY. If this card is sent from the field to the GY: You can Special Summon 1 "Dark Magician Girl" from your Deck or GY. ^Mainly all the "one > 1", some capitalized/uncapitalized stuff (properly for Yugioh texts you don't capitalize after semi colons unless the word inherently is, but always do after colons), and the last effect was given a colon-format because otherwise it'd be a continuous effect for no real reason. No changes made or suggested to the actual card though. Seems solid, Dark Magician Girl might not be very good by herself but is still super easy to move around so giving her extra toys like this is fun. Another "Magician Girl" for the deck to get more Kiwi boost. Another Super Poly play against DARK decks, Does work with Fusion Subs which is neat, and can float but wouldn't be the first time a floater is used without the card it floats into (Neos Krugler into Neos Wiseman or Quasar into Shooting Star). If anything it gives an extra "WOAHHH" when somebody does bring the float out xD
  3. As the title suggests xD Tbh had never heard of this brand before the request.
  4. Testing copy/paste from computer~ Oh it auto-uploads. This is neat, I feel like I've been doing extra steps for a while lol xD
  5. Wait so.... We are able to copy an image in our computer gallery, paste it on the forums, no Imgur or other hosts needed, and it works universally now?! 👀
  6. Sleepy


    Dorothy from the game "Wizard of Oz: Beyond the Yellow Brick Road". A good ol' request I did this week~
  7. Haven't posted in a while so here's some random assortment of drawings from the last few years with varying degrees of completion, all belonging to a project of mine I've had for a while.
  8. Since the song did not continue down in the statuses, gonna post the video outright xP


  9. That is strange. I guess I can only post a link to other sites where I've uploaded the image and hope those other sites are visible to you. https://cara.app/post/46d0f948-5cbc-41a6-a197-37525a04d23a
  10. TBH Marshmallon is one of my favorite arts you got me there. I first got it in a JP PP6 pack and made me wonder what the card even was for it to be so oddly shaped and be a holo xD Lemme defend my art skill with a Dark Magician Girl drawing I made some years ago. Not quite on pair with the official art but it's overdue for an update soon-ish xD
  11. Nope. Those are hand drawings with regular pen and markers xD I just scan them into the computer and use them as any other image.
  12. Ah I see what you mean, normally Counter Traps must counter something, and I'm using it only because of the spell speed that comes with it so it comes short in the flavor department there. I'll take note of this. Can't promise I can think of something but this is a good point. Yes I drew the images xD
  13. Witchy Sheep DARK Level 1 [Beast/Normal] 300/100 Often underestimated, this happy go lucky sheep hops across the land in search of self growth. Her magical potential is nearly boundless. Sheep Storm Spell! [Counter Trap] Can be activated the turn it is set. If your opponent controls 2 or more monsters than you do: Special Summon 1 "Witchy Sheep" from your hand, and if you do, banish all cards your opponent controls face-down. If the total cards in your opponent's hand and field are 6+ more than yours, "Witchy Sheep" can instead be Special Summoned from your hand, field, GY, or banishment. ------ NOTES: This is meant to be a sort of board breaker. -As a Counter Trap, most of the current meta (if not all) can't really respond to it. It being a non-monster also helps against a decent amount of negates. -It is reliant on having a vanilla in hand which is not great, but much like Nibiru, there is a threshold that enables it easier which currently opponents will almost always meet but that can be played around a bit (well, if you use -1 effects of your own accord, you can still make that live even if the opponent were to respect the board wipe. Any thoughts/suggestions/opinions welcome~
  14. This isn't a very new thing or a frequent thing. In fact I don't think I've seen a documented case of it happening out of China so far from my digging around (not that I've looked too hard either though). Also we tend to use pressure in other everyday items as it is, but still..... This is a new fear unlocked xD I personally think I'll avoid stuff with this mechanism altogether just for peace of mind, but that's just me. What are people's thoughts on this?
  15. Yui: Zama please can you learn to use punctuation? Zama: I guess you do have a point. LOL sorry for the spam and necrobump I'll see myself out. Just needed to point this. ---- I agree with what Yui said. Too many sites do the scrape, including Google itself. It is a problem but it's too widespread and people can't exactly live without using the internet to some capacity. These days even your phone's functions are part of it, and no OS or obscure program would help against it. When media switches, the new media tends to also do the same practices after it reaches a certain level of growth anyways. It is a bit out of our hands and IDK what people could do about it.
  16. Pumpkin Pie. When November comes around I make them from the "cut down that pumpkin" step. One of my favorite things to do all year.
  17. That is fair, I can (and usually do) always adjust my criteria of a card's power/efficiency to something being competitively good nowadays, casually good/fun, or good if it existed in X past format that is still popular (Goat, Edison, etc). So power/efficiency is.... it's not unimportant but I'd rather find and read something interesting in flavor/theme here. There are extreme cases when somebody at YCM would post a 100% "kid thinks it's cool" kind of card like a 4 Tribute monster with 3400 ATK whose effect is something lame like "gains 250 DEF if it destroys a monster by battle" or "gains 600 LP" that are totally not worth the effort or they ARE but their effect is so weak that it can be ignored or deleted and it'd even make the card better xD But those are the extreme cases, your stuff even if you don't play/don't know the card pool/say you have never been good/etc. I find it is on the fun and competent side. Had this card been printed back in 2007 I would have tried making a deck with 3 copies of it along with 3 copies of "Sinister Seeds" and some effects that give me some LP back to help against the constant damage, just because 6 copies of "I make 2+ tokens that can be Tributed for big chungus" effects would be enough things to make a deck around. It would probably not be good at all but it'd be fun haha (actually I kinda did make a deck like that with those and a card called "Regenerating Rose". I won a game against a HERO deck at the Swap Meet and caught the attention of another player that proceeded to stomp me with Lightsworns out of curiosity).
  18. 1 Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner monsters Each time your opponent activates a monster's Quick Effect, a Trap Card/Effect or a Quick-play Spell Card/Effect: Inflict 600 damage to your opponent. You can only use each of the following effects of "Paradox Gouging Fire" once per turn. If this card is Synchro Summoned, you can activate this effect: For the rest of the turn, your opponent cannot activate monster effects, except on the field. If this card battles an opponent's monster: You can change that monster to face-down Defense Position, and if you do, this card gains ATK or DEF equal to that monster's ATK. Hmmmmm TBH I like it. It has the annoying Red-Eyes Xyz burn effect but only for quick effects, which should be fine. The effect that turns off hand traps is a little potentially worrying though. It is fine if you give it to a deck that really needs to go the turn without getting ruined by Nibiru and stuff, but I think the decks that can drop you the most hand traps (AKA the decks that can afford to stash their decks with more of them) tend to be the decks that are already topping their formats. And it being Level 12 means there's some resource allocations to go towards it that might mean the decks that are already more balanced would simply go into this and not have much else they can do. The idea is good, and to be fair I'm not certain that this would be an issue, just thinking it MIGHT be at some point xD The stuff goes right up my alley as somebody that played a Rekindling deck back in the Synchro era.
  19. Reminds me of a GX era card (2007-ish) named "Sinister Seeds". Though the condition to activation is a bit different come think of it. I think even back then, you could get away with it being a x500 damage deal instead of x1000. Part of me wants to suggest "make the Tokens 0/0 Aqua Level 10 and make it so you can Summon as many as possible when any damage is taken regardless of whose turn it is. That way you can transform them into Egyptian God Slimes when your turn comes around" but like.... there's barely a cap in how much you can get away with nowadays, I'd rather keep only the first 2 lines and think this card was meant for like Edison-like power levels and I have more fun thinking of that xD
  20. Thought of Desires but it being at 2 made me think it is a bit unreliable. Same for something like Gold Sarc + Necroface (although Necroface can also use Allure and really anything else). Did not think of Snow, but I think it is because of the current banned status. I think the pot that excavates cards is ok but as a +0 that either barely allows the Summon requirement or leaves it at 1800 ATK at most, it wasn't something I've been too sold on. I just remembered Gizmekk though, that ought to help a lot, but this is now on the realm of a deck focused around it. - - - - Hmm I was thinking on more specific suggestions.... I'm aware the card has immunity built in (and re-reading my previous post I don't think I kept that in mind after the half point of what I wrote there), so it won't be getting Veilered'd or anything any time soon. I think it could do without the 1 discard part of the Summon. I think the part of returning all your banished cards when you have 5+ is good enough of its own. The ATK goes up small enough to be beatable even with the immunity so scratching that discard wouldn't be a risky thing. I also would suggest that the cards it discards for cost to activate the effect instead were "discard and banish, face-down". That way each of your "discards" would fuel +300 ATK, and make it so that if it gets taken down you already have some of the cost ready for another copy. I'm thinking of that excavating Pot card and then using this card's eff to "discard" 2 and hit 1 in opponent's GY and 1 in opponent's field. You then would be left with a 2400 ATK unaffected monster. 2700 with the End Phase Exodia piece banished. It sounds good enough to make a deck around The last effect being re-read almost gave me a heart attack as I was finishing the previous suggestions, and thankfully it says "by this card's effect". So that plus the clause you having to slow Tribute it instead of it just flowating into a +5.... that is great, I can confidently say this last part of the card wouldn't break a version if your card with my suggestions xD - - - - Oh, that last effect was worrysome until I read "banished by this card's effect". I think I have another suggestion. Instead of "5 cards banished face-down via this card", have it be something like 3 (or 4 depending on testing) banished Exodia pieces regardless of how they were banished or if they are up or down. I'm thinking Exodia is a pretty big part of the flavor so you hitting any limbs with Desires means your effect can never really retrieve them, and you only end up having to reshuffle all banished cards and start rolling the strategy all over again hoping to not hit limbs.... that sounds a bit too fragile. Aaaaaaand the reason I suggest an amount less than 5 is because my suggestion would go the other way around and encourage a turbo "banish everything then tribute this and win" button.... and that'd be the opposite of an improvement xD Just an extra suggestion, to see if you find it interesting.
  21. Thread is almost 1 year old but I think the game has been somewhat kind to this monster. The Reptilianne Tuners created in the last few years IRL make it fairly easy to make (because sure as heck the Venom monsters aren't known for their Tuners coming from the GX era xD ). Still, something like this could use a power boost. I recommend some things but since it'd be lenghty to bullet point each, I'll just write down everything in a single effect, and you'll see whatever you might like to take or leave from there: When this card is Synchro Summoned: Take 1 "Venom Swamp" from your Deck or GY, and place it on either player's Field Zone. Once per turn: You can place 1 Venom Counter on each face-up non-Reptile monster on the field. Monsters with Venom Counters cannot target cards with their effects. ^This would be in my opinion a lot more fun. Faster Counter production, you can have 2 swamps on the field with this and an extra search for what is the key card. A whooping -1000 per counter and 3 counters per turn so even a blue-eyes could die in a turn best case scenario. Of course, Venom Swamp is an End Phase effect, which is slow enough to not be banworthy even though it sounds inssuferable to go against (not like Reptiliannes wouldn't already 0 out monsters quick anyways).
  22. Umm it isn't too bad but it sounds like a casual fun card. It is a nomi where I would thank the recycling of banished cards, but requiring at least 5 means you basically need Necroface or Pot of Desires to have gone through to reliable Summon this card in a serious environment, and Necroface is a bit more reliable for the refreshing banished bit. It gains some ATK but in that sense it is no Gren Maju, not that Gren Maju is all that amazing either, and granted that I get your card does slightly lesser versions of the effects because it is doing various of them in one single card, but I think this is a case in which it is more favorable to run the single-niche more specialized cards for each respective use. The huge "up to 4" discard cost is risky but I'll give it that it can minimize at 1 discard and banish 1 from field only, or 1 from GY only, and that's pretty good value on its own. Not gonna complain about the super risky "discard 4" scenario that's just an extra option. The Forbidden One support eff should probably go "End Phase" from anybody instead of just your End Phase. It is kind of slow as it is. The last effect could afford to say "up to 5" for flexibility. 5 turns is a lot, let along 5 of YOUR turns for the full package. Nowadays searching Exodia is not really game breaking. We got Sangan and Witch at 3 (even if they have a hard OPT errata) on top of "Fusion Deployment" that can Summon them from Deck (or Tour Guide in Sangan's case). There's also the "Obliterate!!!" trap and "Legendary Exodia Incarnate" to further support that win con. I think those are either slightly faster or slightly more flexible if we go the Exodia goal. All in all, it does a lot of things but in a scattered and kinda diluted way. It's not a terrible thing to go for, but for my taste I'd rather it focused on 1 or 2 effects and did those niches well instead of having like 5 or 6 effects.
  23. It's been a while since this section was used I see xP I've been doing a custom TCG project on the side of other things I've worked on over the past year or so. From there, I got the idea of working in a sort of "how to play" booklet but with the deck's characters doing a sort of wall break explanation to the reader. Ideally there'd be at least 4-ish more pages like this. It looks.... VERY hand made. But still wanted to share it.
  24. I didn't see a ton of anime, and this one is most likely not "best of the year" but I guess everybody knows of Mob Psycho 200, Bocchi the Rock, or Spy x Family by now sooo here's another thing: IDK how new it really is but I found this anime called "Romantic Killer" that I liked a lot more than I expected. Fun was had.
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