Beyond the Cards is a new, immersive way to play the game of Yu-Gi-Oh!, where the players collaborate to create a story through their actions and performances at tournaments. Become a member of a Faction in an ongoing struggle against the other Factions, and make history! Participate in roleplay between tournaments to help decide the conflicts at hand, or simply enjoy playing in a smaller card pool of hand-selected lower-powered cards. Players will help decide which new Factions and cards are added to the card pool as time goes on. Currently playtesting on the Casual Goat Format Discord.
The Rules
Beyond the Cards follows all of the rules, rulings, and card text for current Yu-Gi-Oh!, except where contradicted by the following:
1. We will be using the Master Rule 2 board, as there are no legal Links or Pendulums. (This is referred to as Classic Mode on duelingbook)
2. There is a custom card pool of Faction Cards and Mercenary Cards, which are the only cards you can play. (See Factions)
3. There is a custom Banned/Limited list, along with a special category of Limited cards referred to as “Heirloom cards”. A player may only use 1 Heirloom card period in their deck, and are restricted to either “Upstart Goblin”, “Angel Trumpeter” or their faction’s Heirloom cards to choose from. (See Heirloom Cards and Limited List)
4. “When… you can” effects and changing locations no longer causes an effect to miss timing. Treat "When... you can" as “If… you can” effects instead.
5. Monsters can now be Normal Summoned in face-up defense position, but you may still Set them.
6. You may use any Ritual Spell Card that has no additional effects than Ritual Summoning its corresponding Ritual Monster to summon ANY Ritual Monster, tributing a total Level of monsters as appropriate for the Ritual Monster you’re summoning, essentially making them cosmetic. Any Ritual Spell Card with an additional effect, such as “Gishiki Mirror” can still only be used for the monster(s) listed on the card. (Example: Black Illusion Ritual can be used to Summon Dokurorider by tributing monsters from hand or field with a total level of 6 or higher)
Mercenary Cards
Mercenary cards are cards which players of any faction can use in their deck. In addition to a select set of cards, this pool also includes ALL Normal Monsters (except Pendulum) and all Non-Effect Ritual/Synchro/XYZ Monsters, as well as all Ritual Spell Cards without additional effects.
See the full list of cards HERE
Limited List
Limited cards are Mercenary Cards (and possibly Faction Cards in the future) which are deemed too powerful or which pose creative restrictions on deck building when used at greater numbers. You may only play 1 copy of each of these cards in your deck, but you may include as many different Limited cards in your deck as you like.
Heavy Storm
Lightning Vortex
Living Fossil
Mirror Force
Mystical Space Typhoon
Ready Fusion
Torrential Tribute
Heirloom Cards
Heirloom cards are potentially powerful or deck-warping cards, which you are only allowed 1 of in your deck. Not 1 copy of each, but 1 in total. Each player can choose to include 1 copy of either:
- “Upstart Goblin”
- “Angel Trumpeter”
- One of the cards listed in the side deck of their Faction’s card pool.
Spoils and Strife
Spoils and Strife are a system of points gained for Factions based on their performance in tournaments. They can be used to unlock new Factions, Sub-Factions, and cards, or even give them a special advantage during a tournament. More will be revealed about this system after the playtesting period.