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About warlic

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  • Member ID: 6196

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  • Joined: 07/25/2024

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  1. Will the Neo-Maker ever be updated to save cards to itself rather than unto the user's system?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LordCowCow


      I think @Yemachu explained to me once why it doesn't but ngl I completely forgot what it was.

    3. warlic


      I agree it is best not to have a generative prompt, but I feel it is much easier to use without needing multiple prompts just to switch from one card to another.

    4. Yemachu


      The card maker won't support saving cards online for a variety of reasons. But I have some ideas for saving multiple cards in the browser (so you don't have to down-/upload as often); haven't gotten around to it though.

      Main reasons I don't intend to support online saving include:

      • I'm not willing to spend time & money required for maintaining the server and database. 
      • Malicious actors are extremely limited in what they can achieve when data is only saved locally. 
      • If there is no server, it cannot be down nor can it lose data.
      • Data does not have to leave the user's device, meaning there shouldn't be any privacy concerns.
      • (Not yet applicable, but PWA allows the app to function offline after you've visited the site once)
  2. Why hello I see you have finally came over to the Dark Side lol? Where the Grass is greener than YCM's.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      The card maker on YCM is still bugged out.

    3. warlic
    4. Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      This wouldn't have happened, if it where Open Source like the Card Maker on this site.

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