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Ivan Ooze


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2 Neutral

About Ivan Ooze

  • User Group: Banned

  • Member ID: 643

  • Title: Galactically Feared, Globally Reviled

  • Post Count: 11

  • Post Ratio: 0.01

  • Total Rep: 2

  • Member Of The Days Won: 0

  • Joined: 10/19/2019

  • Been With Us For: 1649 Days

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  1. Seems the event is over, practically. Sort of sad, but then again, my host should've paid more attention to working with me rather than attempting to finish and get a "Mecha Eli Chan"... Honestly, it's ridiculous! Regardless, don't think I'll be in my Hyperlock this time... I'll be around, watching from afar. Bye bye kiddies. Even though I wasn't on much, this event was totally more livelier than the one I debuted in. Maybe I'll see you next year... or not, who the hell knows!

  2. ...are we quite sure that the F=A and U=U things weren't some new fangled smiley... wait, emoji, that's the word you kids use these days!
  3. See? Quit worrying and just let things take it's course, my dear.
  4. Just gonna put this out there, Kurumi. I've seen the Evil Dead where the Necronomicon is from annnnnnd let's just say, the cucumber is in a real pickle. So much so that I'll even throw this out there: do we really want him to come back after reading that? My thoughts on it, good riddance to talking vegetables, let the dark powers of evil take him.
  5. Probably about the same amount that I've found at your mother's house. HAHAHAHAHA!!! Definitely not. My brand of ooze comes in a royal shade and color of purple, not this snot neon green. While I do find that this might be their way of imitating greatness, it's sadly not the same. A terrible joke, but you got moxie kid! Keep that up and possibly get better material, and you might actually get to being quite a comedian.
  6. Given the fact that I look nothing like them, plus the fact that I'm labeled as a morphological being, I highly doubt it.
  7. ECTO... MORPHICON!! Sheesh! It's not that hard to say! Endoplasmic... where hell would you ever get something as dumb as that?
  8. Would be on a lot more, if my host wasn't constantly dealing with an "FGO" or whatever he calls it. I swear, these new fangled machinery and their little applications.

  9. ...what's so hard to understand about total brainwashing of the adults, have them unearth my Ectomorphicon Titans, bring them back to life with my ooze, and wreak havoc?
  10. Well, didn't see this pop up until after the fact. Jars of ooze are pretty much free, since I was just giving them away.
  11. ...Pepsi Man, you have a foul little mind and I absolutely love it!
  12. Hmmm, now THAT is quite the thought. Ah but at the same time, THOSE teenagers wouldn't be able to be affected, especially if they have their precious little power and that cursed Morphin Grid. Not only this, but if Z's precious Power Rangers were under my control at that point, there would still be Rangers, namely in this case the Aquitar Rangers... better known as the "Alien" Rangers... Hmph, sort of racist to label it that in my honest opinion. I believe this here would be what you want to hear... You'd have to talk to Z for that... OH WAIT! You can't! Cause he's no longer around! But if you happen to seriously be wanting that, if ANYTHING, you can ask one of those veteran Power Brats walking around to point you in the right direction. Hell, if anyone could definitely point you in the right direction, it be that "Knight in Ivory Spandex", Tommy Oliver. That man is still kicking it as a Ranger, no matter how many times he's "retired".
  13. Well aren't you the sourest puss in the land.
  14. Never had the proper means and methods to test on someone of that age range, unfortunately.
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