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Hina's Simp


Hina's Simp last won the day on April 4 2023

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About Hina's Simp

  • User Group: Members

  • Member ID: 65

  • Title: The King'd King

  • Post Count: 139

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  • Total Rep: 96

  • Member Of The Days Won: 11

  • Joined: 01/07/2019

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  1. I should've became mod on YCM, ya'll making my argument weak. Cunts.

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    2. (o ×)

      (o ×)

      Because the dividing line between the way you handled it and everyone else did is less real than you seem to think.

    3. LordCowCow


      If your approach was going to work then it would have worked with or without my involvement and it's silly to say "what could have been" in this case. If all it takes for it to not work is a third party saying things he didn't like and distracting him then it's more logical to conclude that he didn't care enough about the point in the first place.

    4. Hina's Simp

      Hina's Simp

      Why is it less real? I am not saying that what going to work. I am not saying I was even going to be successful. I am saying that it had not been attempted, from what I could see publicly, and that maybe it was something else that could have worked. I also said this was where is does get silly. But there are also points that highlight that is was working more than others.

      I also noted at how ad hominem attacks distract, even using yourself as a mention. Now, again, I never said it was going to work. And it was silly, most likely.

      But again, I hadn't dealt with any warning points or consequences of my speech. And YCMaker was, with even Winter's bullshit weakass response, willing to listen something that didn't directly target him.

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