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Wind Rider


Everything posted by Wind Rider

  1. I’m torn right now and I need your opinions. I can’t decide between Brigadramon and Darkdramon for my digimon’s mega. On one hand, I like Brigadramon’s design more despite it being essentially Wargreymon/Assault Mode. But Darkdramon is also cool and has the potential to become an ultra. What do y’all think?
  2. “A” sounds good to me too. Also, I saw a meme on your digimon literally just the other day. A shoe that turns into little red riding hood with a molotov xD. Only in digimon folks lol.
  3. Is any Rookie from across the series ok? I was thinking of going with Commandramon.
  4. I honestly never played Survive so I know nothing about Digimon being spiritual. Can’t hurt to learn though.
  5. Been a while since I joined an rp. I’ll give this one a shot. Quick question, are we going off of actual Duel Skills? Or can we have custom ones?
  6. After cyber sleuth reinvigorated my love for digimon, I'm gonna give this a try ?
  7. Hey, we bringing this back!? Am I late? Ah, who am I kidding? Yeah, I'm late.
  8. "It uhh, sounded like she was pretty important to you, so I'm sorry. But," she perked up, "you could probably ask one of the adults to guide you through the marsh if you wanted. I mean, since there's only one path, so they probably know where she ended up, unless uhh, Licorice went off the path, in which case, she's probably dead." She shook her head in horror. "Agh! I mean, uhh, that came out wrong. She's probably not dead since she's your friend and she was able to cross the river by herself and all. So, umm, yeah, don't worry?" she cringed slightly as she finished speaking. Sienna was quiet, she didn't know what to think or do in this situation. And Phai really wasn't making the it any better. She stood up, a gloomy expression on her face as she looked at the swamp one more time before turning away. "Let's... Let's just go... Everyone is probably worried..." She said in a very quiet tone before starting to walk away, her tail low and dragging in the mud. As far as Sienna was concerned, Licorice had no intention of returning at this point. And even if she had made it past the swamp somehow, she doubted that Licorice would even return. That desperate, crazed look she had at the sight of that stone beast being animated. That was the look of somehow who wasn't going to stop running even if they escaped. Tears welled up in Sienna's eyes as she walked, her friend was gone.
  9. It didn't take long for Icleias to pick up Licorice's scent again, and for Sienna and Phai to start running after him again. Sienna looked over at Phai as they ran, she was rather quick for human, being able to keep up with her and Icleias so well. And since Gunther stayed behind, they could cover more ground more easily. "Come on, Licorice... Where are you?" Sienna quietly mumbled to herself. It took a bit before they found anything noteworthy until they stumbled upon an old bridge. Phai seemed against crossing it, but Icleias still had a scent and kept going, and so did the duo. They crossed the bridge and almost immediately found themselves in a more swampy terrain. The soft ground practically becoming muck as they slightly sunk into it a bit, so much so that they had to back up. "This is the Great Marsh," Phai said softly as she stepped back to firmer footing. "We won't be able to go any farther. It's said that those who wander into this place and don't know the way find themselves swallowed up by the place." She gulped. "And I, uhh, don't know the path. There's said to be one, but I wasn't ever taught it." No... This can't be the end. Even Icleias had given up as he dragged his muddy tail back towards the girls. This was the end of the line. "No... But... We can't just..." After coming this far, Sienna could only look towards the swamp in disbelief. Was her friend really just gone, scared off by something so unexpected? Sienna gritted her teeth and just let a loud, "Licorice!!" Before falling on her but in the mud. Her friend was gone, that was that.
  10. Before Sienna could say anything on the matter of Licorice's disappearance, Icleias seemed to catch her scent yet again and took off. She chased after the little dog, followed by Phai, Tsetseg, and Gunther. As they followed, Sienna could still tell that Licorice went through the area, only her tracks were becoming more and more absent. She must have changed back to her humanoid form as she was running, so as to hide her trail. It wasn't long until the group finally made it back to the river they had crossed to get to the village. Only it was much wider this time and branched off in two directions, a different part of the river entirely. "Uhh, it looks like we won't be able to go any farther," Phai said timidly. "I think that uhh, your friend might have crossed the river. Or something like that. And I don't think we should try and follow her. Not here, anyway. There is a place to cross south of here, but..." she looked up at the darkening late afternoon sky, "I think it might be better to just head back for now. Unless, you want to keep going?" She looked at the group with a nervous smile. Sienna let out a sigh, it was getting late, and with Gunther with them it would be too exhausting to keep going. It seemed like this was all for naught, Licorice had just completely left. "well, it's important to find your friends and family right? And you really want to find her right Sienna? So we gotta keep looking! After all, she's all by herself right now and the longer we wait the harder it'll be to follow her!" "Ehhh?! W-Well, I suppose, that's, err, true, I guess," Phai said, twiddling her fingers together. "Umm...in that case, there's a place to cross not far from here, if you all are, uhh, fine with that." Sienna was surprised by how Tsetseg was so willing to help her, it was moving to say the least. Phai lead the group up a steep hill, eventually pointing out a lone oak tree. She explained that she used a rope on the other side of the river as a means of getting back and quickly made the jump herself, Icleias right after her. "I'm not sure I can keep going from here..." Sienna was about to jump too when she heard Gunther's worried voice. She looked over to the knight and turned to him. "Well... You don't have to if you don't want to... This whole chase must be taking its toll on you more than anyone. You can head back if you want, but Gunther... I appreciate that you were willing to go this far just to help." She said with a small smile before turning back to the cliff and making her jump, landing beside Phai with ease.
  11. "Aye, and I think I know what ye want t'be tracked as well," he set down the stick. "It's that other fox, ain't it? I saw her meself, gone toward the eastern gate. Icleias here actually started chasing her fer a bit afore I stopped him." Sienna sighed and bowed her head. "Please, sir... I promise to bring back your dog. I just... Need to find my friend." She said as she looked back up at the man. Amas allowed her and they went outside to where Icleias had last caught Licorice's scent, and it didn't take long for him to get it back. The pup started making a strange bark and took off. "Best follow him if ye don't want to be left behind," Amas said as he returned to his woodcarving. Sienna didn't waste a second and went after the dog. Eventually they made it past the village gate, where Sienna caught a quick glance of the mayor before running past him. No time to talk unfortunately. Running out of the village, Sienna was impressed at how focused this pup was. No wonder humans have gotten along with hunting so we'll, despite not having the same senses as a fox. She even started to see signs of Licorice as they ran, this pup, Icleias, was like a professional hunter. They soon made it to a pond where two people were wishing, one who looked like a guard from the village and... Tsetseg? "Oh! Who are you?" She flushed slightly. "I mean, uhh, that was rude, sorry. But I don't know you are. Unless..." she brightened. "Are you one of Tsetseg's friends? I think I remember seeing you at the battle earlier!" The guard girl seemed exceptionally surprised and flustered at the event, Sienna looked at Icleias and could tell that he had lost the scent. She gave a big sigh and rubbed her head. "Sorry for the commotion... I'm just trying to find my friend..." She said as she watched the beagle wander around with his nose to the ground. She then heard the clanking of armor behind her and turned around. "Gunther?" "What....is....going...on here?" The knight seemed exhausted, as if he had been chasing after them the whole time. That couldn't have been easy considering the weight of his armor. "I... I was borrowing this dog from a person I helped... I'm trying to find out where Licorice went. But at this point... I'm starting to wonder if she just ran completely away..." She said as she just sat down quietly.
  12. "Aye, she was black all righ', an' big. Bigger than any normal fox. Seemed in a right hurry too, besides. I wis down the street from the town hall at the time. She almost ran me right over, tha' she did." He shook his head. "Hrrm...thought I was a goner fer sure. Didn't see where she was goin' though, only that she wis goin'." Sienna's smile disappeared as Theusido explained that he didn't see where Licorice went. Why had she run so frantically away from the fight with that statue? Sienna never took her for the paranoid type, unlike the rest of the village. She pulled it over until Theusido asked another guardsman looking villager about Licorice. "Ain't seen no foxes sides that one there. Don't be fooled by her looks; she's a hells-born horror, is what she is. I was almost burned to death cuz of her." "Ach, stop whining, lad. From what the mayor said, ye'd still be a beaver if'n it weren't for her an' her friends." Wait... Beaver? Burns? "Oh! You're that beaver I hit!" Sienna finally realized it. In her head, she was breathing a big sigh of relief. So she didn't end up killing him after all. Though, now it seemed she was not only being avoided by the villagers, now she was hated. Her ears flattened and she had a sad look on her face. "An' you'll be right as rain in a tennight or so, more's the pity." He turned back to Sienna. "Ignore him. He's me sister's grandson, but he was born with more brass than brains. Now as fer yer foxy friend..." he closed his eyes again before opening them with a blink. "I dinna know where she might be, but Amas might. Or leastways he can find out. His dog's got a sense of smell tae put the hounds o' the seven hells t'shame," he stared down at Icleias, who had followed the Protean all the way to his shop, pointedly. "An' since his dog likes ye, an' yer doin' him a favor an' all, he might be inclined tae help." After a bit more back and forth with the guard, Theusido let Sienna be on her way. She nodded and left with the wheelbarrow of stone in tow. She had left the stonemason in a more sad outlook than she had arrived to him. She didn't even pay attention to the weight of the wheelbarrow as her mind was all over the place. She soon returned to Amas's house, the old man was still carving away at his future bow when she got back. "Oh, yer back." He commented flatly. "Looks like ye got a good deal. I knew Theusido'd like the furs." He nodded toward a space in front of his house. "Ye can just leave 'em there for now." Sienna quietly brought the stone over and sighed. She left it where Amas wanted and took a deep breath before walking back over to him. "Uh... Mr. Amas... I wanted to ask a favor... I was wondering if you could let me borrow your pup for a minute... I need something... Someone... Tracked." She asked as she bowed her head to him. If what Theusido said was true, Icleias might be her way of finding Licorice.
  13. "Aw righ' then. I've been a mite busy lately, whit wiv aw the repairs needin' tae be done, but I can spare some time. Specially if'n Amas sent ya, an' I'm sure as sure he did, from the looks o' these furs," he gestured toward them. "I know's old Pheodea's been askin' after em fer a high price, so's he must really need the stone if'n he's comin' to me first." He chuckled, eyes glinting, "Specially knowin' I'll be the one to give her these 'stead. I'll finally get her to look me way!" Sienna felt nervous at first, not knowing how the man would react to her, seeing as how all the villagers behaved, but in the end, she gave a slight giggle at the sound of a man trying to impress a lady. "Pretend y'didn't hear that, lass," he waved a hand. "In exchange, I'll give you some extra stone." Sienna stood and watched as the man loaded up the stone from his wheelbarrow to hers. She gave a slight smile at the thought of finishing her task for Amas, but quickly lost the smile after what Theusido said next. "Tae think I'd see not just one, but two fox people in one day," he shook his head after a second. "Though I was a fox meself not too long ago. The world's full o' strange things." Two foxes? Did he mean... "W-wait! You saw another fox like me? Did she have black hair and a tail? Did you see where she went? If you know anything I'd really appreciate it if you told me... Please .." Whether or not Sienna got her answer, she would still have to bring Amas his stone. She was worried about the well being of her friend, but she still had a task to finish.
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