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Nyx last won the day on August 28 2021

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About Nyx

  • User Group: Members

  • Member ID: 75

  • Title: Reaper

  • Post Count: 204

  • Post Ratio: 0.10

  • Total Rep: 256

  • Member Of The Days Won: 29

  • Joined: 01/08/2019

  • Been With Us For: 2075 Days

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  • Age: 28


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  1. Hello, everyone. How are all of you doing?



    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      Nyx that is what I hate about him he is runing the forums that is why CM was created in the first place and after everybody wants to move away from YCM. He has himself to blame I even sent him some DMs complaining about how the ads are spewed everywhere and he still did nothing about it just ask @cr47t and he will tell you straight up just how bad it has gotten.

      I think you should replace YCMaker he kinda needs to go out the door at this point it because its causing alot of drama if he lies and says he will fix things and never do them atleast worth you you would do things that you promised and just block the bots and add required moderation to post before they can get approved YCMaker is very unlikable I have hatred for him he is draging everything into the mud dude just retire if you can't be bothered to take care of the forums and innvoate them with new features.

      That is my rant about YCM and YCMaker it just keeps getting worse by the day.

    3. cr47t


      @Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan as much as I share your dissatisfaction with the YCM site I don't think it's healthy to dwell this intensely on it if it's not otherwise a part of your life. i agree it's going to shit, but barring a cease and desist from Konami, it won't change. in which case i'd say its better to move on than allow it to perpetually offend

    4. Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      @cr47t your right about that.

  2. Thank you once more, Tormented! Now to find a good opportunity to apply this on...Eh, I'm sure I'll figure it out! M-maybe
  3. I should've shared this earlier for relevance, but...I think you'll get the gist of what I was going for. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vt28frVwlxk&t=30s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoj4JDFaduU&t=21s
  4. Beautiful music to soothe the soul
  5. May Blossom bring you good luck this Spring!


    1. radio414


      a may blossom? but it's still march!

  6. If you intend on drinking this St. Patrick's Day, do what Patricia didn't do this year, and drink responsibly. Happy St. Patrick's Day.


    1. Nico


      Already had my St. Patrick's Day drink,



      a Shamrock Shake about a month ago.

    2. Crow


      THE LUCK

  7. A fried pie sounds delicious to me!
  8. Basically, fill in the blanks in this template! I will share mine later
  9. Nyx

    Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

    Oof. In that regard, Duel Links would be more preferable for you. Duel Links has NPCs that respawn and that you can duel again. Master Duel? It has a limited amount of tasks you can do in Solo Mode. Once those run out...there's nothing new in single player. In Duel Links, you barely need to interact with PvP. Master Duel? It's the opposite.
  10. The game came out just a few days ago this week. So I thought a thread about it on this forum would be nice. Feel free to share Decks, maybe IDs if you're happy to do so, or just give your 2 cents on the game thus far.
  11. Happy Halloween!


    1. LordCowCow


      Happy Spookmas!

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