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British Soul


British Soul last won the day on February 28 2019

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About British Soul

  • User Group: Members

  • Member ID: 82

  • Title: ~ Top Hat Regulator ~

  • Post Count: 115

  • Post Ratio: 0.06

  • Total Rep: 14

  • Member Of The Days Won: 1

  • Joined: 01/08/2019

  • Been With Us For: 1928 Days

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  1. I used one in my first run of Sun for what it's worth. (Yes it did suck not having access to its evo till late game)
  2. It looks like we're getting Needlefibre in March: NdcpLsGEJKIBGzJNepLRMBIxfxl8oXhPZ_DioEdF

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. British Soul

      British Soul

      I know, it's such a dumb name, and kinda hard to pronounce as well. (I'll probs end up pronouncing it Halifax or something)

    3. LordCowCow



    4. UltimateIRS
  3. Greetings mortals, to the surprise of no one, I was Bakura. It was fun going back to watching the English dub of YGO to get a feel for him before the event. I thought the Dark Sanctuary idea was a fun one for a monster game though to be fair.
  4. I'll continue to be that guy 9 this time
  5. I think this should be enough to take them down
  6. I'm also gonna be THAT guy let's go 6
  7. 12 Tantalising toolsheds tattling together trying to tie Tingle's trays, tooting towards tomorrow.
  8. 9 Nani?! Nobody notified Nan, not Nando's Nan!! Nom Nom.
  9. Oi Bakura, where's that bloody ghost of yours? Let's go with 6.
  10. A couple of day ago in your let it die game, when one of the rules was "you cannot use any words in the post you quote", why didn't Lord CowCow lose a life for breaking that rule? (I know it doesn't matter as that rule doesn't exist, but still)
  11. Seeing salad burn It's snowing on Mt Fuji yup how haikus end
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