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About kanokarob

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  • Member ID: 87

  • Title: ASI Sympathizer

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  1. 1. Yes, they do, but that would greatly detract from the efficacy of the rest of the deck, so if people want to use alternative Djinns to make it harder to summon IGG and ultimately make it weaker, then by all means. 2. Not having a precedent doesn't make it incorrect, and there would be reasons to want destruction in the cost; for example, to force the user to have to utilize that resource even if the effect is negated. Since both Shade and Para Gate utilize a card in a Pendulum Zone in a resource, it can't just be Tributed for cost, hence destroy. And since none of the Labyrinthine Pendulum monsters have effects that activate when they're destroyed, there's no conflict of interest in using them as costs. 3. Again, there's no need for a precedent in this situation for it to be incorrect, but there's certainly no reason in this case that I can't adjust it to match the current trend. 4. While the deck has no direct Spellcaster support, since I opted to drop the original names for their retrains and unite them under the almost-common "Djinn" sounds, it made sense to make them all Spellcasters for consistency across them. Regarding the ATK, I gave them all 2400 ATK for balance purposes; 2400 is already fairly high for a Link 2, even if it permanently halves its ATK to activate an effect. Conveniently, in addition to being the lowest ATK among the original trio, Kazejin, 2400 is easy to halve several times if it stays on the field long enough to do so, helping both players to quickly read the boardstate as opposed to going from 2500>1250>625 or 2600>1300>650. If you'd like a better explanation of how the deck works, I can update the OP with further details of intended synergies and such.
  2. This set serves as a total retrain not only of Gate Guardian and his three pieces -- Kazejin, Suijin, and Sanga of the Thunder -- but also as a retrain of the Labyrinth cards/ideas used by the Paradox Bros. in the anime, merging the two groups into one coherent deck. The Labyrinthine cards focus on generating board presence in preparation for the Djinns and Gate Guardian. They have effects dependent on monsters with 2000 or less DEF, which means paying attention to your available Main Deck resources, as the Djinns and Gate Guardian are all Link monsters. Kazejin, Suijin, and Sanga have been reimagined as Link 2 monsters, using monsters with 2000 or more DEF as Link materials. They all have a targeted disruption effect on-summon, and an effect that halves their ATK to perform some advantage-generating effect, such as in Kazejin and Sanga's cases, or a defensive effect in Suijin's case. They're also no longer called by these names. Immortal Gate Guardian, the retrain of his mortal counterpart, is a Link 6 monsters that uses 3+ Djinns with different names as Link materials. While you have Labyrinthine Pendulum Spells, he's unaffected by other card effects, but is hampered by his non-optional effect that can change the way both you and your opponent proceed with the game. His high ATK makes up for this, though. Click the image below to see the set on DuelingBook, or look further down for the written stats and effects. Main Deck Monsters Spell/Trap Support Extra Deck Monsters
  3. The H.M. Archetype (aka Human Machine) focuses on changing the names of opponent monsters as a means of disruption and control. Many cards feature either effects that facilitate this goal, or that reward the player for performing well with it. Because these effects can scale and become more effective the more monsters the opponent has, H.M.s become a powerful counter to decks that care about the names of their monsters on the field, either for Spell/Trap effects, or as materials for the summon of archetypal Extra Deck monsters. Click the image below to see the set on DuelingBook, or look further down for the written stats and effects. Main Deck Monsters Spell/Trap Support Extra Deck Monsters Important Rulings: A monster whose name has been changed to H.M. Footsoldier is not treated as a monster of any other name, including due to conditions ala Summoned Skull. If an H.M. Footsoldier would have its name be treated as another monster's name due to another effect, it is still also named H.M. Footsoldier. If an H.M. Footsoldier would have its name changed due to another effect, if that effect wears off, it returns to its original name. If an H.M. Footsoldier would be affected by another effect that changes its name to H.M. Footsoldier, that effect it treated as having changed the name successfully.
  4. In addition to playing, I'll also volunteer as an approval committee member, and offer my services for other participants to get their cards ready for submission. Here are my submitted cards.
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