Main Deck:
3 Acquire Deletor: Igor
2 Ash Blossom
2 Clipping Deletor: Evo
3 Darkjet Deletor: Greiend
1 Daunting Deletor: Oksizz
2 Flutter Deletor: Zuiije
2 Hire Deletor: Farwon
1 Haff Deletor: Greigeer
3 Lurk Deletor: Elinge
2 Pursuing Deletor: Egotte
2 Squirming Deletor: Lourelou
1 Book of Moon
1 Monster Reborn
1 One for one
1 Reasoning
2 Twin Twisters
1 Upstart Goblin
1 Deck Devastation Virus
1 Eradicator Epidemic Virus
3 Infinite Impermanence
3 Back to the Front
1 Solemn Strike
1 Solemn Warning
Extra deck:
2 Original Deletor: Eigorg
2 Alien Shocktrooper Mighty/Frame
2 Deliberate Deletor: Aodaien
Aight so this deck is really strange, weird to pilot and has some weird interactions where it just doesnt work if the opponent has a full board? One of the weirder decks/archetypes i've made but it's been a lot of fun.
In terms of balance it's been a juggling act to make sure that the banish face-down mechanic isnt too punishing for the opponent since giving them the monster is meant to offset that, however it seems as though it can be a bit overwhelming and too difficult to make use of the cards they're given. Weird but a lot fun.