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destitution does not arrive at our doorstep without warning

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7 hours ago, yui said:

destitution does not arrive at our doorstep without warning

I converted that entire post into L337.

|}34® `/(|\/| (0|\/||\/||_||\|17`/ |\/|3|\/|83®$,

|}3$717|_|710|\| |}03$ |\|07 4®®1\/3 47 0|_|® |}00®$73|* \/\/17|-|0|_|7 \/\/4®|\|1|\|6. 17 1$ 7|-|3 (|_||_|\/|1|\|4710|\| 0ƒ 4 $|_0\/\/|_`/ 83473|\| |}®|_||\/|. 70|}4`/, \/\/3 0|\| 7|-|3$3 \/3®`/ ƒ0®|_||\/|$ (0|_||\|7 7|-|3 |}4`/$ 7|-|47 `/(|\/|4|{3® |-|4$ |}4®3|} 70 48$741|\| ƒ®0|\/| 1|\/||*|_3|\/|3|\|71|\|6 |_||*|}473$; 70|\/|0®®0\/\/, \/\/3 \/\/1|_|_ |_1\/3 1|\| 4 (0|\|$74|\|7 27473 0ƒ \/\/417, |\|3\/3® 7®|_||_`/ 3|\|_)0`/1|\|6 7|-|3 ƒ®|_|17$ 0ƒ |-|1$ (0|}1|\|6 83(4|_|$3 0ƒ 7|-|3 4|\|71(1|*4710|\| \/\/3 |_37 70 (0|\|$|_||\/|3 |_|$. \/\/|-|3|\| 1 \/\/4$ 4 |*4$$10|\|473 (4®|} (®3470®, 1 4\/\/0|{3 34(|-| |}4`/ 0\/3®ƒ|_0\/\/1|\|6 \/\/17|-| 3}{(173|\/|3|\|7, |\|07 480|_|7 \/\/|-|47 |\|3\/\/ ƒ347|_|®3, \/\/|-|47 |\|3\/\/ 1|\|73®ƒ4(3, \/\/|-|47 |\|3\/\/ $|-|1|\|`/ 3ƒƒ3(7$ |\/|16|-|7 83 |_||\|\/31|_3|}— \/\/|-|47 |*|_||_|_3|} |\/|3 0|_|7 0ƒ 83|} 34(|-| |}4`/ \/\/4$ 3|\|\/1$10|\|1|\|6 7|-|3 (4®|}$ 1 \/\/0|_||_|} (®3473. 7|-|3 (4|*710|\|$, 7|-|3 4®7\/\/0®|{, 7|-|3 4774(|{-70-|}3ƒ3|\|$3 ®4710$ 4|\||} \/\/0|\||}®0|_|$ 717|_3$ \/\3®3 $0 |}®34|\/|`/ 7|-|47 \/\/|-|3|\| 1 4\/\/0|{3 1 0ƒ73|\| |-|4|} 70 (|-|4|\|63 |\/|`/ $|-|337$. 70|}4`/ \/\/3 (0|_||\|7 7|-|3 |}4`/$. 1|\| |\/|`/ |}4`/, \/\/3 607 |_0$7 1|\| 7|-|3 |-|0|_|®$.

7`/®®4|\|`/ |}03$ |\|07 _)|_|$7 4®®1\/3 47 0|_|® |}00®$73|* \/\/17|-|0|_|7 0|_|® (0|\/||*|_4(3|\|(`/. |\|317|-|3® |}03$ 7|-|3 `/|_|610|-|(4®|}|\/|4|{3® |}1$4|*|*34® \/\/17|-|0|_|7 0|_|® (0|\/||*|_1(17`/. 1ƒ \/\/3 (0|\|71|\||_|3 |}0\/\/|\| 0|_|® 7®0|}|}3|\| |*47|-|, \/\/3 ®1$|{ 3\/3®`/7|-|1|\|6. 1 4$|{ 7|-|3 `/|_|610|-|(4®|}|\/|4|{3® (0|\/||\/||_||\|17`/— \/\/|-|47 1$ 17 7|-|47 \/\/3 \/4|_|_|3: ƒ4(1|_3 |\|0\/3|_7`/, 0® 0|_|® ƒ|_||\||}4|\/|3|\|74|_ (®4ƒ7?

1 4|_®34|}`/ |{|\|0\/\/ 1|\| |\/|`/ |-|34®7 7|-|47 0|_|® (0|\/||\/||_||\|17`/ |{|\|0\/\/$ 7|-|3 4|\|$\/\/3® 70 7|-|1$ (,)|_|3$710|\|.

`/0|_|® |}3|*|_|7`/,

ƒ4|_|_1|\|6 |*17_7_4

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2 hours ago, Mr Spaz said:

I converted that entire post into L337.

|}34® `/(|\/| (0|\/||\/||_||\|17`/ |\/|3|\/|83®$,

|}3$717|_|710|\| |}03$ |\|07 4®®1\/3 47 0|_|® |}00®$73|* \/\/17|-|0|_|7 \/\/4®|\|1|\|6. 17 1$ 7|-|3 (|_||_|\/|1|\|4710|\| 0ƒ 4 $|_0\/\/|_`/ 83473|\| |}®|_||\/|. 70|}4`/, \/\/3 0|\| 7|-|3$3 \/3®`/ ƒ0®|_||\/|$ (0|_||\|7 7|-|3 |}4`/$ 7|-|47 `/(|\/|4|{3® |-|4$ |}4®3|} 70 48$741|\| ƒ®0|\/| 1|\/||*|_3|\/|3|\|71|\|6 |_||*|}473$; 70|\/|0®®0\/\/, \/\/3 \/\/1|_|_ |_1\/3 1|\| 4 (0|\|$74|\|7 27473 0ƒ \/\/417, |\|3\/3® 7®|_||_`/ 3|\|_)0`/1|\|6 7|-|3 ƒ®|_|17$ 0ƒ |-|1$ (0|}1|\|6 83(4|_|$3 0ƒ 7|-|3 4|\|71(1|*4710|\| \/\/3 |_37 70 (0|\|$|_||\/|3 |_|$. \/\/|-|3|\| 1 \/\/4$ 4 |*4$$10|\|473 (4®|} (®3470®, 1 4\/\/0|{3 34(|-| |}4`/ 0\/3®ƒ|_0\/\/1|\|6 \/\/17|-| 3}{(173|\/|3|\|7, |\|07 480|_|7 \/\/|-|47 |\|3\/\/ ƒ347|_|®3, \/\/|-|47 |\|3\/\/ 1|\|73®ƒ4(3, \/\/|-|47 |\|3\/\/ $|-|1|\|`/ 3ƒƒ3(7$ |\/|16|-|7 83 |_||\|\/31|_3|}— \/\/|-|47 |*|_||_|_3|} |\/|3 0|_|7 0ƒ 83|} 34(|-| |}4`/ \/\/4$ 3|\|\/1$10|\|1|\|6 7|-|3 (4®|}$ 1 \/\/0|_||_|} (®3473. 7|-|3 (4|*710|\|$, 7|-|3 4®7\/\/0®|{, 7|-|3 4774(|{-70-|}3ƒ3|\|$3 ®4710$ 4|\||} \/\/0|\||}®0|_|$ 717|_3$ \/\3®3 $0 |}®34|\/|`/ 7|-|47 \/\/|-|3|\| 1 4\/\/0|{3 1 0ƒ73|\| |-|4|} 70 (|-|4|\|63 |\/|`/ $|-|337$. 70|}4`/ \/\/3 (0|_||\|7 7|-|3 |}4`/$. 1|\| |\/|`/ |}4`/, \/\/3 607 |_0$7 1|\| 7|-|3 |-|0|_|®$.

7`/®®4|\|`/ |}03$ |\|07 _)|_|$7 4®®1\/3 47 0|_|® |}00®$73|* \/\/17|-|0|_|7 0|_|® (0|\/||*|_4(3|\|(`/. |\|317|-|3® |}03$ 7|-|3 `/|_|610|-|(4®|}|\/|4|{3® |}1$4|*|*34® \/\/17|-|0|_|7 0|_|® (0|\/||*|_1(17`/. 1ƒ \/\/3 (0|\|71|\||_|3 |}0\/\/|\| 0|_|® 7®0|}|}3|\| |*47|-|, \/\/3 ®1$|{ 3\/3®`/7|-|1|\|6. 1 4$|{ 7|-|3 `/|_|610|-|(4®|}|\/|4|{3® (0|\/||\/||_||\|17`/— \/\/|-|47 1$ 17 7|-|47 \/\/3 \/4|_|_|3: ƒ4(1|_3 |\|0\/3|_7`/, 0® 0|_|® ƒ|_||\||}4|\/|3|\|74|_ (®4ƒ7?

1 4|_®34|}`/ |{|\|0\/\/ 1|\| |\/|`/ |-|34®7 7|-|47 0|_|® (0|\/||\/||_||\|17`/ |{|\|0\/\/$ 7|-|3 4|\|$\/\/3® 70 7|-|1$ (,)|_|3$710|\|.

`/0|_|® |}3|*|_|7`/,

ƒ4|_|_1|\|6 |*17_7_4

that isn't l33t that's illegible computer nonsense


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