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gx360t Grand Xbox 360 Tournament [Nominations: Open]

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Decided first of the new year will be for one of my favorite consoles! I feel this has potential to be a flop or big one both.



1. Each person may nominate FOUR (4) games. Make sure to put up the specific, full, title so there's no misunderstanding.
1a. This number may increase.
2. Only one nomination is needed for a game to be in. The goal is at least 32.
3. Please no alt accounts or getting people to vote for a game when they otherwise wouldn't. That's not cool and if I find out it happened the game could be disqualified.
3a. Advertising matches is okay but it's not okay to specify who you want people to vote for at the same time.
4. Matches will all be 1 v 1 and randomized. No ties will be allowed.

Nominations (24/32?)



Spec Ops: The Line
Shooting Love, 10 Shuunen XIIzeal & Deltazeal
Realms of Ancient War - aka R.A.W.
I Made A Game With Zombies In It!


Assassin's Creed III
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
Watch Dogs
The Amazing Spider-Man


Tales of Vesperia
Halo Reach
Fallout New Vegas
Sonic Unleashed


Halo 3
Halo 3: ODST
Halo 4
Halo Wars


Soul Calibur 4
Mass Effect 2
Armored Core 4 Answer
Lost Odyssey


Fable 2
Nighty-Nine Nights


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Halo 3

Halo 3: ODST

Halo 4

Halo Wars

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