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By radio414
So much to do, and so little time...
The Story So Far
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(AM 11/18/2022): Discord invite link added
(PM 11/18/2022): Full OOC is now live!
(AM 11/30/2022): The RP has now started! IC link added, accepted characters tab updated, discord invite link removed
(PM 01/13/2023): Updated cast list upon Yui's departure
(AM 04/13/2023): Forgot to update the cast list again, oops
(AM 09/10/2023): Formally adding Belladonna to the list of players, also I changed a name in the setting spoiler because I am *very good* at keeping track of established moments
By LordCowCow
The Korova region, being much less tourist friendly than other regions, isn't one that many people travel to in this day and age. It wasn't prepared to take in visitors with much pomp and circumstances. It did however have one thing going for it when it came to visitors from other regions and that was New Point Landing.
Located at the western edge of an island, which was itself to the west of the mainland, New Point Landing was the main place for visitors coming into the region and it, at least, had a dock that ships could stop at to drop of passengers which was more than can be said about most of the rest of the region.
Once upon a time the city was the place to go for trading and shopping. These days it has fallen far from its high point and many of the stores are closed and boarded up. Awaiting a day that the region was more prosperous. Many of the remaining stores were family-run and managed by stubborn folk who refused to let the city fall completely off of its original purpose. There existed a singular, larger, department store where the rare visitors were able to get most necessities for their travels.
The ship that was currently coming into the dock was different than most that the city would usually see. It resembled a cruise ship more than anything else and instead of supplies from other regions it instead was full of trainers.
Unbeknownst to the people of the city, nor truly the trainers themselves, these passengers included those who would be much more precious to the region than any other cargo. For these trainers were destined to take part in a struggle that would determine the fate of the entire region.
Pokemon trainers from across the world all coming here with the purpose of taking on the Pokemon League challenge and becoming the Champion that the region has been lacking for many long years.
Anneliese looked out at the city that approached. Her eyes were shining with excitement as she watched the city, much different than Sunnyshore City back home, came closer and closer. "My goodness Leopold, how do you think the ship knows when to stop without any eyes?" She asked the small, lion-cub-like, Shinx that was currently standing next to her and watching with great concern as she leaned over the edge of the railing with no regard to her own safety.
The Pokemon had no answer for her. He didn't have any more knowledge than she did about ships and he wouldn't be able to bring himself to correct her if he did.
This didn't stop the girl from continuing her dialogue with the small creature. "Oh look over there, that's Goldeen right? My goodness there's so many of them. Leopold do you see them right there?" She leaned over the edge to point out the Pokemon swimming along the side of the boat. In doing so she went too far and very nearly tumbled off the edge.
Only stopped by Leopold biting the bottom of her dress and pulling the girl backwards. She stumbled but managed to avoid falling as she looked down at Leopold. "Oh, what's wrong?" She asked, oblivious to how she had almost fell into the water. "Did you want something to eat?"
Leopold shook his head and wondered where the other humans that he had gathered to keep an eye on her were. He could do most of it himself but when Anneliese was this excited sometimes it could get...difficult. When the captain had informed them they would be required to set off in groups of three, for safety reasons, Leopold at first blanched at the idea of trusting strangers to accompany his trainer but he realized that it was something he'd have to accept. As long as they kept Anneliese safe and happy, of course.
As the ship docked everyone would be helped off of it by the crew. They were greeted by a tall middle-aged, man with mutton chops of such grandeur that they were nearly indistinguishable from a full beard. "Hello, and welcome...to Korova! I got word of your arrival and sallied forth to greet you! I am the dockmaster here, and I wish to be the first to welcome you all to my fair city, the jewel of this region, in my eyes at least, New Point Landing. I'm sure you'll find it accommodating to your needs...You may not even want to leave, gwahahahaha!"
"Oh what a delightful man!" Anneliese said as she smiled brightly at him. She wanted to stop and chat with the pleasant man some more but another part of her wished to hurry off to begin her adventure.
It was then she remembered that she had teammates with her and so she turned to the two of them with an even bigger smile, "So, where shall we start?"
By Skaia
[Super fancy Logo whoa oh my god how does he do it]
General Plot
By LordCowCow
And so it begins anew once again
The Korova Region. A more untamed region than most in the world; it was always a place of great interest to strong trainers. With its vast wilderness and general lack of contact with the other regions it was perfect for trainers to grow and learn about themselves. However in the recent years it has grown more restless. The Champion had vanished without a trace and a group of criminals, Team Phoenix, have become more active. The Pokemon League decided that they needed a new Champion to help bring peace of mind to the people of the region. Thus they sent out invitations far and wide to try and gather trainers, and bring them to the region free of charge, to take on their Pokemon League challenge.
You are one of a group who, for one reason or another, decided to come to this land for the great opportunity of becoming the region's new Champion. Some goals may differ but one thing is certain: the trainers who come to Korova are destined to change it forever.
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By LordCowCow
It, like every night, was dark. However it wasn't stormy. Instead it was cold and somewhat clammy. The time was 10 PM and, unlike some larger cities, the streets were mostly barren. The moon in the sky, and the streetlights on the ground, made the dark night possible to traverse without being blind.
They, in this case being Brian James Trantor and Carmen O'Conner, had gotten a message not long ago. It was from their mysterious savior/employer, Shiki. This was unusual, the first of several unusual moments, as the girl hardly ever used text messages to contact them. Though it was only a couple words, "Dagen Park" which was why they both had made their way towards said park.
Park might be something of an exaggeration. it was rather large, it would only take a couple minutes to cross it, and only had a singular bench, under an old gazebo, to sit in. Some trees were scattered around, mostly around the edge to the left facing from the street, but not many and only one or two that were truly large. A playground sat in the center of the small grassy field which consisted of a couple slides, monkey bars, and a bit of a distance from that a pair of seesaws and a swing set that creaked with the slight breeze. Off to the side of said playground, at the right edge of the park, was a concrete area for parking. And there sat a singular vehicle.
They each would recognize it as belonging to Shiki. A large van, practically a camper, that looked like it shouldn't be able to run. Yet they knew it did. Usually, yet another unusual thing tonight, this van was parked outside of their houses, or wherever they happened to be when Shiki wanted to contact them, and they'd use it to get to whatever Shiki needed them to do.
However this time it was in another location. The reason why was clear to them soon.
The third unusual thing of the night. Whenever they found said van they were the only ones who ever paid it any mind. However today there was another. For Brian this was Carmen. And for Carmen this was Brian.
Without any warning it seemed that Shiki had decided that the two of them would meet tonight. In this park. On this cold and clammy night.
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