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Of Magic and Dungeons [IC/PG-16/Accepting]

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Chris managed to slice into the skeleton's knee pretty easily. He cut through one of the knees before the skeleton even realized he was there. With only one leg to keep it standing the undead began to topple to the side. However before fully falling it did attempt to swing its sword down at Chris on the way to the ground.

The other nearby skeleton seemed to realize Chris was there and raised its blade and began to approach him. While the three on the outer ends were just now realizing that there were living creatures moving around at all. They looked away from the stationary illusion and turned their eye-less gaze towards the group.

The wrapped undead in the coffin raised its left arm as Lana swung her axe. The axe blade bit into the creature's hand and cut deep into it but the undead didn't react nor did anything come out of the wound. It pushed back on the axe with strength at least comparable to Lana's own and pushed her a few steps away as it stepped out of the coffin and swung its other arm like a club at Lana's own head.



Pretty simple overall yet nothing big to explain but here's a Map anyway.


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Before the skeleton’s sword could strike Chris’ flesh, he pulled back on his string and returned to the entryway to the room. Things were moving a bit quicker now, so Chris took a moment to reevaluate where things were.

“Where things were,” it turned out, was on the left wall. Ziun and Lana had dealt with the skeleton over there and one of the coffin lids opened up, revealing some new type of undead monster inside. It was not something Chris recognized, though, if he thought about it, he really shouldn’t expect to recognize any sort of undead creature. That wasn’t his, or anyone he associated with’s, line of work. He saw Lana cut a gash into the creature and how ineffective that was. Maybe if a blow went all the way through it would work? He didn’t exactly want to tell Lana to just do it again but better this time, though.

Chris unwound the magic string again. It felt like he needed to be in two places at once, and this was the best way to do it. The skeletons were only going to get closer while everyone wasn’t looking. He took one or two steps back before breaking into a run towards that corner. When he reached the coffin, he leaped up onto the edge and used that to propel himself higher He still had his sword in his dominant hand, and as he jumped he held it high above his head before bringing the blade, his body, and his entire weight down on the wrapped thing’s raised arm, right in the shoulder.

He teleported away before he had to experience the consequences of such a reckless leap, though he still had to brace as he hit the ground back where they started again, eventually falling to his knees. Still, he was quick to pick himself back up. “Try hitting that with magic!” he called back to them. “That or, uh, I dunno, aim for a joint? Or where a joint should be, anyway?” He turned his attention back to the skeletons coming his way and readied his sword.

Edited by radio414

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Lana grit her teeth as she tried to push back against the strange wrapped zombie, only to find herself pushed back away from it and overpowered. Pulling her axe back, the girl saw the creature bring its arm up, about to swing at her only for Chris to appear and bring his blade down on the arm, forcing it to go off course. Before she could even react he was gone again, a visual that she had seen many times but still wasn't sure she could entirely get used to, before calling back to his now much further away voice. "Got it!" Thankfully, there was a now injured joint ripe for the hitting. 

Bringing up her axe, the girl took a swing to bury the blade into the monster's shoulder, nearly lopping the whole thing off as a result. Nearly. "Tsk, why are you all so tough, you're already dead aren't you?" The creature then brought down the hand it had blocked her with earlier down to strike her. Pulling her axe back, the girl stepped away for the swing to miss and the zombie to start walking her way. The room was pretty cramped as it was and there was more than just this monster to deal with here so she wanted to make sure it was dealt with quick. Stepping to the side of the injured arm, the girl took yet another swing, this time aimed as the monster's neck. With the blade managing to get a clean hit the zombie, Lana let out another frustrated grunt saying, "oh come on." She had proved that nothing short of total decapitation would stop it, as her axe failed to do just that. For that matter why was this thing's neck so tough anyway? 

As it brought its arm to swing at her again, the girl once again back stepped to avoid getting hit in the gut. She could've been reckless to try and kill it once and for all, but she was pretty sure that getting hit in the gut by this would be worse than anything the skeletons could do. However, she was running out of time as the skeleton to the north was now just one coffin away from them. "Alright..." Winding her axe back for yet another swing she shouted, "Ziun! Do that magic thing again!" If it was able to soften it up like it had the skeleton than that would be all she needed to kill it. And so when Ziun would fire his magic Lana would follow up with another swing. 

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