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The portmanteau is worse than simply doing Overlay and (if art is available) making the lei apparent in the art. Forced puns in the name aren't worth it, especially when Overlay is a term cards already use. You have the type, plus you can and DID explain, so... Yeah, just poor naming convention.

Not really sure why this is LIGHT, but that's just nitpicking.

For the card itself, the design is meh? It's a free and unrestricted special summon from the hand, which has a lot of potential and just cheats you into stuff like True King of All Calamities... before you even begin playing your deck. Opening the game with a Big Boi that keeps the opponent from stopping you before you combo off is pretty poor design, even on a Normal Summon only effect.

Then you add on the fact that it actually does something, albeit not something great, on top of the first effect and... It's not nearly as likely to be completely dead. So it's flexible in addition to a strong NS ability. It doesn't even make sense in-theme why it does that. I get the idea that it interacts with Overlay Units, but why does it give +800? Why does it come back from the GY? Is it becoming a lei around their neck? If so, why does an OVERLAY themed card equip itself? And why does it banish itself when it leaves the field for such a mediocre effect? Hard OPT makes more sense than that. It may not be super realistic to assume Imperial Iron Wall Shenanigans, but it's safer to be prepared than not.

It's not broken, but it's kinda high roll-y, and just not very good design. It shouldn't be able to summon anything from hand, and I'd honestly be hesitant to even allow level 6 for this type of design, much less higher. Negating the effects is not enough of a drawback when you would just use good cards (such as True Kings) or cards with grave effects to compensate for it, and a lot of decks HAVE that sort of thing. 

Not to mention the latter effect is just overkill to a type of card that would already have a home in certain decks, so I don't... really get it? Why would you add more onto a card that already does things? If you NEED one, a minor GY effect is better than giving it flexibility at every stage. Or, better yet, just make it grant a small effect to what it's attached to as Xyz Material instead of this effect. Like, +500? Encourages them to keep the lei on as long as possible.

A limit of, like, Level 6 on the first effect + minor second effect would just be a lot more balanced. And the name can definitely be cleaner.

Finally, please put [Written] in the title, as per the rules. Work is going to be going into the section soon, and rules will be cracked down on as needed.

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2 hours ago, Blake said:

Finally, please put [Written] in the title, as per the rules. Work is going to be going into the section soon, and rules will be cracked down on as needed.

Is the written rule retroactive? I mean I did make cards from the start without " written " on them because I haven't had problems with it in all my times in YCM/NCM.

Edited by BGMキャノン

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Just here on out, unless the rules change in the future, please, since it's been there since the site was made. The section's been handled hands-off, but I'm gonna be cleaning it up soon.

Anything earlier I'll leave be, but please comply with the rules until if/when they change.

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4 minutes ago, Blake said:

Just here on out, unless the rules change in the future, please, since it's been there since the site was made. The section's been handled hands-off, but I'm gonna be cleaning it up soon.

Anything earlier I'll leave be, but please comply with the rules until if/when they change.

Alrighty.. Thank you for the heads up, and the clarification.

Edited by BGMキャノン

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Nice to see a mod jumping into reviewing in CC.

I agree with Black on the effects. The first effect makes it too easy to shortcut into big Xyzs, especially those that require 2+ materials, even if it has some requirements like taking your NS and having the other monster in the hand, plus is a -1 in a vacuum but as pointed out, that can be offset with floaty effects or Xyzs with way-too-good effects. The aforementioned King of Calamities is an example of how this card can go south, but there ought to be other threats out there, now and in the future. Keep future proofing in mind.

The second effect strikes me as odd and out of place. Detach to become an Equip with 800 ATK? Alright but... I see little connection or association with the typing, name and first effect. It actually does the opposite of overlaying by detaching the material. Also would be funny with the recent Union support Link2 and equip it to a Plant straight away for a boost, but I wouldn't spend on that Link2 for just +800 ATK. Anyway, would make more sense if it attached itself to an Xyz from hand/GY and then gave the Xyz a gained effect that gives +800 ATK, and gets banished when it's detached.

I for one appreciate this has an underused typing of LIGHT/Plant, and I assume the name and typing would make more sense with whatever art you have in mind for it.

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