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Mr. Hyde

My Hero Academia: Shooting Stars (IC/PG-16/Co-hosted by Yui/Pending Acceptance)

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"Humph!  Whatever!  But you two better promise to carry my bags back!  And I won't take no as an answer! Let's get this over with as soon as possible then!  Chop, chop!"

Yu was startled by the girl’s sudden turn of mood, switching from despondency to indignation at the flick of a switch. Yu gave Midome a confused look before following him into the store, struggling as his stuffed bear stirred and squirmed in his arms.

As he entered, Yu immediately came face to face with a cardboard cutout of a smiling woman wearing nothing but an insufficient bikini holding a printer in her outstretched hand. Attempting to avoid staring, he turned his head and walked to his right, only to be confronted by yet another cutout of a woman wearing a perverted parody of a business suit presenting a package of printer paper. Yu held his hands to his sides and squeezed his eyes shut as he attempted to steady himself.

“This can’t be normal for a store to be like this! What is this place?!”

After taking a few deep breaths, he started to chant the Lotus Sutra under his breath as he cracked open his eyes.

“This is going to be ok...A hero should not be so easily distracted like this...This is sensei’s test…” Yu repeated to himself in between recitations of the calming phrase. After a minute, Yu walked forward past the cutouts and into the store proper. His resolve now shored up, Yu caught up to Midome, who was busy reviewing the list alone, absorbed in his own thoughts. Perhaps he was thinking the same thing about the store? As he opened his mouth to ask Midome what he thought about the store, his thought was interrupted.

"Soo... I just realized we didn't take a shopping cart wanna go fetch one? I'll wait here."

“O-O-Oh, that’s right. That’s what people use when they do shopping in a store. Right, I’ll go get one. It’d be useful if Theodore could-”

Yu’s stomach dropped as he realized that he was not holding his bear, which was now no longer in sight. As panic set in, he heard a metallic cacophony from behind him. Fearing the worst, Yu rushed outside to see what the bear had destroyed, only to find it carrying several shopping carts, balancing them precariously over its head as nearby patrons quickly walked around the strange spectacle. Giving a sheepish smile to the unnerved patrons, Yu scrambled over to the bear and grabbed it, causing the carts to crash into the pavement on their sides. After a minute of wrangling the carts right-side-up, he finally managed to retrieve a cart and push it into the store, the bear firmly fastened into the child seat.

“Ok...I got the cart…”

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Whoa. Heavy shit. Looks like volcano boy has serious issues. Akuma blinked. "[Damn.] That bad? Look, Keika I--" He stopped abruptly as the shrill scream of some lady in the store sounded. "[The fuck?]" He muttered, wandering over to the end of the aisle where he could see the giant woman scarfing food into her colossal maw. Some kind of hunger-related quirk, he figured.

Initially, he started walking back to his classmates-- it wasn't his business: as long as they got the food for the school and got out, why should he care?

But then he got to thinking, what was going to stop her from going after them? Wouldn't they have to defend themselves anyways? In fact, wasn't he attending a school that was trying to make them into heroes? Fighting the villain would be good for their reputation, much like he had been saying earlier, so really it made sense. He couldn't hurt her with his Quirk, he didn't have a hero license-- none of them did, and he realized that if he stepped in, he'd either have his classmates as backup or nobody at all. So he had to try and restrain the villain with his tentacles. Choke her out, probably-- and if the others could help, well that'd be good. Toshiko and Keika probably couldn't fight her without that risk, but Hane's Quirk was as harmless as they came.

Turning back to Keika and Hane, he'd already made his decision.

"Guys, we've got a villain. I'm going to go fight her. Who's in?"

"Whoa, whoa, man, I appreciate the enthusiasm," Hane commented as he began to unbutton his uniform. "But we shouldn't fight them here. First things first, we gotta lure her away from the civilians," he threw off his top, showing off his vigilante costume. "But yeah, you got the Bouncer on your side," he reached into his pocket, pulling out his mask and slipping it on. "Let's do it!"

Akuma smiled. "Good thinking." Grabbing his own shirt collar, he practically ripped it open, sending at least two buttons flying.

"Oh." He patted down his now-bare chest, realizing only too late that he didn't HAVE a hero costume. Of course, exposing his skin made using his Quirk easier, so...

"I guess this works," he decided, tying the shirt around his waist.

Two pairs of tentacles extruded from his back as he pounded a fist into his palm.

"[Okay.] Now we go."

Akuma rounded the corner, his tendrils rearing like cobras as he bared his feral smile. "What's this, someone's causing trouble?"

Hane soon followed, bouncing off a wall and landing by Akuma in the all so famous Superhero Landing pose. "Then we'll deal with it, on the double!"

"We're here to stop your devastation!"
"Fighting the good fight despite legislation!"
"We're not not Shiketsu and we're not UA..."
"But if you're up to no good, we'll ruin your day!"
"Heroes of Hairo, here for a fight!
"Surrender now or prepare to-- what?!"

Unfortunately, Akuma'd gotten impatient, and while Hane was asking questions, he was throwing himself forward with his tentacles, and using them to try and snare one of the giant lady's arms.

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Nanami had passed the same set of batteries no less than three times without taking notice of it while talking with Kiburi. The roach-girl seemed to take everything in a fairly even stride. Nothing the shark said seemed to disturb her much one way or the other. Her new roommate definitely seemed more focused on ensuring the presence of her endless bug followers wouldn't trouble anyway. No doubt it had caused her a lot of grief showing up. As the shark pondered if she had the jaw strength to break Kiburi's nigh indestructible shell she was caught off guard by the sudden asking of what she was in for. There was no real hesitance or sugar-coating. It was just the simple question. And while Nanami appreciated that, this particular question was nothing so straightforward in her own mind.

"Well," the shark started uncomfortably before figuring out in her head where to go with this answer. "You know, I'm sort of a time bomb around people without strong exoskeletons. I've nearly lost it over someone scraping their knee down the block, nevermind a decent cut in the same room." she continued, her shoulders a bit tense as she picked up some unrelated electronic nearby to give her hands something to do. "Can't really just let someone like me do whatever she wants ya know? Someone'll end up hurt eventually. Complete strangers, family... friends..." she trailed off before she actually got into details of the specific incident that had landed her the invitation to Hairo Academy. It was around that time a shout further back in the store caught the girl's attention as Juryo of all people suddenly flew into the front of the store. More importantly Nanami was sensing a huge electric field that instantly locked her sight onto the assailant's direction as he came into view.

"A situation huh?" Nanami said as she cracked her knuckles and a wicked smile. "I've been wanting to beat some ass!" she shouted as she charged the energy being that had attacked her classmate. While anything but the smartest approach, a punch to the gut before sinking her teeth into a person's neck was a classic and one she hoped would work on the current target.

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Keika swore he heard Akuma say something, but he didn't care. He said what he said and that was it, now maybe they'd leave him alone for ten seconds. Maybe he could actually think and shop in p-...

"Hero!  Are there any heroes here?!"
I've beat up most heroes who patrol around here!  Don't think anyone's comin' to save your store!  I'm one hungry girl, and nothin' can stop my feedin' frenzy!!!!!"

If only it was that simple. From what Keika could see, it was a large woman...and she was rummaging through a family's cart. Spiked mask and a huge jaw too, she had a crazy physique and she was pretty much just what he expected: a villain.

"Guys, we've got a villain. I'm going to go fight her. Who's in?"
"Whoa, whoa, man, I appreciate the enthusiasm, but we shouldn't fight them here. First things first, we gotta lure her away from the civilians,"

"...you both are idiots." Keika rolled his eyes, already seeing that these two were going to jump into harms way to stop this woman. Truth be told, it would help their image, but at the same time...with his Quirk, he didn't think it would be much of a good thing. He'd enjoy kicking the shit out of some villain, but he'd prefer not to be involved with something that could possibly backfire on him.

With that, he scoffed a bit and continued on shopping...hearing the ludicrous entrance the two boys used. It was their funeral... However, he stopped short at where he was about to pick up a few drinks, only to look at himself in the door's reflection. He groaned slightly to himself, just staring at it. Did he really not want to take a chance? Did him being put in Hairo damage his wish to get a better handle on his Quirk and his life that bad? With another groan, he put the basket down and began to shake his head.

...am I really going to go through with this? Keika thought, starting to hunch and crouch down before sneaking into the area where the villain was and the family she was stealing from was. He grabbed a small can and tactfully rolled it down the aisle, hoping it would cause the family to head his direction...then, that'd be a family of civilians out of the way at least.

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Peanut butter, peanut butter... Where was the peanut butter flavored ice cream? Did they even have any? Ooh! Yes! There was only one left, but there it was! Score! Toshiko put the tasty treat in a little basket hanging from her arm, separate from the grocery list items that were finding their way into the shopping cart she'd also taken. What good was a grocery trip if she didn't do a bit of shopping for herself too? While she was here and all. As she perused the other flavors, suddenly, Toshiko heard a scream resonate across the shop.

"Hero!  Are there any heroes here?!"

That's me. I'm a hero! ...in training. It would do, right? Putting her basket in the cart and leaving it there for now, Toshiko dashed up the aisle and turned the corner, to find the sight that had prompted it. A large woman with an even larger appetite. And... Akuma and Hane? More importantly, it looked like the lady hadn't seen Toshiko just yet. The blue girl looked around, trying to find something useful. She wasn't a really good fighter, and even if she was, Toshiko wasn't sure she would be able to take on a woman of that size. So, she'd improvise. With that, for instance!

A jug of water! Toshiko removed the glove from her left hand and pocketed it, placing her hand on the surface of the jug and watching the contents gradually turn to ice. While the boys were busy making a weird introductory speech, Toshiko was getting ready to catch this villain by surprise. And by freezing the contents of this jug, effectively turning it into a big solid ice cube to be thrown...

Toshiko picked up the frozen jug. It was heavy! Quietly, she snuck along the distance between herself and the action, until she was close enough that she could confidently throw the ice up and smack that villain in the back of the head with it. And once she was in range...

"Ei!" Toshiko flung the ice at the villain, before promptly hauling ass out of there. Back up the aisle the boys had come from, right past Keika who she left with a "Go go go go get her!" before traversing the rest of the aisle. Where she removed the other glove, putting that in her pocket as well. The boys were much better suited to direct combat. And Toshiko? She put her hands on the floor, letting her Quirk work its magic. It would take a bit to do anything significant though, with a surface this size.


"Well... You know, I'm sort of a time bomb around people without strong exoskeletons. I've nearly lost it over someone scraping their knee down the block, nevermind a decent cut in the same room. Can't really just let someone like me do whatever she wants ya know? Someone'll end up hurt eventually. Complete strangers, family... friends..."

"Mhm... I can't relate that well." Kiburi looked at the list again... and promptly wondered why she was the one with the list. The only reason she remembered to get those first few items was because somebody had mentioned them out loud and she knew what they looked like. "It's not that different of a story for me either, though. Can't let the roach queen do as she pleases, y'know? What if I wander into a sushi bar somewhere and cause an epidemic? Is probably what the government would say." Kiburi briefly turned around to hand Nanami the paper with the shopping list on it. "Tell me what's on here, would you? I can't read."

There wasn't much time for that though, before Juryo crashed through and stated that they had a situation. Looked like the store had some unfriendly company.

"A situation huh? I've been wanting to beat some ass!"

"Wonderful," Kiburi sighed. She set her things so far down, and rather than charging the foe directly, made for Juryo instead, pulling him back up to his feet. "Can you redistribute weight across people?" she asked.

Edited by yui

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The figure in front of her didn't so much as flinch as Nanami approached him.  As her punch landed in his stomach, it would feel as if Nanami was punching a wall of static, her fist disappearing into the being and coming out the other way.  Her teeth would do the same, although the would meet some sort of resistance a couple of inches deep into where the being's 'skin' lay.  It's voice was indistinguishable from harsh radio static, but it was obvious the thing was mocking her with some sort of laughter.  Soon after, Nanami would feel the harsh sensation of electricity firing into her arm and gums.  The thing brought it's arm up, and a clear fist began to manifest at the tip of it's arm, fleshy as could be.  It brought itself into the girls face with enough force to dislodge the girl from his neck, but it wouldn't truly be painful.  Right after the blow connected, the fist turned into energy once again.  It turned around, hopping over to an electrical outlet with a t.v. in it's arms.  It plugged the t.v. into the wall, and started doing the same thing with multiple appliances in the store. 

Juryo got up, and rubbed the back of his tender head.  His muscles were still spasming from the sudden introduction of electricity to his nerves.  

"I don't think physical attacks are gonna work on this guy...we either need to let him run out of juice...or we need a better plan."  Kiburi had run up to him short after he had been flown across the room.

"Can you redistribute weight across people?" She asked.  

"Yeah."  Juryo responded, as he rose to his feet.  "What did you have in mind?"  



"That's three months you haven't paid me now," The woman said, clearly quite frustrated with the man across from her. "And now you want me to let a fourth slide and just pretend like business will suddenly get better?"  Miyu's eyes lit up with excitement.  Was she truly witnessing divine punishment before her!?  She didn't even have to lift a finger!  It clearly looked like the two of them were arguing about payments of some sort, yet she couldn't keep her eyes off the lady.  "I'm not asking you anymore. I'm telling. Pay off at least some of what you owe me. Today. If you can't, well..." The woman paused, thinking about what to do. With a reluctant sigh, she concluded "Well, you won't like it, anyway."

"Let me know if I can get in on a slice of that pie too!"  Miyu raised her hand behind the woman, her eyes closed as she smiled devilishly.  


The mountain of a girl paused in pure astonishment, as she watched the two buffoons in front of her begin to pose and spout off some ridiculous lines.  She stood there, flabbergasted, continuing to watch the display while also reaching into the cart for more food, chowing down on it as she looked on with a blank stare.  Keika's gamble had paid off in the meantime, as the family nearest the girl would notice the can rolling from out of nowhere.  They rushed over to Keika's position, without even the girl noticing, not that she would've cared if they had.  After Hane and Akuma finished, the girl smacked her head and began to laugh wildly.  Her arteries rose to the surface of her skin, lighting up a vibrant red throughout her entire body as she laughed.  The sound waves were almost enough to shake the entire store.  

"Dinner and a show, huh!?  I gotta thank you two later...haven't had me a good laugh like that in a while!  FWAHAHAHAHA!"  The girl continued to laugh, as Akuma's tentacles wrapped themselves around her arm.  "FWAHAHAHAHA!  And now you wanna fight me!?  THAT'S AN EVEN BETTER JOKE!"  The girl reeled her arm back with out any resistance from Akuma's tentacles noticeable whatsoever.  Using Akuma's momentum against him, the girl clotheslined the boy with a stationary lariat, laughing all the while.  She popped an entire rotisserie chicken into her mouth, spitting the freshly picked bones in Hane's position at incredible speeds.  That's when a big jug of frozen water smacked her in the face.  It exploded into shards of ice, revealing her eyes filled with murderous intent, now locked on Toshiko.  

"I don't mind burning off a few calories fightin' you mooks!  It'll just make me hungrier!"   

Edited by Mr. Hyde

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Yu could feel his face flushing as he walked the aisles of the store, doing his best to avoid making eye contact with the unblinking cardboard women that decorated every shelf and display. However, the charnel house offered many surprises behind every hanging package of pencils, staples and erasers. As he picked the last box of red pens off the back of a dusty shelf, Yu almost jumped out of his skin when he saw another pair of unblinking eyes staring back at him.

“This cannot be normal! Why would anyone decorate a store like this?!” Yu thought as he tugged at his collar, releasing the steam building under his uniform, “If this keeps up, I’m not sure how Theodore will act!”

As he put the box into the cart, he saw Theodore fall limp as his gaze passed over him, as if to hide what he was doing when Yu’s back was turned to him. Just as Yu’s mind began to explore the possibilities of what the stuffed animal could have done in the few moments his back was turned, he returned his focus to the task at hand, hoping that avoiding the dread would keep it from moving further. Seeking further guidance, he turned his head to Midome, who’s eyes were still fixed to the list. The boy’s mind was clearly not on store around him, apparently oblivious to the bizarreries that surrounded him.

“Wow...Midome-san is so focused. If I could have focus like him, maybe I might have a chance of being a hero too.”

Yu’s attention was then suddenly drawn to the sounds of an argument behind his classmate, also drawing the attention of passing shoppers. Moving down the aisle to get a better look at the developing situation, he saw that Miyu had also noticed another horned woman looming over the cowering man behind the counter.

“Pay off at least some of what you owe me. Today. If you can't, well...well, you won't like it, anyway."

"Let me know if I can get in on a slice of that pie too!"

The expression of sadistic glee on Miyu’s face unnerved him. It was as if she was drawing energy from the fear of the hapless store manager. The whole situation reminded him of something out of a gangster movie, like a pair of thugs shaking down the local butcher for protection money. Was he witnessing a crime in progress? Yu swallowed nervously before approaching Miyu from behind, still pushing the cart.

“Miyu-san, what are you doing? This might be a crime in progress!” Yu rasped in a strained whisper, “If we are going to be heroes, we might need to do something to stop her!”


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Keika's little gamble did pay off...so that was good. Now he had this family of three was near him and away from the villain...while the two stooges attempted to fight her. Toshiko also seemed to help too...running right past him and the family, but still...he was under the radar which was what he needed right now.

Tch...the civilians are out of the way somewhat...but there's still about... Keika thought, doing a quick headcount, getting roughly a total of 17 civilians left in the store. 17 left...fan-fucking-tastic. No worries. Long as those three can keep that chick busy, I can work on an escape plan for them. Cause that front door? Yeah, the moment they make a break for it, they'll be in the line of fire.

The young man's eyes darted around for a bit, trying to figure something out. Then his eyes came across something, the back area of the store, more specifically the area the employees would go in and out of for stock reasons. And if he had to guess, there was most likely a backdoor that direction. Not saying one word, Keika glanced over at the family of three before slowly motioning with his head towards the direction of the back. Once that was done, he did his best to stay hidden and make a quick get away with the family to the back. There...he found the back exit to the store. Unfortunately, it was locked.

"Typical...alright." Keika glanced again at the family, before putting his finger to his mouth before speaking in a hushed tone. "Keep quiet and don't freak out about this...going to get you guys out of here." he turned back around to face the door, before rolling his sleeve up and proceeding to coat his arm with the obsidian-granite. Without another thought, he chipped away at the armored skin at his left index finger, causing it to bleed out the lava underneath. Within another moment, the lava from the index finger was slathered onto the door's locks melting it away.

Turning his arm back to normal almost immediately, he pushed the door open and motioned with his head again. "Go on...get the hell out of here. And try and call the cops or an actual hero." Keika muttered, preparing to return back the direction he came, just to get the other civilians. ...can't believe me of all people wants the damn cops here...ugh just hope they don't ask stupid shit.

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Thrown to the ground, Akuma lay in a silent daze for a few moments, until a block of ice shattered on the woman's head.

Rolling aside with the momentary distraction, Akuma found himself silently grateful for Toshiko's intervention. Keika was nowhere to be seen, but then neither were the civilians. That was probably a good thing.


Standing up, his tentacles retracted as he caught his breath. She was strong, but he was guessing that her Quirk needed constant fuel to make her that strong. He needed to keep her from fueling up, and to do that they needed to distract her or restrain her. Hopefully, it would work against her once she'd burned enough energy. Glancing down, he saw Toshiko's ice spreading across the floor. That was good-- if they could freeze her, that'd be good. But if she charged Toshiko, she wouldn't have time to do that.

Circling around so he was behind her, he threw his hand out and loosed a single tentacle, attempting to wrap it around the villain's throat and coil it onto itself like a noose. Strangulation was a pretty effective method of subduing an enemy-- he'd done it before to great effect. As an afterthought, he made his tentacle's musculature thicker to compensate for his target's superior strength, then pulled to tighten it.

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Midome walked around the shop, eyes on the list as if he wanted to pierce it with his gave alone. While he was doing his... best, for lack of better word, in order to be as slow as possible, Yu had proved himself very efficient in filling the cart with supplies so far. Midome couldn't blame him, that was the reason why they were here after all, but he was starting to question if his plan had been such a good idea after all.

Nonetheless, there was no point in backing down now, even though...

In an empty aisle of the shop, the pale young man looked around to see if there was someone looking. Then, as quick as he could, he grabbed his flask and drank, closing his eyes and letting his expression melting in pure bliss as the gnawing hole forming in his "stomach" calmed down. He had to force himself to not down all the bottle in one go. Then he checked again, like a kid worried that his parents might have been watching the whole time. Once it was confirmed that there was no one in line of sight, Midome took the opportunity to renew his skin as well while he was at it. He didn't like anyone to see him like that, much less his own classmates.

before leaving leaving the aisle, he checked once again the list before grabbing several stacks of photocopy paper. As much as he would have liked to slow down things more, he couldn't just leave Yu to do all the work. Also, not bringing anything to the cart wouldn't have been easy to explain when he was the one with the list in the first place.

He roamed the shop for a while, initially content with not finding the other early, but as he found no trace of Yu a sense of worry began to spread in his chest.

Where did he go? It doesn't seem like that bear of his lost control or something... Could we be walking circles round each other?

The irritation for not being able to find him quickly faded, however, as he came in view of the desk, where Miyu was still beside the owner and the businesswoman talking... And Yu that now was near her, cart, bear and all. With an unconscious sigh, Midome balanced the stacks of paper on his arms before heading towards the desk as well.

Edited by Arkars

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"Yeah. What did you have in mind?"

"Put all that guy's weight on me then throw him the hell out of this store." Simple, easy, efficient. And in the cases of most people, something that would probably be quite painful on the bones when they suddenly weighed two whole people. Knocking on a piece of exoskeleton to make the point, Kiburi added "If you're worried it might hurt me, don't. I'm a tough girl." And if this guy electrocuted everyone? Kiburi wasn't sure. But there was only one way to find out, wasn't there? With the plan in motion, Kiburi ran - not much of a runner though she may have been - toward the scene of the action. If only this guy was made of fire instead of lightning. Kiburi would throw a bucket of water over his head and call it a day. But against a lightning guy, that seemed like a bad move.


"I don't mind burning off a few calories fightin' you mooks!  It'll just make me hungrier!"

Right, her attention was now on the students. Exactly as planned. "Right. Go gettem K..." Uh-oh. He left. To get the civilians out of here. That was definitely the smart move, but now there were no additional students left between Toshiko and this monster woman. "Keika?" There were still the other two boys up there, but she would have liked to have someone more directly between Toshiko and her target. Luckily, Akuma and Hane seemed to have thee situation up there handled, insofar as fighting the woman went. Akuma wrapped a tentacle around the lady's neck, and upon further inspection, she could see Hane was up to something to.

Namely, leaping into one of the checkout counters so he could bounce off it with his Quirk, allowing him to propel himself like a human cannonball at the lady's legs. "If you were that hungry, you could just ask for a dinner date!" He exclaimed. "How's tonight at nine sound?"


"Let me know if I can get in on a slice of that pie too!"

The woman glanced behind her, holding an arm out to her side to signal for this child not to interfere. "This is my business, not yours." Which in turn brought her attention to those tacky and frankly embarrassing "ads" plastered around the place. "Mhmm... I get it now." With a new level of disdain her in eyes, the woman turned her attention back to the man across the shattered counter. She put one foot down on his knee, and clarified "You can clearly afford to hire these models to pose in skimpy outfits holding office supplies. Or if they're stock images, you can afford commercial liscences for them. That money's coming from somewhere, right? Either you used my loan for this sad display instead of improving your store, or you got the money elsewhere and are simply witholding my payment."

Her foot raised up, then was promptly slammed down. Miyu and the others nearby could hear the distinct sound of bones snapping as the shopkeep howled in pain. "Shameful. Truly shameful. I'm starting to think it would be better if I just took the entire store." The woman glanced behind her again, to the Hairo students that had gathered here. "Wouldn't you say so, children?"

Edited by yui

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Nanami's entire body tensed up at the sensation of electricity coursing into her from the contact she'd made with Juryo's assailant. Still she could feel some resistance as she clamped her teeth down. She just had to clamp down harder and she'd find his vitals eventually. Before she could attempt the feat, the appendage of the electrical being turned back into what looked like a human hand and knocked her off, though the impact wasn't painful at all. In fact just how little it did to her was more surprising than biting into the electricity had been. But after a moment the shark processed it and smirked as she readied herself to trail her opponent who was now plugging in as many appliances as he could.

"Get back here you light weight!" she yelled out as she ran after him. But directly attacking again was just going to get herself shocked again. Nanami wasn't quite that dumb or bloodthirsty to keep trying that until it either worked or got her killed. Not yet anyway. She grabbed the nearest appliance and threw it with some ferocious speed at the objects he was plugging in. Whatever it was this dumb thing wanted she wasn't going to let him have it. She was going to rip that tv and everything else he plugged in out of the wall and try chucking them through his head.

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"Put all that guy's weight on me then throw him the hell out of this store."  Juryo blinked a couple of times, amazed at the fact that she would volunteer for such a scheme.  He could put it on anyone, or anything else, but this would be more strenuous on her.  "If you're worried it might hurt me, don't. I'm a tough girl."  Juryo couldn't help but crack a smile at the comment.  

"That's what I like to hear!"  He said, grabbing a hold of Kiburi's wrist and running at the bad guy.

Meanwhile, the coffee maker that Nanami had thrown hit it's target, breaking the large plasma screen T.V.'s face, and sending circuits flying out.  Some hit the punk, which led to him increasing his size by a small margin.  He looked to Kiburi, and seemed to wail, but only that loud static from before came out.  It shot out a small bolt of electricity at the Shark Girl, readjusting him to his normal size once more.  He ran away from the sparks that continued to pour out of the T.v., before heading over to another appliance he had plugged in.  However, this time, he was intercepted by Juryo, who tried to tackle straight through the monster.  The living laser's torso then manifested through the static, bare chested as could be.  Juryo's shoulder ran straight into it, and he was met with little resistance.  He pinned the guy straight up against the wall, as he placed a hand on the guy's chest.  He began transferring the thing's weight to Kiburi, but was stopped short when the thing's chest returned back to it's energy-like state. 

The buzzing sensation was enough for Juryo's hand to pull back, but he persisted and shoved his hand back inside the being.  For some reason, he could feel a lot of squishy things inside, but that wasn't what he was after.  He began draining it's weight once more, but once again he had a sudden revelation. 

This guy barely weighed a thing at the moment.  What little weight was there was already gone to Kiburi.  The girl would feel as if she'd put on just a bit more weight, like the sensation after gorging one's self after an all you can eat buffet.  

"Aw crap..."  Juryo sighed, as the creature before him roared.  A flash of light was enough to send both Juryo and Kiburi flying back.  When he was able to pick his head off the ground, he'd see the thing start to bathe itself in the sparks that he had avoided before, now becoming almost big enough to reach the ceiling.  "He feeds off electricity!  There's gotta be a way to cut him off!"  He yelled towards the others.  



The sound of bones cracking after the lady slammed her foot into the man was enough for her stomach to sink in.  The owner of this store was surely a pervert with all the ads..but did he really deserve such punishment.  Yes, she thought to herself, before shaking her head.  No...she was seeking justice for girls all over the world, not trying to destroy some shop owner's business, let alone his femurs. 

"Shameful. Truly shameful. I'm starting to think it would be better if I just took the entire store." The woman glanced behind her again, to the Hairo students that had gathered here. "Wouldn't you say so, children?"

Chains began to leak from Miyu's skin, before she smiled.

"Why don't you take this instead!"  Miyu said, as she threw a chain whip coated in flames towards the woman.  


The large woman made her way over to Toshiko with a fury in her eyes, and began to break into a run.  However, one wrong step on the ice beneath her was enough for the girl to slide across the store uncontrollably and into some glass doors.  She crashed through them, and promptly was splattered by eggs and glass.  She emerged from the door with a low toned growl before starting off at Toshiko again.  This time, she was stopped by something from behind catching her by the throat.  It bent her back, but she tried her best to get a grip of the tentacle.  Trying her best,  she dug her fingers into it with pure grip strength, but it wasn't enough to loosen them.  They were too damn thick.  Her neck muscles had reacted properly, and tensed up as well, so she wouldn't pass out anytime soon, however the situation wasn't her favorite.  She began to lean forward, dragging Akuma forwards as well, trying to reel him in.  

"If you were that hungry, you could just ask for a dinner date!" Hane exclaimed. "How's tonight at nine sound?"

Like a wrecking ball, the boy came in and knocked the woman's feet from underneath.  She fell flat on her stomach, while still being strangled by the thing around her neck.  Now she was pissed.

"I'M!"  She opened her mouth, as the veins around her body began to swell up and turn a bright glowing red.  Her mouth started to pour a dark cloud like substance, with red static flowing all around it.  "HUNGRY!!!!!!!!!!"  She roared, as the stuff pouring from her mouth came out and a higher velocity, causing everything in her immediate vicinity to explode with extreme force.  The team would be knocked away by the sheer wind pressure alone.  Once the clouds settled, the girl could be seen licking egg yolks off of her fingers, before raising an eyebrow. 

"That all ya got?"   

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The sickening sound of bones snapping reverberated through the store, followed by the store manager’s agonized screaming like an echo from the abyss. The demon woman, who was pressing her foot into the hapless man’s thigh had pushed all the way through, making Yu recoil in horror and disgust. As he slowly turned to look at the scene, the hair on his back stood on end as he felt the icy gaze of the woman fall onto him.

"Shameful. Truly shameful. I'm starting to think it would be better if I just took the entire store. Wouldn't you say so, children?"

Yu, paralyzed by fear, could only quiver in place. That woman’s expression, cold and unfeeling, was the most shocking thing. It would have made her more human for her face to be twisted and wrinkled by rage, but her disregard for human life made her inhuman.

“M-mm-Miyu-s-san…” Yu stuttered as he approached the counter to her side, hoping to get her attention. As he finally came to her side, her darkened expression showed that she did not share any of his fear. Light clinking and crackling drew Yu’s attention downwards towards the end of Miyu’s infernal chains.

"Why don't you take this instead!"

Yu yelped as he dove out of the arc of Miyu’s swing, landing roughly on the cheap linoleum. He could now feel his whole body shaking with adrenaline. Instinctively, he looked towards the child seat of the shopping cart, and his stomach dropped when Theodore was nowhere to be seen.

“No no no no no no no no!” Yu said as he sprung to his feet and clambered down the nearest aisle. It only took a moment to find a pile of discount printers and half-filled ink cartridges in the middle of the aisle, quivering with potent energy. Yu approached it cautiously, only to be flung back as the shaking mass of plastic burst to life in a humanoid form.

“No! Stop! Theodore stop! You’re going to make things worse!” Yu shouted as he moved to stop the newly birthed golem. The golem deftly leapt over Yu, landing behind him before sprinting down the aisle after the threat. Before reckoning what it was fighting, it seized a handful of ink off a nearby shelf and flung the ball of crushed plastic and ink towards the service counter.


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Akuma's tentacles retreated under his skin again, and he groaned in pain as he stood. "Dammit. Her Quirk is like, three quirks in one. Guess the slow route isn't an option with that breath-attack."

Dropping into a low stance, he had to fight pained muscle spasms in his back, forearms, and shoulders-- that was the drawback to his Quirk: His tentacles were controlled by the muscle groups they were attached to, so if he overworked them, it had a similar effect to going too hard on a workout-- he had to be physically strong to control them, and at the size he'd just produced they used a lot of muscle.

But he wasn't at his limit yet.

Two tentacles popped out of his right bicep and coiled around his forearm and hand until it resembled a giant spring. It wasn't much, but hopefully it would be enough.

"Bouncer, I need you over here!"

This was going to be rough, but someone had to do it and if Hane could help him, he might just pull it off.

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It took some time, but eventually Keika got the other civilians out of the way and out the door. All that remained was him escorting the employees out, then...to take care of the villain, cause there was still that situation. He turned to one of the employees and stopped him. "Oi! That chick back there, she a regular? Know anything specific if she is?"

"We've never seen her before!"

"...figures..." Keika rolled his eyes,waving his hand dismissively. "Like I said with the rest of the civilians...get in touch with the cops, or maybe an actual hero. Also, is this place insured?" The young man noticed that the employee nodded slowly. "Good...cause I'm fairly certain things may end up getting worse if this keeps up. Now get the hell out of here."

With the last of the civilians out, Keika exhaled greatly. This was the part he really wasn't too thrilled with dealing with, but this was what he needed to do. He prepped himself, rolling up his sleeves, psyching himself up to the best of his ability. He crouched down, looking at what he could see of the situation. What he saw, he wasn't too thrilled with.

"I'M! HUNGRY!!!!!!!!!! That all ya got?"

For fuck sake...of all the types of ones to actually have in this situation... Keika thought, watching for an opening to strike at this woman. Though from the looks of it, Akuma seemed to be planning something for the Bounce Boy. But at this point, they needed something else. At this point, people needed to distract this woman so the other two could actually do something, since Snow Queen obviously wasn't going to do anything.

That left only one potential option...

"OI!!!" Keika shouted, making his presence known as he proceeded to crack his knuckles. "Hate to break it to you, but this store's got a No Bitch policy...and that means you." The young man began to make his way towards the villain, his arms began to become coated in the obsidian-granite shell to which he immediately struck at the villain, giving her two strong punches. "That means, take your hide and get out...or things are going to get ugly. Heh, not that they aren't already with you here."

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One moment, Midome was looking at the shopping cart, searching for a good placement for the stacks of paper that were honestly starting to weight on him. The next, the woman had stomped on the owner's hand, and the man himself was howling in pain.

He didn't immediately understand what had happened. Midome had no bones, and his first instinct was to think that the desk had broken. As he passed over that first reflex, however, he put together what had just happened.

The realization threw him in internal panic.

The woman had just crushed the man's hand.

He wasn't sure why, or how, things had gotten this way, but there was no denying the truth in front of his eyes.

That was, at the very least, a criminal act. And judging by the absolute calm said woman was displaying, completely deliberate too.

In other words, he and his companions, licenseless students two steps away from detention, found themselves right in front of a villain.

For the second time in a few seconds, he was then brutally yanked away from his thoughts, this time by Miyu's attack on the woman. He staggered back, while somewhere in the back of his mind a worried thought about the fact that the illegal quirk usage would have caused problems to his plan passed through. If Midome in that moment had had the possibility to notice that thought, he would have found himself surprised that he still managed to be worried about a plan regarding a girl's shopping needs in that moment. then again, he hadn't had much else to occupy his mind since he entered the shop.

What the attack did manage to do, however, was to trigger his fight or flight instincts. it wasn't usual for him, he preferred to think things through. Thinking about what he was doing helped him in keeping his quirk under control. That same need, however, had in time pushed his response to threat towards the direction of avoiding said threat, a pattern that had been broken only once in recent times, and that break had been the cause of Midome finding himself at Hairo.

It is no surprise, then, that facing his instincts completely unprepared, the though "stay and fight" didn't even cross his mind as a workable first approach to the situation.

On a more practical level, Midome spent the whole length of half a second staring at the stacks of papers he was still holding. It was quite a lot, over a feet of A4 sheets, piled on top of each other in comfortable packages of five hundred pages each. He then proceeded to throw them all over the woman.

Now much lighter, Midome didn't bother to check the effect his attack with dead trees would produce, and grabbed Miyu. He couldn't see Yu, which worried him quite a bit, but his current priority was different. Priority that, while he tried to drag the demon girl away from the desk, found his way to his lungs as he shouted, he wasn't sure if at the owner, the customers, his classmates, or himself, but in that moment it felt it to be the safest maneuver for everyone that would listen.


Edited by Arkars

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"He feeds off electricity!  There's gotta be a way to cut him off!"

Kiburi's plan - while a good idea - didn't seem to work out. Some way of cutting off the electricity... she was no expert, but weren't water and electricity supposed to not mix? That rain from the other day would sure have been helpful right about now. It could have shut him down immediately. Or maybe it could have made things catastrophically worse. Who knew?

The fact that this guy was now bigger was a problem, though. Throwing electronics at him wouldn't cut it. In fact, it would do exactly the opposite. Maybe, just maybe...

"If you want electricity, I know a great place to get some without getting caught by its shitty security," Kiburi called out. "A whole generator's worth, in fact! Man's gotta eat, right?"

That was all she could think of right now.


"I'M! HUNGRY!!!!!!!!!! That all ya got?"

Well, the ice thing had kinda worked. Kinda. Toshiko hadn't accounted for exploding breath in the list of things that could happen. If not for that, she would have had this in the bag right about now. Alas. With the team now scattered some and the hangry woman back on her feet, it was time for Toshiko to do what she did best. Deliver some ice-cold justice. Or something like that.

But with what?

"OI!!! Hate to break it to you, but this store's got a No Bitch policy...and that means you. That means, take your hide and get out...or things are going to get ugly. Heh, not that they aren't already with you here."

Not with Keika. He wasn't a weapon. But Toshiko sure did appreciate his presence right now. He could at least buy her time to find her next plan of attack. And speaking of the boys...

"Bouncer, I need you over here!"

With no time wasted and a flip along the way for style points, Hane bounced off the floor, landing himself next to Akuma, giving him a nod. "What's up?"


"Why don't you take this instead!"

The woman then found herself assaulted by a chain reaching out from the girl's arm. The fire was certainly an odd addition, she thought. It didn't seem to burn her any, so what did it do? Curiosity would have to come later. Right now, there was the matter of collecting at least some of her money, and also dealing with these kids that had suddenly turned violent. Was it something she did?

Oh. That. Right. Probably too far in their innocent little eyes.

Before she had much time to respond to having been whacked by a chain, she found herself also assaulted by a large stack of paper that knocked her clean off her feet, as well as a shattered ink cartrige and its contents. Three kids against one adult who knew better, then.


One girl and a cowardly boy against an adult, then. Plus... whatever that thing was.

"I'll come back for you in a bit," the woman sighed, casting only a brief glance back down at the currently-crippled shop owner before turning her attention back to where it needed to be right now. As she got back up to her feet, the woman crouched just a small bit, and suddenly leapt forward to the shelves, kicking the end of it with enough force to send it sliding across the floor, and blocking off Midome's would-be escape route. Another lunge followed, this time putting herself between the runaway slime and the door.

"I can't say I approve of attacking out of nowhere like that," she commented. "Now then, I'd prefer to make this quick. If you're going to fight me, then let's hurry up. If not, the door's right behind me, and I would advise using it right now. But, is this really a fight worth picking?"

Edited by yui

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"What's up?"

Akuma's tentacles wound and unwound nervously around his arm. "I'm gonna try and knock her out, but I need your help-- launch me."

 "What, like bounce into you and send you flying?"

 "I was thinking more like a slingshot or something," Akuma shrugged, leaving a mild touch of disappointment and condescension into his voice, "but if bouncing's all you're good at..."

 "Just about. One ticket aboard Bouncer Airlines, coming right up!" Hane turned around, took a deep breath, and at full speed, sprinted at the wall behind Akuma. Only to activate his Quirk just as he took a bold leap forward, causing his now rubbery body to bounce off the wall, then the floor, and then at Akuma's back. "Go get 'em!"

Akuma, just before impact, jumped and tucked his feet in, making him much easier to launch. "[Thank YOU!]" He shouted as the two bounced apart.

Twisting in the air as he arced towards the villain, his tentacles coiled and tensed until his arm resembled a spring.

"[Dad! Dad! Look!]"

Akuma's tentacles waved excitedly as he gestured to the concrete block he'd split with his attack. "[Look what I did! I broke it, I broke that!]"

"[Really...]" His father smiled, a rare expression that made him smile in turn. He considered the damage done to the block, watching as the two part slid in half, then turned back to his young son. 

"[Show me how you did it.]"

Akuma's fist came down like an avenging meteor, and just before his fist impacted, the tentacles uncoiled, shooting along his arm like a spring with as much strength as he could put into his mere two tentacles, shouting as he strikes the blow--

"Tentacle Knuckle!

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The creature began to slowly approach the students, while small bolts of electricity jolted from it's body in every which direction.  A stray bolt managed to land on the dazed Nanami, sending another small current through her body.  The thing didn't seem to much care, as it approached Juryo.  The boy grit his teeth.  There was no way his quirk would work on something made completely out of energy...but what was the weight that was there?  And what did he feel inside it's body?

"If you want electricity, I know a great place to get some without getting caught by its shitty security," Kiburi called out. "A whole generator's worth, in fact! Man's gotta eat, right?"

"Kiburi?!"  Juryo shouted.  Was was the girl planning.  Did she not think they could win.  Honestly, settling this peacefully would be the best option for unlicensed student's, but it just didn't sit right with Juryo to let this guy run around and do what he pleased.  However, he noticed the monster was clearly mystified with her offer, his gestures giving away the fact that he was totally interested in what she was saying.  Without a second thought, Juryo gave in.  "You're not supposed to tell him about that place!  It's a secret!"  



Miyu's chain had made it's mark, but it definitely wasn't enough to put the woman down.  Waiting for the next move, she began twirling the chain with her hand, keeping it's momentum up for a nice little thwack when she got the chance again.  However, she was cut short by someone pulling her away.  She lost a grip of her chain, as it was dragged across the floor.  Turning around, she noticed it was Midome who had pulled her away.  And now they were headed for the exit!

"LET GO OF ME!"  Miyu shouted, as she used her elbow to knock the boy away.  "Were you gonna leave Yu here alone, huh!?  You don't think I can take care of some old hag, huh!?"  Another chain sprouted from behind Miyu, rising over her shoulder as if it were akin to a snake.  "Make light of me, and you'll get wrapped up, got it?!"  She put emphasis into her words to make sure they got through to the boy.  That's when she noticed a whole ass shelving unit fly past the both of them, crashing into their exit.  Miyu turned around to see the old lady again, almost snarling at her while doing so.  She then turned to Midome.  "This lady's obviously off her rocker, and there aren't any heroes around!  You know what that means, right?"  

"I can't say I approve of attacking out of nowhere like that," she commented. "Now then, I'd prefer to make this quick. If you're going to fight me, then let's hurry up. If not, the door's right behind me, and I would advise using it right now. But, is this really a fight worth picking?"  The line resonated with her for a second.  It would be foolish to do something like this...Hairo Academy gave her a chance to become a pro hero...but then again, she couldn't oversee such blatant violence go unpunished in front of her.

"MIdome...if you want, take the exit."  Miyu outstretched her chain with both hands, stretching it out in a show of assertiveness.  "But I'm gonna make sure she doesn't get away with what she's done today.  That's what being a hero means!"  Miyu slammed the chain to the ground, just short of the woman, before the chain over her shoulder rocketed out, focusing on the woman's midsection.  


"Hate to break it to you, but this store's got a No Bitch policy...and that means you." The kid approached her slowly, but it was amusing enough.  She allowed it.  That would fall under the category of her many mistakes today, as the boy's arms turned to stone and gave her a swift walloping. "That means, take your hide and get out...or things are going to get ugly. Heh, not that they aren't already with you here."  Almost out of breath, the girl staggered back.  His comments began to make her skin glow even more red.  

"Why you little!"  Before she could get anymore out, another attack hit her clean from out of nowhere.  

"Tentacle Knuckle!" She stumbled back again, and fell flat on her face after the attack landed.  For a moment, she lay motionless on the ground.  However, the dark electricity from before began to swell around the girl once more, and she began to transform.  Her muscle mass almost doubled, and she took on more dinosaur like features.  She planted her hands into the ground, causing a minor quake in the store.  As her head slowly picked up, she eyed Akuma.  The glint in them was savage.

"Star..."  The girl began to utter, until she finally picked herself up off the ground.  The team would be able to get a nice look at the monster she had become, before dark lightning crackled all around the girl.  "ME STARVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"  She roared, tiles on the floor rattling at the sheer volume.  She then began stomping towards Akuma, opting to go in for a bite that would surely take more than a chunk out of the boy.  

Edited by Mr. Hyde

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The shark girl was growing frustrated as little of what she thought to do seemed to be working. Throwing electronics only seemed to reinforce the creature in front of her. And before she could grab another round in hopes that something would break sharply enough to break its skin if it had any underneath all that, Nanami was hit by the discharge it sent out. Reeling back as all of her impacted muscles spasmed painfully in response, Nanami took a moment to collect herself and think of what to do next to get this asshole actually bleeding. It was at this point that her classmates Kiburi and Juryo started yelling at their opponent. Something about a stockpile of electricity, super secret. Initially the shark might have thought the cockroach had gone mad. But Nanami could sniff out a scheme well enough. Her new roommate had something in mind, and for the time being the group seemed united in going for it.

"Well shit, why don't you just tell him all the best secrets?!" Nanami barked at Kiburi in genuine anger. Not that she was mad at the girl of course, this whole situation had her wanting to vent some steam something fierce. "Now I gotta beat the fucker there." she called out as she glared the electrical boy down. She took off running, making sure to make a pit stop by Kiburi on the way.

"Where the hell am we trying to take this guy again?" she muttered through clench teeth, only pausing long enough to ask her question and receive a reply before she'd get moving again.

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Apparently his initial strike on the villain actually did the job. It knocked her back and now she was focused on Akuma after his Tentacle Knuckle...however she was also getting more and more frenzied at the time. The ground shook and he even noticed dark lightning crackling around her. ...the hell kind of villain did we just encounter here?! Seriously...

Keika backed away some, trying to come up with an idea...but alas, nothing was coming to him. He doubted that Toshiko could do much, otherwise she would've done so already. Plus if he remembered the Quirk Evaluation that their teacher gave first day...she could only use her Quirk if she touched someone. Not what he needed right now...especially if he was going with his quick freezing lava plan.

Naturally...the only one that could assist in helping with my lava is useless... Keika scoffed with a roll of his eyes. At this point the only thing they could do was hold her back until a Hero got there...IF they got there. Same time, this brought a new idea to his head. This villain was trained on him after he struck...and then after Akuma attacked, she went for him.

With a devilish smirk, Keika moved forward and gave the villain another punch, this time in the side. "Where the hell do you think your going? You're fighting me, lizard breath!" he said, now proceeding to punch and strike at the villain with a strong fervor.

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When Yu caught up to Theodore, he was horrified to see that the woman had turned her attention to them, now covered in paper and ink. To make things worse, Midome had made a dash for the exit, dragging Miyu along and leaving Yu to fight the woman by himself.

“This is the end! This is the end! This is where I’m meeting the end! I'm going to die! Everyone is going to die!”  Yu thought as he flattened himself against the shelves, hoping to hide behind Theodore. Sensing its master’s distress, Theodore started flailing its arms around in a rage, destroying more printers and ink cartridges on the shelf and adding the debris into its hulking mass, causing its arms to grow unnaturally long and multijointed. Yu jerked his head towards the sound of metallic crashing, hyperventilating in a vain attempt to calm himself down, only to see that the demon woman had cut off the exit in front of Midome.

"I can't say I approve of attacking out of nowhere like that. Now then, I'd prefer to make this quick. If you're going to fight me, then let's hurry up. If not, the door's right behind me, and I would advise using it right now. But, is this really a fight worth picking?"

“Y-y-you don’t understand ma’am! I-I can’t control my Quirk! You need to get out of here too!” Yu shouted back at the woman, trembling in his shoes as Theodore lumbered towards her, “All of you need to get out of here before he hurts you too!”

As Miyu lashed out again with her chains, Theodore followed suit, charging into the fray before Yu could attempt to seize its core, its plastic body snapping and crackling as it left a dark trail of black, cyan, magenta and yellow in its wake. After gaining some speed, it leapt into the air and swung its arms in a wild downwards arc, trying to slam the woman into the floor in a single fell swoop.


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"Do not get into a fistfight"

One would have though that Midome's biology would have made him shrug off a blow like that like, well, a slime. But beyond the chance for the opponent's limbs to remain stuck in his body, Midome was still similar enough to a Human to feel the punches, or in this case, the elbow. And among the things that Midome was, sturdy and muscolar was not one of those.

Sometimes he felt scammed.

"Were you gonna leave Yu here alone, huh!?"

I didn't even see he was still there, honestly.

"You don't think I can take care of some old hag, huh!?"

No. Not this old hag at least.

But while his thoughts were listening to Miyu, his mouth was shut. None of those answers would have done anything but lose time. at least she hadn't remained stuck after elbowing him, though he could clearly feel the ripped skin.

"Listen, we can't fight here..."

Then the exit was crashed by a flying shelving unit.

"This lady's obviously off her rocker, and there aren't any heroes around!  You know what that means, right?"

That we and everyone inside the shop should get the hell out of dodge?

Said lady landed before the exit as well

"I can't say I approve of attacking out of nowhere like that. Now then, I'd prefer to make this quick. If you're going to fight me, then let's hurry up. If not, the door's right behind me, and I would advise using it right now. But, is this really a fight worth picking?"

"MIdome...if you want, take the exit. But I'm gonna make sure she doesn't get away with what she's done today.  That's what being a hero means!"

She didn't seem interested in avoiding direct confrontation anytime soon.

"There are still... look, just don't get hurt, okay?"

With those words, he turned towards where he came from and sprinted. He had to count on Miyu being able to handle things at that front.

The shopkeeper. The customers. Yu.

Then, a hurricane of supplies passed him, going towards the two at the entrance at full speed.

Found Yu.

The guy... didn't seem well. What had he said at the power demonstration? that bear of his grew more dangerous the more in distress he was... that couldn't be good. Midome clasped his shoulders. He thought about what to say to him, but he felt almost as distressed as him.

Midome took a breath. He wasn't in control of the situation. But he could pretend he was. What would have a hero said?

"Yu, there are still four civilians or so here including the shopkeeper. Wanted to get everything out of here, but the lady blocked the entrance." At the very least, his endless circles around the shop had been useful for something. "We need to gather them and evacuate before someone gets hurt, can you help me?"

He thought for half a second, then added.

"Don't worry, things will be fine."

I hope

Gather everyone, get them away from the danger and calm down Yu, and by consequence, the teddy bear, all while keeping as out of fighting as possible. "Do not get into a fistfight". And then... then something. A worry for later.

Edited by Arkars

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"Kiburi?! You're not supposed to tell him about that place! It's a secret!"

"Well shit, why don't you just tell him all the best secrets?!"

"Some secret, forcing in kids from halfway across the country," Kiburi scoffed. Who was gonna stop her anyway? Juryo? Her teacher? Her...

Hey, that was actually a pretty good idea! Kiburi turned her attention back to the electric boy, who was clearly interested in what she had to say. "Yep, it's just as I said! But, I don't like giving out that sort of info to nuisances. So all... this, you should put a stop to it, and we can talk about the small stuff once you've stopped causing trouble." Kiburi was onto something rather brilliant here, if she did say so.

"Where the hell am we trying to take this guy again?"

"Back to school. Leave him to Mr. Arai, I suppose," Kiburi whispered back.

Edited by yui

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