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Digimon Divers [OOC/Started/Accepting/PG-16]

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~Digimon Divers~

A Digimon RP by Zai


Dedicated to everyone who still remembers their innocence, and everyone who loved, laughed, and cried. To all the tamers, and all the digidestined out there, and to all of them that might follow. To the friends I've made, and every biggest dreamer who ever shared their love for a digital monster with me. This story, whatever it turns out to be, and wherever it might end, is for you. It comes from my heart, and my love for a special part of my childhood. There are pieces of me in it, from my past, and from my present, and whether you're reading it, or helping to write it, I hope it brings you some of the joy that digimon has brought me.

All my love.



Rules and Information


All the NCM and RP section rules apply. I don't feel like listing them here. What I say goes yadda yadda yadda.

So, what's Digimon Divers?

Digimon Divers is a digimon RP (duh), and from that and the fact that I'm hosting it you can probably guess at the basic gist: Its a coming of age story about a group of high school kids who meet and bond with digital monsters and go on a quest to save the world, learning things about themselves and each other along the way and coming out the other end as better people with lifelong friends of both the human and digimon variety. Does that sound fun? I fuckin' hope so man, because that's what I'm here for.

Now for the important bit.

In case the dedication above wasn't indication enough, Digimon is special to me. More than any bit of fiction i've ever been interested in, even gundam and mecha, and anime in general- even all the games I've played in my quarter century on this earth, Digimon has been responsible for the most friendships I've made, helped me formulate some of my favorite ideas, and has been a part of my life in some form or another since I was four or five years old. It was my first fandom, helped me meet my first close friend, gave me an escape in my turbulent pre-teens, a canvas on which to paint my first real attempts at writing fiction in my teens, and became a favorite pastime in my first relationship. I still go back to it every now and again, and its a big enough part of my life that one of the sweetest gifts my current girlfriend has ever given me was a dvd with the first few episodes of tamers on it. I love digimon. The emotions it still manages to stir in me, even as a jaded adult, are powerful, and positive. It gives me hope and reminds me that everyone deserves someone that understands them and who loves them unconditionally, even if that person is a digital monster, and that, in turn, people deserve my love and understanding.

Why am I telling you all of this? Well, truthfully, I don't really know how to articulate the answer. I'm not here to put pressure on you by asking you to help me write the best digimon fic ever, and I don't really even intend to do the digimon franchise justice, necessarily. I just want to do something that makes me and everyone who reads it or helps write it feel the way digimon has made me feel, and of course, have fun with it. In the purest of terms, this rp, maybe more than any other I've ever done, is a love letter. And by putting it up here on NCM I want to share that love with people who've also been a big part of my life for the last decade or so. So even if we never finish it, and the only people who actually read it are the five or so people in it with me, if it gets that love across to someone and maybe helps them feel the way this franchise does, then it will have been a worthwhile endeavor. And so, I hope you want to join me in that.

Now for the meat and potatoes.

Divers is going to take cues mostly from Digimon Adventure (the original tv series/season 1), with some bits from Tamers (season 3. you know, the darker one) thrown in, but skewed older, because the story is specifically about kids in high school as opposed to pre-teens. For those of you who haven't watched either and/or didn't grow up with the show, that basically means that the RP is aiming for an emotional, heartfelt story that doesn't pull its punches, but remembers that this is still a kids show franchise and carries itself accordingly. Make sense? Does Avatar the Last Airbender ring any bells?

Anyways, Digimon Divers is going to be structured a lot like an anime television series- with episodes denoted by title cards and opening/ending theme songs, and plots that likewise fit into them. Some episodes will focus more on some members of the cast than others (like when someone's partner digimon digivolves to a new level for the first time) but everyone will get time in the spotlight. Other than that, I'm planning on running things pretty organically- giving the players options to choose where to go on their quest and how to handle the situations they find, with the overaching plot building up over time based on what actions they take.

I've got a discord server up and running for the RP, since its the easiest way to keep in touch. If you;d like an invite, let me know, or just ask someone for one if you know them.

Annnnnnnd that's about it. I'm glad you're here.



Decades ago, The digital world was destroyed- its "god" Yggdrasil (the mainframe computer/AI that created it) experiencing a fatal error and the plane itself explosively shattering into innumerable shards as a result, scattering digimon and data alike across all of humanity's digital networks around the beginning of the current millennium. For humanity, this proved to be a boon, with the net itself experiencing exponential growth (much like it has in real life) thanks to the massive influx of new data, though our species as a whole is largely unaware of the root cause, or of the digital lifeforms that came with it. For the digimon themselves, the Diaspora (their term for it), has been far less pleasant. From their perspective (as the digital perception of time is far different than our own) the world itself exploded centuries ago, sending what remained of itself colliding into a new, far more dangerous one full of malicious code and violent, ever shifting winds. Half of all digimon died, and in the time since, those who remained have had to pick up the pieces and fight a constant battle for their own survival- against the environment, against the human users who occasionally prey upon them (though how aware these people are of what they're actually doing is subject to some conjecture, and often varies), and even against each other. Some fall prey to malicious code and become viruses, while others staunchly defend what parts of the old world they've been able to salvage to create some kind of safe haven for their kind. In short, to be a Digimon in 2020 is to be constantly fighting. Its often digivolve, or die, and things only seem to be getting worse. Fortunately, there is hope. The net is a huge place, and legend has it that the source code from which the digital world was first derived survived the Diaspora. If it could be found, then perhaps a new digital world could be programmed. Most think its just that, a legend, like the tales of the "Digidestined" from long ago who saved the digital world, but some believed otherwise.

One of those who believed was Sorcermon, who spent digital decades wandering the net in search of the mythical source code. And eventually, his search bore fruit.

What the aging wizard found was Aegis, a massive digital ship crafted from the finest chrome digizoid, engraved with digicode so ancient that she could only have been built when the digital world was young. Aegis was intelligent, too, and after being awakened from her long slumber by Sorcermon, she told him of her purpose. Aegis had, once, been a digimon herself: A massive golden beacon of hope and justice, tasked with protecting the digital world from harm. When her time had come to an end, Yggdrasil, the host computer, installed her consciousness in the ship, and used the rest of her data along with its own code to create powerful artifacts in the image of those wielded by the Digidestined of ages past- the Digivice Delta. She explained that she was to act as the Digital world's Ark, only to be brought about in a time of great need, when Human children of pure heart would once again be brought to the digital world, tame Digimon, and save it. The Diaspora had caused her to remain dormant indefinitely, and now here she was, marooned in a forgotten part of the net until someone found her. The source code, she said, should also still exist, though scattered like the rest of the remaining fragments of the digital world. Luckily, so long as she had a crew, Aegis could sail the net in search of the code; diving through the data streams and exploring the whole of the net. They would find as much of it as they could, using Aegis's vast hull and the digivices to gather it together.

But there was a problem.

The digivices needed power. On the internet, where they were never meant to be used, there was no Yggdrasil to activate them, and Aegis herself, who was no longer a digimon, had no digicore with which to attempt it herself. And so, Sorcermon made a choice. Using his own digi-core- his very soul, as a power source, he managed to bring life to the digivices for a few, brief moments. Though it cost him his life, brilliant beacons of light shot out from within Aegis's hull, and that was enough. Each beacon called out to a chosen digimon on an intrinsic, spiritual level, and as time passed, through fate, design, or luck, all six found their way to Aegis, and learned Sorcermon's story. They became her crew, and with them aboard, she could at last sail the winds of the net. All that was left was to find human children who could use the digivices.

And so each digimon chose a partner. Some lied, some told the truth, some simply asked for help. But no matter how each of them went about it, ultimately, a group of young adults were brought onto the digital plane aboard Aegis, and granted their digivices. These young people: the Digimon Divers, and their partners, must sail on the winds of the net in search for fragments of the mythical source code. Their journey will take them to fantastic locales, the dark depths of the internet, and everywhere in between, and maybe, just maybe, they might succeed, and restore hope to digimon everywhere.




Digimon Divers is an adventure story- the cast will be traveling around the net in search of Yggdrasil's source code. As such, the primary setting of the RP will be (at least when on the move) Aegis herself- who takes the form of a massive ironclad boat. She is able to take flight via levitation, and can spawn a set of sails made of light from her hull to help her navigate the winds of the network. Aegis has rooms to spare, and so the cast is able to make themselves at home and bring along allies too, if they so desire. Her hold is also quite vast, allowing them to transport anything useful they may come across. She can speak to anyone who steps aboard, and can perceive anything that occurs on or in her hull, as well as out to a certain distance around it. Unfortunately though, there is little aboard Aegis in the way of creature comforts, and she sports no weapons of her own. For the humans, returning home is possible via the digivice, though only during moments of calm in the digital winds, and doing so invariably brings the partner digimon with them into the real world, which can cause its own set of problems. As such, the cast can expect to spend extended periods on the digital plane. "Its a good thing you don't age in digiworld!"

Outside of Aegis, Digimon Divers takes place in a world very similar to our own. In fact, were it not for the existence of the digimon, the RP's 2020 would be virtually identical to our own (the current pandemic notwithstanding, of course). This is the real world from which the humans in the cast originate. The Digimon, on the other hand, come from the Digital World, or, if they were born after the Diaspora, the net itself. Collectively, all of these digital locales can be referred to as the Digital Plane. 

Everything on the digital plane is free floating in the vast, three dimensional void that is the wider net. Out here, the "winds"- the flow of information from place to place, carry data, fragments of code, and whatever else may exist outside of a stable space in the net, and the laws of reality as a human might know them only sometimes apply, and can shift with the breeze (literally). Surviving out here unprotected, especially for weaker digimon, is nearly impossible, and those that can travel freely on the net (or have a means to do so like Aegis) are highly sought after as couriers or transporters.  In this void float innumerable "islands": web addresses, servers, cloud storage, mobile devices, even fragments of the digital world itself, that in spite of their name can take almost any form, from actual landmasses to alien ships, to planets, geometric shapes, and everything in between. The terrain can vary just as wildly, and is often a very random mishmash of biomes and locales that are sometimes subject to sudden and violent change as the winds force islands to collide, or free floating objects and data are caught in their gravity and impact them. On the islands, the laws of physics remain constant (though what said laws are can vary from island to island), and it is here that Digimon can find some sort of refuge and stability. In the digital centuries since the Diaspora, countless settlements and societies of digimon and other digital lifeforms have appeared on the islands, and though life is hard, they have endured.






Each of the Digmion Divers (the term coined by Aegis for the tamers that have been tasked with helping to find the source code) is a teen (preferably ages 14-17) who comes from somewhere on Earth in the year 2020. Though they all likely come from disparate places and backgrounds, all of them have at least one thing in common: they were chosen by their partners. The reasons for this undoubtedly vary, and some may not even be their partner's first choice, but regardless of the underlying motive, each of them was contacted by their partner digimon through their mobile device or computer, and for one reason or another, agreed to help. After this they were transported to the digital plane aboard Aegis, where they met the rest of the crew, and eventually the other Divers. As of the start of the RP, the cast in its entirety has been present on board for exactly one day, digital time. Each of them also carries a Digivice Delta (also called the model D) of a certain trim color. On their own, the digivices are capable of using a Diver's emotional energy, positive or negative, to help their partner digivolve to the champion level. However, without Yggdrasil to power them, the Divers will have to find other means of helping their partners digivolve further. The Model Ds also feature digimon analyzers and expandable memory in the form of an SD card slot at the top, meaning they can be further enhanced and modified as needed with some programming know-how. They also function as mobile devices, and can be accessed by digimon as well as humans for this purpose.




Digivice Color:

Partner Digimon: (Species and Name, if they have one.)



An image or a minimum of four lines of text describing their appearance.



Tell me about the character's backstory and what their personality is like. The more you tell me, the better.



Anything that doesn't fit in the above two. Character themes, fun facts, etc etc.



Partner Digimon


Each of the digimon that make up Aegis's crew were chosen by a digivice's algorithm to be a partner digimon, and were summoned or compelled to travel to her in one way or another (or, as the case might be, knew someone who was). This process likely took several digital decades, perhaps longer or shorter, depending upon where the digimon was at the time, and as such each partner digimon's story is different. They each also likely have a different role as part of Aegis's crew. All of them are rookie level digimon at the rp's start, though they could have digivolved or de-digivolved at a point prior to arriving aboard Aegis. Each of them also chose their partners via browsing their online activity and contacting them electronically in one way or another via the digivice. Though the intention was to ask these human children to help in their quest, not every digimon may have been entirely truthful. SOme might have been downright manipulative, even, and so the reasons each pair are together can also vary wildly. In other words, feel free to get creative.



Age: (In digital time. Reminder that Digimon have effectively indefinite lifespans)

Gender: (Digimon do not have sexes, but most choose to identify as one gender or another.)

Digivolution Line: (List from baby/training 1 to champion level. Ultimate, Mega, and beyond can be included as well, but you can also choose not to list them to add some mystery, since there is no "set" method of digivolving further here)




An image and/or a short description of how they meaningfully differ from other members of their species



Tell me about the character's backstory and what their personality is like. The more you tell me, the better.



Anything that doesn't fit in the above two. Character themes, fun facts, etc etc.

Accepted Apps


Edited by Zai

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46 minutes ago, Mr. Hyde said:

I hate you.  

But I love digimon.

Sign me up.

You don’t hate me.

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Human App



Name: Juri Jackson

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Digivice Color: Black/White

Partner Digimon: Grudge the Strabimon




5'5"/110 Lbs



Juri was born a couple of weeks premature in a small town hospital in Washington, to the worry of both of his parents.  The newborn had to remain in the hospital well beyond the time that the normally delivered baby went home, but his parents stayed by him through the rocky start to his life.  However, it didn't get much better as he grew up, his body pale and sickly.  Going out into the sun for more than ten minutes was enough to make him faint, and his allergies were quite severe.  It's like the whole world hadn't given him a chance to live a normal life.  Since this was the case, his parents were always coddling him, and rarely let him be.  They home schooled him, cooked for him, they'd probably change his pants if he asked.   Juri didn't really mind, growing up without really being able to be physical in any capacity made his attention turn towards the internet.

Juri loved the internet, playing games and talking in online chatrooms!  Here, he could really turn up his personality to 10.  The internet is where he garnered most, if not all, of his social skills.  Video games made him feel strong, playing as the tough character he always wished he would have turned out to be, instead of just being a small mass of skin and bone.  He grew a taste for the fantasy of being a hero in someone's eyes.  The stimulating sensation it must have been for someone to save the day, he longed for a tenth of the feeling.  Then the idea hit him...what if he could use the internet to do just that?!  To get that thrill!  That spike in adrenaline!  Some people on his forums felt the same way, and told him to get good at hacking into networks.  Juri did just that, and dove deep into the world of hacking.  

His first attempt at the real deal ended in disaster.  He tried to reveal a tax evasion scheme by a growing company in Washington, only for them to track Juri and his parents down, and file a lawsuit against them.  His parents scolded him for the first time in a long time, telling him that he was playing a dangerous game going around the internet and parading as some sort of vigilante.  When they said it like that, He got kind of embarrassed, but he explained that it made him feel alive.  His parents didn't particularly like that excuse, so they threatened to take away his internet if he were to keep up the escapades.  Falling into a little slump, he felt like he was being held hostage.  That was...until he found a message in his inbox with the title 'This will make you stronger'.  Upon clicking it, the sprite of a small wolf like creature tapped its foot, and asked him, 'You wanna be stronger right?  Join me?'  It seemed sketchy, and every fiber of his being told him to click no...but he took a chance.



Digimon App


Name: Grudge

Age: 288

Gender: Male

Digivolution Line: 


Botamon -> Wanyamon -> Strabimon -> BlackGargomon -> Pandamon -> Plutomon

Partner: Juri Jackson






Living in this new digital world was constant pain.  Constant and never ending pain.  Why was he brought into this world?  Just to suffer?  Just to make a friend one day, and the next day be stabbed in the back and have to gut the only friend you had?  It was just too cruel.  There was truly no justice in a world like this.  It was a miracle he was able to become a Rookie digimon in the first place, with how naive he was in the beginning.  There was no kindergarten for those who had just hatched.  Grudge's first memory after waking up was an Ogremon eating the baby digimon who had just started their lives, only to be recycled.  He could hear the Ogremon's rambling, saying that they'd be reborn again, but the sight alone was enough for him to make a dash for it.  Even as a Botamon, he knew he had to live!  There was a reason his eyes opened.  There was a reason that he was lucky enough to escape that Ogre's clutches.  After years of running for his life, he finally digivolved for the first time into Wanyamon.  Feeling stronger, and overconfident, he made sure to find as many baby digimon as he could and protect them.  After hoarding a group of five of them, they ran into a rookie digimon.  That digimon said that he knew how Grudge felt, and would protect them all just as he had been doing.  He taught, fed, and trained all of them together, in hopes of them getting stronger.

He woke up a few weeks later to the screams of those in-training digimon, the Rookie using them as a way to get stronger himself, as if it were absorbing them.  It apologized to Grudge, and he could see the desperation in the digimon's eyes, but it made him furious.  In a fit of rage, Grudge digivolved into a Rookie, and ripped the digimon to shreds.  This world was sick and twisted, and it needed to be purged of everything.  A few years later, while sneaking around, he heard about some weird ship that was sailing around the remains of the net-sea.  It was his ticket off of this hellhole, and a way to isolate himself and become stronger.  He made his way to the edge of his fractured island, setting eyes on the ship as it seemed to dock right in front of him.  Climbing aboard, he somehow felt a strange connection...to that of a human.  Instinctively, he wrote a letter to them.  They felt the same way he did to some capacity...so he wrote them a letter and sent it off into the digital sea. 



Edited by Mr. Hyde

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6 hours ago, Comrade Duck said:

A couple things:

I want to be a part of this because I like working with you. Your world development always gives me great insight and intrigue to create characters. Its fun. However, I've never been as into Digimon as most people. So I'm wondering if you're willing to accept a compromise. I'm interested in making a character. Sort of a modern day bard, minus the singing. A researcher, perhaps. Is this something you can work with or should I move along? Honest answers don't hurt so don't be afraid to tell me no.

Not 100% sure I follow, but what I think you’re suggesting is playing a human without a partner digimon? Or perhaps the opposite?

either way, my answer is: Go for it! The Divers are not be the first humans to enter the digital plane, so if you’re ok with playing a supporting character who might not participate in combat, then I have no objections. I’m interested to see what you can come up with. If the discord link is expired, lmk. I’ll send you another one.

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5 hours ago, Zai said:

 I think you’re suggesting is playing a human without a partner digimon?

Precisely this. I appreciate the compromise. I'll try to draft something up tonight. I'm looking forward to this.

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Some WIP stuff



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Name: Noah Takenouchi

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Digivice Color: Red with Turquiose

Partner Digimon: Ashardalon (Dracomon)


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Noah is a pale Japanese-American teenager with a somewhat peculiar fashion sense. He's tall and thin, perhaps even a little lanky, standing at six feet tall and weighing a bit less than he should. His messy brown hair is dyed red, which contrasts his bright, emerald eyes. A long distance runner, Noah is in excellent shape, though he's all muscle tone and lacks any sort of real bulk. Fond of baggy, loose fitting clothing, he can usually be found wearing hoodies, loose t shirts, and pants that are sometimes a size or two too big, necessitating a belt. What usually draws the eye though are his accessories, notably the pair of aviator goggles that are always in his hair and the leather choker on his neck, to which is attached a bear bell. Both have sentimental value, and so he tends to avoid taking them off. The glove on his left hand serves a more functional purpose- to conceal a very ugly and sensitive burn scar that covers most of his palm and the side of his hand. The wristband and the keychain, on the other hand, are just there to complete the odd, asymmetrical ensemble, though the latter also serves to help keep his digivice on his person.


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Noah is a quirky, somewhat quiet young man who, while always trying his best to be friendly and amicable, nonetheless can come off as weird and socially stunted. He doesn't always know what to say or when to say it, and so he has a tendency to either not speak up when he should, or worse, blurt out what's on his mind, which sometimes results in him being unintentionally hurtful. Consequently, he has little faith in his own social skills, and this has led to some notable confidence issues. Compounding the matter, Noah often attempts to internalize how he's feeling, which makes it hard for others to empathize with him and makes him seem aloof and uncaring when he really isn't. Combine all this with his niche interests and strange appearance, and you end up with a teenager who, despite being rather lonely and wanting attention and acceptance, tends to push other people away and has a hard time endearing himself to his peers. Its something of a shame, too, since Noah is on the whole a kind, sensitive person, with a lot of integrity and a strong sense of loyalty. He rarely lies, and will do almost anything for a friend. He's very smart, too, and on the rare occasions that he actually feels as though he's in his element he can be more forthright and far more insightful than other people tend to give him credit for.

Noah's social issues stem from his turbulent upbringing. His father was an anthropologist who was often away for long periods on field research when he was young, and as a result his parents marriage was quite rocky. Eventually they divorced, with a then six year old Noah going with his mother to her native Osaka (and taking her last name). He had quite a lot of trouble adjusting, and struggled both in school and at home. Things only got worse when his mother remarried and they moved in with his new stepfather. The man was abusive, both to his wife and to Noah, with the most egregious offense being a tirade that resulted in Noah's left hand being forced onto the stove's active heating element. That incident was, thankfully, the end of the relationship, but the five years they were together (as well as the recovery from the severe burn) had quite an effect on Noah. He never quite learned how to assert himself, and his rather pronounced self esteem issues began manifesting during that time. It wasn't all bad though. Noah also started running around that time, and found a very small group of friends with whom he shared interests in tabletop games. Another move, this time from Osaka to Tokyo, occurred afterward, and as he got older, Noah started to reconnect with his father in America, as well as reamain in touch with his friends from Osaka thanks to the internet. When he was 13, he started accompanying his father on research trips during breaks from school, and it was through this that he developed a love of traveling and the outdoors (one of his most memorable trips being to Glacier National Park during a stint in Montana with his dad).

Now beginning his second year of high school, Noah still hasn't quite come into his own and hasn't quite found a place to fit in,. He's also begun to lose touch with his old friends from Osaka, a fact that has only added to the lonesome feeling that seems to permeate his life. Maybe that's why, when he got a text message from an unknown number that said "I need your help to save the world. Will you come with me?" He responded, perhaps a little absentmindedly, "Yes." And suddenly found himself in another world.


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  • Noah is fluent in both English and Japanese, and can somewhat understand and speak Mandarin and Spanish as well.
  • His favorite food is spaghetti, and Noah also has a fondness for sour and spicy things.
  • His favorite color is turquoise- the color of the buttons on his digivice.
  • Noah's goggles are a family heirloom- they belonged to his great grandfather, who was a fighter pilot for the empire of Japan in the second world war, and have been passed down from parent to child.
  • Noah's bear bell is a keepsake from his trip to Montana with his father. Worn to scare off bears and other potentially harmful wildlife while hiking, the gentle ringing sound it makes now accompanies Noah's footsteps pretty much everywhere he goes- you can always hear him coming.
  • Noah can run a mile in under five minutes, and is one of the best distance runners on his high school's track team.
  • An avid tabletop gamer, Noah can talk for hours about RPGs and wargames, as well as the genre fiction that tends to go along with such things.




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Name: Ashardalon (He goes by Ash)

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Digivolution Line: Petitmon>Babydmon>Dracomon>Coredramon (Blue/Green)>????

Partner: Noah Takenouchi


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Ash is from a small island that, according to him, no longer exists- apparently the web address of roleplaying forum. He'd been wandering aimlessly since its destruction until the digivice called to him, and so he made his way to Aegis. There's nothing too special about him among the digimon aboard ship.

This is a lie.

Ash's home, a large island called Eldevale, is still very much intact- a high fantasy landscape that is home to many digimon. He also wasn't actually chosen by the digivice. His best friend, a Guilmon named Tiamat, was. When it happened, she decided to set out for Aegis- a heroic quest to save the world, just like the knights they'd all heard stories about growing up. The journey would be long, and despite the elders' pleas, Tia was insistent that this was her destiny. They only acquiesced when Ash vowed to accompany and protect her. At first, it was fun- they found exotic places, trained, and had themselves an adventure. Of course until reality eventually caught up with them. The pair ran afoul of Matadormon, a vampire bent on consuming the data of strong digimon. He sensed Tia's heroic calling, and made a meal of her despite Ash's best attempts to fight him off.

Overcome with guilt, and a stinging sense of inadequacy, Ash has decided to take Tia's place, crafting the vague and uninteresting backstory above in order to keep all of this a secret.

Though he's kind, brave, and witty, Ash also behaves a lot like a stereotypical dragon- obsessively hoarding shiny things, and stroking his own ego. He can be very condescending, and sometimes outright antagonistic. That being said, Ash has struggled with an inferiority complex for a long time, and so a lot of his boasting is actually just him trying to overcompensate, which can lead to him biting off more than he can chew. Though he's not quiet, Ash prefers to keep his distance from others emotionally, both to add to the air of draconic superiority that he tries to cultivate and also because he's honestly not very comfortable opening up to people- hence his decision to keep recent events a secret. Once someone does befriend him though, his nobler side becomes more prominent. Ash is loyal, perhaps even to a fault, and though he can be a huge jerk, there's no doubt that he really does want the best for everyone, and he's not afraid to take risks on others' behalf.


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  • Ash is incredibly insecure about the fact that he can't fly, and will insist that he can despite all evidence to the contrary.
  • Ash is incapable of resisting the allure of something shiny and metallic, and obsessively hoards all of the shiny things he can get a hold of in his room. If you want him to do something, bribe him with a shiny.
  • Ash's Gekirin (the scale on his body that makes his species go berserk when touched) is on the very top of his head, between his eye ridges.
Edited by Zai

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Name: Avery Fisher
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Digivice Color: Black w/ green trim
Partner Digimon: Lalamon "Root"




Height: 5'5"
Weight: 133 pounds



Avery has never been known for a sunshine and rainbows disposition, good social skills, or opening up to anything that doesn't have chlorophyll. From a young age, plants were always a source of wonder to her, and her father being a florist made access to them quite available. By all accounts, she got along with plants better than any other living thing, to the point that by the time high school was coming around, Avery had a little greenhouse of her own out back. Of all the plants, the one Avery was most commonly associated with was the cactus. Always minding her own business, but proving to be tough and prickly to anyone trying to get up in her daily life.

Which isn't to say Avery isn't a good person. She just isn't a nice person. Indeed, as much as Avery's reputation noted that she wasn't much for conversation or friendship, it wasn't uncommon around school to hear rumors of Avery going out of her way to right a wrong she saw or heard of. Replacing lost items, handing out money or food to people who had none, and one account of Avery letting a classmate use her bedroom for a whole two weeks when they were removed from their home. Never did she seek praise or reward for her actions, and although she often told others that she'd prefer NOT getting a reputation as some goodie two-shoes, it seemed more and more people in the area knew Avery Fisher as a magic genie that would help others in their time of need before pretending like it never happened as time went on.

Setting aside her considerably less kind outward personality, Avery's kindness is exactly what grabbed the attention of what would become her digimon partner. Fixing a shattered world to secure the safety of its countless denizens, to no major inconvenience of her own, was what Avery was offered. She thought the message was just a joke at first, but soon learned that all of this was very much real when she decided to humor the ridiculous call to arms. And so, the task of finding source codes has fallen onto Avery's shoulders, among those of other people.

That said, her partner may have "accidentally" forgotten to mention a few facts, and possibly exaggerated a few details.

Digimon Partner...



Name: Lalamon "Root"
Age: 10,007
Gender: Male
Partner: Avery Fisher
Digivolution Line: Nyokimon -> Budmon -> Lalamon -> Sunflowmon



Root - having been given the name by her newfound partner - is something of a relic from before the Diaspora. Incredibly old and incredibly lazy, he has gotten by through means of remaining so perfectly still that would-be predators fail to notice him at all, and by mastering the art of traps, escapes, and secret tunnels throughout the digital jungles. Once the Diaspora occurred, Root got by through very similar means until stumbling upon a small part of the old world relatively unaffected by everything that had gone down. Among a humble village of other plant Digimon - many of whom were far stronger than him - it was Root's seniority and attention to detail that secured him a place of his own.

Until, of course, a Digivice had decided this ancient bum was fit for the job of saving the world with a human partner. Although he's quite a good judge of character, he can't help but wonder if the world itself is in fact a terrible judge of character. After all, it picked him out of all the plants in his village, let alone the rest of the net.




Part of the reason Avery doesn't like talking to people is due to a stutter she's had for most of her life.

Although the plants people tend to associate her with are cacti, Avery's favorite plant is actually the venus fly trap.



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On 4/21/2020 at 3:20 AM, God of Illiteracy said:
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On 4/18/2020 at 2:27 AM, Mr. Hyde said:

Human App

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Digimon App

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Both Accepted. Welcome to the boat!

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Name: Orianne Martel

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Digivice Color: White, Light Blue trim

Partner Digimon: Herissmon, "Quill"






Orianne's parents lived out a romantic fantasy. An American girl in Paris swept off her feet by a dashing french entrepreneur. The two spent a passionate summer together before marrying and ultimately moving to New York City. Naturally, the idealized love story that was their lives quickly led to conception of a child. But from there reality set in. Orianne's mother had an incredibly difficult pregnancy that ultimately claimed her life shortly after giving birth. With his world destroyed, Orianne was named after her mother by her father.

The girl grew up incredibly lonely despite what one might expect. Her father never processed the grief of losing his lover and so drowned himself in his work. Orianne was raised by an ever changing staff, never able to deeply bond with any of them. Every interaction with her father was cold and unfeeling. The child's brain was forced to invent someone for Orianne to actually bond with. An imaginary friend and older sister named Iris. The very young Orianne would play with Iris and get advice from her on how to try and get her father to take notice of her. But it seemed just a phase and before the girl was eight she stopped speaking of her imaginary friend.

Through elementary and middle school, Orianne was shy and reserved. Uncertain of how to really interact with others, she did very little and flew under the radar. But upon starting High School something strange happened. She heard a voice in her head, distinctly different from her own. It shook the girl to her core to realize it was Iris, the long forgotten imaginary friend and sister. The voice spoke of being frustrated with how nothing had changed for her sister since she'd left. But now that she was back she was going to help her.

Orianne found slips in her memory cropping up infrequently, only to find notes from Iris explaining she had taken some initiative for her. The two were now a system, a proper case of dissociative identity disorder without ever getting a diagnosis. The two became more aware of each other and began to coordinate more to where now the changes are more smooth. Iris began coaching Orianne on how to talk to other people with the end goal of standing out to finally get her father's acknowledgement.

Through high school Orianne has gone on to become student council president and become a prominent member of the school's theater group. Most know the confident, charismatic Orianne who's somewhat easily irritated but helpful where she can be. In truth this is usually Iris as Orianne herself is more polite and reserved. But the two have definitely rubbed off on each other. Orianne has curbed Iris' fierce temper and overbearing nature and Iris has helped Orianne be more confident when she's the surface personality.

The two personalities both enjoy a lot of the same things though in different regards. The girl can often be seen on her phone, browsing social media. There was a night she was incredibly sleepy and saw a new message and replied something. Only in the morning did she see she replied to a Nigerian Prince email thinking a friend had texted. She didn't think much of it as she hadn't given any information.

Some weeks prior to the present day she began getting strange emails. They were worded like the scam email she had replied to but spoke of ridiculous things like a digital sea and a trove of treasures if she agreed to come aboard. Orianne deleted the email without much thought, only to find another nearly identical email some hours later. She continued to receive dozens of these messages no matter what attempts she made to block them as spam.

One fateful day, the girl was backstage in the middle of a dress rehearsal for an upcoming play at school. She checked her phone during a scene transition as she was used to doing. Again, another of the strange messages appeared in her email and this time Iris took over in frustration and typed the reply, "If I say yes, will you leave me alone?". The next thing she knew, Orianne was on board the Aegis with an excited porcupine-like creature greeting her.



-Reliable sign of which personality is surface is if Orianne is fussing with her hair. If she is, it's Orianne, if not, it's likely Iris.
-Still has short gaps in her memory from personalities switching but the two communicate well enough to make it largely unnoticeable.
-Naturally she'll have two different answers to most opinion based questions.
-Does her best to not to explain her condition and just live normally.




Name: Quill

Age: 75

Gender: Female

Digivolution Line: Pusumon > Pusurimon > Herissmon > Filmon > Stefilmon > Rasenmon

Partner: Orianne Martel






Quill was born in a small village, a mere fragment of the old digital world long since passed clinging to junk code where it could. The destruction had long since claimed most of the world, none of the digimon then alive had lived to see it. Despite the small scope of her world, Quill still wanted to see everything. She was never content to just sit still and accept the quiet life the village so cherished. Often she would cause trouble around town when not out exploring the outsides of town.

This didn't quite make her an outcast of course. Many of the other younger digimon wanted to see what was out there if anything. And so Quill would go on to lead little expeditions to the edge of the world. Normally this made for little more excitement than the group made for themselves. But the most recent excursion was anything but quiet.

Upon reaching the end of their slice of home, the group settled down to enjoy themselves a bit before hiking it back to the village. But the peace was soon disrupted by the sudden appearance of several virus-type digimon who had no sense of reason or self. The ground itself seemed to destabilize around them. Quill quickly led the others back to town and managed to stay ahead of the intruders. The older digimon soon found out what had happened but just as soon as they had gathered together to learn the intruders had reached the village outskirts.

The destruction was breath-takingly swift. There was little resistance the local digimon could put up the powerful intruders. Quill only ran, it was all she could do. But on the outskirts of the village she was cornered by several of the digimon. As death approached she briefly evolved into Filmon and repelled her assailants. But the power quickly faded as she returned to Herissmon and continued running. As she reached the edge of the world there was nowhere left to go and so she jumped into the digital sea.

When next she was conscious of her surroundings, Quill was aboard the Aegis with a small group of other digimon. The situation was explained to her and a digivice presented. Her mission was to save the entire digital world spoken of in legend. And to do it she'd need to  recruit a human partner. The task seemed daunting but this was the adventure of a lifetime.

Quill took to monitoring human data when she came across a girl who struck her as particularly open to appeals for help. She had answered an odd email of a prince requesting financial aid in order to share his untold fortunes. Something seemed right about this particular human and so Quill composed a similar message, substituting out the relevant words with things pertaining to digimon and the state of the digital world. The message was quickly deleted which seemed odd. So quill kept sending them, and sure enough they kept getting deleted.

It was frustrating to feel so compelled to message this one human but Quill really liked her for some reason and so wanted to make sure it was her who came. She kept sending messages until finally a response came. The girl had asked if she would be left alone if she agreed to help ,to which Quill excitedly replied yes and brought her new partner on board the Aegis.

The meeting was a bit rough. The human girl was so oddly shaped compared to digimon so Quill was naturally curious but also already wanted to play some tricks on her. She fed her new partner several exaggerated lies prior to finally coming clean which only seemed to rile the girl up. Still, she really liked this human and so presented her with a treasure from her stash in her quills. A golden leaf Quill had once found on a tree, no doubt grown incorrectly because of faulty data.

With her partner on board, Quill's ready to save the world! As long as it's fun. A boring adventure would be the worst.



-Has a near endless stash of treasures in her fur. Were she to remove them all one would wonder how she had all the space.
-Due to identifying as female, Quill's evolutions take on a slightly more typically feminine body shape than is traditionally presented as they become more humanoid.
-From her time monitoring human data, has become something of a huge metalhead.



Edited by Doggo

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On 4/29/2020 at 7:01 PM, Doggo said:


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Name: Orianne Martel

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Digivice Color: White, Light Blue trim

Partner Digimon: Herissmon, "Quill"


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-Reliable sign of which personality is surface is if Orianne is fussing with her hair. If she is, it's Orianne, if not, it's likely Iris.
-Still has short gaps in her memory from personalities switching but the two communicate well enough to make it largely unnoticeable.
-Naturally she'll have two different answers to most opinion based questions.
-Does her best to not to explain her condition and just live normally.



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Name: Quill

Age: 75

Gender: Female

Digivolution Line: Pusumon > Pusurimon > Herissmon > Filmon > Stefilmon > Rasenmon

Partner: Orianne Martel


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Quill was born in a small village, a mere fragment of the old digital world long since passed clinging to junk code where it could. The destruction had long since claimed most of the world, none of the digimon then alive had lived to see it. Despite the small scope of her world, Quill still wanted to see everything. She was never content to just sit still and accept the quiet life the village so cherished. Often she would cause trouble around town when not out exploring the outsides of town.

This didn't quite make her an outcast of course. Many of the other younger digimon wanted to see what was out there if anything. And so Quill would go on to lead little expeditions to the edge of the world. Normally this made for little more excitement than the group made for themselves. But the most recent excursion was anything but quiet.

Upon reaching the end of their slice of home, the group settled down to enjoy themselves a bit before hiking it back to the village. But the peace was soon disrupted by the sudden appearance of several virus-type digimon who had no sense of reason or self. The ground itself seemed to destabilize around them. Quill quickly led the others back to town and managed to stay ahead of the intruders. The older digimon soon found out what had happened but just as soon as they had gathered together to learn the intruders had reached the village outskirts.

The destruction was breath-takingly swift. There was little resistance the local digimon could put up the powerful intruders. Quill only ran, it was all she could do. But on the outskirts of the village she was cornered by several of the digimon. As death approached she briefly evolved into Filmon and repelled her assailants. But the power quickly faded as she returned to Herissmon and continued running. As she reached the edge of the world there was nowhere left to go and so she jumped into the digital sea.

When next she was conscious of her surroundings, Quill was aboard the Aegis with a small group of other digimon. The situation was explained to her and a digivice presented. Her mission was to save the entire digital world spoken of in legend. And to do it she'd need to  recruit a human partner. The task seemed daunting but this was the adventure of a lifetime.

Quill took to monitoring human data when she came across a girl who struck her as particularly open to appeals for help. She had answered an odd email of a prince requesting financial aid in order to share his untold fortunes. Something seemed right about this particular human and so Quill composed a similar message, substituting out the relevant words with things pertaining to digimon and the state of the digital world. The message was quickly deleted which seemed odd. So quill kept sending them, and sure enough they kept getting deleted.

It was frustrating to feel so compelled to message this one human but Quill really liked her for some reason and so wanted to make sure it was her who came. She kept sending messages until finally a response came. The girl had asked if she would be left alone if she agreed to help ,to which Quill excitedly replied yes and brought her new partner on board the Aegis.

The meeting was a bit rough. The human girl was so oddly shaped compared to digimon so Quill was naturally curious but also already wanted to play some tricks on her. She fed her new partner several exaggerated lies prior to finally coming clean which only seemed to rile the girl up. Still, she really liked this human and so presented her with a treasure from her stash in her quills. A golden leaf Quill had once found on a tree, no doubt grown incorrectly because of faulty data.

With her partner on board, Quill's ready to save the world! As long as it's fun. A boring adventure would be the worst.


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