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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Roaring Space (OOC/ACCEPTING/PG-16))

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The year is 1929 in the wonderful Big Apple, New York City! The economy is at an all-time high that seems sustainable enough, the culture is one of excess and hedonism, and the term "Roaring 20s" never felt more appropriate. Not to mention the mysterious "stand abilities" that have been appearing in citizens, visitors, and any other select few who may be in the city for the last forty or so years. These abilities have been appearing with seemingly no explanation, as if the city itself is granting them! But, granting them for what? Or for whom?

Rules, because I have to


We are all here to have fun. Don't try to take that away from someone.
100 words minimum for posts. That good old advanced clause that rinne made to pull us out of the caves and make us use tools to hunt.
I am using this rule to say that any amount of ghosting punishment is waived. I understand if you can't post. People have lives, people have stress, and honestly, I even understand if you just can't find a muse to do it. Blake and I can control your character whenever need be to keep the plot moving, so just be open with us about your situation.
Blake and I reserve the right to control your character whenever need be to keep the plot moving. Mostly this will happen with your guidance, just to make larger posts flow better, but we will also write out any characters that leave the RP.
Just don't be a dick. It was already rule 1, but it's important. This rule is for you Hyde. Yeah, you. Don't be a dick.

Character App


I don't have a strict form. Just make sure to include an appearance, information about personality, and information about a stand. If you want to include more, like a biography, go for it.


Edited by (JoJo)
It's an ooc now

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Blake here! I won't be posting my character, as they won't be showing up immediately.

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Is that a JoJo?



"Now, before you ask, I'll just answer in advance. I've no fucking idea either."

Name: Joanna Joestar
Age: 29
Gender: Female






What Joanna lacks in foresight and good luck, she makes up for with resourcefulness and a penchant for improvisation. A quick thinker and talker alike, she wants, more than anything, to simply get by. Live a regular, trouble-free life, maybe try to find success as a florist, and just do as she pleases. Unfortunately, Joanna is also the kind of person who can't just leave things alone. Perfectionist, altruist, and vigilante, Joanna's love for the idea of a relaxed lifestyle is surpassed by her being the exact kind of person who simply cannot sit down and take a break. She has trouble overlooking people doing wrong, and even more trouble not intervening herself. Why? It's a question she has trouble answering if she's asking it to herself, but if asked by others, she's able to answer much faster.

It's because she believes people having the freedom to live a good life without suffering at the hands of others should be an inherent, inalienable right. For that reason, she tries not to get into anyone's business unless their business is causing someone else to have a bad day. And even then, she merely steps in, sets things straight, then leaves without any desire for gratitude or reward. If she has to crack some scumbag skulls to do that, she is far from afraid to get violent. In fact, she'll look for excuses to get violent. Although she'll claim to aspire as a florist, the reality can't be further from the truth. Joanna's true passion can be found in the swinging of fists and the cheering of crowds. She wants to be a boxer. Of course, the idea of a woman being a boxer is ridiculous.

For that reason, she's quite happy to have a rather boyish look, and has become quite adept in the art of fully disguising herself as a man for the exact purpose of trying to pursue a career in boxing.



『We Ran Out of CD Space』



Type: Close-range

Ability: Can empty the contents of a target it makes contact with and turn the contents into a DISC.



Edited by Yui

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[Dirty Diana]

Character Name: Patricia Lawrence

Alias: Pat, Pattie

Age: 27

Appearance: Patricia is a Jamaican woman with robust, beautiful dark skin. Her hair is fashioned in short dreadlocks, but she could grow it out if she chose to. She stands at five feet and ten inches, a bit on the taller side. She has a thin, athletic frame, a small bust, with strong, muscular legs, toned arms and an almost perfect core. She has perky, full lips that compliment her naturally brown eyes.

Personality: Patricia is a very traditional woman with most things. She is firm in her beliefs and isn't one to back down from them. She doesn't believe in complacency or making other people feel comfortable. She's bold and very forward. She knows what she wants and she will take the appropriate channels to reach her goals. With that being said, she's also very kind. She has a big heart, but she won't allow her kindness to be mistaken for weakness. She puts her own passions and pursuits above others, and she values her life greatly. She understands what a losing battle looks like, and she also understands opportunity to strike.

History: Born in Kingston, Jamaica, Patricia left her homeland at the young age of four. Her parents were seeking business and lifestyle changes in America. Their destination was New York, and they eventually settled in the Bronx. They had very little idea what America would be like, but stories of "the land of opportunity" convinced them to take a chance. Patricia's father, Adio Lawrence, opened a small bodega just a few blocks from their newly rented apartment. Her mother, Raeni Lawrence, was a seamstress and dress maker. This small family of three did their best to make a living in New York, but their lives were anything but easy.

Adio and Raeni faced regular discrimination. They did their best to shield Patricia from it, but it wasn't a simple task. Even securing their residence in their rundown apartment was an absolute battle. As Patricia grew older, she started to notice things. The looks she would get from strangers when she walked up and down the street. The mean words she would have thrown at her because of her hair. It became apparent that people hated her for simply being... her. But this did not dissuade the young Patricia. She had two heroes she looked up to, and they were very strong. Raeni taught Patricia to be proud of her skin, her hair, her style, and her culture. She taught Patricia that she was not less than another man or woman because of these things. She emboldened Patricia to believe in herself and to carry the weight of being black with dignity, not remorse. Those lessons have always stuck with Patricia.

Raeni encouraged Patricia to find a hobby. Something that she could pour herself into that would let her push away the worries of the world. That was when Patricia discovered the art of ballet. It was what she was meant for.

From the age of seven, Patricia began to mimic the dancers she would see in posters plastered around the city. At age nine, she found a willing teacher who took her under her wing. At age twelve, Patricia went onto stage for the first time. By age fifteen, she had experienced ballet on and off stage and she was becoming a household name in her apartment complex. And at age twenty, Patricia had her first solo piece in a major performance.

One year prior, in her next major performance, tragedy struck when Patricia lost her father. He was the victim of a racially charged stop by police officers. He was carrying groceries out of his own bodega, when he was accused of stealing from a local business. He refused to comply to an unjust request. The police beat him to death and left him on the sidewalk.

Patricia dedicated every dance after that to her father, as she does to this day. Now, six years later, Patricia is still dancing. She has become a well known performer in the Bronx and she seeks to make a name for herself all throughout New York. She hopes to use her talents to take her mother out of the Bronx and establish themselves elsewhere so that they can live as they please.

Stand Information:

Name: 『 Dirty Diana 』
Stand Type: Close Range
Appearance: Diana does not have a face or torso. Rather, she is a pair of toned, ethereal dancer's arms and legs that are projected. The feet of both legs are wearing ballet shoes. Both legs are also wearing ballet tights.  Both arms are bare.
Abilities: Diana has a range of ten meters. Both legs and arms are projected on command and are in perfect sync with the user's body.

  • Destructive Power - B
  • Speed - B
  • Range - D
  • Persistence - A
  • Potential - B


Edited by Comrade Duck

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Carry on...


“I want you...to hit me...as hard as you can, ya follow?”

Personal Information
Name: David Greer
Age: 26
Gender: Male



Height: 6’ 3”
Weight: 175 lbs



David is the type of person to not take things for granted in life and always tries his best to live for the moment, but also do what he can to plan for the future. With that type of mindset, one could say that the young man has his priorities straight and his mind focused on the right things, but this is obviously not the case. In truth, he has no overall goal set yet for his future, but the confidence he shows definitely tells others he has everything figured out. However, due to his habit of trying to live in the moment, David can sometimes take risks in certain situations.

He happens to be quite flirtatious when it comes to the ladies, never actually settling down on one specific girl for very long, but this could also be attributed to the fact of him always roaming from place to place in his search for adventure. He actually longs for the day when he can just finally settle down with the right one, but until he finds the right one, it’s just not happening.

The young man can be very confident in what he does, sometimes overly confident and this can be his downfall. While confidence in his abilities is a good thing, he can sometimes go to extremes and somewhere down the line, end up making a mistake that could cost him. This is something he happens to be working on, albeit very slowly.

When it comes to going against other Stand Users, David is always taking things into consideration and planning. If he knows what his allies and their Stands can do, he can do what he can plan and put himself in the middle of certain situations in order to get the opponent distracted long enough for another to assist.



"If I was a bit smarter in living my life before, perhaps things might've been different..."

Born in 1903 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, David Greer was the sole child that his parents had, but while he was born...his parents got a divorce from one another. In later years, David would learn that his parents met during a one-night fling that grew to a marriage due to his mother being pregnant out of wedlock, something that definitely pressured both parties into marrying. Alas, the love wasn't fully there and the two went their separate ways after David was born, to where he was left to live with his father, Robert.

As the young David grew, he would be introduced to general life in Philadelphia, where people were content and dull with the lack of change and innovation in the city. However he couldn't exactly deal with thinking on this, especially with himself being the target of quite a number of kids his age bullying him, taking up position of an adequate punching bag. Robert did what he could to teach his son how to defend himself, but it only seemed to make things worse for him. Eventually things changed around for David, but that was only after he actually fought back against the those bullies and actually gained the respect of quite a number of them, therefore finally getting out of the rut that was being bullied.

The years passed and David began to develop a bit of a personality that resembled his father's when he was younger, rebellious, flirtatious and quite the party animal. At eighteen, David asked for his father's blessing to get some of the inheritance he had in waiting to just go off and live his life. Robert told him to reconsider a bit, but ended up caving in just to make sure his son was still on his good side. Now loaded with quite a bit of cash, David left his home and Philadelphia to travel around, party and live life the best he could. Unfortunately, as he lived his frivolous live of partying for a year...he ended up having his money dwindled down worse than it ever did. It worried David so and on his last legs, he remembered an old story his father once told him of a situation similar to this and how the son ended up going back to his father pleading with him. That was the key...he'd return to Philadelphia and plead with his father to take him back. Except...unlike that story...David wouldn't get that chance.

Upon return back to Philadelphia, David learned that his father had died. Died of a heart attack...the year he was gone. He was truly devastated from this, although he had inherited everything his father had...it didn't matter. Now David was alone...loaded again but alone. However, he had a moment of clarity as he visited where they laid Robert to rest. He had the revelation and clarity that was granted to him, by his father himself he believes, but nevertheless he was told to keep moving forward...to live his life. Tears in his eyes, David realized that this was something he needed to do...if this was his father's last wish for him. He'd live his life but not in the way he did the year prior...but more like the man he knew his father wanted him to be.

At the present day, David has begun his journey to New York City. He wasn't truly sure why he was compelled to go to New York, but he felt a tugging at his heart and soul, almost beckoning him to go forth on this adventure.

Stand Information
Stand Name:『Wayward Son』
Localized Name:『Prodigal Son』
Stand Type: Close-Range Power Type



Wayward Son takes the Form Type of an Artificial Humanoid, while taking a Kamen Rider Tokusatsu motif in basic appearance.



There’ll Be Peace
[Damage Reflection]
Wayward Son emits an invisible bubble with a radius of approximately 10 meters. Anyone within the field who attacks David with hostile intent has their attack ricochet back at them.

Stand Stats:



Destructive Power - C
Speed - C
Range - A
Persistence - B
Precision - C
Development Potential - B

Misc Information
David’s Theme | Battle Theme

  • David’s name is a reference to two separate bassists for the band “Kansas”: Dave Hope and Billy Greer.
  • His favorite drink happens to be a Gin Rickey.
  • David's "Jojo Pose" is depicted here, after Kamen Rider Wizard's general pose.
  • David's Stand, Wayward Son, and it's ability and future abilities are named after many songs of the band "Kansas".
  • The original creation of Wayward Son took me into looking at two specific Long-Distance Operation Stands: Hierophant Green and Echoes. Once I did in-depth looking at both of these Stands, I took what I learned from them and applied them to Wayward Son.
    • However, it recently was told to me that even with the original 30 meters for the ability's distance...it still is under the classification of a Close-Range Power Stand. Who knew?
  • Wayward Son's battle cry is "DODODODODODODO", which follows the line within "Carry On Wayward Son" of: "Don't you cry no more". This method is reflective with Sticky Finger's cry of "ARIARIARIARIARIARIARI" for Arrivederci.
    • The original battle cry was "SE SEYA SEYA SEYA SEYA". This is a reference to the Tokusatsu battle grunts and cries that would be heard in the Japanese Kamen Rider and Super Sentai shows.
  • This character marks the first character that technically isn't 100% a fighter, but something more akin to a style of support for the cast.
  • This character is a memorial character in honor of my father who passed in 2019. He was a child of the 70s/80s, an amazing bassist and an awesome dad. RIP David.
Edited by Chaos Sonic

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I hate this and all of you 


Character Name: Joey Jilani

Gender: Male

Age: 27






Joey Jilani hails from a long line of Italian immigrants, and very poor ones at that.  Joey grew to be very jealous of those around him who could afford better clothes, and all the other luxuries that he would never be able to experience.  Even though his mother and father slaved away at work, always coming home with barely an ounce of energy left, it was almost never enough to keep their large family scraping by.  Joey was almost never home, hating the 'hard-work' mentality that his parents tried to drill into all the kids' heads on a daily basis.  Instead, he tried to come up with some of the silliest crackpot schemes he could from day to day.  He could raise them out of the trash if he could just earn enough money.

His first way of making a quick quarter was to steal a stack of that day's newspapers, and scalp them at half the price.  He'd sell out in under an hour, and walk away half a dollar richer.  That's when he knew that his parent's were doing this whole work thing wrong.  It wasn't about hard work, it was about what you could get away with.

He gained notoriety in the slums, and was chased by the authorities weekly.  With his quick wit, he was always able to get away.  This gained the attention of certain Mafia heads in the area, and he was soon working for them for dollars a day!  Soon, many years would have passed and Joey would have found himself climbing higher and higher among the ranks of the Mafia, even though he had come from nothing.  Some members hated him for the fact that he was given special privileges that full blown mafioso were only given, and they grew irritated with his presence among the big shots.  He was an outsider, and he should've been treated like one.   

One day, during a standard shakedown, Joey arrived at the scene to see his old family being beaten bloody.  Joey demanded the gangsters stop, which threw his loyalty to the family in question.  It was the perfect opportunity to get rid of the rat, so they came at him next.  With the sight of his family lying in their own blood, and the threat to his own life and future, Joey's stand emerged, fusing all the guns of the mafia members into one giant explosive device.  With the smoke and distraction, Joey was able to get out of the house in a hurry.  He hid low, and used the last bit of his life savings to open a shop in uncontested territory.  There, he would only sell Whisks and Keys, but somehow was able to sell pure alcohol out of the back of his shop.  He hopes to one day find out who hired the hit on his family, and himself.  Until then will make all the cash he can, thanks to good ol' prohibition, and supply and demand.  









Stand Ability: Uses any of it's appendages to fuse two or more objects together.  If the separate object's names combine to make an entirely new word, that object is created instead.



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Shiny Objects(WIP)


Name - Alex Reed

Gender - Male

Age - 24



79 Best anime man in suit images | Anime, Anime guys, Hot anime guys

"E-excuse me? You seem to have dropped this."



    Alex is a rather friendly and kind man, typically very open about his feelings, and considers himself a pacifist in most circumstances. On the rare occasion he is willing to get physical it's most likely to protect someone he cares for. While Alex likes to pretend he's a completely honest man who's never lied in his life that's not completely true; while he wouldn't lie to hurt others or just to get his way lying becomes mandatory to hide his penchant for thievery.

    Alex has always been a kleptomaniac to some extent, stealing small things like pencils or matchbooks from stores as a child to becoming a regular pickpocket in his day-to-day life. Strangely enough he doesn't usually steal things he actually wants. He'll often snag someones wallet or watch on the street only to follow them until they realize it's gone, at which point he'll suddenly appear and return the "lost" item to it's owner claiming to have just moments ago seen it fall to the ground. Despite the comparatively harmless nature of his habit Alex always feels incredibly guilty about what he does, sometimes to the extent of wondering if that guilt fuels his desire.

    Due to this uncontrollable impulse Alex has had to become clever and quick with his words as well as his hands to avoid getting caught and has, overtime, acquired an unassuming yet likable personality with it's own unique kind of charisma that shoo's away any doubt in the man.






WhiteBeyond by inkescher

    White Beyond is a humanoid close range Stand. Rather than punching like your usual Stand, White Beyond slaps and swipes at enemies, using it's abnormally long arms to gain further range than other similar Stands. While it does have remarkably high speed and range it's not particularly strong and is rather frail, relying on it's special ability to avoid damage and escape more threatening Stands.
[Insistence on Solid Floors]
    White Beyond's signature ability makes anything that comes into contact with the tips of it's fingers temporarily intangible and transparent, allowing Alex to peer through walls, escape nearly any restraint, become incapable of being injured, and of course grab anything he wants from any person who get's close enough. While Alex's tamer, anti-confrontational nature, is shown through White Beyond's physical limitations his slippery nature is shown through the versatility of Solid Floors and ow he uses the ability to escape anything he can't talk his way out of. Alex can manually deactivate his Stand's ability but otherwise it will last about five minutes, Solid Floors can only be used on one thing at a time and will also automatically deactivate if Alex uses it on a second person or object. The activation condition for Solid Floors in only one finger but the object will become more transparent if more fingers come into to contact, starting out like a frosted window with just one, and becoming a shimmering mirage if all ten are used.



Alex is named after the lead singer of Thou Shalt Not, the band his Stand's name comes from.

Speech Color



Edited by |0P|

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Joanna, David, Joey, and Alex are all accepted.

I understand that there may be more work on some of them, but what is there, combined with individual discussions with each of you, are enough to make me confident in the characters. Just let me know if anything significant changes regarding stands.

Good job guys.

Patricia is accepted as well.

Edited by (JoJo)
Patricia accepted

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"I don't have time for this right now!"

Name: Kace Miller
Age: 34
Gender: Male


Height: 6'3"



Kace is a very straight-forward man, never beating around the bush when it comes to dealing with his problems or talking to him. His honesty can feel brutal at times, especially with him being critical. Of course, he's only critical because he wants to see everything and everyone reach their full potential - it's partially what drove him into becoming a mechanic in the first place. Not much scares Kace, or gets under his skin, and he can be standoffish at times with his gruff attitude. With his hardened nature and experience, Kace is able to keep a cool head under pressure.

He is very hard working, and has a disdain for slackers. Once Kace sets his mind on doing something, there isn't much that can be done to stop him. While he won't recklessly dive head-first into danger, he has no qualms with butting heads and getting his hands dirty. While not a genius by any stretch of the imagination, Kace isn't an idiot. Everything he does has at least some thought or meaning behind it.





21 Guns has the ability to manifest guns, ammo, and gun barrels out of any object (including walls) it makes contact with. Gun that stick out of objects can be fired at the stand user's will and do not need to reload, nor does the stand have to be in contact of the object once the guns have been manifested to fire. Guns created by the stand act as a normal gun in good conditions, and can be used by anyone.

21 Gun's face is also a fully functioning gun with a bottomless clip, and the stand can retract its body into its gun face. Whether retracted or not, the bullets fired from 21 Guns do not hurt the stand, simply phasing through it.



Edited by God of :eyes:

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I'm very interested; I'm still pretty new to the forum and I'm not really sure of proper etiquette or templates or anything of the sort.  Is there a template I can use to fill out an application, or would it be best to ask this on the discord?  Sorry.

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Character Name: Rodrigo Sterling

Alias: El Cid, Crabhammer

Age: 27

Appearance: Rodrigo is a physically imposing man, standing at six feet and five inches tall and weighing in at 240 pounds of raw muscle.  His boxer's shoulders are wide and sturdy, connected to a long pair of arms flanking an oak-barrel chest that has its share of scars.  His fair, warm skin tone betrays his Cuban heritage, as does his colorful wardrobe full of airy linen shirts and shorts.  

Personality: Rodrigo is a social man, an easy charmer.  He is quick to smile and quicker to laugh, often laughing at his own jokes - but never the braggart.  Easy to get along with and fairly popular, Rodrigo has never shied away from social interaction.  The flip side to this outgoing disposition is an intense, unending passion for whatever it is that's caught his mind.  Nothing dissuades him from his goal, and his loyalty is infinite to a fault.  His trust goes deep and he assumes everyone else's trust is deep as well, and he will gladly put his body in harm's way to help a person whose name he'd never know.  The sacrifice play, to him, is his task alone.

History: Born in Cardenas, Cuba to an immigrant family, Rodrigo grew up catching and selling blue crabs to supplement the family's sugar farming.  His rapid growth as a young boy outstripped his family's ability to feed him, so he often ate what he caught and grew up among the crabs as his friends so that his family would support themselves.  This led to bullying amongst his peers, and he responded by using his fists to defend himself and his family's honor.

"Crabhammer" used his immense size and physical strength to make a name for himself in Cuba, quickly becoming a boxer and winning big by betting on himself every night.  His family was able to leave Cardenas and live in Havana, where they made quick friends with American boxing promoters who wanted to use him as a marketing tool.  Taking the fights for his family's sake, "Crabhammer" finally transcended amateur boxing and entered the world of professional boxing.  Ten fights in and he was given the nickname El Cid - the Lord, after ten knockouts in ten fights.

His drug use to ease the pain between fights got him in minor trouble from time-to-time.  He thought that the weird feeling he would get when he fought was just echoes to the time he smoked, but over time he realized that there was another presence inside of him.  Not sure of what this inner strength was about, and worried about the hospitalizations of his opponents, he has taken to the streets of New York City to clear his head before a fight that would clear a path to a championship bout.

Stand Information:

Name: 『 Tha Carter 』
Stand Type: Sentient, close-range
Appearance: Tha Carter takes the form of a science-fiction robot, humanoid in shape, with boxing gloves and armor plating that resembles human skeletomuscular system.  Reference:


Stand Power: Earthquake - If Tha Carter punches their opponent, they will feel the effects of an earthquake. Their vision will shake violently and their body will vibrate, throwing them off balance and hurting their body.  The effect persists for several minutes.


Destructive Power - A
Speed - B
Range - D
Persistence - B
Potential - A


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Rodrigo is accepted.

I'll get this turned into an OOC (mostly just adding the rules I have to add) during this weekend, and maybe get an IC up by the end of Memorial Day. Don't quote me on that, though.

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Technically this isn't really a JoJo's RP, it's just an RP with Stands, but I'm calling myself from the grave to join it anyway.


Name: Dominic Darrell

Age: 35

Appearance: Dominic is an average man. He's neither large nor small, but about average height and weight, with the kind of average face typical of the white man of the time. His hair is neither intensely brown nor jet-black. He is Caucasian, but his skin is not so pale as to stand out (by 1920s standards, anyway....). He wears black-rimmed glasses, and his eyes are a simple, non-attention-grabbing shade of brown. His usual attire is typical of the time: A black three-piece suit with a white shirt and red tie, complete with a straw hat on hot days.

History: There once, many years ago, was a time when Dominic would stand up for the right, whoever it belonged to, and do his best to stop the wrong, wherever he found it. Although he was never particularly good at taking punches, he at least had the courage to squeak out a few words in support of whoever the bullies or gangs had decided to target this time, allowing them to escape while he tried to think of how much God would reward him for his suffering.

Then one day, disaster struck. He overheard a couple of boys sniggering loudly about how easy it was to steal money from the church donation box. As someone who held charity in high regard and thievery in equally low regard, he felt incensed, and decided to walk over to them to compel them to return the money. Unfortunately, his social skills weren't fully developed, and he was still accustomed to preaching about God to everyone, even people who did not hold the same respect for Him as Dominic did. The boys started chasing him, yelling about how much of an old preacher he was and how he shouldn't ruin everyone's fun and how stupid all these Baptists were with their religion – and that's when Dominic's anger boiled over for the first time.

The boys each showed up at home with their disrespectful statements carved into their bodies, claiming to each of their parents that Dominic secretly practiced witchcraft. While some of their parents were snowed and tried to bring the heat on the Darrells, the claim was too ridiculous to stick. And anyway, the evidence of their thievery was written all over their faces now. However, the boys told their friends, who told their friends, who told their friends, and Dominic found himself the target of a small army of people who were bigger and stronger than he was. The Darrells, seeing the danger, moved to New York City to escape the harassment (although Mrs. Darrell had always wanted to go, anyway).

Dominic's greatest concern, however, was himself. He never told anyone, as he was too scared to speak up, but he had practiced witchcraft of a sort. Without even meaning it, he'd summoned some... turquoise-and-white apparition to unleash his anger on the boys, violating practically every precept of his religion in the process. So it was that Dominic decided to keep his head down, his nose out of trouble and work on himself without trying to change others.

Personality: Dominic is good at academia and critical thinking. While he never answered the teacher's questions at school except when he was singled out, he always liked working out the answer in his head. He enjoys deep thought and philosophizing about important issues. He's fairly willing to change his positions on issues whenever the evidence builds against him. Dominic is absentminded: He is prone to forgetting, overlooking, not noticing, mishearing, misunderstanding, and not realizing. Due in part to this and in part to his awkwardness and desire to avoid conflict, his social skills are not highly polished, and he is like as not to accidentally offend someone.

Dominic is strongly religious, and lets this show in his everyday actions. He is kind and charitable, donates to charities to help the poor, assists old ladies in crossing the street, and reminds his friends and colleagues to do the right thing. He no longer talks lengthily about religion to those who do not ask, but he makes no secret of his faith in God, either. He controls his anger whenever it comes out, and forgives and forgets (but mostly forgets) those who wrong him.

What Dominic wants the most is to live a quiet life. The incident as a child made him detest being the center of attention and the results of going against the majority. As a result, despite his thoughtfulness and kind heart noted above, Dominic almost never speaks out against the majority unless it's something fairly controversial, and even then, he is quickly silenced by opposition. He has adopted somewhat of a "white moderate" attitude to the injustices in society, turning a blind eye to it while detesting those who upset the status quo, not even bothering to consider the evidence.

This neutral stance has gotten him a moderately good position with his peers and ensured that his job as a salaryman has gone smoothly, but it cannot last long. For one, the materialism that has arisen because of the boom has made him wonder just how much longer he can continue to stay quiet about the moral degeneration around him without sacrificing his goodness. And another thing – his relative wealth has allowed himself to be insulated from these matters, but he is slowly becoming aware of the hidden little injustices that exist within society, and on a subconscious level, how his silence makes him implicit in perpetuating them. Eventually, his sense of justice will force him to take a side, no matter how much he wants a quiet life.

Stand: I think its reveal will be more impactful if I keep it a secret until then, as even Dominic is not aware of its abilities. Is that okay? (It's not anything ridiculously broken, I promise.)


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8 hours ago, Paragon of Mystery said:

Technically this isn't really a JoJo's RP, it's just an RP with Stands, but I'm calling myself from the grave to join it anyway.

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Not sure what that first bit is supposed to mean, considering we even have a JoJo, but it sounds like shade.

In any case, I'm not going to accept an incomplete app off of blind faith in someone I've never met.

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12 hours ago, (JoJo) said:

Not sure what that first bit is supposed to mean, considering we even have a JoJo, but it sounds like shade.

In any case, I'm not going to accept an incomplete app off of blind faith in someone I've never met.

I'm sorry that I offended you. I didn't mean to throw shade, it's just that when I get on the Internet, my ability to foresee how people will be affected by my statements goes to Egypt to kill a vampire.

Anyway, I completed the app.

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I need to know the stand first. If you don't want it publicly shown before being revealed, you can PM it to me.

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22 hours ago, (JoJo) said:

I need to know the stand first. If you don't want it publicly shown before being revealed, you can PM it to me.

I added the Stand to my original app post before I saw this message.

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On 6/19/2020 at 7:54 PM, Summer Damian said:

I added the Stand to my original app post before I saw this message.

I don't see it in there, you sure?

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On 6/21/2020 at 3:25 PM, (JoJo) said:

I don't see it in there, you sure?

BAKANA! It's gone! My whole long-winded explanation of the limitations of an actually simple ability was erased, like it never happened!

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