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It's really nothing special, just something I made as a way to express myself... I mean, @Yui taught me a tiny bit about using GIMP, but all I did was use the fuzzy select tool to render and overlay the original picture onto the Nonbinary Flag, and let the indexed colors of the flag do their thing.

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I already expressed my joy for you just making this; art is already a place of expression, and the icon is a rather "strange" point of identity. Strange not because it is outlandish but because it represents a shifting identity on a virtual level. It is one where we chose to recognize ourselves and our own form of expression, that is closely related to how we are feeling and how we desire to be. The internet is cool in this perspective, as our closeted identity is almost out in the open for people that we "select" to be around. So, this already is great sentiment to how much your inwardly state becomes an outward acknowledge of that. I really just think that it is cool that you wanted to create something that took more of a self-drawn form of expression. That is why I want to give you props; not because you're are anymore or less special, but you're taking a step for yourself in expressing yourself outwardly. It is something to be proud of, more of a personal statement and something that deserves more steps forward.

The icon itself does what you wanted and provided some position to grow as an artist, or as someone who finds new places to express yourself instead of trying to understand it. It is a form of "acceptance", as well. But I don't know if I am pushing a grander message than necessary or anything. Really, I think the biggest point in this is: What are you looking to change if you were to trying something similar? I mean change as a movement forward; What do you want to try outside what you already attempted and how do you think that you improve this piece or another attempt at something similar? It is a fine step. Next is for you to explore more techniques to see how results measure up, and if there is any way for me to help you, I am curious.

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