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On 11/4/2020 at 4:04 PM, yui said:


not the greate- whoa, deja vu

The innate joke that there isn't a greatest song (not even Metallica's "One") is always really good. I'm not a fan of some of the nonsense lyrics ("one and one make two, two and one make three, it was destiny" is just kind of weird) but I understand that's kind of a rock staple as well so I don't really dock it for that. 8.5/10 mostly because I just don't go seeking it out even if I enjoy when it comes up.

20 hours ago, LordCowCow said:



8/10 mostly for Friend Like Me as a song in general. I know there are differences between the two versions but they're both good, you know? Not sure all of this mashup meshes well (the ending is a little sus) but hey that's whatever.

12 hours ago, Mr Spaz said:


Seems fine but I couldn't really get into it more than that, couldn't tell you why 6.5/10 Congratulations on making page two happen, though.

OP suggestion: In case election blues have got you down here's a song about hope. 7.5/10


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16 hours ago, yui said:


7.5/10 pretty fun

16 hours ago, LordCowCow said:



i have to assume the girl in front is the leader because she's t-posing. 7/10

OP suggestion: Noise Rock band Magik Markers just rose from a seven-year grave so of course it gets a 7/10 


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23 hours ago, yui said:


9/10 not much to say about it that hasn't already been said. It's a good song, Bront.

22 hours ago, LordCowCow said:


Also not a lot to say about this song because I don't know any languages in the Cyrillic sphere (I assume this one is Russian?) but it's fun enough 6.5/10

13 hours ago, Mr Spaz said:


6.5/10 also, fun but not really much else besides that. I have very little memory of the very little amount of PMD I've played, that's probably part of it

OP suggestion: I heard food house described as "100 gecs for people who like 100 gecs" and though I'm not so sure about that (this is, like 69 gecs), it's still worth a listen especially if you like hyperpop. 6/10 for me though


Edited by radio414

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16 hours ago, LordCowCow said:


7/10 sounds like the OP to something

8 hours ago, (‽) said:


6/10 but I'm glad that Hatsune Miku is branching out and trying a slightly different musical style

7 hours ago, Mr Spaz said:


Another 7/10

OP suggestion: Some chill, vaporwave-adjacent (or does that mean it's just synthwave?) vibes to wind down the evening 8/10 


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Because I think I'm funny or it's topical given your blog. Or I'm almost through my first watch of the show. It's a mystery really.

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6 hours ago, LordCowCow said:


I admit I am biased because I played a lot of Madden 03 growing up, which means I heard a lot of the Good Charlottes song (and then again when watching commentaryless playthroughs of Elite Beat Agents) so the fact that this wasn't it jarred me out of the initial listen. It would probably get higher than a 5/10 if not for that but such is life.

1 hour ago, yui said:


"all the things i'm supposed to do and the places i'm supposed to go are cancelled" now isn't that just 2020 in a nutshell huh 7/10

38 minutes ago, Doggo said:


I disagree in that I don't skip Utena's OP, and I did write a bunch of words on it once, but also it's still only like a 7.5/10; there's a reason the musicals use Absolute Destiny Apocalypse and they don't use this. The anime as a whole is a banger, though (obviously, or I wouldn't be doing a blag)

OP Suggestion: You ever just want to, like, jam for ten minutes? Wilco's got you covered 8/10 


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3 hours ago, LordCowCow said:


This feels much more like a "live in concert" sort of song than something that belongs on an album, but it's still a cute 6.5/10

OP Suggestion: Porridge Radio's "7 Seconds" is inaccurately named but it's certainly a bop 7/10 


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1 hour ago, yui said:


i realize it is a meme but also the solos in the middle slap 8.5/10

1 hour ago, LordCowCow said:



I wonder if there's some niche corner of tiktok that's dedicated to recreating these specific dances 6.5/10

OP Suggestion: I admit I'm off and on regarding SOPHIE's work in a general sense -- she's something I have to be in the mood for -- but all the remixes of her that I've heard have been pretty great 7.5/10


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12 hours ago, LordCowCow said:


"this is gonna be my year" are you sure about that? Snarks aside, 6.5/10, feels like it needs the rest of the album backing it up

"Frankie and the Witch Fingers" is already a banger name, and the band was pitched to me as more King Gizz, who are also chock full of bangers. 8/10 


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