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17 hours ago, LordCowCow said:


i feel attacked 6.5/10

nice page four

OP suggestion: "Tranquility Base" draws on lunar imagery both for the name (the spot Apollo 11's lunar module touched down), and in its content drawing from archival audio of that time, creating a rather spacey vibe without ever leaving the ground 7.5/10 


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On 11/22/2020 at 12:22 AM, LordCowCow said:



think I get what the song's about but the lyric "easy come, easy go, every day is challenging" still sends me every time. 7/10

OP suggestion: Kikagaku Moyo did a single back in May but I just found out about it now. 7.5/10 


Edited by radio414

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18 hours ago, LordCowCow said:


cool of youtube's recommendations to remind people where they've heard this band before. 7/10

OP suggestion: New King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard album is called "KG" which means we'll eventually get a "LW" album, surely. The big brain play would be to also have an "&t" EP wedged between releases, though 8/10 


Edited by radio414

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On 11/23/2020 at 10:51 PM, LordCowCow said:


"love is like the twitter bird, we're only in love with it for 48 hours" i think most people were never in love with twitter but i'm not french. also when i looked up the music video the english lyrics were different which is just poor form on the translator's part. The song, though, is extremely my jam 9/10

OP suggestion: Speaking of songs in other languages let's dive into the world of Brazillian rock for a moment. 8/10 


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On 11/25/2020 at 4:41 PM, LordCowCow said:


You've conditioned me to go to the English translation in the middle so now that we're on a different channel with slightly different rules it's thrown me off. Meanwhile the song is something like a 6.5/10

14 hours ago, Mr Spaz said:


Seems fine, not really much more to say other than 6/10

OP suggestion: British rock band TRAAMS is back after four years with a jam 7.5/10 


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On 11/26/2020 at 11:24 PM, LordCowCow said:


i thought you said you were splitting up your weeb songs

It's fine? 6/10? I don't watch RWBY so I don't really have any emotional connection to the perspective character; that may be a reason why this one bounced off me.

OP suggestion: People talk about Fatboy Slim's Weapon of Choice as one of the pinnacles of music videos, but here's an alternative: Spike Jonze doing a flash mob before flash mobs were cool. 8/10 


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On 11/28/2020 at 2:31 AM, LordCowCow said:


Yep that sure is an end credits theme. Good thing I like end credit themes 7/10

OP suggestion: Speaking of end credit themes here's a theme that's much better than the film's title theme and I hate that it got stuck at the end of the movie instead. 7/10 


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On 11/29/2020 at 5:07 AM, LordCowCow said:



Really bounced off of this one, unfortunately, maybe my apathy for the movie is showing. 4/10

OP Suggestion: New PUP! I started listening to them around the release of their last album, "Morbid Stuff", and this is a lot meaner than that, but a lot of the same elements are still there. 8/10 


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23 hours ago, LordCowCow said:



5.5/10 kind of just there.

OP suggestion: Devon Welsh has created a track that is part statement of intent on the nature of power and governance, part heavy, frequently difficult to listen to drone/ambience, and part spoken word poem on the best sandwiches in the world. Took me a few listens to "get" and it's still probably not more than a 6/10 even then, but it's still worth recommending, I think. 


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On 12/2/2020 at 12:27 AM, LordCowCow said:



7/10, particularly like the strings.

On 12/2/2020 at 12:38 AM, Mr Spaz said:



OP Suggestion: Spotify says this is my most listened to song this year though I dunno what they're doing telling me with almost a full month left 8.5/10 


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On 12/3/2020 at 2:02 AM, LordCowCow said:



that's a lot of japanese for something with "english cover" in the title

Rhyme scheme threw me off a few times; I assume that's an issue with translating songs though. Still fun 7/10

19 hours ago, yui said:


the who?

jk HU is great 8/10

OP suggestion: Tarot Sport sure is an album. I don't know what else to say about it. It's electronic, sure, but beyond that I'm not even sure what genre this counts as. Wikipedia says "psychadelic" and "experimental" and I guess that's good enough for me. 8.5/10 


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