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Yui's Moving Log - TX to ME

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Day 0: What's Up

In case you haven't heard, I'm moving! From Texas all the way up to Maine! That's the entire latitude of the contiguous United States! And I thought it would be fun to make a thread detailing the move, perhaps with pretty pictures of places I pass along the way. So I made a thread. It's this one. I'm making this post as one last thing to do on my PC before I disassemble it and pack it up. Up until the finale, all the posts I make here after this point will be on mobile, so perhaps expect some typos since I'm not very adept with the smartphone's keyboard. Anyway, the bulk of the packing has been dealt with as I'm typing this, with just some stuff in my room being left over by now. I can round up the last of my room and pack it up in no time flat though, so running out of daylight here isn't really an issue.

No pictures on this post since it's already getting dark out though. I'll be sure to take some on the way out of town tomorrow afternoon, since we've got pretty mountains and stuff round here.

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4 hours ago, Thar said:

Now that's a lotta draving

Any reason why Maine in particular?

It's because I live with border patrol, so we have to live near a border. And after much running and the like by the Mexican border, we decided it was time to switch sides and go up to the Canadian border. In the end, Maine was the state of choice and I didn't really have any say in it but whatever.

Side note, remember that bit about my room being easy to pack? I was gravely mistaken, it was a pain in my ass. Had particular trouble caused by my PC, but now it along with pretty much all of my non-clothing/furniture belongings is packed up in a single box. I also spent three hours cleaning up an absurd amount of trash from a different room, as well as helping with furniture and boxes throughout the day. My legs, hands, and back are all sore, and I'm just waiting for my hair to dry out from the shower I just got back from before going to sleep and helping wrap up the stuff we had to do here.

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Cheers to a safe and successful move for you and your folks. It's hard af to move right now due to Covid-19, but I hope yours goes smoothly. If you're at liberty to do so, you should share some pics of your new crib.

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4 hours ago, Comrade Duck said:

Cheers to a safe and successful move for you and your folks. It's hard af to move right now due to Covid-19, but I hope yours goes smoothly. If you're at liberty to do so, you should share some pics of your new crib.

I'll at least share pics of my new room when I get everything unpacked. For now, how does a pic of the view from my hotel room sound?


You can even see the truck I've been riding in off to the left!

Day 1: Departure

After waking up at nine in the morning (I usually sleep into the afternoon), I spent six hours helping get the house ready for us to leave it behind forever. We left three hours later than initially planned, and then spent the next six hours driving. I kind of forgot that sitting in a moving vehicle - especially one as big as a U-Haul truck - still isn't relaxing for one's legs, so my entire lower half still aches. Oh well. Now I can kick back and relax for the night, but I should take care not to stay up too late. Since I often turn in at at least three in the morning, this might be difficult.

Hopefully this first day was the worst of it all. Unpacking everything at the end probably won't be easy either, but getting it back out is a lot easier than putting it in.

Also, I took some cool pictures of the scenery along the way and will continue to do so throughout the trip. Once I'm in the new place and have access to my PC again, I'll show all of them off. It would just be a hassle right now though.

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Tip for long drives: if you carry a wallet, don't leave it in your back pocket. It will lead to back issues very quickly.

Honestly having anything in your pockets will fuck with your posture.

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11 hours ago, (‽) said:

Tip for long drives: if you carry a wallet, don't leave it in your back pocket. It will lead to back issues very quickly.

Honestly having anything in your pockets will fuck with your posture.

Agreed 100%. I always put my wallet in my front pockets now, due to my last back pocket experience leading to circulation issues in my ass. Never developed back issues from it, though, but that's also possible. Regardless, I've always wore jeans for pretty much everything and jeans are never a good idea for keeping stuff in pockets. Not sure why I still do, but I plan to just swap everything out for cargo alternatives at some point.

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Today's hotel pic is not from my room,, because the only thing you can see through the windows is a bowling alley. (I didn't go bowling.)


Day 2: Goodbye Desert

After the fucktacular start to this moving trip and my post about it, it was time for bed. We booked two rooms last night, which brings me around to two major points I forgot about.

1: My sister (not the 7-year-old, who I will refer to as "the child") was coming with us to Fort Worth, because we were gonna do the child's birthday party a week early so that she can have some fun with her extended family. The two girls plus my parents are actually away having that party (which is really just a fun day out, as per covid restrictions) as I'm typing this post. They're going to Build a Bear and then going out for dinner, and bringing back some food for me of course. Anyway,

2: My sister listens to this weird "sleep music" shit to conk herself out. I told her I didn't mind, but between the music and having to share a room, I didn't get much sleep at all. Hoping it was mostly the music, or I'm going to be one very sleep-deprived guy by the time we unpack everything.

So now day two starts and we're all hungry. Go to the nearby Denny's, and I got some really good pancakes. But the thing is between the lack of sleep, no longer being used to long car rides, and general stress and anxiety surrounding the move, I'm feeling a little bit nauseous. Just an upset tummy really; for all I know it's from a bag of Sugar Babies I wolfed down the other day, not realizing until afterwards that two of the very few ingredients have dairy, which I can't have anymore.

Luckily I didn't feel any worse during the 3-4 hour drive from the last hotel to this one, but getting our shit into our room was an ordeal for some fucking reason. Then the child wanted some food which I made and it turns out the food tastes like shit (it was an instant thing; this doesn't reflect my culinary skills) so that got tossed. Then once everyone but me left for the "party" (I chose to stay behind) I decided to take a nice, hot shower. Surely that would make up for the everything else that just transpired.

The water pressure here sucks. Once everyone gets back with food, I'm figuring out the bed situation for the night, eating, then brush my teeth and go the fuck to sleep. At least I'm nice and tired so sleeping shouldn't be hard. If even that goes wrong somehow, you'll hear about it.

EDIT: Another factor toward that nausea I mentioned might be all the oil fields we passed yesterday. They smell of sulfur and rotten eggs. However, the oil fields and the desert in general are now behind us, so that's nice.

Edited by yui

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Even when things are going smoothly with this move, they suck.


Day 3: A Terrible Day For Rain

So, first thing in the morning, my mother comes back from a morning outing - which delayed is hitting the road by at least an hour - incredibly sad and broken hearted, so that's a great first note to kick the day off with. But that's a hugely different story (nobody died) that would have to warrant an entire post of its own, if I even felt like sharing it. Which I don't. So anyway.

We stop at a gas station right after leaving to top off and in my case get some food. For some reason my card didn't go through on the latter because I I have to swipe it. Nevermind the fact that it's a chip card and I've used it as such on literally every cash register I've encountered since getting it, and it has always worked without needing to swipe. After that, it was mostly smooth sailing through the rest of Texas and we stopped in Arkansas for some food at Cracker Barrel. Someone even spotted a Bob Ross plush in the gift shop and surprised me with it! Nice.

Then we went through the rest of Arkansas. I no longer wish to ever enter the state of Arkansas again. The roads were impressively rough, and I can only assume whoever paved it did a deliberately awful job. We also had to squeeze past an 18-wheeler on a bit of highway where boy of the two lanes had no shoulder, which in a U-Haul truck is fucking scary. Multiple near heart attacks survived, we then made it out of Arkansas and into Tennessee. Where the pet deposit for the hotel is absurdly high, the ride still took half an hour longer than expected, and it was raining the whole time. Second time I've even seen rain since getting my raincoat, first since getting the overalls to match, and the first time I actually needed either of those, and all my rain gear is in a box in the back of the truck, too buried in everything else to retrieve.

Go figure.

But I'm here at least, and this is a really comfy bed. With the move's "side quests" dealt with, we'll be spending a lot more time on the road from now on, and I'm happy about that. Less opportunity for everything to go wrong.

Edited by yui

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Holy fuck dude. No hotel pic today because I went up to the eighth floor to take one but it was shitty and blurry, so I got rid of it and no longer wish to take a second one. What a monster of a day.

Day 4: The Big One

So the day seemed to go without a hitch at first. Then about two hours after we left the hotel - a place that was quite pretentious and I plan to avoid any hotels of the same name if I ever travel on my own - stepdad says he can't find his badge. That'd be a big huge problem for him. After everyone spent 5-10 minutes of everyone panicking over this, and the hotel saying they couldn't find the badge in the room we had, I noticed it hanging from his waist in a different spot from usual. This was a huge save, so I got to be the hero for the day. Not bad. The majority of the rest of the ride - which ran for a total of about twelve hours - went smoothly. Until we got to the state of Ohio.

It isn't fair to rate a state based on my few hours of road time alone, but I can do away with fairness every now and again. This is one of those times, because holy hell, I can unpack at the end of all this to find all my worldly possessions have been broken, stolen, or otherwise inaccessible and Ohio would still be the worst part of this. So we get into Cincinnati and at this point we've already been going for a really long time, and my mother has a panic attack because we're constantly tailing her in a big U-Haul truck in the dark through the chaotic and packed highways of Cincinnati, Ohio. For which we must get off the highways entirely, pull over in the first parking lot we see which is way too small for this big moving truck, and shift navigation duty back to Mr. Missing Badge. Because the parking lot was so tiny, the truck took a couple scrapes in this city I don't want to return to. Then we keep on trucking, get halfway through Ohio and pass through half of Ohio including all of Columbus, and it's time to book a hotel. Usually we do this on the way to our destination, but we didn't today. The first hotel we tried isn't pet friendly. The second was closed. The third was ten minutes back the way we came. That's where I am now.

So now I'm going to do some shit I was planning on before eating and sleeping. What a fucking day. I deserve some kind of reward for my patience and composure during all this, I think, because I'm the only one who has not once lost it so far.

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Honestly seeing your moving log, Yui, reminds me of my whole move from Maryland to the Void (aka Arkansas). So bringing back some good memories on that front, so thanks for helping me get those memories back up and running...also yeah, wallet in back pocket = VERY BAD. Dad did that...woof...didn't go so well at all.

In any case (as of reading your latest entry), it seems like your family took initiative to get the research and whatnot done for the hotels ahead of time. In my experiences (while yes my parents came down to Arkansas before we all moved to get a lay of the land and where to go), having a plan and a course of action with future hotel locations and reservations are always handy to have...just food for thought for the next time (doubt there will be though). Though your drive from Texas thus far has been wild...for me it was a straight shot from MD to AR via TN.

Either way, enjoy the ride...enjoy the sights, cause honestly these are memories that you'll end up looking back on and enjoying, for both the good and the bad.

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4 minutes ago, Chaos Sonic said:

Honestly seeing your moving log, Yui, reminds me of my whole move from Maryland to the Void (aka Arkansas). So bringing back some good memories on that front, so thanks for helping me get those memories back up and running...also yeah, wallet in back pocket = VERY BAD. Dad did that...woof...didn't go so well at all.

In any case (as of reading your latest entry), it seems like your family took initiative to get the research and whatnot done for the hotels ahead of time. In my experiences (while yes my parents came down to Arkansas before we all moved to get a lay of the land and where to go), having a plan and a course of action with future hotel locations and reservations are always handy to have...just food for thought for the next time (doubt there will be though). Though your drive from Texas thus far has been wild...for me it was a straight shot from MD to AR via TN.

Either way, enjoy the ride...enjoy the sights, cause honestly these are memories that you'll end up looking back on and enjoying, for both the good and the bad.

I will not enjoy these bad memories. The only one I'll remember and enjoy will probably be the badge thing.

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No hotel pic today, not because I'm just that done with today or anything, but because I'm just chilling. And gave been for a few hours. Only just now doing the post because I've nothing better to do right now.

Day 5: Family Reunion

Not my family, but my stepdad's. He has a couple of kids and an ex in upstairs New York, and since it was basically right along the way, a trip to see them was part of our travel plan. This means that although we left at 8 this morning, the driving for the day was finished by 3 o'clock that afternoon. With everyone else gone to see them, I took myself a nice little snooze to make up for the general lack thereof I've been getting since leaving Alpine, where this move started. And I hurt got up from that a few minutes ago.

Also, they have Tim Hortons up here. I guess New York is good for some things besides Broadway and Niagara Falls after all! Hopefully gonna get some food from there today, but if not the move is very close to done by now and there will surely be more in Maine.

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SOON TM. Here's one last hotel pic. This time it's from a balcony.


Day 6: The Home Stretch

Today we got up early again. The plan was to get to Maine, book a hotel not too far in, then get up tomorrow for a short drive to the new place and have plenty of time to unpack everything. I am pleased to announce that so far, this plan has gone off without a hitch! The only thing of particular note that happened today besides that is realizing that I'm quite happy to be back in the northeast.

We stopped at a Cracker Barrel in Massachusetts today, and my first thought stepping out of the truck was "why is it not cold?" It was 40 degrees outside. I guess it's true what they say; you can take the guy out of the northeast, but you can't take the northeast out of the guy.

Also, I got to stop at a Tim Hortons this morning. Got some donuts. Best donuts I've had in quite a long time. Would recommend to anyone that lives in or near Canada and hasn't had the donuts before.

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This thread is nearly done now, boyos. Here's hopefully the semifinal update, and another picture. This one isn't from a hotel room, but my bedroom window.


Day 7: Home Sweet Home

This is gonna be a short one. We woke up early again, hit the road at about 9:30, and got to the new place at 1:30 or so, which is when I took the above picture. The only real point of note was how much of the five hour drive was spent up high in the mountains. Currently, I'm on a short break from unpacking everything, but once the adults get back it's back to work. I took this break to confirm my greatest fears were baseless, and my PC works just fine. Hopefully we can get internet set up here tomorrow.


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Pretty funny that you basically moved from about as south as you can get to about as north as you can get.

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I didn't forget to post yesterday, I deliberately put it off until my PC had internet again. Here's my room; you'll have to excuse the mess since I'm still unpacking and sorting and stuff. Also look how dark it is outside it's not even 5:30 as I'm typing this/taking that pic lmao.


Days 8-9: Wrap-up

New room, new furniture (hand-me-down, but oh well), and new internet that's hella faster than what I had before. Nice. As a result of the move I'm now on a regular human sleeping schedule, but now that I'm back online I don't expect that to last longer than another week and a half. Internet went up this morning, and I've spent the time since re-acclimating myself to my usual routines and catching up on the week of to-do that I've missed while I was on the road. Now that I'm here and settled in, things are pretty good.

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On 1/14/2021 at 4:44 PM, yui said:

I didn't forget to post yesterday, I deliberately put it off until my PC had internet again. Here's my room; you'll have to excuse the mess since I'm still unpacking and sorting and stuff. Also look how dark it is outside it's not even 5:30 as I'm typing this/taking that pic lmao.


Days 8-9: Wrap-up

New room, new furniture (hand-me-down, but oh well), and new internet that's hella faster than what I had before. Nice. As a result of the move I'm now on a regular human sleeping schedule, but now that I'm back online I don't expect that to last longer than another week and a half. Internet went up this morning, and I've spent the time since re-acclimating myself to my usual routines and catching up on the week of to-do that I've missed while I was on the road. Now that I'm here and settled in, things are pretty good.

Yo that room is MAD small. Bro is you in the attic or what? You got a nice setup tho. I'm feelin it.

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