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Do you use a Virtual Machine?

You can Virtual Machine with a Secure network to test out sites that seem sketchy before going to it on your host.

I use a Linux Virtual Machine on top of my Windows Host OS and I use older versions of Windows (ex Windows XP, Vista, and 7). Its also really fun to use Virtual Machines and since its such a secure environment you can use it to test Malware.

What are your thoughts on Virtual Machines?

Edited by Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

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6 hours ago, Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan said:

Do you use a Virtual Machine?

You can Virtual Machine with a Secure network to test out sites that seem sketchy before going to it on your host.

I use a Linux Virtual Machine on top of my Windows Host OS and I use older versions of Windows (ex Windows XP, Vista, and 7). Its also really fun to use Virtual Machines and since its such a secure environment you can use it to test Malware.

What are your thoughts on Virtual Machines?

this is the first time i've ever actually thought about virtual machines, and even then the thought is "how much did linux pay you for this post?"

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2 hours ago, Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan said:

How do you feel about Google's Lawsuit with the D.O.J?

dawg, i don't fuckin care

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52 minutes ago, LordKrowKrow said:

How do you feel about non-tech related questions?

i welcome them, mostly

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bump jolly fact: as we all know, the elf on the shelf watches kids and reports back to santa on who's naughty or nice. what they don't tell you is the elf on the shelf is also a FBI mole who weeds out naughty adults.

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30 minutes ago, UltimateIRS said:

Who would win: Jesus, or Korean Jesus?

they fight to an epic draw

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bump jolly fact: reindeer were originally called raindeer for their uncanny ability to control the weather. this was later patched out, and the name was retconned to fit their new lore.

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bump fun fact: unicycles were previously called either heterocycles or homocycles depending on their preferences in other pedal-powered vehicles, until they evolved to be a unisex species. incidentally, "unicycle" is also the word that inspired "unisex"

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bump fun fact: smartphones are infamous for forging their college diplomas. don't trust a word they tell you.

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bump fun fact: many people believe satanists worship the dark lord, but this is only the case about half the time. the other half are very confused christmas enthusiasts who suffer from dyslexia

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3 hours ago, LordCowCow said:

Pizza or Pasta goes away forever which one you deleting?

deleting either one forever would be the ultimate heresy as an italian-american

anyway, pasta, without a second's hesitation. i love pasta in all its forms, but a world without pizza is not a world worth living in.

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bump fun fact: the bubonic plague was a declaration of war on humanity by the rat kingdom. 9/10 historians agree we won the war.

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bump fun fact: the reason we give people chocolate on valentine's day is because it was originally a mesoamerican holiday before the spanish came along and ruined everything. for a truly traditional valentine's experience, you should either give your beloved a fat wad of cash, or take them to watch a public execution.

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5 hours ago, LordCowCow said:

Favorite 2D shape?


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13 hours ago, radio414 said:

Favorite 3d shape?

the humble cube

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3 hours ago, radio414 said:

favorite 4d shape?

can't go wrong with the tessaract

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bump fun fact: the "hill i die on" idiom exists because in medieval times, it was believed literally dying on a hill increased your chances of going to heaven, since your body is up on a higher elevation and thus closer to the pearly gates.

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