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advanced rp Yugioh: Project Crimson

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"Well first of all, I summon a tuner monster, get monsters that add up to eight, and synchro summon. Basic math, really."

Sarcasm was something that Jet knew well, after all, he could hear it dripping from every word most of the scientists under Dr. Akihiro, especially when they were dealing with him or referring to him. Needless to say, Jet remained emotionless and gave a blank stare towards Zirco, almost as if to say he wasn't amused.

"My dragon is particular. It apparently has a person it has chosen, but that man doesn't know it exists. In order to summon it for the first time, I had to give up something. He demanded the memories of the people closest to me... so now I can't remember my parents at all. I... I think. Maybe I never had parents and he took the memory of someone else... I... I can't remember...So yeah, that's how I did it. But seeing how everyone else doesn't seem to have that issue, it's probably different from dragon to dragon. You'll just have to figure it out."

This was something that Jet wasn't expecting to have as an answer. He was never told this by Akihiro before, only being tossed the Duel Dragon and being told to summon it...nothing more...nothing less. But now, according to Zirco...

T-There's a cost...? Jet thought, slowly moving towards one of the treadmills and began to walk on it. He started to hold on to his right arm slightly, gripping it tightly as his mind started playing thoughts and scenarios. ...it...it could take away memories of the orphanage...m-maybe just of my past in general...n-n-no...that w-w-would be stupid. But...what else do I have left f-for this dragon...to take from me?

"...d-do I even have...anything left to give...?" he muttered under his breath, gripping his arm more and more.

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Kiyoko looked at Hotaru as she made her final comment on the matter. It was an interesting sentiment, one that Kiyoko was widely unfamiliar with. She had only ever thought of pressing forward and always keeping active, always making sure that she was ready when the time would come. Yet she had never once considered what would if happen if that time had come while she was busy preparing for it. Truly, her new found signer companion had a wisdom foreign to Kiyoko. Or she was just very lazy and attempting to cover it up with what sounded like wisdom. The stalwart girl had a hard time figuring out if Hotaru was the type to simply save her energy for when it was needed or if she truly was just lethargic. And as such, she hadn't the ability to pass proper judgement at the time. Truly a frustrating situation she had found herself in. 

While all of this was going on in her head, all Hotaru would be able to see would be Kiyoko's face scrunching up in deep thought as she seemed to be both deep in thought and almost glaring at her. Eventually, coming out of her deep thought, Kiyoko had walked over to the girl. "There is something to your words that I cannot dispute Hotaru, and yet they do not sit well with me. As such," the girl took a seat next to Hotaru, looking back to the girl. "As such, I say we attempt to see merit in the others way of thinking. I will sit here for now, doing nothing alongside you. And then after that, we will do other things together in order to get ready for the coming missions we are to have. Then, at the end, we will see which of our ways of thinking hold more merit. A fair deal, correct?" Without even waiting for an answer, Kiyoko simply sat still as she closed her eyes and folded her arms as she faced forward.

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Was this girl insane? Hotaru couldn't help but wonder about the sanity of this person who sat next to her. Then again everyone here was probably somehow messed up in the head.

She leaned forward with a groan and buried her head in her hands. It wasn't going to be so easy to get rid of this one. "I didn't agree to this." She said. "Why would I? I don't care if you sit here so I don't get anything out of it."

“Because I care both if I sit here and if you do. Ergo it only makes sense that we should do some form of exchange.”

"How is it an exchange if only you get something." She just wanted this to end. Why was she continuing this conversation?

Kiyoko looked at the girl, her face clearly showing it didn’t understand what Hotaru's point was as she said, “but I’m giving you a valuable experience after this. That’s something you’re getting right?”

Hotaru was silent for a while. Trying to figure out what to do about this and how to get free from it. Then, realizing that she was thinking too hard, just sighed. "Fine, whatever." She mumbled. "Do what you want."

With a triumphant smile on her Kiyoko said, “wonderful!” She then proceeded to sit there once again in silence.

So it was that Hotaru was forced to sit there with a clearly insane person. "Wonderful." Hotaru repeated with much more sarcasm. Nearby Dragonecro was snickering to himself. So she turned her head slightly to the side. "Oh be quiet." She muttered.

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Tora Mori

With the duel sims offline, Tora had gravitated back to the garage to try and get her mind off the steadily approaching mission. She wasn't quite comfortable enough to ask any of the staff or the other subjects to practice dueling with her, and any attempts at just spending time with her cards alone had always ended fruitlessly in frustration and even more confusion. Even as she did her favorite thing, working on her bike, the anxiety of having to duel with actual stakes was always at the back of her mind. Of course, it didn't help that her bike was already fully cleaned and in mint condition. All there was to do was to really look at the work that was already done.

Without saying a word, she put her tools away and went to go change into her riding gear. While she hoped that being out on the track would help take her mind off things, she was only technically correct. The Crosswhip that Tora was used to riding was once a kitbashed collection of refurbished parts, many discontinued or rescued from the recycling plant. On the inside, it wasn't a pretty or a normal bike and it was riddled with flaws. Many of the parts were too heavy, pipes and assemblies didn't naturally didn't fit together, some parts were designed for faster, larger bikes and others were made for glorified scooters. Still, they figured out how to make it all work, and even leaned into the weight flaws to give the bike an easier time sticking to the road as it hurled itself around corners. The result was a beautiful mess of compromise and ingenuity.

But that wasn't what she road this time. After Kaibacorp had its way with the Crosswhip, what she road was a scientifically tuned state-of-the-art piece of sophisticated technology. When she thought she feathered the throttle, the bike lurched forward suddenly. When she thought she was lightly squeezing the breaks, the bike almost flipped over vertically as it screeched to a halt. Tora's first lap around the circuit looked like a beginner was just learning how to ride for the first time, and to her that was how it felt. By the second lap she was beginning to properly get the hang of things, then following the third and so on she was soon riding like her old self before.

But if there was anyone who was going to get an earful after the ride, it was definitely the mechanic.

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Leiko spent the drive to the grocery store in a daze. The wind blowing her hair out behind her fully exposed her face, which was distant and lost-looking. She had barely spent a full minute outside in getting to the facility that morning, it felt like a prison transfer. A stark contrast to now. As she sat in the truck she found herself marveling at perfectly ordinary things she hadn't had a chance to see for months. People riding bikes, smoke rising from chimneys. It all seemed so unreal, not having seen it in so long.

As they walked up to the store, she was shocked to realize something else. This was really happening. She was allowed to walk around outside. 

I could just run away if I wanted.

"What about you?"

Leiko didn't snap back into reality until Barbatos had separated from them and Octavia directly addressed her. She blinked, surprised, looking wildly between the two. How on earth they were so cam she didn't know. They had been in these experiments far longer, hadn't they?

"Um... I uh..." She faltered for a second before she realized what it was they were actually talking about. "Oh, I don't really want anything," she said simply. "I just..." she looked around the store, absently following after the other two. It suddenly felt strange to be here. The people all moving around them, the tall aisles. Smaller. Claustrophobic.

"I just wanted to be out of the facility for a bit," she admitted, scratching at her ear, tilting her head away so as not to look at them. "It's... I'm not sure why it's so strange to me, being out here. And not you guys."

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"...You think he'd be alright with us grabbing sweets? I mean... I'd kill for some little snack cakes. There were these chocolate ones, cream in the center, I had once back in Hearthome. But I was never able to get them again." Those didn't quite ring a bell in Natsumi's head. Even as far as pre-riot Hearthome orphanages went, Natsumi wasn't exactly from what she'd call a priviliged upbringing. She'd be lying if she said she was all that fond of chocolate snacks either way, though. "What about you? Ah! Down there, Snacks. That's pretty vague, but seems like the stuff we want should be there."

"I just wanted to be out of the facility for a bit. It's... I'm not sure why it's so strange to me, being out here. And not you guys."

"It's strange for me as well," Natsumi said, turning in to the snack aisle Octavia had helpfully pointed out. "In fact, I've never visited a grocery store before. It may not look it, but I'm barely containing my excitement right now." Brief memories of the adults - both in the orphanage and the facility - taking off to go grocery shopping came to mind. Towering buildings positively brimming with any manner of food one could ever want had always been how Natsumi pictured them. Maybe her mental image from back then was a bit exaggerated, but being in one herself here and now made her feel as if she'd really made it. Now she was one of the adults too. Even just within the snack aisle though, there were all sorts of tasty-looking treats, many of which she'd never seen before.

And one she had seen before. Gummy worms. They were a hit at the orphanage, and usually came in a high enough quantity that everyone could share. This wouldn't be a snack run without those! Without skipping a beat, Natsumi picked up a bag and put it into the cart. "I'm more surprised we're the only three who opted to come out here, come to think of it."

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»»————- ♡ ————-««

"Oh, I don't really want anything," 

Huh? That hadn't been what Octavia was expecting, Leiko had been pretty reserved, the idea that she'd come without needing to hadn't been something she had considered. She raised an eyebrow, but didn't respond right away. It seemed like she wasn't quite done talking just yet.

"I just wanted to be out of the facility for a bit, it's... I'm not sure why it's so strange to me, being out here. And not you guys."

...Oh. That made perfect sense. After all, that's pretty much why she had done it, wouldn't the others have wanted that too? Especially since quite a few of them would have been around a lot longer than she had... Well, except for Leiko at least. She was a pretty new recruit.

"It's strange for me as well. In fact, I've never visited a grocery store before. It may not look it, but I'm barely containing my excitement right now." 

That turn down the snack aisle was starting to build some excitement in Octavia as she passed over boxes of little sweets, chocolates and assorted goodies, trying to find where the snack cakes were at as she laughed gently.

"And it's definitely weird for me too." She gave the other girl a little understanding smile as she rubbed at her neck for a moment, "...It's like seeing a place you haven't been for a long time, but everything's changed. The wind, the sun, it all feels weird. But nice at the same time."

She returned to perusing the boxes on the shelves, a small frown on her face for a moment as she did. All these boxes and she couldn't find the little cakes she was looking for. Cream filled yellow cakes dominated the shelves, including some that were striped with icing for some reason, but no chocolate ones. Her disappointment was immeasurable and her day was ruined. She was only snapped out of it thanks to Natsumi speaking up once again.

"I'm more surprised we're the only three who opted to come out here, come to think of it."

"Well... Most of the boys seemed a bit too... Rowdy for a shopping trip, you know? And I saw Shannon before I came down for it, she looked really deep in thought, I let her know the trip was happening, but I guess she was too tired after the day."

She continued her search for the snack cakes of her dreams, her eyes widening as she found a box of them... Finally. Chocolate goodness, iced on the top, cream in the middle... She immediately scooped a couple of boxes up into her arms, adding them to the cart as she hummed lightly, she had to make sure everyone got a chance to try them back at the base, before smiling to Leiko, "If you just wanted to enjoy the day, that's fine! But keep an eye out for anything that looks tasty. Barbatos forgot to give us any restrictions."

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Raijin chuckled. "I think the name is hilarious! I just can't believe they actually put something like that on a fuckin' card is all." He then grimaced a bit when he mentioned the weights. Oh right, he had said he was going to do that with him. "Aight, I'll be here I guess." He said with a shrug, making his way towards Jet, the other guy that had joined them on this little venture. He was clutching his arm, a concerned look on his face as he seemed to mutter something under his breath. He had overheard him and Zirco talk about summoning their Dragons. After all, the hot head did manage to summon his dragon during the big duel earlier. Now that he thought about it, Raijin couldn't remember a time when he actually summoned the damn thing in an actual duel. The way everyone talked made it sound like it was a big deal, but Raijin had never thought about it. Raijin shook his head - he'd worry about this later. Hell, if things went his way he'd never have to summon anything.

The boy made his way towards Jet, standing next to the boy as he walked on his treadmill. "You're gonna lose circulation if you keep gripping it so hard."

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"...d-do I even have...anything left to give...?" he muttered under his breath, gripping his arm more and more.

"You're gonna lose circulation if you keep gripping it so hard."

"Maybe your dragon will take your grip strength," Zirco commented. "Don't get so down in the dirt about it. I highly doubt 'Stardust Dragon' is as much of an asshole as a literal devil dragon," He patted Jet on the shoulder before he headed to the weights, laying on the device and putting his hands on the bar, waiting for someone to put weight on the ends. "Now, someone spot me. Let's see how much I can lift,"

As the three girls walked through the store, they came across quite a sight. A small white hair girl was doing her best to jump up and grab some snacks off a high shelf. She looked to be only 7, and she was failing miserably on her snack gathering quest. After a few more tries of trying to jump up for the snacks, she began to stare really hard at the snacks. At first nothing happened...

And then a sudden gust of wind shot through the store, knocking all the snacks off the shelves and burying the girl underneath them, a surprised "Eep!" being all that could be heard before the sound of hundreds of falling boxes resounded through the store. People were murmuring to themselves and looked confused at what just happened.

As Hotaru and Kiyoko sat down at the table, doing nothing, they could see a lot was going on. Damien was carrying what looked to be a bunch of books to and from different places, although for what reason, they probably wouldn't know unless they asked. Mango was going around, carrying things like flowers and balloons, and Val was carefully cleaning and dusting the place.

After a bit, Damien finally slowly and cautiously approached the two. "So um... are you two okay? You've been sitting here for a while... doing kinda nothing, and Dragonerco was just kinda snickering... did the others make you do this...? Did you lose a bet...? Do you need like... a pack of cards to play go fish or something?"

Gil watched Tora, wincing as he watched her struggle with her bike. "Yeah, she's gonna kill me when she gets back," He muttered as he slid himself under a car, working with its underside.



Alright guys, here's some things to do. Deadline is Monday, July 29th. Now, I probably won't be on Discord much until Sunday the 21st,,, mostly just as a little break. Feel free to ask questions though, I just probably won't get to them right away like I try to usually.


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Kiyoko had simply been sitting in silence this whole time, merely lost in her own thoughts as she did nothing. Nothing at all. She was simply in a chair. Arms crossed, eyes closed, and nothing but the ambient noises of the room around her. It was a peaceful sensation, one that allowed one to easily focus on their surrounding area, focus in on whatever it was that around them. Pay attention to every breath, shifting noise of a chair, foot step that walked through the room. Of course, Kiyoko could understand the appeal of this absolute zen. To be with nothing but one's own thoughts truly allowed for insights that would not normally be possible. Of course, she was also doing nothing. And so, after spending beyond 15 minutes at doing this, Kiyoko had started to grow restless. Tapping her foot, Kiyoko started to feel as though whatever zen she had achieved was slowly crumbling as the girl began to hear the sounds of other people working. 

When they were eventually approached by someone, the girl opened her eyes and looked to the boy that had approached them. She raised her eyebrow curiously as the man seemed to be confused about what they were doing, simply saying, "no no, nothing of the sort. We are just doing nothing." Kiyoko's tone was matter of fact. "Hotaru here had told me this was what she would prefer to do. And so, we are here. Doing nothing." Kiyoko then turned to the girl saying, "how long does this usually go on for?"

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She was serious wasn't she? This girl, whose name had since slipped from Hotaru's memory, was actually just going to wait here with her.

What was she supposed to do about that? Trying to get her to leave would mean she'd have to bother to talk more with her but if she left she imagined the girl would just follow. It was bizarre. All the others had mostly ignored her so why was this one so adamant about this? Though adamant might not be the right word for what was happening here. Adamantly doing nothing felt wrong. Stubborn? Then again it started because Hotaru herself was being stubborn. Which likely just made her stand out more now that she thought about it.

With a groan, sounding reminiscent to the living dead, Hotaru slumped forward onto the table.

Which was when, to her great displeasure, someone else took note of them and approached.

"So um... are you two okay? You've been sitting here for a while... doing kinda nothing, and Dragonerco was just kinda snickering... did the others make you do this...? Did you lose a bet...? Do you need like... a pack of cards to play go fish or something?"

While the other girl gave a response to the young man Hotaru was more focused on another part of what he had said. "You can see him?"

"He can see me?" Dragonecro said, almost parroting Hotaru. "If you can see me you should be trembling, human." He snarled, lowering his head so that it was level with the boy's.

"Please don't." Hotaru said with a sigh. "I don't need anything. Maybe you can get something for her." Hotaru tilted her head slightly towards the girl. "There's not a time limit. If you want to do something you should just go do it. I still don't get why you did this in the first place."

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"If you just wanted to enjoy the day, that's fine! But keep an eye out for anything that looks tasty. Barbatos forgot to give us any restrictions."

"Indeed. We shouldn't take advantage of lack of restrictions often, but after all everyone's been through just to meet each other today, we've earned a bit of indulgence." Everyone except Leiko, anyway. She still wasn't sure what the girl's story was, but it was most certainly not Natsumi's place to pry. Further down the aisle, a small girl was staring at a box of snacks longingly. There was no way she'd be able to reach it, but certainly not for lack of trying. Suddenly, as if by the girl's will, a gust of wind shot down the aisle, knocking over the aisle's contents, and more importantly, shoving the shopping cart downwind, directly into Natsumi's ribs. It didn't hurt - it was more of a mildly painful surprise than anything - and Natsumi kept her lips tightly shut to avoid letting out any sounds that might indicate otherwise.

As unfortunate as it was to see the aisle in such a state of disarray, Natsumi's curiosity was piqued. What had that girl done? Perhaps this was one of those psychics you'd hear about from time to time. "All for asking the mysterious little girl what happened?" Natsumi asked, not exactly eager to approach on her own out of the blue like that. All the same, she did continue down the aisle, keeping her eyes on the now-scattered contents of the snack aisle for anything of particular interest.

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»»————- ♡ ————-««

"Indeed. We shouldn't take advantage of lack of restrictions often, but after all everyone's been through just to meet each other today, we've earned a bit of indulgence." 

Indulgence indeed, judging by the way Octavia was scouring the aisles for more sugary goodness, occasionally finding a snack cake box or particularly interesting type of chip that she just had to sneak into the cart. She was about ready to respond to Natsumi, a happy little hum escaping her as she turned to look towards her... Only for a sudden gust of wind to knock down a ton of boxes around a younger girl down the aisle. Octavia had to blink for a moment, a little confused, "Huh?" escaping her as she frowned. She wasn't sure what would've caused that, she had missed the girl bouncing up and down there even, so all things considered... Just a freak accident, as far as she was concerned.

"All for asking the mysterious little girl what happened?"

She rubbed at her neck for a moment, before shrugging as she did, "...Might as well, but did I miss something? It looks like things weren't stacked properly is all."

Octavia didn't wait for a reply though as she made her way over to the fallen boxes and began to sort them around, digging out the girl as she smiled lightly, "Hey there, are you okay? Looks like that could've really hurt you!" She offered a hand to the fallen girl as she spoke. It might have not been the best idea to go ahead and talk to the strange girl without waiting to hear from the others, but it wasn't like they could just ignore the poor girl, right?

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"You're gonna lose circulation if you keep gripping it so hard."

"Maybe your dragon will take your grip strength. Don't get so down in the dirt about it. I highly doubt 'Stardust Dragon' is as much of an asshole as a literal devil dragon."

"R-Right..." Jet nodded, doing his best to release his arm at this point. And Zirco might've actually had a good point. His Duel Dragon seemed based on the Red Dragon Archfiend, a Signer Dragon that was practically the devil in dragon form. Meanwhile there was his own Dragon...the one based on Stardust Dragon itself, though at the same time...if memories wasn't what he needed to give up...or anything...what else could it want with him?

A-All I-I-I need to do...i-is find out...w-what it could possibly want... he thought, just standing on the sidelines as he watched Zirco wait for Raijin to try and spot him on the weight lifting. Regardless, Jet felt a yawn come over him as he held his hand over his mouth and let out the yawn, the coffee seemed to be wearing off...either that or it was decaf and he didn't even know it.

"...s-so...Z-Zirco..." Jet began to speak again, trying to just bring up conversation. "...o-or Raijin...o-or both...h-how did you guys happen...to get tangled up...i-in Project Crimson?" Information gathering was key at this point, he knew none of these individuals...so learning a bit more about them might actually help.

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"no no, nothing of the sort. We are just doing nothing." Kiyoko's tone was matter of fact. "Hotaru here had told me this was what she would prefer to do. And so, we are here. Doing nothing." Kiyoko then turned to the girl saying, "how long does this usually go on for?"

"Riiiight....," Damien muttered before turning to Hotaru, who had an important question of her own.

"You can see him?"

"He can see me?" Dragonecro said, echoing his partner. "If you can see me you should be trembling, human." He snarled, lowering his head so that it was level with the boy's.

"Oh, um.... aaaaaah," Damien let out a very flat and unconvincing cry of fear. He didn't seem to be mocking, just very confused. "I... look, you are very scary looking, but... I mean, you're helping her, you're with her," Damien pointed to Hotaru. "You can't be that bad if you're willing to help and protect her. I tell the others how horrifying you are though, if that's what you want,"

"Please don't." Hotaru said with a sigh. "I don't need anything. Maybe you can get something for her." Hotaru tilted her head slightly towards the girl. "There's not a time limit. If you want to do something you should just go do it. I still don't get why you did this in the first place."

Damien blinked as he listened. "So, is this how people normally pass the time...? Huh," He shrugged and decided to answer Hotaru's earlier question. "Well, I can see spirits. Off the top of my head... Mr. E can as well, I can, as I've said..., Val and Mango can as well... Barbatos... I... don't know, he's very quiet about it if he can. Gil says he can't, but honestly, I think he's trying to mess with us,"

"Hey there, are you okay? Looks like that could've really hurt you!" Octavia would see the little girl under the pile of food, giggling as she held out her hand.

"I'm okay, yup yup!" she said as she let Octavia pull her out. "Thank you!" she grinned widely as she stood up. "Sorry, Beely isn't very good at being delicate!" she reached down and grabbed a box of cookies. "Cookies get! Now Big Brother and I can share them!" She said giddily. She looked around, tilting her head. "W-wait... where is big brother anyways...?" She asked, hugging the box of cookies to her chest.

"...s-so...Z-Zirco..." Jet began to speak again, trying to just bring up conversation. "...o-or Raijin...o-or both...h-how did you guys happen...to get tangled up...i-in Project Crimson?"

"Eh? Well, I was in the orphanage and the scientists picked me up. That's it, da end," Zirco said. "I'm pretty sure that's what happened for all of us, unless Raijin broke out of hell into Project Crimson," He joked.

Mr. E grimaced to himself, the first time he had in a long time. He had imagined using magic on the human brain would be tough but... well, he had no clue what was happening to Hypatia. She wasn't responding to him, but it seemed more like she was ignoring him rather than being unable to hear her. Perhaps the memories he managed to unlocked (if he did, he had no clue, she wasn't answering him) were so puzzling to her she just was using all her brainpower to figure it out. He hoped that was the case.

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Kiyoko was quite confused as the conversation had taken a turn for the unexpected. An off hand comment that Kiyoko hadn't paid attention to seemed to catch Hotaru's interest. And in so, the two began to talk about how they were able to see "him." Kiyoko hadn't the faintest idea of what they were talking about, and Damien's mock acting scared and talking to thin air did not seem to alleviate this confusion. As Hotaru said that the girl could go at any time, the girl looked at her, her confusion momentarily passing to just go back to her standard neutral expression. "Hm? But this was what I wanted to do. Though," becoming more pensive as she put a hand to her chin she said, "if there's no set time limit or criteria, I suppose it is quite difficult to know if I'm accurately doing nothing or not. Hmm..."

As she thought more on this delimma she was now presented with, her attention shifted back to the topic that had confused her not two seconds ago. Right. They were talking about someone. Or rather, talking to someone. That apparently a good majority of the staff could see and speak to at that. "Um..." Looking between the two, feeling greatly out of the loop but not sure if this was a loop she was supposed to be in to begin with she simply asked, "what are the two of you talking about?" 

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"You will regret mocking me, human, your time will come soon. The great reckoning will be upon you a-"

Dragonecro paused as Hotaru gave him a blank stare. "Fiiiiine." He said, and backed away.

"Well, I can see spirits. Off the top of my head... Mr. E can as well, I can, as I've said..., Val and Mango can as well... Barbatos... I... don't know, he's very quiet about it if he can. Gil says he can't, but honestly, I think he's trying to mess with us,"

"So many people..." Hotaru whispered. "I'm sure you'll come to hate that ability soon enough with me around..." She let out a mournful sigh and rest her head on the table. "But I guess seeing or not won't make a difference in that regard."

She didn't even budge as Kiyoko responded to all this.

"what are the two of you talking about?" 

She probably could have just waited for that guy to explain it, but Hotaru worried, given his demeanor, he would make it sound like some kind of happy gift. "Have you not heard of monster spirits?" She asked.

Kiyoko thought on it for a moment, before stating, "I've heard of ghosts."

Hotaru sighed. "Close enough. That's what we are talking about." Then, she followed it up with a muttered, "But much worse."

"How curious." Putting a finger to her chin she asked,"is it common for people to speak to these ghosts?"

"No...no it is not." She said. "I can't imagine the world could handle that..."

"Oh come now, I'm not that bad." Dragonecro objected.

"You were going to eat them..." Hotaru muttered at the dragon.

Looking confused at the air next to Hotaru she said, "they can eat people?"

Hotaru let out a groan. She didn't really feel like explaining her...particular circumstances. Least of all to this overly curious girl. "Maybe, maybe not, perhaps you should just hope not."

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"I'm okay, yup yup! Thank you! Sorry, Beely isn't very good at being delicate! Cookies get! Now Big Brother and I can share them! W-wait... where is big brother anyways...?"

Well, that didn't really answer the question of how she'd managed to knock everything off the shelves. But at least this girl was okay. Now the task at hand was to find her brother though. Spotting and picking up another bag of gummy worms among the aisle's worth of items this girl had managed to knock over somehow, Natsumi pressed down along the aisle. If the two were related, it stood to reason that they'd look at least somewhat similar. If they were genetic relatives, at least.

"How about we help you find him?" Natsumi proposed, checking among the knocked-over iteems for any other snacks of note. "It seems unlikely he'd leave the store and forget you, so he must be somewhere in this building. What does he look like?" Natsumi tossed a couple boxes of granola bars into the cart. Snacks were good, but that didn't mean it was alright to eat nothing but junk food! Helping this girl also meant the Signers of the group would be able to check out plenty of different aisles, as well, giving them something else to eat besides just snacks.

"What types of foods does he like to eat? We may have a better chance at finding him in the aisles for those."

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"Eh? Well, I was in the orphanage and the scientists picked me up. That's it, da end. I'm pretty sure that's what happened for all of us, unless Raijin broke out of hell into Project Crimson."

"O-Oh..." Jet was quickly silenced by that answer that Zirco gave. Talk about a real conversation ender right there. And unfortunately, it really didn't help him out any on keeping conversation going at all. At this point, he really didn't even know what to say about anything right now.

...d-d-didn't realize that everyone p-pretty much h-had the whole orphanage pick up... he thought, looking away slightly, rubbing the back of his neck. ...w-well...guess that conversation t-topic back-fired on me...w-way to go, Hoshimi...

With not much else to say or another possible conversation to bring up, Jet rubbed his neck one more time and did his best to attempt to slink away, that way he could go back to his room and just rest.

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"I'm okay, yup yup! Thank you! Sorry, Beely isn't very good at being delicate! Cookies get! Now Big Brother and I can share them! W-wait... where is big brother anyways...?"

Octavia just blinked for a moment at that, her brow raising for a moment as she helped the girl up. She didn't notice how Natsumi was scooping up some extra snacks, and if she had she would have certainly objected to the addition of some healthy ones to the basket. She smiled a tiny bit the little girl, offering her hand as she did, "Well, I don't know off the top of my head, but..."

"How about we help you find him? It seems unlikely he'd leave the store and forget you, so he must be somewhere in this building. What does he look like?"

"Yeah! We can help you find him, if you'd like. It's better than wandering around alone, right?" She smiled a bit as she let the girl make up her mind, before hearing Natsumi continue to ask questions about what the girl's brother was like, what he liked, all those other questions, while she took a brief look up and down the aisles. It didn't look like anyone else was around, so she took the time to start fixing the fallen items back onto the shelves a tiny bit, rushing to get things back onto them... Though admittedly they were all in the wrong spaces.

"Let's see... Maybe we can find a store employee or something, they might know how we can find someone in here quicker..."

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Raijin chuckled as Zirco spoke. "Ya got me. Although the orphanage might as well been hell." He said, his voice becoming bitter as he spoke about that place. He turned to Jet, ignoring the fact that he was sinking back. "Some old dude came into the orphanage one day and told me I could get out of that hell hole." He sank his hands into his pockets. "Honestly, knowing what I know now, I think I would have still chosen to come here." He let out a sigh. "My time at the lab was a nightmare but at least now we have a way out, right?" He said, shrugging. "Seems like the rest of you are in the same boat."

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Damien watched as Hotaru explained to her... friend? Partner? ... Coworker, that seemed like the best word... what Spirits were. She didn't seem... too enthused though. She must have had a bad experience with Spirits.

"Oh come now, I'm not that bad." Dragonecro objected.

"You were going to eat them..." Hotaru muttered at the dragon.

"They can eat people?"

"Maybe, maybe not, perhaps you should just hope not."

"Hmm... well, I suppose it's not out of the realm of possibility," Damien rubbed his chin as he thought to himself. "Most malicious spirits I've encountered though prefer to use a human as a sort of 'anchor' to the physical world, so they can carry out their own schemes, and mentally torment their victims so they'll follow orders without question,"  He then shrugged "I suppose eating isn't out of the question... anyways, well, if you two are just sitting there, then I shall---,"

"Help me hide a body!" Mr. E called out cheerfully as he skipped into the room.

"... What?"

"Don't question me boy, just do as I say," Mr. E grabbed Damien by the ear and walked away. "We'll see you girls later!" He waved to the two as he walked away.

"How about we help you find him? It seems unlikely he'd leave the store and forget you, so he must be somewhere in this building. What does he look like?"

"Let's see... Maybe we can find a store employee or something, they might know how we can find someone in here quicker..."

"Well, um... big bro is like... he looks like me, but bigger! And angrier! And a boy!" The little girl said, getting on her toes and stretching in order to attempt to mimic her brother's height. "Oh, oh, and he has Sky following him everywhere!" She said as she spread her arms out. "Sky is really long and white, and has like, 6 wings!" She added, flapping her wings like she was trying to take flight. In fact, she started to float slightly into the air.

At that moment a boy that looked like an older, taller, and angrier version of the little girl dived at the girl, tackling her out of the air. "Jackie, what the hell did you do this time?!"

"But, Lee, it wasn't me, it was Beely!" Jackie pouted.

"You can't just talk about Beelze at any given time and blame him for messes you had him make!" The boy said as he stood back up.

"But Lee... they're like us...," Jackie said, causing Lee to slowly turn to look at the girls.

"We gotta go," He said, the urgency filling in his voice.

"But Lee---,"

"No buts! Ascension Sky!" He called out. Suddenly, Natsumi could see a large white, multi-winged dragon coiling around the aisle, its massive tail ending at the store entrance. The massive dragon opened its mouth, the wind slowly picking up... pure energy gathering in its mouth, which it suddenly fired at the group.... however, before it reached them, Barbatos dropped from the ceiling, wielding a comically large sword. He took a swing at the beam, splitting it in half, the split beam shooting the shelves and blowing them up.

"Please. continue shopping," He said in his normal tone of voice, turning to the members of Project Crimson. "I will gather these runaways and meet you up front. Take care of my cart, will you?" He motioned to the cart full of food behind them. Turning to see the two attempting to run, Barbatos went to give chase.

"Beelze!" Lee called out. Behind the two, a giant red three headed monstrosity slithered past the girls, using one of its shoulder mounted dragon heads to whip out and smash Barbatos, sending him flying through several shelves. All three heads then turned, staring down the girls, looking as if it was trying to stare into their souls. Without breaking its gaze, it used its tail to flip over the cart, spilling its contexts all over the floor. It then raised one of its draconian hands, and flipped them the bird, before slithering off after the two running away. Barbatos pulled himself out of the wreckage and simply cracked his neck.

"Pick up the stuff on the floor please," He said as he rushed off after the escaping foursome. "Again, I will meet you up front and we'll pay for the food and leave!" he soon dashed out of the store, leaving the group alone...

At some point during this chaos, Leiko managed to slip away, disappearing...


"Ya got me. Although the orphanage might as well been hell." He said, his voice becoming bitter as he spoke about that place. He turned to Jet, ignoring the fact that he was sinking back. "Some old dude came into the orphanage one day and told me I could get out of that hell hole." He sank his hands into his pockets. "Honestly, knowing what I know now, I think I would have still chosen to come here." He let out a sigh. "My time at the lab was a nightmare but at least now we have a way out, right?" He said, shrugging. "Seems like the rest of you are in the same boat."

"I mean, could you imagine what would happen if they experimented on people that mattered?" He paused, thinking to himself. "Still... I guess that didn't stop the bastard from experimenting on his own son," He muttered. "Anyways, good hustle. I think I'm gonna rest for the rest of the day," He said as he walked away.



Okay guys, gonna be honest. Kinda fucked myself here. So, we're going into wrap up mode. Basically, Cowcow, Skaia, and the store duo just need to wrap up their posts when they can, and when all 4 of you post, I will work on the next host post, taking us to the night time. So no deadline, but the faster you all post, the faster we can move on.


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One thing after another happened, and Natsumi caught sight of not one, but two monstrous dragons. Being able to see duel spirits was more of a curse than a blessing, wasn't it? All the same, Natsumi probably would have been even more confused if she hadn't seen them. Even if the dragons didn't leave her surprised or confused, Barbatos sure did. When did he get that sword? Could he see them too? There were so many questions running around in Natsumi's mind. Alas, she didn't really have time to ask them. Between having to pick up the fallen groceries that the incredibly rude dragon had flipped over before leaving, and wrapping up her own shopping. Leiko seemed to have disappeared, leaving just her and Octavia.


"L... let's get back to shopping, then." Natsumi rounded up the fallen groceries, and promptly left the aisle with a heightened sense of urgency. Another encounter with those two dragons was not on her agenda for today. As the two went about the rest of the store - Natsumi trying to waste as little time as possible - the green-haired girl had picked up various things with which to make budget foods, or foods that were themselves incredibly cheap. Instant noodles, bread and cheap sandwich stuff, and cheap drink mixes were just some of the things Natsumi had rounded up. Perhaps thanks to her thrifty choices, the total checkout price wasn't terribly high for all the things the girls had picked out.

Once they were out of the store, only a single question came out of Natsumi's mouth, directed at Octavia. "Did you see them, too?"

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It had seemed  that it was inconclusive as to whether or not these "duel spirits" could actually eat someone or not. Following that, though, the girl was confused and somewhat unnerved by the amount of things that it seemed that particularly evil spirits were capable of, and more so that she had been completely unaware that things like this could happen. As she thought more on it, the girl's attention was arrested away from her as Mr. E had appeared and suddenly spirited away Damien via ear pull. As the two males left, Kiyoko simply said, "what a strange man he is." 

Looking back to Hotaru she said, "well, as it is, I know not what spirit you think would eat me, but I as I cannot see or speak to them myself, I shall be in your care for those matters. Now then," letting out a deep breath, Kiyoko pushed herself away from the table. Standing up she said, "I believe we have spent enough time doing nothing. And now I feel the urge to do...something." Looking towards Hotaru the girl said, "I would appreciate if you would come along, and I feel like it would be a good way to enrich yourself as your method has for me." Despite having said that, though, Kiyoko seemed fine to go along regardless of Hotaru's decision.  

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Hotaru wasn't really paying attention to the man's answer. She knew enough about what the spirits were, more than she really needed to know, so it didn't matter much what he said. Though the mention of the spirits controlling people through torment caused her to glance over towards Dragonecro.

"Don't worry. I don't need to bother with torture for you to do what I want, you wouldn't resist anyway." The dragon said before giving a laugh which, while ominous sounding, Hotaru knew to be quite jovial.

The girl didn't even bat an eye as Mr. E came in and said something about a body. Did he kill someone? How unfortunate.

"what a strange man he is." 

Hotaru gave a grunt in agreement at that statement. Strange indeed.

From the sounds of it the girl that had decided to sit with her was getting tired of doing nothing. Honestly she lasted a lot longer than Hotaru had expected her to. Still, she figured eventually the girl would wander off.

"I would appreciate if you would come along, and I feel like it would be a good way to enrich yourself as your method has for me."

However she wanted Hotaru to join her. "I don't see why I would." Hotaru said.

Though the way that the girl had said it...was curious.

She implied that she had gotten something out of this experience. Instead of just complaining, or thinking it odd, she actually seemed glad to have done it. While Hotaru still didn't feel the urge to do anything she did have to wonder what it could be this girl thought "worth doing."

So without a word she pushed her chair back and got up from the table. At her full height, next to Kiyoko, it was clear that the other girl was tall yet Hotaru was taller still. Despite how much more presence she had than Hotaru. "Just to let you know...I probably won't actually do anything."

"You know, I totally would eat her." Dragonecro said.

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