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advanced rp Yugioh: Project Crimson

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Kiyoko had a small frown on her face as the woman seemed to bring up her doubts on her own abilities. Naturally, she didn't seem to be quite as hesitant, or avoidant for that matter, as Leiko had to the whole concept of the signers. Yet all the same, she seemed to excitedly find a way to combat this. Unsure of it all, Kiyoko tapped her finger to her chin thinking for a moment saying, "well, I'm not entirely sure it's necessary. You should just be able to think you're chosen right?" But it was true that her not being able to pull her own weight would be an issue, and if it was within Kiyoko's power to right the issue then she was by all means obligated to do so. "But, if you think it necessary then sure." 

Looking to the man, admiring his blade work in dealing with the bagels, Kiyoko briefly thought for a moment before saying, "excuse me, Barbatos was it? Do you know of a good place to eat and have a duel at the same time?" 

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Tora Mori

Tora was already well focused on her bike to notice that the rest of those in the garage had gathered to watch the duel. From the looks of things, it seemed like almost ever part had been replaced. Even if it ended up running much better, Tora only found herself getting more and more annoyed at this prospect. The Cross-Whip was a bike that her brother had built from scratch with used and recycled parts, inspired by Yusei's story of doing the same in order to win the Fortune Cup. They never had the money to afford the best of the best parts, and Yusei proved that you didn't need to in order to win. Yet, looking over the inner workings of this bike, Tora couldn't help but feel like the heart and soul of the bike had been stripped away.

Tora raised her head from looking over her bike and spotted where everyone had gone to gather. She approached and stood behind the crowd, arms crossed as she watched the moves closely. She didn't recognize any of the cards, not that she ever really spent much time trying to get to know all of them, but still did her best to comprehend exactly what was going on. However, based on what everyone else was saying, it became very clear that the way both of them were playing, they weren't playing to their fullest.

"What's going on? Don't either of them want to win?" Tora asked, as she watched the duel unfold.

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"What's going on? Don't either of them want to win?"

"That's the question, isn't it..." muttered Shannon as she watched the duel unfold, her eyes narrowing as Zirco turned around to watch what would happen. There was only one duelist who had the nerve to do something like that, and he had a bike specially made for him. So, why then was Zirco styling like him, while playing so... condescendingly? Did he think he was a king? He may be chosen, but he was nowhere near the level of their predecessors, if the duel on display was anything to go by. Shannon grit her teeth and clenched her hands as she watched, Luster seemingly alerted to something, before she began to speak.

"It's really just about pride for Zirco, at this point. Grandstanding, mouthing off, making a show of someone weaker... Not very heroic of him, is it?"


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»»————- ♡ ————-««

The library was relaxing to her, the fact that she actually had things to read was still a little bit outstanding to Octavia as she thumbed through the books she had picked out from the shelves... But she hadn't really made that much progress. It was going to take her some time to read through these, especially that history book that she had picked up from the shelves. She was going to have to take care of some things now... Like picking up the books she had taken. She wasn't going to be able to read these all right now, so the best course of action...

Was to bug the scientists. She made her way towards their table, waving her hand for a moment as she beamed, "Hey, uh, I gotta question about the library. Is it alright to take books from it and keep them in my room? I wanna read these but it's gonna take me some time to get through these..." She rubbed at her neck for a moment, "I don't really read fast, so I wanted to know if there were any rules on borrowing books from the library and stuff."

She was honestly tempted to just sneak them out of the room when no one was looking, but with the money that was on the line, it was probably a bad idea to do anything that would make these new people mad and get her kicked out of the program... Could she be kicked out even? They were willing to have let them leave before, so it probably wasn't too much of a stretch to image that was the case. Her mind was racing now, but she tried to focus back on the others as she smiled, "I would stay and read, but I want to see if I can go and find the others and see what's up."

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Raijin immediately jumped onto the bed, stretching as he laid on the bed. It wasn't the best, but he wasn't about to complain. As he laid there on the bed, he turned to the ceiling, just thinking about the crazy day he was having. He couldn't help but smirk, though: after all the bullshit he had to endure, for once things were looking up. He had no idea what exactly they were going to do, but that didn't matter. He was finally free. As he thought about what he was going to do with his money, he closed his eyes, starting to drift off.

When he was about to fall asleep, however, he heard the door open and words. He couldn't make out what his roommate was saying, as she was talking too fast. He was also greeted by a damp shirt hitting his face. "Fuck!" Raijin shouted, sitting up straight as the wet, cold shirt dropped from his face onto his lap. He didn't even have time to say anything to the girl - by the time he had processed everything, the door was already closed. "God fucking..." He said, tossing the shirt across the room. He let out a sigh as the shirt landed on the corner of a table. Maybe he'd go do something with the others; weren't they having a duel in the garage? He could also go give his roommate a scolding.

He laid in bed, thinking about what he was gonna go do.

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Zirco drew his card, looking at it before slapping it on the field. “I Normal Summon XX-Saber Ragigura!” A small caped chameleon wielding two dagger rose to the field, spinning said daggers before striking a pose. “When it’s summoned, I can add one X-Saber monster from my graveyard to my hand, so I’m grabbing Faultroll and adding him to my hand!” He snatched the card out of his graveyard before holding it up. “You remember what this does?”

Leiko’s eyes widened as Faultroll was revealed to her once again. The card displayed on her D-Wheel screen, but she didn’t need to look. “Faultroll can be summoned when at least 2 X-Sabers are controlled…” she breathed, looking at the Ragigura, at Boggart Knight, at Urbellum. 

“Sounds like you are somewhat paying attention after all, Ms. Less-Than-A-Year. Now let’s see if this can’t get you to hear my point! I Special Summon Faultroll back to my field!” The monster flew back onto the field as Zirco pointed his finger at his graveyard. “I’ll use his effect to summon back X-Saber Airbellum!” The feral man appeared on the field once more as Zirco held up his hand. “And now, I'm tuning Airbellum with Boggart Knight!” 

As the two flew into the sky, Zirco began to chant. “Swords forever locked in combat! Stand on the mountain of bodies and smite my foes! Synchro Summon! Level 7, X-Saber Souza!” A tall man wearing a similar uniform emerged, his face uncovered and sneering.

X-Saber Souza
Level 7, ATK: 2500

Leiko looked at the bulwark of attacking power Zirco had at his disposal, swallowing with a dry throat. “Max… Max Tactician can prevent itself from being destroyed by battle once each turn,” she warned Zirco falteringly. “And it’ll then switch the attacking monster to defense mode!”

“Souza doesn’t care! Now I activate his effect!” He pointed to Ragigura. “I tribute Ragigura, so now when Souza attacks, your monster will be destroyed before damage calculation!” The monster charged forward, swords glowing as it went to slash Max Tactician.

Leiko’s D-Wheel skewed to the side as her hand reflexively went to her set card. She jerked it back into position, almost losing her balance and falling off the bike, before finally managing to activate the card just before the sword struck. A plane of orange light bloomed into life in front of Souza, the monster breaking through and shattering the plane of light, orange sparks playing over it as it’s momentum slowed.

“Trap card: Breakthrough Skill!!” Leiko fought to regain her breath after nearly having crashed the bike, decelerating and falling further behind her opponent. “I negate the effect of any monster on my opponent’s field... Souza’s effect is prevented, and Max Tactician’s effect will protect it from destruction by battle.” Souza’s blade slammed into Max Tactician, the monster raising a hand to intercept, catching the sword in its grip and deflecting it.

Leiko: 5000

“But you still take the damage!” Zirco retorted even as Souza took a defensive stance. “Then Urbellium will attack!” The bull headed X-Saber charged ahead, swiping at Max Tactician, this time slicing it in fourths.

Leiko: 4800

“Finally, Faultroll attacks you directly!!” The monster obeyed, charging forward and slashing Leiko on her D-Wheel.

Leiko: 2400

“For someone looking down on the rest of us, you sure aren't putting up a fight!” Zirco snapped. “I end my turn!”

Leiko was almost halfway around the track behind Zirco by this point. Her D-Wheel was going so much slower, her opponent’s command over the vehicle clearly far superior. Her head was lowered, her helmet shielding her eyes from Zirco’s view.

“I can’t, can I?” she asked, sounding small, her voice still small in Zirco’s speaker. It didn’t even come across on the television to those watching the duel. “I’m not Signer material. All I can do is run. Even my cards show that.”

Her face-down card flipped up, glowing brightly as Leiko’s Life Points plummeted even further.

Leiko: 1400

“What the hell? Why are your lifepoints going down?”

“Trap card: Hope for Escape.” Leiko placed her hand on her deck, thumbing the top three cards. “I pay 1000 Life Points, and for every 1000 points difference after that between our Life… I draw 1 card. With a 6000 point difference I can draw 3 cards.”


Morodate leaned forward in his chair. “Three cards drawn at once…” He smiled triumphantly. “She planned this all along. Now she has the resources to destroy him. Well done, Leiko.”

Yamata looked at Leiko for a few seconds, frowning. “I don’t know if I’m sure about that,” she said softly. “I think she means exactly what she says.”


Leiko was looking emptily at the cards in her hand. She barely even registered what was there. She had already consigned herself to being attacked for lethal damage the next turn. It doesn’t matter what I play, she thought. I can’t beat him. All I can do it let him hit me until he’s satisfied. Until I can leave. That’s all I’m good for here.

Zirco sighed as he listened to her. “So, you're not looking down on us, huh? You're just afraid,” his voice was soft as he had his D-Wheel slow down to match the speed of Leiko's D-Wheel. Looking back, it made more sense than her looking down on them. “You think you're not Signer material, huh? So, you're gonna just run away?” He was strangely calm as he asked his questions. 

“I know I’m not,” she replied distantly, not able to meet his gaze. “That’s why I’ve only been here less than a year… I’m their last option. I’m all they could get.”

“ARE YOU STUPID OR SOMETHING?!” Zirco suddenly shouted, his yelling catching her off guard. She almost lost control of the bike again as she flinched away, swerving across the track before she managed to save it, looking with wide eyes at him. “None of us, not one, are ‘Signer Material’. A signer wouldn't need to be experimented to gain on a mark, the dragon would just give it to us!” His engine roared as he began to speed up. “The fact you got it in less than a year means you're more compatible than anyone else here! But even if you weren't, what do you think would happen if you did leave?”

“I…” Zirco’s words pierced through to Leiko. The rest had taken years to get theirs? She looked down at her arm, that even now was tingling with pain, like it almost always did. She didn’t feel compatible, but… “I… I don’t know. Crimson Dragon, Marks… I don’t know what any of it means.” If Zirco’s angle was correct, he would be able to see a few tears falling from Leiko’s helmet to fly off in the wind behind them. “They didn’t tell me… what any of this was.”

Zirco's expression softened a bit, and when he spoke this time, his voice was gentle. “I didn't realize they left you with that little information. Well then, get ready for Zirco's crash course,” 

He sped up as they took the next turn, staying on the outer rim so the two duelists weren't too far apart. “If you leave, you'll leave a void. We'll be missing a mark, and it'll have to be replaced. How do you think they'll do that? They'll take a child, one much younger than you, and torment them with those experiments. What you experienced in your small time, only for years. In my eyes, you were willing to let someone else face extreme torture just for an easy way out, after you basically got the jackpot and got the mark with minimal damage. You get why I'm mad now?”

A hesitant nod. “Yes, I… I thought that might… But all of you… Somehow you can do this. This fight. What am I going to able capable of? If I’m too afraid to even drive this D-Wheel a little faster?”

“You do your damn best,” Zirco commented. “That's all anyone can expect from you,” he turned to face the road, and begun to pull away.

Leiko looked after him, blinking in confusion. He seemed so much calmer now than before. She felt somehow calmer herself, to. She realized with a start that her mark wasn’t hurting anymore. For once it was in a rare period of quiet. She sat in her D-Wheel seat, thinking about what he had said.

“You do your damn best; That’s all anyone can expect from you.”

“Do your damn best, sis! I know you can!”
Leiko’s gaze shifted. It now didn’t focus on the back of her adversary. It now focused on her hand.

Morodate frowned as he watched Leiko sit quietly on her D-Wheel. “She hasn’t made a move in almost a minute since they stopped talking,” he commented sourly. “If she surrenders now, she’ll probably leave tomorrow. Damn Kaiba, just letting them leave as they please.”

Yamata shook her head. “No, I don’t think… She’s thinking, isn’t she?”

Morodate squinted, looking down at the girl. “Hmm… Wait. You’re right… She’s in the tank.”

“How long do you think she’ll-”

“My turn!” The pair started paying rapt attention as Leiko suddenly spoke up after what seemed like an aeon of silence. “Draw!”

The man smirked, a hint of pride in the expression. “Not long. Not long at all.”

“When my opponent is the only one controlling a monster, I Special Summon Tech Genus Striker from my hand!” Leiko played her monster on the disk, her D-Wheel wobbling only a touch as the blue-clad ranger appeared, ready for battle.

T.G. Striker
ATK 600

“When a Tech Genus monster is Special Summoned, I can also summon Tech Genus Warwolf!” A cyborg-armed wolf appeared, loping onto the field and pouncing at Zirco, landing just short of the boy and falling back to join Leiko. The girl was looking intently ahead, not at the road, but at the chain of thought that was winding through her head. 

T.G. Warwolf
ATK 1200

“Here goes! Limiter Removal, Level 5! Regulator warm up! Calculate power capacity!” Her Striker split into two rings of light as Warwolf ran into them, a bright flash of light revealing a tall figure wielding a silver book. “All Clear! Synchro Summon! Tech Genus Hyper Librarian!”

T.G. Hyper Librarian.
ATK 2400

“I still have my Normal Summon. Summoning Tech Genus Reformer!” A dark green and black figure, this one with an oversized hammer of a left arm, appeared on her field, one mechanical eye gazing outward all around.

T.G. Reformer

“When this card is summoned, I can pay 1000 Life Points to summon a non-Synchro T.G. monster from my Graveyard. I summon back Striker, which I’ll use to Synchro Summon again!”

Leiko: 400

“Limiter Removal, Level 5! Destination, go! Level support, Good! Ground Support, All Clear! Synchro Summon! Tech Genus Wonder Magician!” The pink-haired witch flew in on four gossamer wings, letting out a joyful cry as it joined Hyper Librarian. Both her Synchro Monsters pulsed with bright white lights.

T.G Wonder Magician
ATK 1900

“Hyper Librarian and Wonder Magician activate their effects! Whenever I Synchro Summon, Hyper Librarian draws me one card. Meanwhile Wonder Magician destroys a Spell or Trap card on your side of the field!” Zirco’s Trap card flipped up, blasting into shards, his Urgent Tuning trap dissolving and blowing past him.

“I-” She stopped, breaking off in her continuous cadence suddenly, outstretched hand pulled back. She realized what she had been about to try. She reminded herself that that would be impossible. It couldn’t be done. She shook her head. This is fine! I can come back… Fight a little like this!

“Battle! Wonder Magician attacks Souza! Hyper Librarian, attack Urbellum!” Her two monsters released blasts of silver energy, each impacting into Zirco’s monsters. The blast from Hyper Librarian buffeted his D-Wheel, sending his Life Points down just a touch.

Zirco: 7200

Leiko turned to her hand. Even after all that it had plenty of cards within it, from Hope for Escape and Hyper Librarian. With 400 Life, I don’t know if this is enough… But It’s close. It has to be close.

“I set 2 cards face-down,” she declared, the cards materializing briefly to either side of her before disappearing. “... And end my turn.” She breathed deeply, not the hyperventilating of earlier, but a long, slow breath. He can use Faultroll to summon back Souza, but… I can hold on. Just a little bit longer. Do my best. Even as she thought of it, the next turn played out in her head. 

If he attacks me with Souza, I can negate his attack with Synchro Deflector. That’ll also destroy Souza. I can then banish his Faultroll with Dimensional Prison. Then I’ll have two monsters, he might not have any, especially if he can’t draw one!

Her hand reached up to the dashboard of her D-Wheel. A card was there, attached by tape at the edges. Risebell the Summoner. I’ll do my best, Houki…

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"Excuse me, Barbatos was it? Do you know of a good place to eat and have a duel at the same time?" Barbatos looked up as he saw two of the new tenants approaching him. Looks like everyone was hungry.

"Well, you know that table you all sat at for the meeting? That's also were you all were going to eat. Area's big enough for a duel," He reached over, handing the two a plate of rabbit shaped apple slices. "Here you all go. I'll see you again at breakfast,"



"Hey, uh, I gotta question about the library. Is it alright to take books from it and keep them in my room? I wanna read these but it's gonna take me some time to get through these..." She rubbed at her neck for a moment, "I don't really read fast, so I wanted to know if there were any rules on borrowing books from the library and stuff. I would stay and read, but I want to see if I can go and find the others and see what's up."

Val seemed hesitant, but Damien smiled and nodded.

"Feel free. Just make sure you return them, yeah?" Damien motioned to the room. "Mr. E spent a lifetime amassing this collection of books, so it's pretty precious to him," 

"These aren't even all the books! There's even more in other rooms!" Mango commented, pointing to a door in the back right corner. 

"I think the others are in the garage," Val added with a smile. 



Zirco watched as his monsters died, and how Leiko managed to turn things around ever so slightly. Zirco smirked before let out a laugh. “No fight, huh? Looks like you had more than you first thought!” He grabbed his card and looked at it. “I activate the Spell Card Pot of Greed!” He held up the spell card. “This allows me to draw two cards from my deck!” He pulled the two cards out and quietly considered his options.

“I set a card facedown,” he said as the large card appeared on the field. “Now, I activate Faultroll's effect, allow me to summon Ragigura from my graveyard!” The armor-cladded man smashed his sword into the ground before pulling it out of said ground, its chameleon ally clinging onto the blade. “When he's summoned, I can add back a monster from my grave to my hand, so I'll add Boggart Knight!”

Immediately Leiko began trying to see the path he was going down. Why isn’t he just bringing back Souza? It… It doesn’t matter. Even if he somehow summons three monsters to attack with, Synchro Deflector can destroy any card after it negates an attack. He has to be able to attack me four times. If he can’t, I can break through!

“Now, I Normal Summon Boggart Knight, which allows me to Special Summon X-Saber Pashuul from my hand!” as the goblin came back into the field, and with it, a small warrior wielding a huge sword.

X-Saber Pashuul
Level 2, ATK: 100

“And now, I synch Pashuul and Boggart together!” he raised his hand into the air as the synchro summon began. “Slay the enemy with your dance of swords as your red cape whips about! Synchro Summon! Show yourself! Level 6! XX-Saber Hyunlei!” A woman dressed in oriental X-Saber armor rose, posing with her sword. “When she’s summoned, I can destroy up to 3 of your spell and trap cards, so I destroy your two facedowns!”

Leiko’s heart thudded to a stop as Hyunlei raised her sword, the blade slowly glowing with a red light. “I… I was right,” she said softly, lowering her head. Her hand went to softly touch the Risebell card on her dashboard. “This is all I can do.”



“But this is all I can do, onee-sama,” Leiko said plainly, looking down simply at her the cards on the table in front of her. “I can’t beat those cards, not all at once. It’s not possible.”

“That’s not the POINT, Leiko-chan,” Houki protested loudly, catapulting over the table and tackling her sister to the ground, putting her in a headlock that Leiko didn’t even bother to resist. “It doesn’t matter if it’s possible, it matters that you TRY. LOTS of things are impossible; Like beating the Seto Kaiba AI at the Duel Museum. You believe I did that though, right?”

“Yeah,” Leiko said simply, no trace of sarcasm in her voice. She did believe it, too.

“WELL then.” Houki released Leiko, sitting in a cross-legged position, nose in the air, arms crossed. “Draw your last pathetic card, Leiko,” she pronounced imperiously, affecting a dramatic vice. “And show me if YOU can beat the impossible.”

Leiko sat up, and took the top card of her deck. She looked at it for a solid thirty seconds, glancing between it, the duel field, the impatient, expectant face of her sister as she hovered to her side, the card again…

“Yeah, this doesn’t work, I lose.”

Houki face faulted onto the floor, her bare feet thrown up into the air at the simplicity of Leiko’s statement. “Yeah, well… Ya didn’t BELIEVE hard enough. Heart of the cards or… Ah, I dunno.”

She leaned back against the coffee table they were using, squinting in the dimly lit room. For a brief moment the only sound was that of a passing train, the windows rattling in their shutters at its proximity.

“You CAN beat impossible things, Leiko,” she finally said, the young girl looking up in surprise. “I gotta believe that, way things are. Can you?”



Leiko raised her head to gaze towards the back of ZIrco. Hyunlei was still charging her blade, moving to slash her Traps to shreds. Her chances for victory.

Without those Traps I can’t win… It’s… Impossible…

Superimposed over Zirco she saw it. Houki. Same as him, chosen for something greater. Chosen to beat the impossible.

She gently moved her foot, the world seeming to slow around her as she leaned forward on her bike. She gradually accelerated, moving towards Zirco at what felt like a crawl, but to Zirco and those watching looked smooth, unhalting like her previous driving.

… Can I? I don’t know, sis. Maybe… Way things are. Maybe I can.

And as she drew level with Zirco, driving up beside him, he would see one thing of note: Leiko’s eyes weren’t locked on the road ahead anymore in fear of the speed she had. They were shut tight. For the briefest of moments they were shut. And then they flew open, gazing straight ahead as her D-Wheel roared to life.

“Clear Mind!”

The Power Inside



Morodate rose abruptly to his feet, dropping his tablet, eyes fixated on Leiko. “Impossible,” he breathed, reaching forward to place his hand to the window. “Is she… Did Zirco…”

Yamata watched with wide eyes. “Is she really able to…?”



Leiko raised a hand, her palm facing towards Wonder Magician. “Wonder Magician’s effect: I can Synchro Summon with it in my opponent’s Main Phase!”

“What, what the hell? You can do that?!” Zirco called out in shock.

“I’m tuning my Level 5 Synchro Monster, Hyper Librarian, to my Level 5 Synchro Tuner, Wonder Magician!” Leiko didn’t even seem to see Zirco anymore, as lines of slipstream started to move around her D-Wheel. She entered the turn smoothly, sliding ahead of Zirco as her Wonder Magician split into five rings of green light. Instead of forming in the air beside her, they floated ahead, framing the track before her as the stars that had been her Hyper Librarian floated around her.

“Limiter Removal, level 10!” Power Constraints, Release! All Clear!” The five stars streamed through the way, leaving only one thing to go through, she somehow knew: Herself.

“Infinite possibility be channeled,” she continued, placing her hands on the handlebars and readying herself, somehow knowing what to do. “Lightning road, break through the impossible!” She took one last deep breath, and then put as much acceleration into her bike as possible.


Every electrical appliance, outlet, and device in the base turned off at once. The feed to the track was cut off from the screens anyone was watching from.

"Aw, son of a bitch!!" Gil ran over to a fuse box, opening it up and fiddling with it. "This is why I said we needed a different home base, but nooooooo,"

But before long there was a humming noise throughout, and everything slowly switched back on. The screen slowly came back into focus, and what was on the field now. What had changed.

Zirco was in shock, seeing that she vanished somehow, despite him keeping his eye on her the whole time. He slowly turned his head trying to find some sign of her… but at first all he could see was the smoke.

Two twin trails of smoke were on either side of Zirco, trailing back far behind him and far ahead, ending at Leiko’s sides. Where her Trap cards had been. The smoke had blasted past him, as had a large mass that… No. There was no way she had gotten behind him that fast; She would have crashed, for sure.

But the biggest change was what was now hovering in the air over the girl who sat gasping for air on her D-Wheel. The figure that now slowly turned to face Zirco. The gradually returning lights of the track reflected in deep crimson armor. The lithe, powerful form with two large boosters jutting from its back. The sleek helmet from which vibrant yellow eyes gazed out at him. And the enormous black-and-yellow carbine that was held loosely, confidently in its right hand, one that it raised to point at Zirco.

Leiko raised her head slowly, turning to look back at Zirco, almost seeming surprised he was behind her. She didn’t speak for a few moments, caught in the gravity of what had just happened. It was a good twenty seconds before she opened her mouth.

“Move forward… Tech Genus Lightning Gunner.”

Tech Genus Lightning Gunner
Level 10, ATK 3300

Edited by Saikazo May Cry

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Shannon had slowly munched on popcorn as she continued to watch. The duel was only aggravating her, with Leiko clearly not playing quite to her abilities, likely due to confidence... and Zirco's seeming toying. Meanwhile, Luster had stayed alert the entire time. The spirit watched the duel and spoke suddenly, snapping Shannon out of her fixated and annoyed state.

"Here it comes."

"Here what comes?"

“Clear Mind!”

Shannon's grip on the popcorn loosened, letting it fall to the floor. She couldn't believe her eyes and ears. This meek, downtrodden girl was hiding this? Was Zirco right? It didn't make sense to her why Leiko would pretend to be weak only to show this off, so where on earth did it come from?

When the power went out, Shannon just stared at the screen with a blank expression, trying to process what had occurred. She was getting to experience something spectacular. Amazing. And, true to form for her predecessor... Leiko had pulled far ahead when the screen came back. The arena had lines of smoke that she could see from the feed. And a new monster loomed over the field, clutching its weapon.

"She really did it..." Shannon muttered, with the biggest grin on her face. "And I get to be a part of this. How wonderful!"

The girl's doubts faded as the sheer excitement overtook her, quickly raising to her feet and thrusting a fist in the air. "Go get him, Leiko!"

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"Don't eat him."

This...came out of the blue for Jet. He was simply spectating the Duel between Zirco and Leiko...and then this girl, Hotaru, if he remembered correctly...just randomly said WHILE standing near him not to eat him. He stared at the girl for a moment, gulping slightly as he slowly looked away.

"O-Okay..." he cleared his throat, before returning to watch the Duel...and at this moment, it got even better. Especially at this moment, when Leiko seemed to actually play and get things going with her T.G's. But it was her next turn that actually got Jet, along with everyone else, to be completely silent.

“Clear Mind!”

“I’m tuning my Level 5 Synchro Monster, Hyper Librarian, to my Level 5 Synchro Tuner, Wonder Magician! Limiter Removal, level 10! Power Constraints, Release! All Clear! Infinite possibility be channeled, Lightning road, break through the impossible! ACCEL SYNCHRO!”

P-People can actually do that...?! Jet thought, watching the screen even more intently now. He remembered Akihiro telling him about this "Accel Synchro" method of the Synchro Summoning. Hell! He heard about the stories...who hadn't? The method of Synchro that could also be construed as just just myth...but right now he was watching this before him. ...she...she could do that...t-that's...that's amazing...

At the same time though, now he definitely knew he didn't want to ever have to face Leiko. Not if she had THIS type of ability.

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She was stupid to be worried. Clearly he didn't care. Why should he? She was just some weirdo mumbling to herself. She backed away and turned from him, moving towards the side in an attempt to keep out of sight from everyone else while watching the television.

Clear Mind. What was that supposed to be? Some sort of super power move? Whatever it was it seemed to be strong. "It's not like it matters." She muttered. So what if the girl had some kind of power. It would only lead to misery down the line. Hotaru's hand moved towards where her deck was kept. She felt a surge of negative feelings and took a couple deep breaths to get back to her state of apathy.

No, Clear Mind or not, in the end they were just being dragged around to deal with someone else's problems. There wasn't a point getting worked up about it. It was just another tool to be used by people who gave the orders.

This duel didn't matter in the slightest. And so she slowly shuffled her way out of the garage. Keeping her head down. These people were so full of hope and ambition. Her presence would only ruin that. And, unlike her, they hadn't given up yet. They couldn't handle their hopes being quashed like that.

Like always, Hotaru didn't have a place here. So she headed to the one place she knew none of the others would go.

The pool.

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"Oh, cute!" Hypatia grabbed the plate and popped a rabbit apple into her mouth, angling the plate so that Kiyoko could take some if she wanted. "I'm fine with dueling at the table as well. Do people usually play card games not on tables?" The way that Kiyoko had phrased it made it sound like they would have to go somewhere specific for this, which Hypatia didn't so much mind as find a bit confusing. But then, there had been a great deal of confusing things today. They would probably sort themselves out eventually. Probably.

There was also the woman standing in front of her. She stared intently at her and thought about what she had said earlier.

You should just be able to think you're chosen right?

She was odd, certainly, but they were all a bit odd weren't they? Kiyoko the chosen warrior. Shannon the great merciful leader. Hotaru who was just... kinda creepy? Hypatia thought about the other members and realized that they were actually pretty normal. Sure Jet and Leiko seemed to have zero confidence and Zirco seemed hungry for any fight he could get, but they had apparently been through a lot. Everyone seemed to be coping their own way. Most of the people here were surprisingly normal, with the exceptions of a select few. Am I one of the odd ones? She was wearing a suit when most of her companions were in casual wear and she had done a death drop in the hallway earlier. That together with her memory thing probably tipped her into weirdo territory.

"Huh." She said out loud, a bit absentmindedly. The thought actually comforted her a little, for some reason. Maybe she wanted to stand out.

Hypatia blinked, realizing that she had gotten a bit lost in her thoughts, and shifted her focus back to Kiyoko. "What were we talking about again?"

Edited by Fearen

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The duel was proceeding very... plainly. It took quite a bit of effort for Leiko to even get a small bit of damage in, let alone a field where she had the advantage. It seemed that Zirco would be able to clean this duel up pretty easily with a bit of trying on his own part. And then...

“Clear Mind!”

...the TV turned off, just for a little bit.

"Aw, son of a bitch!! This is why I said we needed a different home base, but nooooooo."

"You'd think that with KaibaCorp's funding, they'd at least be able to hire an electrician to get the place back up to decent standards," Natsumi commented, mostly toward Gil. After a short delay, the electronics in the building began to hum back to life, and Leiko's field was looking far more boss monster-y. Now that was something worth watching.

"She really did it... And I get to be a part of this. How wonderful!"

"Well, we were trained for an important mission. I'll admit though, I haven't really seen that sort of thing before. It's a bit impressive, actually." But it was too soon to be picking sides. Or rather, Natsumi didn't want to pick one to begin with. If anything, it gave her something of an itch to duel her fellow experiments herself. Those two in particular. Or Shannon.

"Can the rest of you not do that?" Natsumi asked off-handedly.

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Raijin laid in bed, watching a comedy game show where the points didn't to matter, when suddenly the power in his room went out. "What in the god damn..." Raijin said, gripping harder on the remote in his hand. He let out an annoyed sigh, picking himself up slowly from the bed. He had a hunch that whatever caused this had to do with whatever the hell Zirco stormed off to do earlier. If he remembered, they were dueling at the garage. Very much annoyed about the whole situation, Raijin stormed out of the room and towards the Garage.

Shortly after the power came back, Raijin came storming in to find a large crowd of people watching Zirco and Leiko dueling on motorcycles. The girl had a rather impressive looking field, with menacingly large monster. He turned to address the rest of them, seeing the popcorn that was filling the air with its aroma. Raijin hadn't realized how hungry he was until he stepped into this room. "So..." Raijin said, grabbing himself a large handful of popcorn. "...the girl's winnin'?" He asked, turning to the rest of then. They seemed awe stuck for the most part - maybe Leiko had made some really cool play? She did have a big green guy on her side, so it was probably something to do with that. Raijin, however, scoffed.

"Can the rest of you not do that?" Natsumi asked off-handedly.

Raijin nodded his head. "Right? Have none of you seen a Synchro Summon before?"

Edited by A Crap Guide to Reptiles

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"Can the rest of you not do that?" Natsumi asked off-handedly.

Raijin nodded his head. "Right? Have none of you seen a Synchro Summon before?"

"It's not the Synchro Summon that's amazing. I can do more than just Synchro, but to achieve Clear Mind... Ah, how wonderful!"

Shannon smiled as she leaned back again, crossing her legs. She was jittery with excitement as the initial shock wore off, lacing her fingers together before she continued speaking.

"Why, only a tiny amount of people can pull off that technique. The leader of our predecessors was one of them... And I believe one more. I suppose we could call that second one Leiko's predecessor..?"

Her explanation trailed off into a mumble as she considered the implications of what she was seeing. And what the others were asking. Was she... the only one who had received lessons? Did no one else question what they were a part of? Maybe she could instruct them herself... Or have Mr. E do it. He would probably put a fun spin on it for them.


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»»————- ♡ ————-««

All things considered, the scientists seemed... Fairly receptive to the bothering and prodding questions about what was allowed with the library. It was a little bit interesting to learn that Mr. E had apparently put together the collection himself, she had originally planned to avoid interacting with him too much, but... She could probably use his help to get up to speed on the history of the different towns and cities, and from there...

That wasn't important right now, she couldn't think about that. It was going to be a long six months, she had plenty of time to prepare for the rest of her life once that was over. For now, it was important to get a better idea of what her new coworkers were able to do. The science crew seemed fairly straight forward, it was the other 'Signers' that she had to worry about... So she smiled to the group in front of her, "Thank you, all of you! I'll make sure the books are taken care of. I'm rooming with, uh, the one girl who's kinda formal, so they should be perfectly safe with me. No worries about any rough handling... And I'll have to check out the other rooms sometime. I haven't seen so many books in one place before..."

She rubbed at her cheek for a moment as she glanced towards the door, "The garage, huh? Hooopefully I'll find my back there without too much trouble. I didn't memorize it as much compared to the other room locations." She poked her tongue out for a moment before turning away, waving a hand behind her as she walked towards the door, "Thank you for your help! I'll talk to you all later I'm sure!"

Octavia made a brief stop back at her new room, settling the books down across the bed that she had borrowed, humming gently as she took a look at them. The history book was going to take some time to get through, she'd have to break that up over time, but the other books were going to be great for binge reading before she fell asleep! With that, she exited the bedroom once again, and began to long, arduous journey of trying to figure out where the garage was at once again...

»»————- ♡ ————-««

It took a fair bit of time, but with the labyrinth of a building tamed, Octavia made her way into that garage once more... And it seemed like she had entered at just the perfect time to hear some shocked gasps and reactions from the crowd gathered in the room. She rubbed at her cheek for a moment as she glanced towards the television screen to try and get an idea of what was going on, but... All she saw was a Synchro Monster, obviously there was something more to it, but it didn't seem to be a great time to ask about it. 

"Right? Have none of you seen a Synchro Summon before?"

"It's not the Synchro Summon that's amazing. I can do more than just Synchro, but to achieve Clear Mind... Ah, how wonderful!"

As weird as Shannon was, the excitement seemed... Genuine, which wasn't something Octavia would've expected after hearing the way the girl talked earlier in the day. On the other hand, whatever she was talking about had a fittingly weird name for Shannon's strange behavior. Then the girl started to mumble to herself, at least... It seemed like she was mumbling to herself, it was hard to tell.

"Why, only a tiny amount of people can pull off that technique. The leader of our predecessors was one of them... And I believe one more. I suppose we could call that second one Leiko's predecessor..?"

"...You're saying that shy girl pulled off something rare like that? It's gotta be a fluke, right? Don't. Uh. Don't say that to her face, obviously, I'm just thinking out loud." Octavia rubbed at her neck a bit as she walked towards the gathered group, "So they really did duel, huh? I was kinda hoping that would just blow over..."

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Zirco was in silent awe, unable to speak for a few seconds, before he looked back to his field. He didn't have anything that could beat over her monster. “I… I end my turn,”

Leiko was in almost as much awe as Zirco. She knew she had been close once before, but to succeed in it, to reach Accel Synchro… “Is this what it feels like?” she asked, no context for her question being given at all, as she looked back to see Zirco, trailing behind her.

“I… I draw!” She arranged the cards in her hand quickly, picking out one that she held up. She examined the Lightning Gunner card on her Duel Disk quickly. She had never successfully played an Accel Synchro before, needed a second to familiarize herself with it properly. Her eyes scanned the card briefly, widening for half a second as she realized what she was capable of this turn.

“Lightning Gunner can attack every monster on my opponent’s field once each turn,” she declared, the gun-toting figure above her raising the rifle, cocking it with a brief, efficient flick of the wrist, electrical discharge playing along the guns surface.

“Every monster on my side of the… oh son of a bitch,” Zirco muttered.

“Since it was Synchro Summoned during my opponent’s turn,” she went on, looking briefly at the Defense Position Ragigura on Zirco’s field, “It inflicts piercing damage when it attacks as well.”

“It can do what?!” Zirco eyes widened as he looked at his low defense monsters. 

“Activate Equip Spell: Nitro Unit.” She placed the card in her Duel Disk, and a box of explosives appeared in midair… and attached to Zirco’s Faultroll.

“The hell does this card do?!” Zirco called out, feeling more confused now then he had for a long time. He looked over it on his duel screen, reading it. “Equip only to a monster on your opponent's side of the field… I see… I see... When the equipped monster is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard, inflict damage to your opponent equal to the ATK of the equipped monster.” He paused as he looked up. “Oh boy. Oooooh boy.”

“I equip Nitro Unit to Faultroll. Battle!” She turned around the corner, Lightning Gunner floating slowly down towards the track, reaching out a hand to steady the girl’s ride as he raised the gun to point at Zirco’s field. “Lightning Gunner attacks Hyunlei, Ragigura, and Faultroll! Storm Shot!”

As soon as she was around the corner, the Gunner leapt into the sky, spiraling as he flew above the track. He aimed down, pulling the trigger on the rifle as he raised his hand to steady the shot. With a loud succession of cracks, a hail of voltaic shot scorched down out of the sky, raining down on Zirco’s field. One by one his monsters were struck by the attack, Hyunlei exploding into shrapnel, Ragigura obliterated, the explosions battering at Zirco’s D-Wheel, buffeting it from side to side.

Zirco 3900

But the biggest blast came as the line of bullets began to strike Faultroll. “Nitro Unit’s effect.” As if waiting for her to speak, Faultroll and his payload equipped to him erupted into a massive plume of smoke and green fire that roared high into the sky. 

“Zirco!” Zirco was swallowed in the massive cloud of smoke and flame that had erupted, blocking him from Leiko’s view. 

Zirco 600

Her focus broke, and she brought her D-Wheel to a much slower pace, craning her neck to turn and see where he was. “Zirco… are you okay?”

It was a few seconds of quiet, before Zirco’s D-Wheel burst out of the smoke, the rider tightly gripping his handles. “That was a pretty good move, but not enough to keep me down!” Zirco’s voice rang out, brimming with confidence. Not only that, but there was a large grin on his face. If people didn’t know the status of the duel, they’d think he was the one that had just made the game changing play. 

Leiko breathed a sigh of relief. She coaxed the D-Wheel back into accelerating, reaching the same speed as Zirco as he caught up to her. She looked over to him, breathing hard from the turn she had just had.

“Zirco… are you still mad at me?” The question came out of the blue. Even she wasn’t exactly sure why she asked it. His smile had thrown her off. She hadn’t expected it at all. It reminded her yet again of Houki. She too had the same reaction whenever she was cornered. And she had cornered him, she realized. She had the only monster on the field, with huge attacking power. How had she done this? She was just… Just Leiko, right?

“Mad? Hmm…,” Zirco thought to himself. “I’m not mad anymore, no,” He looked over to her. “I can’t be mad at someone doin’ the best they can.”

Leiko blinked in surprise. “I…” She placed another card into her Duel Disk, the last one in her hand. “I set a card and end my turn.”

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Tora Mori

As the duel progressed, something happened with Leiko that changed her demeanor entirely.

“Clear Mind!”

The TV blinked out for a moment, and the staff scrambled to get the feed back online. When it was, Leiko performed a combo that netted her with a very strong-looking monster on her field, summoned on her opponent's turn no less. Tora's fist clenched.

"Can the rest of you not do that?" Natsumi asked off-handedly.

Raijin nodded. "Right? Have none of you seen a Synchro Summon before?"

Tora shrank back a bit. She had seen synchro summons before, but always had trouble figuring out the combos to get the right combined levels on her field to perform the one that she wanted. Every time she tried, she either ended up with too much or fell too short, and sometimes when she even managed to get the right combination of levels she would still neglect to summon the right tuner on the field, or any tuner at all. Everyone else in the room seemed more than comfortable with the summoning mechanic, and Tora's faced continued to flush subtly as she felt more and more afraid that someone was going to ask her and then she would have to answer and--

"It's not the Synchro Summon that's amazing. I can do more than just Synchro, but to achieve Clear Mind... Ah, how wonderful!"

Tora breathed a sigh of relief when Shannon spoke. Saved by the bell.

The duel progressed and Tora watched with almost an eye of jealousy. Leiko made it sound like she was just as bad as Tora, and that at least made Tora not alone in her incompetency with duels. But now, she felt like the lowest on the totem pole more than ever. As much as she wanted to spend the rest of her day in the garage, she knew that there something more important that she needed to do.

"Excuse me?" Tora asked the staff present, though nobody in particular. "Is there, like, any sort of... duel sim place in here? Where I can practice? I figured there would be, but I don't remember anything from the tour..."

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Mr. E had drifted close to a side of a pool, grabbing a different book this time, one that read, "The Brain, Memories, and Other Things Like That," He seemed deep in his reading, but he still knew that someone walked in. "Ah, yes, hello," Mr. E said as he looked up from the book. "Hotaru, and you brought Dragonecro as well. Good good. Did you need something, or did you just want to swim before breakfast?"

"Excuse me?" Tora asked the staff present, though nobody in particular. "Is there, like, any sort of... duel sim place in here? Where I can practice? I figured there would be, but I don't remember anything from the tour..."

GIl rubbed his head with a wrench, thinking. "Well, we have a simulator, but it has... some kinks to work out. Blues said he was coming over tonight to get it fixed up,"

Zirco looked at the field and his hand as he drew. He had one card, no monsters and two traps. By all accounts, he should be in a bad spot. However, that wasn’t the case at all.

“Alright, Leiko, you showed me your best. It’s time for me to return the favor!” He said as his engine shifted gears and pulled ahead once again. “After all, this is where I thrive! I summon XXX-Saber Ulver from my head!” A lizard man resembling a black thorny devil appeared on the field, red cape billowing in the wind, with a golden dagger in his hand.

XXX-Saber Ulver
Level 4, 1600 ATK

Leiko perked up at this. “Triple-X?” she asked, surprised. So far Zirco had only summoned Saber monsters with a single or double X in their names.

“Hell yeah, Triple-X, because they fuck up the enemies!” Zirco stated with a completely straight face. “Now, Ulver’s effect activates! When it’s summoned, I can send one X-Saber Monster from my deck to graveyard, and then Ulver’s level matches the sent monster!” Ulver’s level dropped to 1 as Zirco pointed to it. “Now, I activate my Trap Card, Gottom’s Emergency Call! When I have an X-Saber Monster on the field, I can summon two other X-Sabers from the Graveyard! I summon Airbellum and Boggart Knight!”

The two monsters appeared on the field, standing beside their comrade. Zirco smirked as he activated his D-Wheel’s autopilot, moving to stand up on his D-Wheel’s seat, standing tall and proud on the fast moving vehicle. He held out his hand in front of him, as if he was reaching out to grab something.

“I synch level 3 Airbellum with level 1 Ulver and level 4 Boggart Knight to Synchro Summon my Duel Dragon!!”  

Leiko’s arm surged with a harsh pang. She gasped, her D-Wheel jerking off course for the first time in a while. The words Duel Dragon and the stabbing pain in her arm had violently divorced her from the duel; brought her back to why it was really happening. That’s right, she thought feverishly. There’s still the Project… I’d forgotten.

As the Synchro Summon began, a dull red glow could be seen coming underneath Zirco’s jacket, right on his right shoulder. A similar one pulsed beneath Leiko’s sweater, light piercing through the black fabric.

The Summon of a Dragon

“I am the avatar of your rage.”

The light on his back grew brighter as Zirco began to grit his teeth.

“My body is hardened iron, and my blood is hellfire.”

Red energy began to gather in his outstretched hand, glowly brightly.

“I have fought countless times,
Unknown to Heaven
Nor known to Hell,”

The glow on his back intensified, the mark of the right wing now standing out proudly on his back.

“Have withstood pain to harness this power,”

The glowing symbol began to leak out energy, leaving a trail of bright red in Zirco’s wake.

“But these hands will never grasp true victory,”

With those words, his hand ignited, flames dancing around it.

“Answer my call…,”

Zirco finally threw his hand into the air, a pillar of flame erupting in front of him, a large red dragon pulling itself out of the ground, its wings stretching and flapping, raising the monster into the air.

“Hot Red Archfiend Dragon!”

The dragon turned, its eyes glowing as it stared down Leiko. It then let out a mighty roar, staring at her monster and waiting its orders.

Hot Red Archfiend Dragon
Level 8, 3000 ATK

Zirco slid back into his seat, turning off the autopilot and regain control. “How do you like that?”

Leiko wasn’t looking at Zirco. As he looked back he would see that her D-Wheel wasn’t nearly as close to him as it had been a second ago. She was buckled over her D-Wheel, eyes down, her face white. Her hand was clutched around her forearm like a vice, red light leaking out through her fingers. She shuddered couple of seconds, looking small, fragile even with Lightning Gunner beside her. The dragon before her loomed in her peripheral, accentuating the searing pain she was experiencing in her arm. She tried to open her mouth to speak but only a strangled breath was forced out.

Zirco looked back at her and sighed to himself. “Yeah, I suppose that makes sense. Still need to work out the kinks with your dragon, huh?” He shook his head and pointed to Hot Red Dragon. “Ulver’s other effect activates! When it’s used as material for a Synchro Summon, the resulting monster is treated as an X-Saber Monster! X-Saber Initiation!”

A red cape flowed out under Hot Red’s wings, and an X-shaped harness snapped over its chest. “And now, I activate his effect! Once per turn, he destroys all other Attack Position Monsters! Absolute Judgement!”  Flames ignited around the dragon’s fist as it slammed it into the ground, a pillar of fire erupting out of the ground and engulfing Lightning Gunner.

The flames obscured Leiko’s monster from view for a second, two, three. Leiko reached to her D-Wheel screen, blindly hitting it through the pain, just hitting at the blinking image that popped up there on instinct. The flames suddenly were blasted aside, and Lightning Gunner stood strong, gazing solemnly down at Zirco and his dragon.

On Zirco’s own screen, an image of Lightning Gunner appeared, a smaller image of Leiko’s T.G. Warwolf next to it. The Gunner card blinked briefly, followed by the Warwolf card dissolving from his screen. Zirco could now read the card and see what had just happened.

“So, Lightning Gunner can save itself from card effects by banishing a T.G. from the Graveyard… then there’s only one thing to do! Battle Phase! Hot Red Dragon Archfiend attacks Lightning Gunner!” Without a moment’s hesitation, the Duel Dragon rushed forward, poised to punch down the stronger monster.

“Lightning Gunner is… stronger.” Leiko could barely force the words out. Hot Red’s presence was beating down on her like a sun.

“I activate the Trap Card One With the Sword!” He revealed. “When I have only one X-Saber monster on the field, the trap attaches itself to my monster, and raises its attack by 800!” Hot Red held out its hand, a sword made of fire appearing in it. “It’s over! Red Dragon Inferno Slash!” The dragon slashed its sword twice, making a fiery X over Lightning Gunner. Leiko’s monster raised an arm to defend itself, but it was overtaken by fire, slowly crushing the monster as it imploded. With a thunderous bang, it erupted into a massive corona of flame. Now it was Leiko’s turn to be bathed in fire, vanishing behind a curtain of flame.

Zirco just watched quietly, waiting to see if the duel was truly ended or if Leiko had a final trick up her sleeve.

Eventually the smoke dissipated, revealing Leiko, sitting stationary on her D-Wheel, propped up on one shaking leg as she gasped for air. She wasn’t moving on the track anymore, staring straight ahead into nothing. But hovering next to her was a glowing image of the Iron Resolve Trap card.

Leiko: 200

“I paid half my Life Points… to take zero. And I end the Battle Phase.” Leiko reached out haltingly to steady herself on the D-Wheel, shuddering. The mark on her arm pulsed brighter, fading out of sight, then back again, then out, bouncing back and forth repeatedly.

“Heh… so you did. I end my turn,” Zirco said as Red Hot returned to his side.


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"Hotaru, and you brought Dragonecro as well. Good good. Did you need something, or did you just want to swim before breakfast?"

Said dragon let out a growl as Mr. E mentioned him. Hotaru brought a hand up to settle on the dragon's head. "Don't make any trouble please." Hotaru muttered.

"That's my line." Dragonecro growled, staring at Mr. E but not moving from his spot.

Hotaru didn't look at the man directly. Instead staring at the water near him. "I don't need anything." She shifted. "I just wanted to be somewhere else. This is somewhere else. So I came here. Yeah." She finished with an awkward half shrug.

"Ah, yes, that makes perfect sense," Mr. E stated. "But are you sure that people won't come flocking here due to how popular I am?" He added jokingly.

"You being here is exactly why I think I'll be left alone." She responded without thinking. She realized that she may have said something rude but instead of apologizing she just settled on looking at the wall without acknowledging it.

"Ah, I suppose that too is a fair point," he said as he flipped to the next page, his voice not betraying if he was offended or not. "Still, are you coming into the pool, or are you content where you are?"

"I don't...swim." Nor did she really know how. She was awkward enough just standing around she couldn't imagine how bad she'd be at something like swimming.

"Ah, yes, I do suppose that is an issue," he stroked his chin. "Well, I was going to tell you all about it later, but we also have a hot tub. All you have to do is sit in it and enjoy it,"

Hotaru was silent for a while. Unsure how to respond. She didn't really want to do that either but she should probably do something with her time. Right? Though there was something else. She mumbled the next part barely audibly. "Don't have any other clothes."

"Are you just trying to take advantage of her, boy?" Dragonecro asked, leaning his neck forward and narrowing his eyes at the man.

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As Barbatos answered her question about where to duel, the girl was then presented with something that had seemed to bring awe to her. She was fairly certain that they were apples, and it wasn't as though she hadn't had apples in her life. However, she had never before seen them arranged in such animal like shapes. Slowly moving her hand to grab at the snack, the girl ate it, her generally stoic face briefly baking away as she had the deliciously cute food. Kiyoko didn't think it tasted any different from a regular apple, but there was something far superior to it then just a fruit that one would bite into. Quickly eating one more, two more, three more slices the girl then looked to see Hypatia next to her seem confused, to which the girl merely cleared her through with a "ahem." Getting her usual demeanor back the girl said, "right, we were going to go duel each other. Come along now." Beginning to walk away the girl then called out, "thank you for the food." 

As the duo made their way back to the first room they had gathered in. As they got in there, the power briefly flickered, much to Kiyoko's confusion. While she looked around, not sure what to make of the experience as the lights came back on, Kiyoko merely said, "strange." All the same, she made her way back to one end of the table saying, "it seems this is good enough to use. So," taking out her gold colored duel disk, the girl then placed it on her arm. Taking her deck out and placing it in the device, the black and white blade ignited as the girl looked to her opponent. "Let's duel."

There was a moment of confusion as Kiyoko waited for her opponent to get herself ready for the duel. Hypatia seemed somewhat confused and didn't quite seem to have her own duel disk out or on prompting Kiyoko to raise an eyebrow. "...Well?"

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"Ah." Raijin said, chewing on some popcorn. Clear Mind, huh? He didn't know exactly what that was, but he remembered the old fart talking about it from time to time. She made it sound very impressive, and everyone else seemed to be very impressed by it. "Sounds cool, I guess." He said, shrugging as he continued to watch the duel. While she had managed to make an impressive board, Zirco wasn't going to roll over as he managed to take the board back. He let out an audible snort, trying not to choke on his popcorn as Zirco mentioned his triple X sabers. It became even harder to not erupt into laughter as he mentioned his cards fucking the opponents. "Ok, there's no way he serious, right?" He said after a moment, coughing violently. Despite his laughter, though, the XXX-Saber was no joke as he managed to summon Hot Red Archfiend with a scarf. It seemed over, but Leiko managed to hold on with barely any LP. It was honestly kind of exciting - it almost made Raijin want to duel instead of being in his room.

Raijin's ears perked up when he heard Tora ask if they had a simulator arena. They did, but it was down for today. "Itching to duel, huh?" Raijin said, stepping back a bit to stand next to Tora. "Can't blame ya, their duel's even got me motivated." He said, chuckling to himself. He waited to see how the duel was going to finished, now fully invested like the rest of these idiots.

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Morodate was watching with rapt attention, eyes wide as he watched Lightning Gunner go up in flames. His hands were clenched into tight fists.

Yamada sighed, shrugging. "He's a spirited one," she said apologetically. "Sorry he destroyed her Accel Synchro after so long trying to reach-"

"This is fine."


Morodate shook his head. "She's been pushed to her limit so hard she broke it, right... Let's see if he can break one more."


Leiko's head was spinning. She couldn't even get her D-Wheel moving again. Her arm was burning with pain. 

She shut her eyes, shaking her head. When her eyes closed, she saw another pair looking back at hers. A pair of silvery-blue ones accompanied by a deep, ringing voice.


The image of the mark on her arm was superimposed over it, pulsing into her. 


It wanted to be brought out. To fight Zirco's dragon. Leiko could feel it.


She drew a card from her deck, not even registering the warning beeps that were coming from her D-Wheel. She turned the card over, looked at it with one shuddering eye. She shut it again immediately, looking away from the card. Her hand slowly fell, the card slipping out of it onto her D-Wheel, not landing in a position where it registered as summoned. 

"I... I can't," she forced out. And she was gone, eyes closing as the gaze of the dragon and her consciousness faded.

"... FINAL WARNING," her D-Wheel chirped. "RESUME MOVEMENT OR DISQUALIFICATION IMMINENT... DISQUALIFY." The same message flashed across Zirco's screen, a picture of Leiko's face superimposed over it. It was quickly followed by a picture of his own, with the word "WINNER" over it.

Leiko laid atop her D-Wheel, one arm clutching at the mark on her arm that slowly faded out of sight with the Solid Vision. The duel was over.


Morodate now was angry. He punched a fist aggressively into the window, the reinforced glass shuddering under the impact. "No... She had the chance, I KNOW it."

"Maybe she didn't have any options-"

"Request last card drawn, Kotodara Leiko!" Morodate snapped to his tablet device, which whirred briefly before revealing the image of a monster card.

"I knew it..." His lip curled with anger as he turned the tablet for her to see. 

Yamada looked closer, squinting to see the screen. "Tech Genus Screw Serpent?" she asked.

"Yes." Morodate turned to look out the window to his charge once more, a scowl etched into his face. "When it's summoned you can play any level 4 or lower Tech Genus monster from your graveyard... She had the opportunity to fight Duel Dragon with Duel Dragon... And she wouldn't do it."

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"...You're saying that shy girl pulled off something rare like that? It's gotta be a fluke, right? Don't. Uh. Don't say that to her face, obviously, I'm just thinking out loud. So they really did duel, huh? I was kinda hoping that would just blow over..."

"That would have been nice, wouldn't it?" However, the duel sure was happening. While she had her doubts about it at first, Leiko seemed to have this taken care of pretty well all of a sudden. She watched as Zirco's life points fell lower and lower, until he was left with only 600. And then the tables turned. Zirco summoned a monster with a ridiculous and crass name, but more importantly...

“Hot Red Archfiend Dragon!”

Now we're getting somewhere, Natsumi thought to herself, leaning forward in her seat as the duel escalated, getting more and more interesting. Leiko's field had been demolished in short turn, but she was still hanging on with only 200 life points! She could feel something dull from her leg. It must have been her mark. Those reacted to other duel dragons, did they? At least her mark was on the prosthetic. This project was getting more and more promising by the minute today! It baffled her how Mr. Kaiba thought about shutting it down at all!

Natsumi's attention was entirely fixated on the duel now, eager to see what would happen next.


...what? Leiko kind of just... sat there. A win was a win and a loss was a loss of course, but...


"Did the nerves get to her?" Natsumi asked. "More importantly, Zirco won't take this win lying down, will he?" Him not taking things lying down was how this duel started in the first place. Seeing it end with something else he probably wouldn't take was kind of poetic, in a way. However, this duel had been a great way to gauge what Natsumi could expect from her fellow signers. And on the whole? She was pleased with what she was seeing.

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Kiyoko led Hypatia to the table where Barbatos had said that they could duel. The brutalist prison architecture was slightly oppressive, in a way that didn't really matter. It did however make the idea of playing a card game in this drab place feel a bit quaint. Sort of like playing a game at lunch while waiting for her next class. Or at least, that was what she imagined it felt like. Hypatia couldn't be sure that she had ever been in formal education, but she did at least seem to know about the concept of a school. Isn't that where these substitute signers should be now, instead of getting ready to save the world?

The lights flickered off, and then came back on. "Strange." Kiyoko remarked flatly. Was it? The generators were on the fritz constantly, so it really wasn't odd for them to... The generators? A building of this size was most likely running on a power grid, not generators. Hypatia briefly wondered why that would be her first instinct, but before the thought could come together, Kiyoko grabbed her attention again.

"...Well?" Hypatia looked over at Kiyoko, who had put some sort of device on her arm. She put the plate of apples down on the table and checked her bag, finding a similar device and strapping it on her arm. She fiddled with it for a moment before pressing the right button; a pale grey light with a deep crimson trim formed into a blade on her arm. She placed her deck into a slot which had seemed made to accommodate it and looked up to Kiyoko. "Let's do this."

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“Answer my call…Hot Red Archfiend Dragon!”

Jet looked at the screen, seeing Zirco immediately summoning...a Duel Dragon. There was a dull feeling in his right arm, in which he immediately held it. He almost overreacted at the feeling, but was glad that it wasn't the excruciating pain he felt when he summoned his own. Still...

T-That was a f-flawless summon of one... he thought, gripping his arm slowly as he watched the Duel end up coming to a halt due to Leiko and Zirco being announced the winner. The sight of the red dragon with the X-Saber cape and crest was still etched into his mind, even after the Solid Vision hologram vanished. ...h-h-how could he summon that, w-without any issue? How...can he be this strong...?

The Duel was over, but Jet stood there staring at the screen. After a few moments, he returned back to reality, shaking his head before moving away quickly. Everyone else seemed to...well they seemed to take this as a chance to test the mettle the others here. But right now, Jet needed to be alone...he didn't want to admit the fact that would end up most likely happening...

He'd have to summon his own Duel Dragon in a Duel...

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