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Fitting first question for a radio: Favorite genre of music?

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2 hours ago, Yui said:

Fitting first question for a radio: Favorite genre of music?

I'd say, "Oh, I like all kinds," but that's a cop-out answer so instead, let's go through some albums I listened to recently. Starting with more acoustic:

The Attractions of Youth by Barns Courtney. Wikipedia lists Barns as "Folk-Pop" which I guess works? The album kind of splits that distinction down the middle, with songs like Glitter & Gold and Champion much more pop and songs like Goodbye John Smith and the title track a little more folk-leaning. I admit I like the former more than the latter but I can appreciate both.

Haunted by Poe. The title track, Not A Virgin, and both versions of Hey  Pretty stand out in particular. I also like the story behind it -- a woman going through tapes her father recorded of her before she died. Or maybe I'm just a huge House of Leaves nerd. Either works.

Nonagon Infinity by King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard. I stuck Robot Stop on one of your "Yui Rates Music" threads, but this album is definitely something to listen to all the way through, letting each song blend into the next until it loops back to the beginning like an endless loop. Other King Giz albums are good too, but this one's my favorite.

And on the electronic side:

Studio Killers' self-titled album. Jenny is, of course, very good, and deserves all the attention it gets, but I'm also partial to All Men Are Pigs and Friday Night Gurus.

Anything by Justice.  ("Cross"), their debut album, can sound half-unfinished, like somewhere along the line they forgot to put in a melody, but I think that's what attracted people to it (and, by extension, the reason some don't like their other two albums), while Audio, Video, Disco and Woman both act as extensions of that same philosophy. There are so many songs I could put here, but special mention has to go to Planisphere, which goes almost 18 minutes and, in my opinion, never gets boring.

I also have developed strong feelings towards the Eurobeat and Electro-Swing genres. I think I got into those the same way most people do: come for the memes, stay because, hey, some of these songs slap pretty hard. Recommendations for each of these categories would be The Top for Eurobeat and Fear and Delight for Electro-Swing.

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15 hours ago, LordCowCow said:

What sort of anime do you enjoy? If any

I'm not great with episodic stuff at the moment, to be honest. There was a time when I was, when I could plow through whole seasons at a time, sure, and when I did, it was stuff like Gurren Lagann or Puella Magi Madoka Magica -- stuff that was on Netflix that even I, through osmosis, had heard about. I have watched other series since then -- I think Planetes resides in my top slot at the moment (though I understand that's the "wrong" Sunrise-animated sci-fi show to top lists with) -- but yeah, not really my thing anymore.

What I have gotten into more is movies. There's a very good independent cinema near-ish me that, while I'm sure it doesn't get every Japanese-animated theatrical release, still does its best to at least be the place to be for the more in-demand ones. They rerun Ghibli movies every so often as well. So that's where I've been getting most of my anime: new releases like Mirai (which was very sweet) and rewatching Spirited Away for, like, the sixth time.

I'm open to recommendations, though! I might not get to it right away but I do generally like people talking about media they like.

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2 hours ago, LordCowCow said:

idk why I didn't ask this before

AM or FM?

I had FM in mind when I made the username. Growing up, whenever someone asked me my initials for something, I'd say "FM" and some smart-alek would inevitably say, "Oh, like a radio!" It never became like a nickname or anything -- I never got to be "Radiohead" or anything like that (not that I got into the band or anything) -- and the joke got pretty tired the second or third time it happened, but the idea stuck. Toss in some numbers at the end and bam, a completely functional username. And yeah, it's a little boring, but it's mine.

In terms of actual radios, yeah, I guess I prefer FM there, too. I don't think there's a special reason, but the stations my parents listened to while I was growing up were always FM stations so maybe I'm just nostalgic.

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On 4/15/2019 at 11:55 AM, Skaia said:

Well, we've gone through music, anime and radio, so might as well ask what your favorite kinds of games are, video, analog or otherwise. 

Let's start with video games, because, well, video games. Like music, I don't really have a specific genre that stands out specifically, but I can give a list of ones I remember recommending to other people in real life. Things like The Beginners Guide (and The Stanley Parable before it), Night in the Woods and Anatomy. That doesn't necessary represent everything I play, but if you put a gun to my head and told me to pick three (technically four) video games, those would probably be the ones.

Overall, I've been drifting towards smaller experiences. Like, I've enjoyed myself every time I pick up something like Nier: Automata, but I've slowly found myself just not having the time. Even when I do commit to a longer game (Night in the Woods is 20-ish hours, for example). I run the risk of dropping it as soon as something in real life comes up that keeps me from finishing it. So if I can play something in one sitting, that's infinitely preferable for me.

But let's talk about tabletop games. I'm from the Midwest, USA, so I'm contractually obligated to mention Euchre, the best four-person trick-taking game that only uses 24 cards. Speaking of cards, I have a binder full of Magic: the Gathering cards just off to the side of where I'm typing, which is, you know, probably indicative of something.

In terms of actual board games, I haven't really gotten the chance to play as many as I'd like, but here's three I get really nostalgic for from time to time: Power Grid, a Euro game about buying power plants  (sometimes, you even get them to run!), Cosmic Encounter, a game about aliens with vastly different mechanics behind them trying to colonize each other, and Skull, a very pretty bluffing game you can play with any old bar coasters if you're in a pinch.

I'd talk about tabletop roleplaying, too, but despite having, like, twenty plus different systems saved on my computer, I don't really play all that much. I used to run one-shot Microscope games, though, and Fiasco was always a favorite. I'm also holding out hope that I can get a De Profundis game running soon, though that might be a little speculative at this point.

I think that's all the kinds of video and analog games I play? I'd like to know what this "otherwise" category might be...

On 4/14/2019 at 7:14 PM, LordCowCow said:

Now that you've been part of it a while, thoughts on the RP section and RPs you've been in?

That seems like two separate questions, so I guess I’m gonna treat it like two separate questions (and also spoiler them because they’re pretty long):

Thoughts on the RP Section:


This paragraph got written last. The tl;dr is that I like it here, but I constantly wonder how much longer it’s going to last. I read Sonic’s response to the same question, too. Like he said, it definitely depends on who you ask, but since you asked me:

I find myself really fortunate for a few reasons. For one, right around the time I came back after a six-year hiatus, a couple of interesting-looking RPs came up which allowed me to wet my feet a bit and integrate back into the community. I mean, I still deal with the occasional intrusive thought from time to time (“do they like me or am I misreading a social cue here?”), but overall I’ve been pretty happy that I came back.

That being said, the second reason I feel fortunate, I think, illustrates one of my bigger problems with the section, and that’s that I was able to mature both as a person and as a writer in those six years. So when I did come back, I didn’t need to claw my way from the ground up. There was no transition period for me on this site where I was a “medium” or “B+” RPer. I just went from a poor one with a massive tendency to ghost without warning to a good one (hopefully that’s not too self-aggrandizing. I mean, you did give me a shout out while nominating people for the NCM Member Brawl).

The problem there, of course, is that not everybody takes six years off and becomes an English major in the meantime. There are a lot of users here who, I assume, are just starting out and NCM doesn’t really offer any sort of resources to help out with that. I went back and checked, and it looks like there used to be, what with old features like the Character Review Thread or various other resource threads, but those basically stopped existing back in 2017 and officially don’t exist now that we’ve all switched fora.

So what’s left in terms of improving as an RPer? Well, participation, obviously. “Through hard work and a willingness to learn, you, too, can be the highlight of any RP you participate in,” that idea says (or, perhaps more succinctly, “Git gud.”). But then you run into another problem: the community is pretty insular and, occasionally, a little toxic.

I’ve seen this happen more than once: someone makes a subpar yet well-meaning application to join an RP but hasn’t joined another chatroom like a Discord server yet, and instead of reaching out to help the applicant in any way, those in the chat proceed to dunk on them. And I get it. I’ve taken part in the dunking myself, even. It’s easy, it’s fun, and can be the precursor to some fun memes had by all. Or, rather, almost all. The applicant themselves never really gets the feedback they deserve. They just get a few sentences at best.

That’s not going to help anyone improve. It just isn’t. Getting accepted (because of lower host standards, for example) and actually getting to participate doesn’t help much either. The best thing it does it allowing someone who wants to improve the mechanical and narrative incentive to read other, better posts. But nobody gives feedback on other people’s posts. All we get is “like” system that in practice does not actually correlate to the quality of any given post.

(As an aside: likes are okay! They’re obviously a social feature and not designed for critical feedback. The problem is that I find myself sometimes treating them like they were measures of quality, so I’m sure other people do too)

The worst part is, I don’t really know how to fix this. Zai was trying The Maw once upon a time, which as I understood it was intended to be this open fantasy space for characters to just exist in, with the hope that the more experienced would guide the newbies into the world of freeform roleplay. It never really took off, but I suspect it wouldn’t have worked anyway. By the time applications stopped flowing in, it turned out the one closest to the target audience, the “newbiest” among those accepted, was me.

Would reopening some sort of workshop work? Maybe, but that’d be dependent on participation from both sides. Looking at previous attempts, it kind of looks like there just wasn’t anyone submitting things for review. If there were, I guess I could go through some of them, but I don’t want to make promises. I can’t. Sometimes, I just don’t have the time. I know that’s a little hypocritical of me, proposing something and then wandering off before it gets put into practice, but looking at the previous attempts, it looks like that was a problem for a lot of reviewers before me, too.

The section’s something of an old relic, anyway. Even if there was infrastructure in place to help new blood, there just isn’t that much of an influx to begin with. The problems (well, one problem, really) I’ve listed out are just things keeping people already here from being on the same level. In a way, I’d almost place the blame at the feet of the Advance Clause. I imagine potential newcomers coming in, seeing that seemingly high word-count minimum (I know, it’s really not, but I remember it looking large when I was new too), getting discouraged, and leaving. I guess that’s why the Casual section was made, but, well, we can see how that turned out.

But at the same time, I don’t think I would have come back if the Advance Clause didn’t exist. It’s kind of why I got nostalgic for then-YCM’s RP section in the first place; I saw other, lesser areas and remembered there was better out there. So I don’t know. I really don’t know. And look, I want to be positive; I really like this place! I just fear that we’re all going to drop off, one by one, until the entirety of the section is just two people furiously typing away, a final symphony before the Titanic sinks into the sea.

The RPs I’ve Been In:


Persona: Philosophy of Man
It is embarrassing how bad Thomasin’s app is. I only realized that in the move over to NCM, too. I was just copy-pasting her over, fixing formatting problems, and giving the application a read-through, and I think you can just tell it was my first application in six years. It’s jagged, rough just about everywhere it could be rough, has an image I didn’t even attempt to size down at all, and overall just reads like fourteen individual paragraphs rather than anything cohesive. And I remember trying to be cohesive!

So yeah, I get why she didn’t get accepted right away. God bless Dad for trying to fit her in anyway, and I’m glad he did because I’m very happy with how she turned out in practice. I enjoy just about everything about her, especially writing the Greek Chorus-esque group chat she’s in that mostly just exists for me to make snarks that would be less in-keeping with Thomasin’s character if she made them.

A lot of the RP itself is fun to follow, too, even if it’s a little slow-going at times (just like the Persona games boom gottem). The thing about Persona -- the Social Link/Confidant system specifically -- is that it more or less forces characters to have these full ten-step arcs. Right now we’re still just scratching the surface, but I can’t wait to see what gets revealed next.

Yugioh!: Skies
Melissa is the best, don’t even bother @ing me, you’re all losers, gg no re.

I’m only half-joking. Melissa as a character has turned out better than anything I could have imagined beforehand. She’s so fun to write that she’s infected every other character I’ve made. If I had a dollar for every time I’d get halfway through filling out an app, only to realized I was just making Melissa again and having to scrap and try again, I’d have a decent amount of dollars, let me tell you.

Some of that is just because of how my writing style naturally tends towards these longer paragraphs with more time spent in a character’s head than physically doing something. That’s just naturally going to favor shy, messes-of-characters more often, and Melissa is the nothing if not shy and a mess. But there are also the little touches, like the Bible verse in every post or how her speech color is normal but the text is smaller. It’s all so good, sometimes I worry if I’ll ever be able to capture lightning in a bottle like that again.

I do have to give credit to the RP, too, of course. Yeah, there’s a lot of drama behind the scenes, and for sixteen characters (not counting a handful of player-written NPCs), it sure gets held up more often than one would guess at first glance, but there’s also something to be said for having sixteen characters and only, like, two or three not really doing anything meaningful on an episode-to-episode basis.

I will admit I got a little annoyed at some behind-the-scenes stuff semi-recently, but that’s hopefully water under the bridge at this point. I’m just excited for Episode Four so I can write more Melissa.

The Gray Garden: A Nightmarish Return
This is an awkward one that I can’t really talk about much because not much really happened. From my perspective, at least, it kind of just came, got three rounds of posts in, and went. I liked the idea I had for my character, though. Basically, Rogee (“Raw-Gee”) Biv was this perfectionist and the reason why was that he was trying so desperately to be noticed by one of his professional peers. He could never remember who specifically it was, though; he figured he’d know as soon as he saw them. But by the end of his arc, he’d find out this peer of his was someone he’d made up. Just a goalpost to pursue and move again and again and again. Sure, if you got down to brass tacks, it was basically a “the real power was in you all along” type deal, but I didn’t say it was original, just that I liked the idea of it.

I sometimes wonder if it’s my fault this one died? Like, it was on life support anyway, so I don’t think I should, but I keep thinking things like, “Should I have engaged someone a little earlier?” (probably), “Was writing that hymn really necessary for the story?” (probably not), and “Oh God, it wasn’t my turn, was it?” (someone would have told me, right?). It’s just a whole bunch of what could have beens.

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Vernal Ventures
This is the RP where I started to realize those problems I mentioned above. Which is a shame, because I thought there were a lot of good ideas in there. This was the RP where I was introduced to post deadlines, for example, which are the best idea. It didn’t pan out, but I think there were other reasons for that.

Felix was a really fun character to write, too. I wanted to prove to myself that I could make a sociable character after Melissa (the paragon of shyness) and Rogee (kind of a jerk, also didn't get to talk to anyone) (Thomasin I think was still in limbo at the time, I think). Plus, I thought it'd be interesting to have a bird that was afraid of heights.

And it was! Running that four-person, 4000-word collab is still in my top RP moments. But in hindsight, I can't shake the feeling that although it was an enjoyable experience for me, it wasn't too fun for some of the other participants.

Pokemon Atlas (Version One)
I have to admit I never got too invested in the goings-on of this RP. Personally, I blame this on my own failure to make an engaging character. The intent, if I remember correctly, was to have a vision quest sort of deal. Samuel was supposed to wonder what his purpose was for being a part of this internship program, and have some grand revelation about growing up and leaving home or whatever. We didn't get very far for a number of reasons, but the fact that I didn't have an answer just yet meant that he always had this whiny “Why am I even here” voice in my head, and I don't think that was conducive to good role-play.

It didn’t help that YCM went and did a YCM right as things had the potential to start getting interesting. In the end, though this RP got a little bit further than Gray Garden did, it went out just as unceremoniously.

I considered joining the remake, but like I said, Samuel wasn't really doing anything for me. I couldn't immediately come up with anything better, either, so I just let it pass by. I do wish it the best, though.

It’s been fun so far! I mean, we’re only three rounds in so just about anything could happen still, but I’ve found Hannah to have about the same stylings as Felix before her, and I think that’s a good archetype to fall under. It’s a little weird only having three, technically four other people in an RP, but that hasn’t been a bad thing, just an interesting thing.


Edited by radio414

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Woo boy that was a lot

I have to say you're right. Honestly an issue for me is I sometimes try and help but it always seems to feel like fighting against the tide.

Especially when an issue I point out with an app or post tends to...keep happening anyway. 

Doesn't help that if I point out too many mistakes people get downtrodden. I've seen a new member just give up when a suggestion is made.

I do get mad when people just straight up shoots down apps and have tried to stop that but I'm sure you've seen how stubborn we all can be.

The not talking about posts things I've talked with someone about before. Personally the number of RPs I'm in tends to make it hard to do so and no one wants to be the one to start it. I should try more though.

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On 1/25/2019 at 1:49 AM, LordCowCow said:

What sort of anime do you enjoy? If any

Half bumping this thread, half re-answering this question because, well, I started watching more anime.

Basically what happened was I finished Super Danganronpa 2 (and let me tell you, I have o p i n i o n s) and found out that the conclusion to that particular storyline was in anime form. After making my way through that (P.S. even more o p i n i o n s), I realized that, while I still can't really binge-watch like I used to, I still like the act of consumption, if that makes sense. I mean, I still go out of my way to watch a bunch of movies, and episodes of things aren't dis-similar, at least.

Anyway, I still don't watch too much and what I do is all stuff that's escaped into popular consciousness at this point. In a way, I feel like this this xkcd comic, but instead of video games and hardware limitations, it's anime and my ability to tell if it's any good or not. The stuff I watch is stuff that's already been deemed "good," so I already have a positive bias towards it.

Despite that, I assume the inevitable question then becomes, "What are you watching right now?" and, like, I definitely am not the person to be giving recommendations, but my current three shows are Cowboy Bebop, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (just entered the Battle Tendency arc), and Revolutionary Girl Utena.

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12 hours ago, Saikazo May Cry said:

Have you ever heard the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?

Memes answer: No...

For realsies answer: I don't really follow the development of prequel memes at all and I haven't seen the movie in literally a decade, but Plagueis was actually Sidious' master, right? That's what a cursory glance at Wookiepedia tells me, anyway. So it's not a "Sith Legend" at all, it's just some malarkey Sidious probably made up to sound cool (in a "My master could beat up your master" kind of way). Like, I get why he's being coy; Anakin's not quite turned to The Dark Side yet, but he's still either lying to him or deliberately concealing the truth. And in a story where Anakin mostly turns because he realizes the Jedi's hypocrisies, breaking the pedestal he put them on, isn't that a little...



I'm very sure this is the coldest of takes at this point, but it's where my mind went.

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If you have any opinions on the upcoming 8th generation of pokemon games, what are they?

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2 hours ago, Yui said:

If you have any opinions on the upcoming 8th generation of pokemon games, what are they?

Joke Answer



Serious Answer

I haven't actually played a main series Pokemon game since HeartGold, and I don't have a Switch so I probably won't be able to play this one, but that doesn't mean I can't have opinions! Like the starters, Sobble and Scorbunny look cute, though I can't remember the Grass-type one's name off the top of my head so I guess that's a minus for team grass (sorry Bulbasaur). As for the other Pokemon revealed so far, Wooloo's an obvious standout and I did get a laugh out of Weezing's giant top hats similar to what happened when I saw Aloan Exeggutor for the first time (or this subreddit). I can't think of a Pokemon I actually dislike, though, in any generation, so maybe I'm not the one to go to for hot takes in that department.

With regards to the National Dex discussion, I can't say that I ever had the dream of "Catching 'Em All" but I can sympathize with those who did or said they did to gain fake internet points. And using the opportunity to take a closer critical eye at past mechanics can be a good tool for people in game design or even idly interested in it (Animator Daniel Floyd noticed a spike in viewership for his video on Pokemon's evolving battle animation (why do I keep linking to 25+ minute videos when I know people aren't going to watch them? It's a mystery to us all)). But, like, a boycott's not going to work and people trying to make their voices heard on the internet is inevitably ugly and that's all I really have to say on that.

What else? Camping? Neat! I did enjoy the moments in Pokemon that aren't battles so that hopefully will be another extension on that concept. Cooking looks like it's another minigame that'll probably turn out okay, though the promise of 100+ recipes makes me wonder how different the curries with actually be. And Team Yell is hilarious in the best possible way.

I dunno. It all looks neat. If you want more specific hot takes, I'll probably need something more specific to go off of.

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Who is your favorite historical figure, if any?

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17 minutes ago, Yui said:

Who is your favorite historical figure, if any?

I don't think I have any, like, definite favorites, to be honest. Not because I don't think history is important, but because I lost the appetite to completely immerse myself in an individual's history after doing a project on Salvador Dalí and surrealism back in high school (as an aside, shoutouts to Giorgio de Chirico and Luis Buñuel). I remember voraciously reading age-appropriate biographies on Benjamin Franklin as a kid, though I don't know if that counts anymore. What I can give instead, though, are some anechdotes of some figures who had an energy I can get behind.

Julie d'Aubigny, a French opera singer who, after finding out a girl she was in a relationship with had been put away in a convent, joined that convent, dug up a dead nun's body to replace her lover's with, then set the convent on fire to cover their escape. Among other things.

Lepa Radić, a freedom fighter who, when given a chance to name her co-conspirators in exchange for her life, said, "You'll know them when they come to avenge me."

Hachikō, the dog who kept waiting for his owner nine years after the owner's death.

Again, I don't know if any of these are favorites favorites, but it's a start.

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4 hours ago, Thar said:

If you could rule any country in the world, which would it be and why?

I don't think I'd want to rule any particular country in real life, to be honest. I just feel like that much responsibility and pressure, that Sword of Damocles, combined with my admittedly okay at best understanding of international politics would lead to disaster. Could I be part of a figurehead monarchy, perhaps? Being a figurehead, I imagine, would allow me to focus more on my own interests regardless of the monetary or influence cost. There's still be that addendum, of course, that I'm still looked up to by a country's worth of people and likely in the public eye in the rest of my life, though, and I'm not sure I'd be able to handle that part of the deal. Hm.

I dunno, maybe Sweden? Sweden's monarch gets to hand out the Nobel Prizes. That'd be neat, I think.

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6 hours ago, LordCowCow said:

I forgot if I already asked this somewhere but what Fire Emblem have you played? iirc you mentioned something about the games before

I've only played Sacred Stones (FE8), though I put so many hours into it that one day I booted it up and it straight wiped all my saves and wouldn't keep another one so I actually haven't played any in a while. However, I'd be lying if I said I'd seen all the content in that game. I never paired Neimi with anyone other than Colm, for example, so I've only seen a lot of the support conversations online, and none of the postgame content really appealed to me, so I always just made a new save and started again.

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8 minutes ago, radio414 said:

I've only played Sacred Stones (FE8), though I put so many hours into it that one day I booted it up and it straight wiped all my saves and wouldn't keep another one so I actually haven't played any in a while. However, I'd be lying if I said I'd seen all the content in that game. I never paired Neimi with anyone other than Colm, for example, so I've only seen a lot of the support conversations online, and none of the postgame content really appealed to me, so I always just made a new save and started again.

First game I 100%ed yo

Anyway. With that in mind (and if you're paying attention you know what's next...but slightly different)

What's your 3 favorite support conversations (the whole line C-A) in Sacred Stones?

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15 hours ago, LordCowCow said:

First game I 100%ed yo

Anyway. With that in mind (and if you're paying attention you know what's next...but slightly different)

What's your 3 favorite support conversations (the whole line C-A) in Sacred Stones?

Alright, from bottom to top, I guess:

Honorable Mentions:


Half of Joshua's (specifically Natasha, L'Arachel, and Innes) and all of L'Arachel's sans her one with Dozla (Eirika, Ephraim, Innes, Rennac, and, of course, Joshua) are very good and it's difficult to pick just one to take any given slot so they all just get lumped together here. I guess that makes L'Arachel x Joshua combined spot number four but shoutouts to all of them.



Eirika x Seth. It's weird, I don't normally go for this one -- the game gives its main characters weapons named after incestuous twins, I can't not go Eirika x Ephraim -- but it completes its own little narrative that technically starts even in the opening cutscene to the game and the characters contrast super well. The A conversation is a little cheesy (something shared by all the other romantic supports, I think), but it works.



Ewan x Ross. This probably wasn't intentional, but I like how late Ewan is introduced compared to Ross. They're both brats, but because you, the player, have known Ross for longer, he feels significantly more sympathetic as he has to deal with Ewan's teasing until they finally gain some respect for each other. Plus, Ewan's puzzle showed up in a Professor Layton game which made me feel clever for knowing the answer right away.



Colm x Neimi. Sacred Stones' "OG" support link, as it were. Like I said before, never in my entire time playing Sacred Stones did I not get to the A rank with this one. Other conversations may fade by the wayside (Never found out if Artur found Neimi's mirror. It's a mystery to us all...), but these two spent all my playthroughs together. It's just- It's just cute. No hints of "will they, won't they", just a childhood friendship becoming a little bit more.

If you asked me again on some other day, you'd probably get three wildly different answers, but that's what I got.

Edited by radio414

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You can make one bot on Discord. What does it do?

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