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About Revival Generics

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There's something about Yugioh I've been thinking for a while that finally materialized last night: Plain revival is no longer good enough in the game. 

Even within my casual mindset, I find myself considering Monster Reborn of all things to be taken out when I need further space in almost anything. Cards that revive need an extra edge of some sort to shine. Back to the Front is a little better than Oasis of Dragon Souls, then The Deep Grave is a delayed version (which might be situationally useful but I don't see the play for that yet). Call of the Haunted is not even worth the float anymore and I tend to just go for it when Magic Planter can be put as a draw option. Floating is a cute play but that's about it, and decks have to have no better ways, but there are. World Legacy Succession is a searchable reborn with an easy setup. Being able to revive from the opponent's GY is not a consistent enough benefit so OG Reborn doesn't have much of an edge. Xyz Reborn is a bit narrower on targets but it's searchable and could help Time Thief in a way now. Symbol of Heritage takes a bit to be live outside Harpies and I doubt it'd be game-breaking if it got limited. Rather it'd get consistent enough to run if anything.

Ahnkuriboh just came out and so, Monster Reborn is searchable now. What is more, Kuribohrn can probably produce some interesting results for a fun little build with it. It feels a little strange but it's happened before that a card that used to be banned for a long time and limited otherwise throughout the entirety of the game's history now seems like something that warrants support. Plain and simple revival is no longer good enough. I think Monster Reborn could potentially move up the list.

Speaking of ancient staples with list attention, what do you guys think of something like Premature Burial? Trunade is still banned, disruption more accessible than ever, and Hidden Armory is not as huge of a deal as it was 10 years ago. What other loops can there be? Mist Valley monsters maybe? 

Please leave any thoughts you have in the matter of generic revival in the game.

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Personally I'm cool with revival being on the spot it is now. I remember the dread of seeing my opponent topdeck Monster Reborn to sneak into my GY and take a monster of mine because there wasn't anything better in its GY; felt like I played myself by providing it with such a monster xD
So glad that gone are those days.
I wouldn't mind Reborn moving up, but I doubt it would have a big impact anyway. considering there are more counters to revival now. Not only D.D. Crow, also Ghost Belle and Called by the Grave are around.
I wouldn't like to see Soul Charge back though. That's on a whole different level and way too sacky for my tastes.
I think Premature Burial still has abuse potential. There may be more ways to disrupt it, but also there are more ways to take advantage of it. They may not seem obvious at the moment, but surely combos would arise.

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