ZetaRESP 5 Posted April 14, 2019 (edited) Storm Siren saw this and sighed severely. "I guess it can't be helped... Let's go, Diviner. We shouldn't keep delaying this encounter." She became half gaseous and began to go down stairs towards the workshop, hoping for Diviner to follow. Her entire being told her to get for Cherry Blade instead, but she had her orders and she really wanted to follow them. And technically Cherry blade was doing as she was told, even if, in the end, she was doing her own thing. Her main plan was to find out what was causing this mess. Likely something attacked the generators at the same time it attacked the main supply. It did seem like something her father would do, but she didn't believe there was any earning in attacking them in their home. Edited April 14, 2019 by ZetaRESP Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ArgosPanoptes 2 Posted April 14, 2019 "Of course I have a suggestion. You all sit back, and let me handle this. You're just going to get in my way again." "Aaand, she just dashes out. Well, I guess I should try to follow her." Darius mumbled, after sighing and rubbing his eyes in disbelief "She should really take some lessons in teamwork" Running towards the stairs and sliding down the handrail, he tried to go as fast as he could to reach his teammate that now was already downstairs and had an advantage of a couple minutes on him, while thinking what would take tomake her cooperate with the rest of the Titans. "After all, strenght should be in numbers" he tought, while keeping his guard high, just in case the person or people that cut of the power decided to attack him. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Saiba Aisu 11 Posted April 17, 2019 (edited) "I'd like us to split up to investigate... Storm Siren, Diviner, the same through the right." Shadi grimaced, doing his best to suppress another massive yawn. All this fuss over a power failure? Had he known, he would've preferred to stay in bed, rather than go to all the trouble of telekinetically unlocking his bedroom door. "Y'all ain't never seen a blackout before? Damn..." Shrugging his shoulders, still groggy and half-asleep, he turned and followed Storm Siren down the stairs towards the workshop, watching as his teammate morphed into a partially gaseous form, slithering down the steps in front of him with a muted hiss. "Let's get some light in here, at least," he grumbled, raising his fingers to his temples once more. With another crackle of energy, The Eye of Horus manifested on his forehead once again, shining an almond-shaped beam of golden light that helped cut through the darkness. Making a mental note not to look down, he half-walked, half-trotted after Storm Siren, turning his head slowly from side to side as they advanced, sweeping the beam of light across their path like a human flashlight. "Anybody there?" he called, rather loudly. Not that it mattered. What made Finn so sure there was somebody behind all this, anyway? "Come out, come out, wherever you are... And make it fast, some of us are trying to sleep!" Edited April 17, 2019 by Saiba Aisu Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rinne 13 Posted April 23, 2019 Capricorn squinted his eyes tight as he struggled to pick through the darkness. Even though he had demigod heritage, it didn’t grant him the gift of enhanced sight, sadly enough. But one thing he did inherit was an increased sense of intuition. He had touched enough supernatural forces in his short heroing experience to know when it wasn’t just a simple electrical outage. For one, the air didn’t feel flat. It felt… charged. And it was with that thought that a shower of sparks exploded from an overhead light as Capricorn walked the halls. He jumped back, hissing as the fragments hit the bare skin of his torso. “What the-“ He looked up. The lightbulb wasn’t shattered. “That makes no sense.” And as if to punctuate his statement, a tendril of electricity whipped from the ceiling and threw him into the wall. He exhaled suddenly as his lungs had the air forced out of them. Staggering up, Capricorn summoned his bow to his side. “Nano, you’d better be awake soon!" OOC: The complex is under attack by an entity possessing and manipulating the electrical equipment inside. Take liberties with describing the dangers you face: the only rule is that you can’t see the entity itself, only its effects. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChampionZero 62 Posted April 24, 2019 (edited) Current Power: 64% Status: Draining Nano did not take kindly to rude awakenings. And there's hardly a ruder awakening than finding that the electrical cord plugged into the base of your skull is violently draining energy from your body. "FUCK!" was the first word out of Elijah's mouth as his spine arched and his nervous system glowed as currents ran through them at breakneck speed. He had no time to think, only stop whatever was happening. His hands moved slowly, painfully as they resisted spasm after spasm, and the cord was swiftly ripped from his skull, sparking like a live wire as he scrambled away from it and pressed his back to the opposite wall. Current Power: 52% Status: Stable Unfortunately, the wire was not yet done. It reared up like a snake and shot at him, only to be caught in one hand and ripped from the wall socket by the other. "Great. I've hardly got any charge to work with and I'm being attacked by the base itself. If this is some harebrained drill to get us to work together better..." Veins and arteries buzzed with the passage of electricity, and his nanites began to replicate muscle and sinew, nerves and skin, expanding his body. In a few moments, he had a broader torso, thicker limbs, and his gloves had transformed into elbow-length gauntlets as big as his thighs, ending in heavy pneumatic-filled hands.Loadout Selected: Hypertrophy I, Mecha Fists. "No sense waiting here..." He punched the door open with his freshly enhanced strength and stepped out into the hall. "Yo! Anyone else just get attacked by a fucking surge protector or is that just me?" Edited April 24, 2019 by ChampionZero My dumbass hands missed a key and posted early. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZetaRESP 5 Posted May 5, 2019 Storm Siren could hear the sound of a door being shot down as she tried to find out the source. She was quickly feeling her body being sucked, as a nearby vacuum pump from the nearby mill was starting up and taking her body. She knew this was gonna spread her up in the air very thin, making her unable to get together easily. "AAAAAAHH!!" She tried to get back to her normal form but the pump increased its power. She only had one chance and changed into a storm cloud, generating as much electricity as she could. It worked, as it shorted out the pump long enough for her to try and use humidity of the air to recompose herself and tack back her human form. "This... is not good by any means..." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Saiba Aisu 11 Posted May 8, 2019 (edited) "What the...?" Diviner watched in shock as Storm Siren—still in her gaseous form—was drawn up through the air, as if a sinister vacuum were at work. Thankfully, she managed to break free by transforming into a storm cloud and generating an electric shock, narrowly dodging what would have been an otherwise extremely ignominious end. To his credit, Shadi recovered quickly enough, ducking just in time as a supercharged bolt of electricity shot from a nearby outlet with a crackle, singing his hair as it passed overhead. Scowling profusely, hair slightly smoking, he got to his feet, focusing his telekinetic powers. Moments later, a second electrical bolt surged towards him, only to be dissipate harmlessly against the wooden surface of the kitchen table as it hurtled through the air, coming to a halt in front of the young Titan. Gritting his teeth, Shadi turned this way and that, telekinetically summoning an impressive array of objects. Chairs, cutting boards, trash cans, fruit baskets, even the tupperwared remains of the mutant crab—anything and everything made of plastic or wood that would help absorb electricity. "Aye yo, Storm Siren! In here!" he called, poking his head out from his makeshift fort of random junk and motioning furiously to his teammate. Now that the pair had some cover, he could focus on the more pressing issue at hand... Just what the hell was going on here? Edited May 9, 2019 by Saiba Aisu Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ArgosPanoptes 2 Posted May 9, 2019 (edited) Darius was just exiting the stairs when a bolt of current hit him in the chest. "The hell was that?!" he screamed, looking for the source of the blast. Another one zapped him on his hand while he was holding a knife, reading a throw. "Dio di quel-" he groaned, getting hit by a third bolt. "Whoever are you, show yourself! I'm tired of getting hit by things that I can't see!" As the fourth bolt came towards him for an hit in the guts, he dodged and threw a knife to a suspiciously dim lit lamp and shattered it, stopping the attack. "I have seen some weird fuckery in the last months, but this beats them all" he said to himself, inspecting his "attacker" "Well, I've got to get going". Edited May 16, 2019 by ArgosPanoptes Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChampionZero 62 Posted May 23, 2019 (edited) Power: 50% Loadout: Hypertrophy I, Mecha Fists I Elijah stalked down the hall, scraping his fingertips down the wall as he went. "Come out, come out, wherever you are... Storm? Diviner? Cap?" He narrowed his eyes. "Ugh. Fine, I can manage one more build." He closed his eyes and knelt, and a pair of metal wings formed, two L-shaped frames that jutted downward from his shoulderblades. As he positioned himself like a runner, and the walls began to spark with the intruder's presence, they flipped upwards and a row of little thrusters smoldered to life.Power: 45% Loadout: Hypertrophy I, Mecha Fists I, Boost Jets IElijah leapt forward like a sprinter and the jets flamed, picking him up off the ground for a moment before taking him down the hallway at breakneck speed, managing to turn at the first corner as outlets began to pop like blisters, live wires trying to reach out to him like so many crackling hands. "Kai kasou, malakes!" He cackled as he shot past them, eyes ahead and arms raised to defend his face against attacks up ahead, but he found none, until he cut the power to his jets and planted his feet, trailing smoke as he ran face-first into... Edited May 23, 2019 by ChampionZero Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZetaRESP 5 Posted May 24, 2019 Storm Siren saw the makeshift shield and got into it... as in inside of it. She melded with it in her steam form as a steamy aura on the shield and began to crackle with electricity against the attacks of the outlets and stuff. She would even hit said outlets with her shots... though one of her bolts actually hit nearby Elijah. "Oh, I am deeply sorry, but we have a situation here. May you please come under this cover?" She kept trying to attack the outlets until it all stopped. Once that was dealt with, she abandoned her current position and rematerialized next to Diviner. "Just what was this spectacle about?!" She then looked at Elijah. "Oh... Nano, you are awake. We have a pretty severe situation here. Apparently something is controlling out electric network and attacking us We need to find out who and why." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChampionZero 62 Posted May 24, 2019 Power: 32% Elijah reeled from the impact, but absorbed the electricity and skidded to a halt in front of their barricade. "Stormy! 'Vine!" He flashed a grin as his gauntlets and jets retracted with a VWORP sound. Quickly creating a gap and slipping into the insulated fort, his body finished reverting as his cells cannibalized the excess musculature, recycling some of his expended energy and making it a little less crowded in the ball of furniture.Power: 40% He combed through his hair with a free hand and sighed. "OK, so. We're up against some kind of ghost-in-the-machine type shit, this freak has no qualms about vamping my ass for electricity, and I'm running on less than half my full capacity. Any ideas on how to turn the tide a little?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites