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Showing most liked content on 03/27/2019 in Posts

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    "Nice entrance!" “Oh! Thanks.” Next to Taro was the silver-haired boy from the exams, but he seemed to enjoy the display Taro made. Took a second to look around a bit more to familiarize himself with this new area, along with the rest of his classmates. All of his classmates, outside of at least 2, didn’t have any quirk features to them, so far. He looked towards Katsurou as he was talking to some girl before they made eye contact, motioning him to go over. As he proceeded to get up, the silver-hair classmate spoke yet again, "I'm glad at least someone else here knows a thing or two about style." “Well, I try my best to stand out among the crowd, somewhat like the beetle man over there, but thanks again.” He made his way over to Katsurou as he introduced Taro to the girl he was talking with, complementing how much help Taro was to him. “Yeah, great to be here as well, but I mean, it wouldn’t be possible without your help either, thanks to Goop guy’s services. My shoulder is slightly numb, but hopefully, it goes away soon.” Turning to the girl extending his hand to her, “However, it is a pleasure to meet you, Miss. I hope that our time here proves to be a valuable one as we work together to improve our quirks.” After shaking her hand, he turned back to Katsurou and putting his hand on his shoulder, "Let's do our best to not let the Goop men ruin our time here. I hate to see myself knocked out again in the same year."
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    Not sure how this would compare to Sony and Nintendo, but this could easily make for a decent rival to the next Xbox in particular. I believe one of Microsoft's next "consoles" is meant to include the potential for a streaming service. While I'm not entirely on board with the idea of potentially phasing out consoles, this does make for a good niche on Google's part, and as Flame said, could result in data caps dying, and I'd be more okay with losing those compared to the potential of losing physical consoles.
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