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  1. Past hour
  2. is there a particular food you don't like but it seems like everyone around you does?
  3. some people call me the space cowboy. i have never been to space and am neither a cow nor a boy. why do they call me this?

  4. Today
  5. I may not know, but knowing is only half the battle.

  6. No, it's polls. As in people nominate Pokemon and I set up polls where the forum votes on their favorites.
  7. Currently logged into Windows 7 you can see the images here just look at the Taskbar and Titlebar!
  8. Debating seperating the part of the Poll Tournament directory where I link finished tournaments into spoilers based on year the tournament started since its starting to get kinda lengthy.

    Unsure if it should be the date of the first thread or the nomination thread.

    ....Also Pokemon Poll tournament nominations is up

    • Windows 7
    • Windows 8.x (Windows 8.1)
    • Windows 10
    • Ubuntu

    I've done these 4 OSes already, check it out I'm currently logged into Windows 7 Ultimate edition! Windows 7 Rules and Fucking Windows 10 Drolls and Windows 11 is shit! Windows 8.1 is pretty solid I like it more than Windows 10! Like I already said you can look at more image on the Post your Desktop Thread I may do more OSes in the future I cannot do Mac OS since I don't own a Mac.


  9. Aaaand its that time again! For the annual Pokemon polls tournament! Rules Nominations (0/64?)
  10. what's your spaghetti policy here?
  11. Me currently logged in with Windows 8.1, enjoy! Using Firefox 115 ESR with the Austrails theme from Firefox versions 29-56
  12. Look guys I'm on Windows 8.1, with Firefox 115 ESR with the Austrails theme from Firefox versions 29-56, ah the good ol' days this is all thanks to the Firefox Echelon Project. You can see more Screenshots on the post your Desktop Thread. This is so much better than Fucking Windows 10 and Winshit 11 just slap Open Shell on here and boom you have a Start menu Windows 10 and 11 are garbage!

    So yeah I logged into this site on Windows 8.1 with my account don't worry I'll change the password later, I still have Windows 7 Ultimate I want to try to log into and post something onto my account from Windows 7 and 8.1 that will make 4 OSes that I used on this account Windows 7, 8.1 and 10 and for non-Windowses OSes Ubuntu that I logged my account into.


  13. Yesterday
  14. Fen looked over towards Morgan as she was upset that her skeleton, Jeeves, had been broken from her impromptu ice slick. As the witch commented about how the skeleton was sensitive about it, Fen couldn't help but do a small bow and say, "oh um, I'm sorry I didn't know." However the girl quickly stood back on guard as Morgan began to conjure her next onslaught of attacks. As she brought forth yet another array of flaming skulls, vines and now reanimated, sort of, the twice destroyed skeleton Fen found herself suddenly overwhelmed. There were far too many attacks being made at once and she knew her wide range defensive capabilities were incredibly lacking. In fact, in comparison to everyone else she couldn't help but feel that, as a mage, she was lacking in general. So all she had to do was the only thing she could, just as she did with Jeeves. Assess the situation and figure out what she could do. The skulls were the most the dangerous. She couldn't shoot them all down, not even close. She could form a wall, but making one above her wasn't something she had done normally. It also couldn't be close to her or else the explosions would still hurt her. She needed a wall. Far enough to keep her from the explosion. Big enough to keep her safe from the rain of skulls...Rain? Having figured out her first problem she moved onto the second one. She didn't want to be bitten or headbutted by a giant skeleton head. So she had to protect herself from it. A wall wouldn't stop it, she presumed or it would simply move around it. Simple ranged attacks likely weren't able to effect it either. At least it was in range for her original plan. Finally were the plants. She didn't know what they would do. At best they'd just swat her. If they entangled her, she didn't want to be a sitting duck for either the skulls or explosions, so those were higher priorities. If they tried to strangle her she'd deal with that when it was relevant. With all of her threats and options properly assessed Fen began her counter offensive. Conjuring a large pole in one hand, Fen planted it in the ground and kept it connected to her ice glove through small ice threads. Then, with her second hand she began to conjure a weapon. As she moved to meet the floating head, the weapon in her hand formed into a large hammer while the magic flowing through the strings attached to her glove caused the pole grow higher and higher before reaching a point where it swiftly expanded horizontally, creating an icy umbrella over her head to prevent her from being hit by at least the bulk of the flaming skull explosions. Then, raising her hammer up she went to meet the head head on and strike it directly in its skeletal nose to beat it away. As for the plants well, she just hoped it wasn't that big of a problem.
  15. Maybe I'm an idiot but I can't really tell a difference in this "version"? Either way 8.5/10 of course its good
  16. Bring back the "better Internet" Echelon is an old Mozilla Firefox theme for Mozilla Firefox 115ESR. Echelon is a complete and feature-packed theme for Firefox 115ESR that brings back the UI and functionality from Strata & Australis. I've been working this for the past month and I'm very proud with how the theme turned out. ephemeralViolette and aubymori are also developers, which have been a MASSIVE help in improving this theme and making it more faithful to the source material. DOWNLOAD PREVIEWS Firefox 4 Style on Windows 7 Australis on Windows 7 (Classic Theme) Firefox 14-28 Style on Windows 10 (Windows XP Luna Visual Style) Also it is highly recommended that you download the Firefox Native Controls as it will help with the theming of Firefox, plus it is important. It can be downloaded here: https://github.com/kawapure/firefox-native-controls The Original Threads that this was from. https://winclassic.net/thread/2061/echelon-firefox-29-theme-115esr https://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?t=3119281 Give travis a big thanks and shout out, since he is the main Dev of this wonderful project, as you could guess I'm already using it on Windows 7 with the Strata theme and Windows 8.1 with the Australis theme.
  17. Yeah your pretty much right about that I do have anger issues, I may need to take anger management... Yeah I'm pretty much in your group, but I do have alot of stress and anger, but yeah I guess I have no excuses well I have no other words and I know that saying "I'm sorry" for anyone isn't gonna cut it now a days, because apparently apologizes are now considered "FAKE" now a when a famous person or company does something wrong I won;t get into that. But to try to be better. Yeah I went off on an rampage I'm Anti-AI Art your pretty much right about everything. Anger issues, Toxic, and doesn't think when he speaks, out if people called me out rightfully so I think I need to change as a person and not let my anger get the best of me.
  18. The battle was turning in their favor. Nate could recognize the signs of a tired Pokémon; fatigue was surprisingly consistent across species. Even a human boxer expressed most of the same signs of being on their last legs. “He’s on the ropes, guys,” Nate shouted. “Just a bit more! We’ve got this!” A little green bubble he had never seen before slid between Normandie and the charging Malamar and used a Protect. The Tackle bounced harmlessly off of the barrier. Peat growled when he saw the Solosis. “Seems like he’s with Bridget bud. It’s alright,” Nate assured his companion. Peat stopped growling but his fur remained bristly and his eyes were focused on the Malamar. He had never been in such an extended fight with a powerful enemy. “Just a bit more,” Nate repeated. He turned his attention to the battle. “Good job Bridget!” Nate shouted loud enough to be heard over the melee. “Follow Normandie, Peat! Go in with a Scratch!” Peat sloshed through the water with ease and charged toward Malamar. His fur was still glossy and clean; Nate made a note somewhere in the back of his head that it must have some property that caused water and grime to not stick to it well. “Now! Go low!” Peat dove forward and scratched at the Malamar’s lower half. There was no way he could escape both attacks.
  19. Last week
  20. Okay, so, first of all, you already asked me about my favorite book. It's literally on this same page of the AMA. Even if you hadn't, however, I don't think I'd answer the question, because I'd much rather respond to the part that I quoted. I've actually been biding my time, waiting to address this particular behavior of yours. Thing is, there's a time and place for everything, and those just hadn't come until you so perfectly provided one, here and now. So let's address it. I don't fully understand what drives you to do this, but it seems that every time a product or brand is mentioned that you disapprove of, you take it as a sign to go off on some shitty tangent about how much you don't like it. This behavior is completely unacceptable in a social setting, such as an online forum, and at twenty-three years old I would have hoped you had the presence of mind and self-awareness to realize that for yourself by now. Since you clearly haven't - otherwise you wouldn't be doing it over a fucking fast food preference - I now have to take the time out of my day to spell that simple fact out for you. I have pretty good grounds to suspect you're on the spectrum like myself, and while it brings me no joy to mow down one of my own (if you are) in cold blood, I feel like either nobody else has given you this talking to, or they aren't doing it hard enough to ensure you never forget the message. And the message is that your utter lack of self-control and rampant anger issues cannot be excused or justified at your age. If you were a fifteen-year-old boy like I'd originally suspected, it would be one thing, but you're twenty-three, my guy. At that age, autism or no, there's no reason for you to look at yourself doing this shit time and time again and at no point stop to consider if maybe you come off as a giant dickhead for doing it. There is no tragic backstory, neurodivergence, or whatever the hell else that lets a grown-ass man do this scott-free. Not to drag months-old matters from the other forum here (and I readily accept whatever warn points I'll get for so doing), but this really is the crown jewel of what I'm talking about. Do you see and remember... This post? In fact, do you remember your entire trilogy in that thread? Now, I'll give you the fact that this thread was an exceptional circumstance. However, rather than disengage, re-read to check your personal conduct, or anything of the sort, you chose to escalate further and further, until posting something so irredeemably toxic that if you'd posted it while I was on the YCM mod team, you would have been banned on sight (because I certainly would have given you a verbal warn and warn points for the first two posts, respectively). In what universe is any of this considered acceptable behavior? And I'll likewise admit that I'm not acting much better at present. However, there's a clear difference in that even while cooking you alive like you're a king's feast, I haven't resorted to baseless personal attacks and have maintained a sense of composure all the way through, unlike your enraged flailing and immediate resorting to just hurling whatever insults you can think of at the time. Contrary to common zoomer belief, not every thought in your head needs to be broadcasted to the entire world around you. Especially if those thoughts are just a fit over what really amounts to nothing. If you can't control yourself and your emotions, then perhaps the Internet just isn't for you.
  21. Yuck McDonalds there food taste like shit! What's WORSE is now you can't say its Cheap in price but it is cheap in quality and can poison you because they are fucking god awful there food is expensive now there is much better places like Five Guys even Burger King taste way better at least their food is not poison and taste way better than McShits. Anyways what is your favourite book?
  22. if i had to choose, mcdonald's
  23. Being totally honest Chomper was doing better than Shawn had expected. Usually by about now he'd think the lazy Pokemon would have given up and either take a nap or return to his Pokeball. Perhaps it was due to just how many people there were. Or maybe he felt like he couldn't stop when the other Pokemon was also fighting hard. Either way Shawn didn't think he could keep it up much longer without some help. Which is when he heard what Anna had said. Starter Pokemon was it? "Only three? Were you gonna have that whole crowd fight to the death for one of em or somethin?" Shawn couldn't help but snark at the obvious oversight. One of the Pokemon-less had already made their way over to take one of them. Shawn was sure the other guy wouldn't have much trouble getting to it, after all he had been the one that was going for them in the first place, which just left.... "Hey, Useless." He said towards Chigusa, using the word she had used before. "Those Pokemon are probably better in a fight. So get over there and take one already." He figured out pretty quickly that she would struggle to reach them. Especially if the Crowdent began to swarm her. "Ya know what, c'mere." He said. Shawn reached down to grab her hand but paused and switched to grabbing her sleeve instead. He then proceeded to half drag her in the direction of the Starters. "Chomper, over ere'." He said, calling his Pokemon back towards them to keep the Crowdent away. "Use Leer!" While the move mostly served to lower defense he hoped that it would keep the wimpier Pokemon from attacking. If they did still attack he'd have Chomper hit them with a Scratch. It would be enough to keep them away until he got Chigusa over to the other Pokemon. "This had better be worth it!" Shawn called out towards Anna. "If these Pokemon are a buncha wimps I swear I'm abandoning your arses!"
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