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Showing most liked content on 04/02/2019 in all areas

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    before they are people with ideals and opinions, they are just people. the ideals and thoughts we all have, we currently keep them because they keep us comfortable in some way, and which ones we choose to keep depend on each of our circumstances. if our ideals are challenged, we hold on to them when the alternative doesnt offer us comfort, and we abandon them for new ones when holding on to them doesnt feel good anymore, again keeping in mind each of our circumstances. regardless of how different our ideals may be, that fundamental comfort, for the lack of a better word, is what keeps our thoughts the way they are. going to your nationalist example, ultimately they'd only appear as being bullheaded to people like you and i who either dislike nationalism or find no sense of belonging in such a thing. for those other characters though, those feelings are very real and comfortable and although not logical, they're supported by their past experiences and that's not something you can ever deny with just logic. if your story is focused on trying to logically dismantle the characters' sense of nationalism through dialogue and convincing that just isnt going to work imo
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