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    "Of all the ways that things went badly for our group... this is certainly new." It was amusing at least. Ciela opted to remain silent as Alois and Sienna explained the group's current situation, which was quite a baffling situation to find themselves in. On the plus side, for once the bad thing happened mostly to the people the group were supposed to visit, not themselves. As the group went in, Licorice went and said her take on the situation. It was fair for her to say that, but just like Penelope, Ciela ended up disagreeing with her. "And you know, with our luck, who to say that whoever did this to them, could actually had been targetting us all along instead? Our enemy's reach was so omnipresent that they could hire mercenaries to stand against us so fast after we leave for our destination. So, who knows, right?" With this in mind, Ciela believed that whether they stay or whether they leave, the chance of this being connected with their journey somehow and would screw them later in some ways would be quite close to 100%. Fun odds. --- "The name's Adelheid. I'm not usually a healer but our knucklehead of one just, well, left us to dry earlier a few hours ago." Adel had taken a break from taking care of Citron, and now she was on her own, trying to figure out what even was happening on the village in silence, only chiming in again after Citron asked for their names. Seeing Edrick and her going so well from early on was quite nice to watch. Though, no matter what she think, she kept ending up on a roadblock of thought. This situation made way less sense than what Adel would ever expect even for a magic-related shenanigans to go. So ultimately, her attempt of cooly figuring out the situation ended up being just her standing alone being confused in a lame way.
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    +Citron Of all the people Citron had expected to give their name, the quiet Histian guard was the last one she expected to be first; though, he was also the last person she had really expected to get friendly with Peaches. As adorable as she was, she wasn’t exactly the most personable herself. Still, she’d take the name in stride, nodding. “Nice to meet you, Link!” She replied with an almost forced glee, inwardly wincing at how strange it had to sound, before turning to the guy she had heard mentioned as a farmer. “Oh! And you’re…” She paused, trying to remember what the armored-woman who acted like their leader had called him. “Edrick, right?” She absentmindedly rubbed her hands together, eyes lighting up. The boy in question had just been getting ready to sit himself down somewhere on the floor where he could put his back to the wall and try to get at least some amount of sleep. In fact the unexpected mention of his name was enough to startle him, resulting in an odd step that took his feet out from under him and sent him stumbling to the floor with his head knocking heavily against the wall. “Aoleu,” he groaned after a moment’s delay. It hadn’t hurt that much, at least compared to most of what he’d gotten while traveling with the group, but it was enough to at least daze him. It also brought out the colorful patterns on the walls...no, wait, he was seeing stars. Maybe he’d hit his head harder than he thought… “Da, eu sunt-” he stopped when he realised he’d lapsed into his native tongue. “Uh...yeah, I’m Edrick.” “Nice ta’ meet’cha, Edrick!” Citron gave a thumbs up as she crossed her legs on the bed; swaying back and forth, both out of excitement and… Well, due to the headache she was sporting. “My name’s Citron, of Paridisi farms! And Iiiiii was gonna ask ya’ ‘bout your farm! Or, well, I started to ask you earlier,” She stumbled over her words, rubbing the back of her head. “Still a little out of it, but I figured we could pick up where we left off ‘nd all, because heck yeah, farms.” At least her stumbling through opening the conversation up meant Edrick had enough time to make sure he wouldn’t end up answering in Pontic again… “Umm...yeah. Farms!” Not that he was really any better at breaching the subject, tired as he was. It felt like his thoughts were oozing out of his ears. “I think you asked about fruits? Well...I uh...I didn’t grow much fruit. Most people on the banks of the Lanti grow grains. Wheat, barley, sorghum, you know.” It was pretty obvious that wasn’t the answer Citron had been looking for, so the boy spent a few tense moments wracking his brain for something else. Thankfully, he found it. “Ah! But right up against the banks, the whole town’d had these huuuuge fields of cranberries and we’d harvest them every Autumn.” Just thinking about it brought him back, and he could practically feel the cool waters coming up to his thighs. “Cranberries?” Citron asked curiously, putting a hand to her chin. “I’ve… Not really heard of those, if I’m being honest? I lived in a pretty, um…” She’d gesture vaguely around the room, particularly to places devoid of… Stuff. “Desert-y climate, so we could only plant really, really specific stuff. What’re cranberries like?” She’d finally ask, tilting her head to side. Now it was Edrick’s term to get excited. “So! They’re these little,” he held up his right hand and brought his thumb and forefinger together until he had an approximate size for a cranberry, “red berries that grow on vines that run really low along the ground. So instead of breaking our backs bending over to harvest them, how we’d do it is we’d flood the fields and the berries would just float right up to the surface! Then you just take a basket and go along and skim them off the top!” It seemed like he was about to start bouncing, and then he hit his head again. “Vai! A-anyways, we’d have these week-long harvests of them, and of course everyone’d eat a bunch of them right off the water. Oh...they were so good…” he trailed off, trying to figure out how to describe the taste. Now, Citron, she very much was bouncing, with the conversation; eyes practically sparkling with every word. “Woooaaaah! They sound so cool!” She grinned, rubbing her hands together. “Were they juicy? Berries are generally juicy, so I bet-- Oh man, I bet you could just make the BEST lemonade by combining the two!” She exclaimed, her voice genuinely excited. “I have GOT to find them during my trip, so I can try it out!” “Yeah! But they also have all these little, hard seeds inside of ‘em so you gotta be careful when you bite down. Plus the rind can be kinda bitter. Really they’re best when you pickle or make ‘em into jam. I dunno what lemonade is, but if it’s tangy or sweet then I’m sure they’ll mix really well with it! Just...just gotta...get back...home…” the boy trailed off, once again finding himself overcome with that familiar, homesick longing. “Oh, that’s a good point,” Citron’s excitement fell similarly, though, it only trailed off as her migraine had found a way to catch up with her; her movements slowing. “I forgot to ask, about where are you from? If, you don’t mind me asking,” she smiled, rubbing the back of her head. “I also understand if that’s like, a sore spot or too personal or anything like that.” “No no it’s fine, just-” he paused, unsure how to move forward. Either confident enough to go forward or too tired to care, he went with the plainest approach. “So, the Lanti river’s pretty far East of here. It feeds into Lake Amphis...on the border between Locris and Pontus.” “Ooooh…” She nodded, getting a rather… Vague, idea of where he meant. She had glanced over the maps time and time again, trying to make sure she followed in her Grandfather’s footsteps, but those still only helped so much; she was certainly no master of geography. “That sounds right enough,” she nodded, smiling. “Anyways, I guess I should stop bothering you, ‘nd let you get some rest, huh?” “No, no I can...I can stay…” his efforts at protesting her letting him rest were interrupted by a yawn. However much he didn’t want to go to sleep, it looked like the little of it he had gotten so far was going to get the better of him sooner rather than later. “Alright. It was...it was good talking to you, Citron.” “It was good talking to you too, Edrick.” She smiled, lowering her voice a bit. “Get some rest.” She encouraged, nodding. He was well ahead of her in that, scooting himself into a corner and leaning his head back so that he, hopefully, wouldn’t end up falling and hitting his head again.
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