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    The rest of the days classes came and went, with Kio listening intently to each lesson. Each new thing he learned today would be trapped in his mind for the rest of all time. He'd never forget any of the things his teachers had said this day, especially Orikami and Ruby Heart. They were the ones that caught his eye the most. Never had he been lectured so cruelly by one, and so chillingly threatened by the other. They were truly interesting choices to be teaching here at U.A. Hopefully he would be able to keep up through the rest of the year. And just as his first day had ended, it seemed his whole week had ended in one great big rush. It must've been some major brain lag from everything he learned this week, but time seemed to fly these days. "That wraps up class for today, students! It's been a great first week, hasn't it?! I hope that we continue to get closer as a class! I also want to thank you for being patient with me! I was never a good student, so being on the teaching end is really quite strange! Oh! And don't forget! Please have your parents or guardians sign your permission slip for our field trip to the beach! You won't be able to go, unless they say so! Get home safely, everyone!" Kio kicked a foot up onto his desk, and pushed himself backwards, lifting the front legs of his chair off the ground. "Parents signature, huh?" He blankly stared at the ceiling. That night, when he returned home, he went up the steps just as he did every night, almost forgetting that he couldn't avoid his parents this weekend. He stopped midway, and turned his head back down the stairs. As he walked down them, and entered the kitchen, he placed his school bag on one of the chairs, and took a seat at the kitchen table. His mother hadn't noticed him sneak in, but when she turned around, she gasped. "Kio! Shouldn't you be studying? Are you feeling alright?" "Yeah Mom, just fine. Is Dad around?" "No, he went out gam-...he went out with some friends tonight. He probably won't be home until later." "Perfect. Can I get you to sign this?" Kio asked, pulling out his permission slip, and sliding it over the table in her direction. "We're having a field trip to the beach this week...Can't go unless you sign it." His mother picked up the paper, with a forlorn look on her face. "Oh...is that all you needed? I can do it in a jiffy." Kio nodded, with his blank expression. However, he still remained at the table. His mother signed the paper, and returned it. "Would you like to eat dinner with me tonight?" She asked. "I want to know how your first week at U.A. went." Kio paused for a moment, before nodding again. "Does Gyoza sound good?" Kio smiled. It was his favorite food. "Sounds perfect."
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    "Isn't that right Sun? We can totally do better! You were slacking!" Sun was amazed. He had thought he did a pretty good job against the Roombas, but the boy he helped had even higher expectations of him! Hero School really was something amazing, and he couldn't wait to learn more! "Don't worry, Takeiho! I'm going to keep on improving!" The Hellhound listened to everyone, hearing the concerns. While he wanted to just dismiss everything everyone had said, something was nagging him, like a flea gnawing on his head. "Yeah, I got a question, teach," Inu spoke up without raising his hand. "Ain't this test kinda fuckin' rigged?" without waiting for an answer, he continued. "You send a giant monster of a robot after us and just expect us to charge it head-on, with no regard for our own safety and actual powers. In a real situation, people like Metal Head and Resting Bitch Face over there would probably be evacuating citizens, not fighting the monster. You don't expect Refreshment Man to fight Godzilla head first, do ya?" He paused to chew on the toothpick he had in his mouth. "I guess what I'm trying to say is, this test is far too rigged to powerful students. Hell, you even said yourself that 1B had one person took out the monster. Did the rest fail because they couldn't do shit to it? The right people need to be in the right place. After all, people trying to do things they ain't supposed to lead to things like Kashyyyk, ya know?" Orikami's eyes were filled with rage, though the rest of what she put off, both in her facial expression and body language, remained serene. She slowly made her way to Inu's desk, the tips of her toes barely touching the floor with each step as she was carried by unmoving paper wings. "Kashyyyk was the result of a foolish hero who thought himself infallible. It was his job to confront the villain. It was his responsibility to solve the problem. But when he faced a foe with overwhelming strength, he failed." Orikami made her way back to the front of the class, leaving a tiny paper crane on Inu's desk, before turning back toward the students as a whole. "You are going to meet several other teachers today. I'm sure you will learn more about them, I'm sure they will be making promises to you. My promise is that I will never go easy on you. Consider it a blessing, or fall by the wayside with all those who couldn't make it into this prestigious course." Pivoting in the air, she made her way to the door, "Class dismissed." Hakaro sat in his corner, gritting his teeth as the teacher stepped out of the room. It had only been one class and he was already tired of hearing the voices of every single person he met here. Especially Little Miss Guitar Hero. LITERATURE - PAGE MASTER SCIENCE - HEMLOCK ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE - Xiónglǎohǔ HISTORY - RUBY HEART MATHEMATICS - KING KOBRA In what felt like a flash, the entire first day of school had passed, and in another, the first week. As Friday's classes drew to a close, their homeroom teacher dismissed the class. Epicenter clapped her hands, holding them together in front of her bright smile. "That wraps up class for today, students! It's been a great first week, hasn't it?!" Ms. Todoya giggled, placing her hands on her desk. "I hope that we continue to get closer as a class! I also want to thank you for being patient with me! I was never a good student, so being on the teaching end is really quite strange!" She perked a single finger into the air, surprising herself. "Oh! And don't forget! Please have your parents or guardians sign your permission slip for our field trip to the beach! You won't be able to go, unless they say so! Get home safely, everyone!" Sunday Night Tomoaki Akira, the man most often known these days as Glory, tumbled in his sleep. It was a fitful night, an occurrence that had only become more common with the onset of the new year. In his mind, surrounding him with no hope for escape, he saw flashes of memories: first a bright flash of grey and gold, then the roar of a gigantic lizard-like monster, a pair of glowing, orange eyes above a cruel grin, a golden-armored body motionless in his hands, a girl with a terrified expression skewered by a dozen spears of hard light, and finally a pained smile, with a tear falling down its owner's cheek. First the teardrop froze against ice-cold skin, before being hit by a wave of heat from below, causing it to melt once again and finally evaporating. With a scream, he forced his eyes open, as they glowed brightly enough to illuminate the ceiling above him. Traces of hard light feathers turned to dust scattering in the air, illuminating debris from the newly-destroyed room scattered all around. Pulling himself up into a half-slump, he wiped the cold sweat from his brow, surveying the carnage around him between ragged breaths. It had seemed that nearly everything but a framed newspaper on the wall had sustained some amount of damage. Fumbling for the phone on his bedside table, he unlocked it to notice a crack on the corner of its face. It was fine, he could afford to replace it when he had time. Ignoring the fact that the clock displayed 2:00 AM, he pulled up a contact and pressed call. The other end picked up after only one ring. Of course she did. "Yuuka. Put me on the schedule for the trip tomorrow. Just in case." Early Monday morning, the bus for the 1-A beach trip had already arrived, parked at the entrance to the school. In the driver's seat sat one of the robots from the training course, haphazardly dressed in what looked almost like a train conductor's outfit. Overseeing from a short distance was Principal Glory, his visor masking the bags under his eyes from his lack of rest the previous night. With a glance down at his watch,he managed to calm his nerves, at least somewhat. It was still a decent amount of time early, it made sense for nobody to have arrived yet. This school may have bad history with field trips… but I'm not going to let any of them get hurt. Not under my watch. OOC:
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    Nat was almost disappointed there weren't any villains around. She figured it was some sort of test, or a genuine malfunction from the start. And yet, she kinda hoped it was some sort of elaborate attack by a villain or two. Nat simply rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms. "Of course it was a test." It was a bitter taste in her mouth; the reckless abandon of letting hell break loose in a mock city is exactly the type of flamboyant extravagance that rubs her the wrong way. Rei voiced her opposition against the exam, with Yumi following up with safety concerns. "It's absolutely ridiculous. Flashy, dangerous, and stupid; welcome to the hero business." "Principal Glory told me to let you know that replacements should be ready soon. The same goes for you, Miss Kemuri. You shouldn't have to expose yourself next time you use your quirk." "Thanks" She said bitterly, leaning back on the chair. It was nice to hear she didn't have to go streaking every time she wanted to use her quirk - those smoke outfits she made did the job just fine, but not having to worry about it in the first place was good. She took a glance towards the ceiling, letting a trail of smoke escape her mouth as she let out a sigh. "What a drag."
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