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Showing most liked content on 09/29/2020 in all areas

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    Kingdom Come The battle was over. Many sand troops lie bloody and beaten on the ground. Many others were maimed and killed. But there could only be one victor today, in this war for the half-destroyed disco ball. Today, Kingdom 'King of Disco' had won. They maintained their control over the legendary artifact, and thwarted their rivals plans to steal the disco ball away. But at what cost? Their gates were now in dire need of repair. They lost many soldiers. Was this disco ball worth the price of their lives? Only time would tell. Or at least, time would tell on another occasion. There was suddenly a rush to return the students to the bus. Epicenter was barking at the top of her lungs, citing an emergency that was ending their beach trip early. Hideyo wasn't one to argue, but he didn't want to leave his disco ball behind. Removing it from the sand castle, he high-tailed it to the bus and didn't stick around to see what the fus was. Rather, he got on board and sat at the front of the bus, hugging the disco ball tightly as he waited to return to school. He was sure that the students would be filled on whatever happened, but he could wait.
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