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Showing most liked content on 02/19/2021 in Status Updates

  1. 2 likes
  2. 2 likes
    Okay, listen you ungrateful punk. Your job is to vote for me so I can have the job. I get the job, I get the money. That's the deal. It's not my job to help you. That's also your job. I don't owe you a thing. Shut up, stop whining, lift yourself by your bootstraps, and ask your dad for money. I'm on vacation.
  3. 1 like
    One of the Dragon Rulers escaped the banlist, got a new identity in another card game.
  4. 1 like
    Is it just me, or is cloudy mornings great? It's not insufferably upbeat and annoying, it's more reserved in it's heat and enthusiasm. It's more of a calming presence that helps me think deeply about the world around me.
  5. 1 like
    the new card template is so nice
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